Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1861319-Hypno-Tryst-Chapter-Two
Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #1861319
The Games Afoot! Er... Feet...
Hypno-Tryst Ch. 02 - 3048

         I was swamped with questions, and no clear way to come up with answers. Linda had been the focal point of countless bouts of masturbation years ago when my ex and I first moved into the neighborhood. Only the fact that she was firmly married to Fred prevented me from making a move on her.

         Now, several years later, she was apparently making a predatory move on me, seemingly to satisfy her own passions. Just a toy! What about Fred? Now there was a brute if there ever was one. I certainly didn't want to tangle with him, under any circumstances!

         It was my ex-wife's frigidity that finally broke us up a few years ago, and now I had no desire to be put through that 'pig!; filthy animal!' scenario again. We'd begun to have problems in this area long before we moved into this neighborhood, so I'd taken refuge in sexual fantasies involving those with whom we regularly came in contact. Linda was most certainly one, but much too close to home to become really comfortable with.

         But now I wondered, how did I ever manage to come under her control? I'm assuming at this point that hypnotism had something to do with it, but how? The only contact that I'd ever had with hypnosis was in my graduate work in college, many years ago. My best friend Lennie, who was doing his internship in psychiatry at that time had tried to hypnotize me at one of our frat parties, but was unable to do so. He was now practicing his 'dark art' somewhere in the city, but contacting him for information about hypnosis would only open more emotional wounds. Would it be worth the effort?

         Lennie and his wife had been very protective of me over the years, disapproving of my choice of Kathy as a wife, despite even my own misgivings. After my relationship with her had 'tanked', and I had begun to bury myself into my work, Lennie and his wife had spent a great deal of time trying to 'break me out of my shell', as they called it, and get me back into circulation. Finally, our contacts had faded away over the past couple of years, primarily because I was getting more resistant to their efforts to get me 'hooked' up again.

         Oh well, I could either spend a great deal of time researching hypnosis on-line, or I could brave the efforts of my good friend to reconnect me with society, and probe his brilliant mind for the keys to my curious problem. Reluctantly, I picked up the phone and called his office.

         Once connected, we struggled through the pleasantries necessary after all this time, and I fed him a 'cock-and-bull' story about doing a project on the various aspects of hypnosis. Even though he knew I was a writer, he was a little suspicious of my intentions, but he agreed to meet with me after he got off work on Wednesday evening.

         This would complicate things a little bit, since the next episode of Linda's program would air at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, and I wanted to get something in place before my next encounter with her. But, I figured that I could drag the meeting out long enough to arrive back at my house after she had left this time. Hopefully I could get a plan together with whatever information I could extract from Lennie.

         Tuesday was spent trying to get caught up on my tech-writing assignments, but I found myself getting distracted by the recollections of the past encounters with the 'new' Linda. It seemed that I was condemned to live with a perpetual 'hard-on' from now on. I couldn't get the image of her toying with my body like an instrument out of my mind, using me for her own self-satisfaction. All I could think about was the mental picture of her stroking herself while I whacked off in front of her; as a matter of fact 'ON' her.

         The soft fragrance of her perfume seemed to have taken control of my senses, and I could smell it everywhere in my house. How could I get this woman out of my mind? One thing was undeniable; she was bloody gorgeous! Had I met her before Kathy, it would have been a 'slam-dunk!'

         Obstacles... She was married to a monster big enough to twist me into little pieces if he wanted to. Nor was I inclined to become a 'home-wrecker', despite any desires to the contrary. One thing I had never done while married to Kathy was betray my vows, no matter how strongly I may have felt justified to do so, up until now. But, the barrier having been breached by Linda, I felt I needed a chance to even the score, at least once, to redeem my dignity.

         Damn! I seemed to be in a constant state of heat recently. I couldn't concentrate on my work, couldn't think of anything but Linda's soft white skin, her blue eyes, her display of passion in my presence. My balls were aching all the time now, at least until I could find a few moments to relieve myself into a tissue or two. If only my presence in her little tableaus could respond in a way that would satisfy me, I thought, at least I could... She was getting way too deep under my skin right now...

         Wednesday rolled around, and I tried my best to concentrate on catching up on my writing work until my appointment with Lennie came around. Finally, at 4:30pm I left the house to meet Lennie in his office downtown.

         As it seemed to be a habit by now, I again reviewed the activities of this past week. Yeah, I was exhausted lately, but in a way that I could happily continue forever. I was really torn between revenge and giving in to the feelings that were quickly taking over my life.

         When we met, I had to apologetically explain away my isolation for the past couple of years, and promise that I'd get together once again with Elaine and him for dinner one day soon. Once we overcame that uncomfortable little scene, I explained to him my need for some background material for an article that I was preparing for one of my clients on hypnosis.

         He cautiously began explaining the background of hypnosis, from the middle ages to the present. Much of this information was 'blah-blah' to me because of my exposure to countless TV documentaries, but one thing caught my attention right away. He was explaining the process of instant induction; whereby a subject could be brought to a hypnotic state by the use of some 'trigger' word or phrase, or some repetitious external stimulus.

         As a matter of fact, he stated, he had a package from some salesperson received some many months ago that was purported to bring someone to a hypnotic state quickly through the use of rhythmic flashes of small strobe lights in a particular cadence.

         He reached into his bottom drawer and brought out a package containing three small strobe lights, an instructional manual on how to set up the system and the metrics used to produce the desired effect, a DVD containing the software program that controlled the flashing cadence, and the connecting cables to whatever TV I chose to use it on.

         He also laughingly added that the concept of using strobe lights for inducing hypnosis had already been considered dubious over the years. He also admitted that he'd never tested the package out, hence his willingness to pass it on to me. But, he insisted that I return it however, when my project was completed.

         Although I didn't achieve my most important goal from our meeting; that of finding the perfect tool of retribution to Linda's intrusion into my life, I did obtain a possible instrument whereby I might get her under my power at last. What I would do with her once I obtained this power over her, I still hadn't given a great deal of thought.

         Exchanging pleasantries after our meeting, and agreeing to countless promises of future contacts, I left his office to return home. It was already nearly 7 pm when I reached my house, and although I was nearly certain that Linda had already viewed her program and left I cautiously entered my house and strolled towards the back bedroom to prepare for the following Friday.

         As I strolled through the family room towards my den and from there to my bedroom, I noticed a figure huddled up on the couch in front of my HD TV. It was Linda, who had apparently fallen asleep in front of the TV after her program had finished.

         Standing there for just a moment, noting that the brief denim mini-skirt that she'd worn over this evening had hiked nearly to her waist, and that her blouse had popped open just enough to expose the smooth skin of her inner breasts. My cock had already begun to respond to this scene, much to my annoyance. My heart quickened a bit; but I took a deep breath and approached her, intending to wake her and send her on her way home.

         I should have known better, because as I touched her shoulder, she turned to look at me, and suddenly my life took on a voyeur outlook. She had obviously said something to me; something that I couldn't discern, and she had me firmly in her grasp. I could sense that I was in store for yet another bout of sexual enslavement, and I was beginning to have mixed feelings about that.

         I stood there like a complete idiot, watching Linda rise from the couch, a smile on her face. She looked at me carefully, and moved around my back as if to inspect her prize. As she slowly circled my body, she casually caressed my ass with her fingertips. My body began to respond to her touch, muscles tensing under her touch. My cock, already under her spell, was already trying to break through the front of my shorts. Traitor, I thought.

         As she returned to the front of me, I could see that she immediately noticed my somewhat aroused condition. She smiled again and raised herself to her tiptoes, hands behind my neck, pulling my head down, and firmly kissed me on my mouth. Now, I've been kissed before, but I don't ever recall the kind of passion that she put into that simple gesture. I never thought women could kiss like that! She pushed her tongue into my mouth, moving it everywhere there was space inside my head to move. I was so overwhelmed by this move that I briefly forgot where I was, and the condition I was in.

         Breaking the kiss suddenly, she looked me straight in the eyes and said, "You will not have a climax before I tell you to." She must have been psychic; I was quite ready to 'bust a nut' in the brief time that she'd had me under her control this evening. "I don't want a surprise mess to clean up like I had last time" she said. As I watched her say that, I noted that she was still smiling.

         She reached out and hooked her forefinger in the clasp of my belt, and snapped it open. From there it was easy street for her, unzipping my shorts and releasing my raging cock. Once again, I was standing before her, with my cock pointed directly between her beautiful eyes, and my whole body on the verge of explosion. I was suddenly torn between the prospect of yet another erotic adventure with this gorgeous woman, and my continuing desire to get even with her for taking over my life. At this point, however, I knew I had no choice.

         Watching my cock keeping in time with my pulse in front of her face, Linda reached out and gradually scraped her fingernails along the shaft, halting at the head to pinch it between her thumb and forefinger. My whole body was electrified! Leaning forward, she placed her mouth gently around the head of my cock, and nibbled ever so lightly. My body was beginning to vibrate like a tightly strung bowstring, and I had no immediate source of relief. Moving down the side of my shaft, she quietly hummed to herself, raising my level of emotional intensity to new heights. As she was doing all this, she was softly massaging my balls with her left hand.

         She stopped for a moment, and I heard her say quietly; "You ignored me all this time, Russ, and I don't know why. Kathy always told me how sex-crazed you were, but I've never seen it! How I envied her!"

         Of course I ignored her, I thought! She was a married woman! To a thug! What is she thinking? Sex-crazed? What the hell was she talking about? Kathy was as cold as the ice-tray in my freezer! My cock spent more time in my palm than it did in her! But I couldn't say anything under the circumstances.

         What she did next surprised me a bit. She unbuttoned her blouse, and I saw that she indeed didn't have a bra on. Lifting her lovely breasts in each hand, she wrapped them around my already painfully hard cock. Looking up at me she said, "Fuck me, Russ; fuck me..." I slowly began to push and pull my cock through the tunnel between her tits. I was beginning to reach a point of critical mass! My balls were so ready to explode that I was wondering if even her power over me would be able to stop me from erupting!

         She leaned her body into mine, and while I was thrusting against her torso, she reached between her legs with her right hand, and began stroking herself furiously. At the same time, she reached behind me, and parting my ass-cheeks, she slowly dragged her fingernails across my asshole. It felt like a bolt of lightning! Fortunately, she shouted out at the same time; "Cum!" It was as if my entire body had come apart! My knees had suddenly turned to jelly, and I thought I was about to pass out.

         She had timed my explosion such that I sprayed my cum over her breasts, emptying my balls in agonizingly relieving pulses on her while she continued to service herself.

         I recovered just about the time I heard her scream out in ecstasy! I'm guessing that we both had a successful launch! After a moment or two, she raised her hand to my mouth and ordered; "Lick my fingers, big boy." The musky taste of her pussy juices, with the subtle scent of her body in general, was probably the most powerful aphrodisiac that nature could have provided. My body began to react once again to the passions we'd just experienced, but I could see she’d begun to sense that she'd already dallied too long.

         Ordering me to dress myself once more, she carefully cleaned her chest of my offering to her passions. Once she had wiped herself clean, she brought the tissue to her nose, and deeply inhaled. I saw her eyes glaze over for just a moment, and then she quickly put the tissue into her handbag, and closed it.

         Now having dressed myself, an easy job since I was never overdressed to begin with, Linda stood up slowly, and placed her arms around my neck once again, drawing my face down to hers. For several moments, she simply stared into my eyes. I thought for a moment that I could see her eyes fill up, and a couple of tears actually rolled down her cheeks.

         Confused, I could do nothing but wait for what she now had in store. She quickly brought her mouth to mine, muttering "kiss me, Russ, until I tell you to stop." I had no problem complying with that order, and we immediately set about fencing passionately with our tongues, exploring each other's mouths with an urgency that surprised even me! The quick thought of not having her around began to worry me all of a sudden. I tried to shake that thought, but to no avail.

         All too soon, she broke our kiss, and said something that surprised me even more. "I love you Russ, more than you've ever guessed. But, I'm running out of time, and I don't know what I have to do next to make you mine for good!" With that puzzling statement, she ordered me back to my den to wait 10 minutes before coming back into this room again.

         I obediently plodded back to my den, sat down at my computer, and began going through the motions of completing some of my tardy work. As I dutifully shuffled papers to line up assignments, I suddenly noted something unusual; I could remember everything that had happened in the past 45 minutes! Linda had neglected to instruct me to forget everything that had happened, and I was still flushed with the end results of our recent passionate exercises. My cock quickly began to relive everything that had happened, and I was confronted with the necessity of relieving myself once again to take the emotional pressure off our encounter.

         Once the dust had settled, and I was again able to assess what had taken place, I resolved to reclaim what dignity I thought I'd lost over the past couple of weeks, but I was less sure about how I wanted this whole exercise to end. I was strongly attracted to this woman, but I was not willing to get involved in some clandestine situation that would eventually put me at odds with her husband! That might close the final curtain for me, and although I wasn't the most ecstatic human on the planet right now, I WAS at least, still alive.

         I now had about a day and a half to put a plan together to get back in charge with this young vixen! Given my familiarity with the 'net', and technology, I thought I should be able to put together a plan to turn the tables on this little 'schemer.'

H – *Anchor*

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