Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1862563-A-DREAM-I-HAVE
by joey
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1862563
it a nightmare i have

The world is a scary place, I had never realised how scary until that fateful Christmas night. It seems like a life time ago.
My nightmare started on December the 19th Christmas time, a time for happiness and joy, but for me it turned to horror.

Myself and my boyfriend Daniel were at a friend’s Christmas Party. He had spent the night drinking coke and getting upset about it, and I has started to seethe when my Sister Rayanne arrived, to say we didn’t get on was an understatement. After a very brief but nasty confrontation I decided at that point in the evening that I wanted to go home and nothing was going to stop me from achieving that goal.

I found Daniel talking to one of his friends, and I promptly informed him in my high handed manor that he was to drive me home. When he told me we would after he finished his drink, I got in a strop, if I had of know then what I know now, it would never of happened.

I told him in no uncertain terms that he was to get his ass in the car, it didn’t go down to well, and we started bickering with each other after a few minutes he relented and we headed to the car still arguing. He’s screaming at me at this point that I am selfish, and a lot of other words I wont repeat. By the time he opened the car door he had said some pretty awful things to me, the last thing I said before getting in the car was “God sometime I hate you!” word I would come to regret.

We drove in silence for what seemed like a life time, but in fact was only a few minutes. Once again Daniel relented and made the first move to make up.

But I was having none of it, my evening had deteriorated into a nasty experience and so had my mood. This made him angry all over again, and he started going on about how I need to buck my ideas up. And that I needed to grow up where my sister was concerned. He was looking at me. I was about to responded to his accusations, when I saw the blinding like hurtling towards us, I screamed in pure terror as the other car hurtled towards us on the wrong side of the road, I would later learnt that the other dirver was drunk.

Daniel swerved the car out of the other path, but the roads were icy and it resulted in us spinning out of control. I screamed fear gripping me in his terrible hold. Daniel tried in vain to regain control, we hurtled towards a tree on the side of the road.

The clanging noise of metal hitting wood was deafening. I lurched forward on impacted my head flopping around wildly, I hit my door window with such impact it knocked me clean out. When I came back to reality, my head pounded and blood was dripping from my head. I felt dazed not sure where I was or what had happened only knowing that I hurt badly.

I turned in my seat then and my eyes found him. He was sat there his eyes close blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. A branch from the tree had gone though the front window and though him. I screamed with panic.

Franticly pulling at my seatbelt, I release myself pushed open the car door and I fell on to the floor, tear falling freely now. In my panicked stated I hadn’t notice a women that had pulled up and got out of her car, she was already phoneing the emergency services, I staggered around the car, and pulled franticly trying to wrench his door open, it seamed to be jammed tight, I screamed, cried and pounded in desperation on the window, trying to get it, he hadn’t moved, and it frightened me beyond belief. Panic surged thought me, desperation had become my friend.

I could hear the siren’s in the back ground, the women grabbed me, tried to pull me away I screamed and struggled, desperate to return to him. Suddenly I was surrounded by the emergency service.

I was led to the back on an ambulance, I sat there why they tended my wounds, the whole time I watched as the fire brigade cut him free.
And then they rushed him to hospital.

I waited, while they rushed him to surgery, five hours later, they said I could see him, I sat and held his hand, and prayed, my prays were never answered. He died that night.

If I had of just let him finish his drink, it would never of happened.
Guilt is a terrible thing.


I’m in a room it pitch black, I can’t see , but I know that I need to find Daniel there will be light where he is.

I try to find a way out, and as I am looking I feel it behind me, menacing and large, I can’t see it but I know that it is there. Fear momentarily stop my heart form beating.

I feel the panic creeping in like small insect running across my body. I start to run blindly, my heart pounding franticly in my chest. I have to find Daniel all will be well when I do. The need is strong and powerful. The room melds into a corridor, still black. I know it’s gaining but the faster I try to run the slower I become.

It is hard to breath, my lungs burn, and then I see it. A tiny speak of light, far off in the distance, I run for it knowing it’s my only haven. Fast I run, pushing myself beyond my limits, my leg feel like jelly under me, but I keep running, it’s behind me now, so close behind me I can feel it breath on the back of my neck, the hairs stand on end. I dare not turn around for fear what I might see.

The light is a doorway a bright shining beacon of my escape, I reach it as a hand grips my arm, I throw myself though the doorway landing face down on lush green grass I turn around to see my attacker.

Daniel stands there I scream the door closes on him. I sit up and tear pooling my eyes.

I am in a wood everything is bright, and then I feel a hand on my shoulder a warm hand and I look up, Daniel stands there a smile on his lips the sun shine brightly behind him, making me squint. He holds out a hand and I take it without hesitation, he is different from the other in the darkness. there is no darkness here. Just him, in all his glory.

He pulls me to my feet, and we start to run I am bare foot, and then the wood become think and we struggle to move through the trees are hand get separated as the vines and branches get between us. I cry out as I lose sight of him. There is no call back, I struggle to free myself from there tangled web. I push myself on, I feel the branches cutting at my flesh, but still I push on finally I push myself free.

I start to run franticly looking for him, I stumble and fall, I find myself face to face with a tomb stone, Here lies Daniel, you killed him is written on it, I scream in shock horror and pain, I scramble backwards on my bottom my eyes fixed on the tomb. Something cold and hard hits my back it frightens me, I turn wide eyed to see another tomb stone You killed him he’s coming for you is repeated over and over again written in blood and I know it’s my blood, and then I feel it dripping down my face, I touch shaking hands to my head and my fingers come away bloody, I scream, and bolt to my feet wanting to escape the sight, of the tombs, but as I turn to run something grabs me a hand has emerged from the first grave.

I struggle to free myself. I look around wildly, Daniel’s stood there watching me, I struggle to get to him, but the hand is like iron around my ankle, I stretch out to him needing his help to pull me free, he doesn’t move other than tilts his head to the side, it is then that I see his eyes are red .

I Cry out as the hand pulls me down into the ground, panic surges though me, I struggle wildly trying to free myself, the whole while he watches with a smile on his face, the hand has pulled me down so far down into the ground, fear’s is all I know. There is nothing left now the hand has pulled nearly all of me down, only my head remains, I know that it won’t be for long, a smile is on his lip and he wave goodbye as I am pulled under.
I am falling, it’s pitch black, as black as the grave, my grave. The earth is everywhere, it’s in my eyes gritting them, I blink, but can’t get rid of the feeling. It up my nose and in my ears it surrounds me taken no prisoners, it gets in my mouth and I start to chock, I can breathe, it in my lungs and down my throat the panic engulfs me and swarms me. Enslaves me.
It is then that I wake up in a cold sweat.
© Copyright 2012 joey (jayzia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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