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by Katie
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1861141
Read and find out!
Chapter 1

Expect the unexpected. I have heard that line only a few a hundred times before it actually got pounded into the blonde head of mine. I knew that every day was going to be unforeseen and not as I would have expected, but I was never prepared to expect such an unexpected surprise as I did today.

         My life is a little more unusual compared to most. As a child, my parents passed down these bracelets that give eternal life right before they died. The black chained bracelet with one small sapphire jewel in the middle is the one. I don’t know how it gives us eternal life or how my parents got it, but I do know that it can’t be taken off because I can’t live without it which is exactly what happened to my parents. The same goes for my older brother Wyatt who is especially protective for that reason.

         Right now, my brother is in college but he should be coming home soon because winter break just started. My Uncle who is our caretaker after our parents died began cooking Wyatt’s favorite, chicken fried steak. I could smell the food from in my own small room. Uncle Reese has been like a father to both of us. My parents died when I was only 4 and when Wyatt was 7. Now we are 12 years older, but we still hold that pain of not having our mom and dad with us.

         My Uncle walks into my bedroom and tells me, “Hey, get your shoes one, we are leaving to pick up your brother now.” I get excited because my life has been so boring and lonely without someone here to bully me. I know, I should be dreading the day my brother gets home.

         I smile at Uncle Reese and begin lacing up my shoes like I had a race to run in 10 seconds. My brother and I are like any brother and sister, we fight, forgive, and watch out for each other. But we are closer than some because of our parents death, so my brother will take me paintballing with his friends, drive me anywhere I want to without complaining, and he even gives me money at times which is quite impressive.

         I am now finishing my last shoe when I hear my brother’s voice say, “I hear someone is missing their big brother.” I look up and see my tall brother with his short shaggy dirty blonde hair underneath a dark beanie. I gleam and jump up to him giving him a hug like I haven’t seen him in a decade. His arms are wrapped around me like a snake, but as much as it hurts, I am just glad he is back.

         “How’ve you been Anna Banana?” he asks me finally releasing me so we could walk into the dining room with Uncle Reese.

         “Good, I’ve been drinking at clubs, smoking just for fun, and don’t even let me bring up my boyfriend,” I say jokingly knowing he would murder me if I did any of the above. He nudges me and replies, “You’d better not be doing any of that or I would lock that scrawny butt of yours in your bedroom for eternity.”          

         I laugh nervously knowing he really would. I look at him seriously and ask him, “What about you? I’m sure the college life is anything but ordinary.” He looks at me then at Uncle Reese and replies, “It’s best for you not to know.”

         That’s not the first time I’ve heard that. There is something with college students that make them so reserved to talk about their college life. It’s like it’s some big secret that I’m not in. Who knows what goes down at college.

         “Whatever you say, but I will find out, eventually,” I tell him. Uncle Reese brings in the food so we all sit down. Uncle Reese begins with his questions, “So Wyatt, how are your grades this semester?” I could tell by the way Wyatt is acting by staring at the floor and picking at his nails that his grades went down the toilet.

         “I’ve decided that I am going to switch my major. The law just isn’t my subject, plus I can’t be a lawyer. I never even win arguments with my little sister,” he laughs trying to brighten the situation. Uncle Reese runs his hand through his curly brown hair and sits down calmly. His jaw tightens but he squeezes out a few words, “I know your parents left you guys with a good heap of money, but that doesn’t mean you can just go around wasting it.”

         Wyatt’s smile fades and he replies in his I can do what I want attitude, “I know Uncle Reese. But I just want to make sure I am doing what I love which is why I am going to be a police officer. It would be a thrilling job, and I do win the physical fights with Anna which makes me feel a little better.”

         “Why didn’t you think about this before go to law school?” Uncle Reese questions with a stern face. Wyatt takes a big bite of the chicken fried steak and shrugs. He looks at me wanting to change the subject so I think of something quickly.

         “Did I tell you I got my license Wyatt?” I butt in for Wyatt’s sake. I already told him, the day I got my license actually. He told me to stay off the road when he would come back.

         “You did?! Good job kiddo, though I may say, I am a little nervous about you driving,” he tells me before Uncle Reese mentions to Wyatt.

         “I want to talk to you later, okay?” he tells Wyatt, “And take off that ridiculous hat, we are eating dinner.”          

         It’s a beanie and I don’t think they are ridiculous, they are warm and I think they look fine on guys. But, my Uncle Reese dresses in suits and smarty clothes because he is a professor. Wyatt throws his beanie on the table and says raising his voice, “It’s so nice to be home! You better not treat Anna like this when I’m not here.”

         This is off to a bad start, I could tell it was just going to go downhill now. But we were saved by the bell. Uncle Reese got up to see who was at the door and asks curiously, “Who is it?” No response, so he slowly opens the door and finds a guy who looks to be about 25 who has olive colored skin and dark hair so short that its almost bald. This guy intimated me with his football player muscles and ice blue eyes.

         Uncle Reese seemed to know this guy so he let him in and he took a seat in between Uncle Reese and Wyatt. Uncle Reese clears his throat after noticing the blank stares. “This is Creo,” is all he says. Creo forces a smile and says, “Do they know who I am?”

“Why would we know who you are?” Wyatt says in a ticked off voice. Creo looks at him like he is stupid and lifts up his wrist revealing the same bracelet that we have on from our parents. We thought no one else had it and that we were the only ones who knew. I am glad there are more of us though, because if I get to live forever, I want to have friends to live forever with. Then the question arose, “How many of us are there?”

He starts off, “There are 6 of us total,” then he becomes quite, “But now there are 5 of us.” Uncle Reese pats Creo’s back and says, “Was it your sister Charm?” He tenses when he hears his sisters name but he nods in response. “And your caregivers?”

“Our Aunt Kate was stabbed to death, and I had to watch it,” he says getting angry. He must be shaken up to have dealt with all of this. He still seemed a little shaken so it must’ve not happened that long ago.

         “Can we talk privately?” Uncle Reese asked him. Without a response, they both get up and we were left alone and clueless. Wyatt looks at me surprised and puts his beanie back on. “Did that just happen? There are more of us?”

         It’s great, I agree, but I am curious as to who killed Creo’s caregivers and sisters. Wyatt notices my worried face so he comes from behind me and gives me a comforting hug. “If that girl was killed, are people after us too? I mean, if people know about the power these bracelets have then they are going to be after us right? What does this…” I keep saying my thoughts out loud but Wyatt quiets me.

         “Hey, don’t worry. Uncle Reese will be there for us, and I will always be there for you. Plus, have you seen that Creo dude, he has been to the gym a few times,” Wyatt tells me making me feel better. How does this happen right when Wyatt comes back home?

         Uncle Reese walks back in with a stressed look slapped across his face with Creo following behind. Uncle Reese gets to the point without explanation saying, “Pack necessities, we are leaving in a half hour. The sooner the better though.”

         “I’m not leaving until you tell me what is going on,” Wyatt says putting his arm on my shoulder as to show that I am on his side. Uncle Reese walks up to him and whispers in his ear, “People who are called the Rowans are after the bracelet. As you guys know, you can’t live without them. The Rowans are on their way, so if you and Anna want to live, then I suggest you getting your things and your act together.”

         Wyatt and Uncle just glared at eachother which makes me so nervous. They are both really tough and they could get into a huge fight so I quickly grab Wyatt’s arm and drag him away. “C’mon Wyatt, Uncle Reese is trying to help us.” He didn’t like being pulled but he took my advice anyway.

         We were all out of the doors and in Creo’s big black truck. When we first got in and he turned the car on, rock music was blasting so loud that I would need to be deaf not to hear it. The only people who knows what the plans is, is Uncle Reese and Creo. All they told us is that we are going to find the other bracelet owners and that we are headed to the Big Apple.

         “Reese,” Wyatt says which is strange because he didn’t call him Uncle Reese. Uncle Reese looks at Wyatt with his dark brown eyes, “Since we have you been calling me Reese?”

         Wyatt gives one of his angry sarcastic shrugs and says, “Since I’ve found out you’ve been lying to us. What happened to you two are the only bracelet owners or no one knows about your special bracelets or no one will harm you.”

         “I wasn’t supposed to tell you Wyatt Ridley! If you guys knew you would be at an even greater danger,” he replied with a roar. Boy, they have not been seeing eye to eye lately. Before Wyatt went off to college they were like best friends. They would play ball together, both take care of me together, heck, they would even paint their nails together if they really wanted to. But lately, it’s like there’s this hostile wall that went up between them and I don’t like it. They are the only family I have got, and I don’t want to see them frustrated and angry at each other.

         “To hell with that cliché I did it to protect you crap! What if what happened to Creo’s sister, happened to me or Anna? They were unprepared just like we are now,” he states thinking about what I had to say earlier. Wyatt is right, we are way unprepared other than the self-defense classes we were supposed to take since we were young. We don’t have the strength and ability to fight for our lives. To fight against each other? Yes, we know how to do that, but not against who knows how bad these Rowans are. Only Creo knows.

         “You guys will be fine as long as you stay together Wyatt, you are already freaking out which is not a good page to be on right now,” Uncle Reese says calmly. Wyatt is getting ready to fight for his side of the story again but I begin to feel a sharp burning pain where my bracelet is. Its feeling like a sunburn now…now I feel like my wrist is on fire, my whole arm…it’s like it’s in the hot sun flames.

         I made a shriek in between the fight which was good timing… I guess. Everyone turns to look at me and I try my hardest not to show the pain but I couldn’t help it. The burn was traveling through my whole body now and I didn’t know what was going on.

         “Anna, what is it?” Creo asks me quickly. I can’t respond because I am to out of breath and in shock. “Dammit Anna, what’s wrong?!” Wyatt yells looking at the shining bracelet now. The blue jewel of the bracelet lit up with the same blue light traveling through what looks like my veins.

         I am sweating like a pig now and I literally feel like I am being baked alive. Wyatt unbuckles my seat belt and holds me upright. “What’s going on Uncle Reese?” Wyatt shouts. Uncle Reese is just staring at me like I had just won a million dollars.

         “She’s getting powers,” he smiles, “It must be.” I love how he is smiling while I am in pain. He then focuses when he notices the fear in my eyes. “Anna, this shouldn’t last much longer. I know it hurts, but you have to stay strong. You are receiving your powers at such a young age.”

         “It’s like hitting puberty except you get powers instead? What kind of powers?” Creo asks curiously. Wyatt isn’t listening, he is just staring at me like a dog wanting food trying to cool me off with his hand. Like that’s going to do a whole lot.

         The burning suddenly got cooler and cooler and the breathing became a lot easier. I had to cough with the help of Wyatt who was patting my back. I can’t even keep myself up so I fall onto Wyatt’s legs which suddenly feels like a good pillow. In seconds, I am in lala land dreaming about nothing but the black sky.

         Whatever just happen, I hope to God that it doesn’t happen again.          

CHAPTER 2 ...coming soon.
© Copyright 2012 Katie (kdsmith9425 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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