Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1861739-Capter-6
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1861739
late night mistake??

Waking up feeling restless, I glanced over to see what the time was. 2:30 in the morning! Why am I waking up this damn early and tense? I don’t think I’ve been awake at this time since the college parties with Tracy.

I got up and headed out to the living room to find a way to unwind. Grabbing my laptop I settled on the couch and checked on some things, resisting the urge to open my email. Surely I can find something to do online.

Nothing! Not a damn thing grabbed my eye. Pulling up some of my old game titles, I figured killing some stuff might help. But to mass kill or be quiet and deadly? I knew that no matter what I chose, the size of the laptop wouldn’t do it justice. So I started hooking it up to my 52” flat screen and surround sound system. Now that should do the trick.

Settling on the quiet side of killing, I loaded up one of my old Hitman games. Maybe punching a few holes in some heads with my sniper rifle will help. After a while, I had to admit that it worked. There’s nothing like lounging on my couch as I kill people on my big screen. All I needed was something cold to drink but I didn’t feel like getting up right then to get it.

“Raven honey! Can you get me some tea please dear?”

What the hell! Where did that come from and did I really just say that out loud? Is the thought of her affecting me that much that I talk to her out loud?

Losing all focus in my game, I sat there and gave a good hard thought about the last couple of weeks. When did I start losing the fact that I know hardly anything about her, to calling out her name out loud while I’m relaxing? Am I starting to get that lonely, I have to picture somebody I don’t know beside me?

Considering that the game was long forgotten, I went ahead and pulled up my email. It’s only been a few hours since I wrote her back, but maybe she has already responded to it. Maybe seeing something from her will help relax me.
To Highander35
You haven't made your intentions known to me so I lower my hands to rub on you each time my hips pull back.  I continue to taste and explore you, but I need guidance from your actions to dictate my next moves.  I press my toes into the floor for leverage and grip the back of the chair with my free hand.  I arch my back to an extreme curve while lowering my head, releasing your mouth in the process.

I allow you to see me continue bending while my hips continue their progress against you.  I keep them moving until I no longer can, when my head touches the floor.  When I have balance there, I circle my hips in your lap and sigh before speaking to you.

"I plan to do many things to you.  I want you to want me to do them."  You can't see my face but you know where it is when I place a bite on your leg.

I sit up very slowly, making sure that you are watching my progress.  When I am upright again, I uncross my ankles and lift one leg until it is between our faces.  With a smile, I place it over your shoulder and return to moving my hips against you.  I return to kissing you deeply, allowing you to feel the warmth spreading from my body, feeling the heat from my thigh against you while I pull closer to allow my breasts to press into your chest with each breath.

I'm still waiting for you.  How will you return my kiss?

Oh bloody hell! She’s not going to make this easy; in fact she made it quite hard.

Reading that I knew just what needed to be done. I needed to talk to someone about her, but whom? Who could I confide in and not get a harsh answer from? Tracy! She could help me; she has always been there before. After quickly shooting her a fast email asking to swing by the office tomorrow for a chat, I got back to thinking about my current email at hand.

To Raven007

*I start to struggle even more, my resolve slowly wearing down* I know I can’t do much with my hands, but as I feel your hips rubbing against me getting me even harder, I start to push back up into you. You need to learn that not only you can tease by rubbing, but your victim can as well. Back and forth you feel my hardness glazing across your warming pussy as I feel your juices seeping out through your jeans. Me moving my hands trying to work the knots loose is also causing me to rub across your breasts, and what’s that? Did I hear a small sigh leave that mouth? I move around to search for those lips to kiss, but at the last second I drop my head and bite the underside of your jaw and moan against your skin.

Do I need another bite to remind you who is in charge?

I wished you lived in Georgia right now because I could use the company.

Did I just send that! Damn, I sounded so desperate. I actually said that I wished she lived by me!

That’s it, it’s over. After she sees that, I know she will think I’m some pervert and I won’t get an answer. I don’t deserve one after that comment. It’s too late now, I just have to wait and see how she plays it.


Shock.  That's what I felt when I read the last line of his message.  I was so turned on by the turn of events until I read that last line.  It was like a cold bucket of ice water was dumped over me and I sat staring at the screen in disbelief.
Why would he say that?  Does he know where I live?  Has he been tracking me?  Is he some kind of crazy stalker?
I could feel my mind working through all of the various explanations for that one sentence, but nothing that I came up with was calming.  Does he want to see me?  To meet me?  Will he be expecting the naughty vixen persona? 
My nerves were completely out of control and I could actually feel myself start to sweat.  Everything was fine until now.  If he knows what I look like, would he even be interested anymore?  What if he thinks I'm ugly?  What if we don't have anything to say to each other?  Will he be expecting me to show up naked?
I had to take a few deep breaths to calm myself before I had a panic attack.  I'd never had one, but I was sure that this particular situation would be enough to give me one.  I can't do this!
I needed to talk to someone and given the nature of all of it, my mother wasn't the one.  I picked up the phone and dialed the one person who could give me some insight and calm me down.
"Tom, it's Raven, I really need to talk to you.  Is this a bad time?"  I tried to keep my voice even, but I failed miserably.
"What's wrong, Raven?  Did something happen?  I'm on my way over!"  That's Tom, overprotective to a fault.
"I just need to talk.  You don't need to come over, I promise."  I was the one in need of consoling and before I knew it, I had to calm Tom down.
"What's going on?"
I had to release a breath just so that I could speak.  I inhaled and released a flood of words into my friend's ear.  "Do you remember that guy I told you about that I met online?  Well, he made a comment about wishing I lived in Georgia and I'm a little freaked out about it."  I waited for Tom to speak but there was an uncomfortable silence on the other end.  "Tom?"
"I'm here, Raven.  Did it seem like he had any of your personal information or was it a coincidence?"
Now Tom decides to think rationally?  "I don't think he had my information.  But it's just weird.  We haven't been able to see or talk to each other.  Now that I know that we live in the same state, I don't know what that will mean.  I never really thought about actually meeting him in person."  Even I think I sound like an idiot!
"So what do you wanna do?  You can stop emailing him and let it go, or you can keep emailing him and see what happens.  I can tell you what will happen when I meet him though.  He'll know not to fuck around, because I don't play that shit!"
That's my Tom!  "What if we do meet?  What if I don't live up to the picture he's created in his mind?"  Insecure much?  Clearly Sony is too good for you!
"If he doesn't like what he sees, then he's a damned fool, Raven.  There is nothing wrong with you.  You're beautiful and if you'd take a real look at yourself, you'd see that.  Do you know how often I have to give people dirty looks for staring at you?"
I didn't know; I'd never paid attention.  This was a revelation to me.  "No."
"Every God damned shift.  I think some of our calls are made just so perverts can look at your ass."  He was laughing, a good sign that his mood was lighter.  "There is nothing about you that any guy wouldn't be lucky to have.  Don't let me catch you doubting yourself again or I'll sick the wife on you!"
I had to laugh at that thought.  "Thanks, Tom.  I knew you'd calm me down."
"So what are you gonna do?  Email him or let it go?"
"I think I'm going to give myself a week to think about it.  I really like him, but I'm still nervous about him actually being able to see me."  The truth was, I was still terrified.  I'd built up an image of us in my mind and I was deathly afraid that he'd reject me.
"Sounds fair.  Stop doubting yourself.  I can tell by your voice that you still are."
"Yes, Tom, or shall I say, Master Yoda, I will try."
Tom used his best Yoda voice to repeat the line I so often used on him.  "Do or do not, there is no try."
"Bye Tom!"  We hung up and I plopped down onto my couch.  I had a lot to think about and I wasn't sure that I could really live up to all that I'd written.  He's expecting someone that you really aren't in every sense of the word.  I'd created something that I couldn't maintain indefinitely, and I was afraid to face him.  I also had no idea what he was into in the looks department and I wasn't sure I'd measure up.
Mentally defeated, I decided to watch television.  I'll figure this out later.
So I sat there, mindlessly staring at the screen and missing my daily email exchange.
© Copyright 2012 Whiteboy (whiteboy75 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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