Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1862484-JessicaPart-four-WARNING--R-rated
by Rufus
Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1862484
Chapter four of the serial. This chapter is risque. R rated so be warned.
                                                                        JESSICA. Chapter four.

Ding ding ding ding ding! Arnold Aldermore the 3Rd looked at the large clock on the kitchen wall and scowled. 7:10pm. It was a beastly time for some wayfarer to summon him to the reception desk.
Reluctantly he put a smile on his aristocratic face and walked through to the reception desk.

The most beautiful woman he had seen in along time stood there. His practised eye scanned her quickly. Six footish,slender and buxom,she had long dark hair, and startling green eyes. Exaggerating his English accent he said “Good evening gracious lady, how may I help you?”

Just then a small rat like man entered with a large red suitcase. “This is all ya want, right Jessica?”

“Yes, that's all uncle” she replied, never taking her eyes of Arnold.

“We have a booking in the name of Bergman,” she said to Arnold, “for two single rooms for the night.”

“Certainly my lady.” He scanned the register quickly. “Ah yes, indeed you do.” Smiling into her smouldering  green eyes he took two keys from the board behind him he handed these to Jessica. “Number three for you my lady, it is a charming room and  number five for your uncle.”

“Yor a flamin’ Pom arn’t cha mate?” Leo asked rudely

Drawing himself up to his full height, a scant two inches  more than Leo’s  he replied disdainfully, “I sir am a British subject and …..” never mind that he added mysteriously.” “Now sir, if you would be so kind as to go back out and turn to the right, you will see a row of  chalet’s.You might take the lady’s case there. You are in number 5, she in three he smiled”

“’Ay, that's your job!!”

Raising his thin eye brows and looking  arrogantly down his nose Arnold replied shortly, “I, dear sir am the manager, there is no porter so you must do for yourself, and the lady of course.”

“I’m gonna report you mate....”

“Oh shut up and take the case out Leo!”

Mumbling, Leo lugged the heavy case into the night.

Leaning forward on the desk so as to fully display her cleavage, Jessica asked, “so, how long have you worked here Mr Manager?”

“ Oh dear lady, please call me Arnold.”

“Arnold?” OK Arnie it is then?” she smiled.

“ Arnie? I say! My pater would be horrified! I am Arnold Aldermore the third. When Pater shuffles off the mortal coil,I will inherit the peerage!”

Wide eyed Jessica gasped, Oh wow, your royalty!”

“Not quite dear lady but scarcely a peasant!” Arnold laughed.

“So tell me Arnold Aldermore the third, how do you come to be managing the Hotel California, here in the middle of nowhere?

“Hotel California? Hahaha, that's very good!”  He began undressing Jessica’s voluptuous body with his eyes. By Jingo, Arnold thought, I will have this exquisite creature if it is the last thing I do! “Nothing so sinister though!” He smiled disarmingly,  “Not many people stay here at all, in fact you and your uncle are the only ones at the moment.”

“Gosh, how do you survive then?

“Government subsidy” Arnold shrugged. “Also the Greyhound Coach stops here for lunch every second day. And there are the fuel pumps of course.”

“WOW, so why are you here?”

“Dashed bad luck, a brief liaison with a certain Viscountess landed me in jolly hot water!”

“Ooooh! You screwed one of the royal family! Did the Queen want to chop your head off?”

“hahahaha! Minor royalty my dear, and no, people do not get beheaded any more!” He shook his head, “Awful row though.” He smiled tightly. “Pater pulled some strings and here I am banished to this Antipodal prison.”

“WOW! How long will you be here for!”

Arnold sighed deeply, “alas my lady, till hell freezes over I fear!” Reaching for her hand and kissing it he added wickedly, “ but the  occasional presence of a  ravishing beauty eases the pain.”

Jessica removed her hand reluctantly. “Why don’t you just leave?”

“And go where to do what? There is family honour to consider too, already shot a big enough hole in that. No, dashed bad form. Besides, I would loose my thirty thousand pound a year allowance!”

Jessica’s eyes were as big as saucers. “ How many dollars is that?”

“Today’s exchange rate?, Arnold shrugged, oh about $75,000 I suppose.”

The angry face of the little man appeared at the door, “JESSICA!! ya betta git ta bed, we got an early start in the mornin’ ya know!”

“I know..I know, you had best follow your own advise uncle, I’ll be in bed soon enough I’m sure!”

“Well jist ‘urry up” Leo muttered uncertainly, “see ya in the mornin’ then.”

“Good night uncle.”

“Good night old bean” chorused Arnold.

A disappointed and jealous Leo shuffled muttering into the night. I’ll fix that poncy Pommie bastard I will!

“I say my lady, could I tempt you to share a tipple of la fee verte with a lonely man?”

“A what?”

“A drink my lady, just a drink”

“Well, let me go shower and change then. I will be back soon.”

“Splendid my lady, splendid” Arnold beamed. Yes! She is mine!

He went to his secret bar and pulled out the bottle of Absinthe, otherwise known as La fee verte or the green fairy.. a very potent spirit and reportedly dangerously addictive, a popular drink in the 19th century “Hell fire” clubs, it had been banned in many countries until recently. Green, like Jessica’s eyes, it has a pleasant aniseed  flavor.
He carried it into his private lounge room and placed it on the oak coffee table, along with two  liqueur glasses. Next he went into his bedroom. Black and white wallpaper depicting Satyrs and Harpies in the woods adorned three walls. Velvet Burgundy drapes concealed a window in the fourth wall. There was a 15 watt globe burning within a dark green light shade. The room was dominated by a large brass bed, complete with black bedspread. On the wall facing the bed there hung a  large painting of “The lady of Charlotte. The entire ceiling was covered in foot square mirror tiles. It was, Arnold thought, an incredibly erotic room. It was sound proofed and  also had  a concealed Hi-Fi system  complete with bass sub woofer and surround sound . The perfect play room. Walking back into the lounge room Arnold sat down and awaited the perfect playmate. Jessica.

When Jessica returned forty minutes later, Arnold  experienced an almost overwhelming surge of excitement. Her long dark hair was loose and fell almost to her waist. The red blouse had the four top buttons undone exposing most of her breasts,the nipples clearly erect. She wore a black mini skirt, not much more than a cake frill, exposing her long slender legs.

“ Am I worth the wait darlink?”

“Oh yes” Arnold swallowed hard and cupped her breast while sliding his tongue into her partially open mouth. She giggled and gently pushed his back.

“Down boy,” where is the drink you promised me?

Arnold quickly filled the two small glasses.

“What is this?” Jessica asked, holding her glass up to the light.

“It is pretty special my lady, it is called Absinthe, or the green fairy.”

“Hmm? Smells like aniseed to me darlink” Jessica said as she sipping  tentatively. “I like it though”  she decided emptying the glass.

Arnold grinned and quickly refilled it. “It might make you do naughty things though” he said handing her the glass.

She took it from him and throwing her head back downed it in one gulp, like a gun slinger in an wild west B grade movie.

“Oh yeah!” Undoing another button she said, “Maybe I like naughty? More?”

Picking up the bottle he steered her gently into the bedroom and closed the door behind them.

“Whoa! This is fantastic Arnie...far out! What a fuckin’ sin bin!!”

“You approve my lady?”

“Oh yeah, I feel so horny,” She looked up at the ceiling and watched herself peel her blouse off and wriggle out of her skirt. She wore no bra nor panties and stood naked before her soon to be lover.
Placing the bottle and glasses on a bedside table, Arnold pressed a button and the room  filled with music. He pushed her onto the bed and lay on top of her. Grasping her breast he panted, “I love to fuck to this music! Do you know it?” He gushed on, “it is “the march to the scaffold” by Hector Berlioz. It is about an artist who dreams he has killed his lover and is being led to the scaffold for execution!”

Jessica was filled with alarm, “get off of me you weirdo!” She struggled frantically as the wild music grew louder.

Arnold jumped up and turned the music off. “ Gosh my lady, I didn't’t mean to frighten you. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest my armpits! I just find it so erotic. I would never hurt you!”

“I think I had better go Arnold, this was a mistake.”

“ Oh please my lady! It is ia misunderstanding.” He dropped to one knee, as though about to propose and raising his eyebrows comically  added, “If you stay, I promise to make you cum eleven times before midnight!”

“Eleven times?”

“Without a doubt my lady” Arnold declared brightly, “Do let me prove it?”

“Well...Arrgh! His tongue had found her clit and he teased it expertly. Alternately sucking it and flicking it with his tongue. She spread her legs wide. Ah yeah..eat me! Ah..I’m cumming  already Aaahggg!

Suddenly Arnold stopped and it was Jessica’s turn to plead! “What's wrong?” She stood up and moved toward him, “You can’t stop now, you gotta finish me off!” She kissed his passionately and began to strip his clothes off. He cooperated eagerly and finally stepped out of his jocks,his manhood rampant. Jessica moaned and began to wank his cock.

They fell on the bed together, Arnold reached over and turned the music on again. Jessica didn't’t care, it really was kind of sexy . She loved the dim green light and the mirrored ceiling, she spread her legs and Arnold mounted her and she wrapped her long legs around his back, bucking feverishly beneath him. After twenty minute he finally erupted, shooting hot cum deep into her. She shuddered and moaned with pleasure.

Arnold got off the bed. “Where do you think your going buster? Lets do it again, you owe me four more cums yet!”

“By your command my lady,but first a little more on the green fairy me thinks!”

“Are you going to play that music again darlink? I quite liked it actually!”

“ Lets try Mussorgsky’s Night on bald mountain.”
Arnold poured the green fairy onto Jessica,s breasts and licked it off, nibbling her breasts and sucking her nipples. He rolled her over and entered her doggy style, reaching round her body to cup her breasts and  pinching her nipples he rode her fiercely.
The frenetic music drowned out the screams of Jessica’s intense pleasure.

Her sleep was filled with strange dreams. The wallpaper came to life and the bizarre creatures on it began a wild orgy. Arnold conducted an invisible orchestra while half man half beasts copulated around the room or on the ceiling. A goblin like creature threw Jessica on the bed and mauled her breasts. Suddenly the floor opened and Leo poured into the room. “Get dressed Jessica! Time ta leave  ya  know!” he cried. Two Harpies swooped down and snatched him screaming into the sky.
“Dashed bad form old bean” Arnold called after him. “You can’t just jolly well  walk into a dream you know!”

She didn't’know if it was the sound of voices or the smell of coffee and bacon that awakened her. Arnold appeared with a laden tray. “Good morning my lovely, breakfast it served!”

“Breakfast! What time is it? Where is Leo?”

“Well brunch really, but then time has no meaning in the hotel California” he said enigmatically while staring fixedly at the Lady of Charlotte.


“Only joking” it is... he glanced at his watch, 10:45 and in answer to your other question, Leo has gone.”

“GONE!, what the hell do you mean..gone?”

“Eat your..er, brunch my lady, first class bacon, eggs from my own Henrietta and top quality coffee.”

“Where is Leo?” Jessica asked again with growing alarm.” Could Arnold be a serial killer or something?

“Come on my lady, eat up before the bacon gets cold.” He smiled warmly. “Fact is, some roving blackguard slashed poor old Leo’s tyres last night.”

“Slashed his tyres!”

“Yes, jolly bad luck” and he went on, “We seem to have lost communication with the outside world..happens now and then but don’t worry!”

“Let me see if I have got this right, someone slashed the tyres in the middle of the night, Leo has vanished, I can’t contact the outside world and I am stuck here with a stranger indefinitely but I am not to worry!!”

“Steady on old thing! Hardly a stranger after last night what?”

Jessica glared at him.”Tell me the truth Arnold, what is going on?”

“The truth?”

“Yes, the truth!”

He took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead thoughtfully. “Hear me out and don’t get angry..OK?”

Jessica folded her arms, “just spit it out buster!”

“Thing is my lady, I slashed the tyres after you fell asleep. Don’t worry, I will pay for the new ones!


“Why? Well it is the least I can do, cost a bit what!”

“I mean why did you do it idiot!”

“I say, no need to take that tone of voice!”

Jessica rolled her big green eyes. “Just get on with it!”

“Right Oh. Well..”

“God! Get on with it!”

“OK, I did it to keep you here and I sent Leo on a wild goose chase to Eucla for new tyres. They won’t have the tyres, have to come from Ceduna, maybe even Port Augusta. Should get rid of Leo for a few days and I can have you all to myself!” He looked at her sheepishly, “That's about it my lady.”

She looked at Arnold in utter disbelief for a long moment then suddenly burst into hysterical laughter!

“What do you think?” Arnold asked worriedly. “Are you OK with it?

“You know you could go to jail for this” she managed to get out past here rolling mirth.

“Jail? Would you do that to me my lady?”

Cupping his cheeks in her hands she shook his head gently back and forth. “No you crazy bastard! That’s so romantic.” She became serious, “so how long do you think before Leo turns up with the tyres?”

“ I’d say three days, four at the outside.”


“But” Arnold clasped her hands, “I have leave due, I can get a relief manager here before Leo gets back. He looked into Jessica’s eyes, “Do you think Leo would accept another passenger.?

Squeezing his hands tightly she said, “Don’t worry about Leo, he won’t have any choice!”

C  Gainsford  © copyright 2012

© Copyright 2012 Rufus (rupert7 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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