Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1861022-Darkness
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1861022
This is a preview of my vampire story.

He said to me “Come”
And I did.
He said to me “will u be happy with me?”
And I said “Yes.”
He said to me “Is it what you truly desire?”
I said “Truly”
He said to me “Will u suffer in the end to be with me for all eternity?”
I said “Suffer? It is nothing compared to what you are offering.”

My eyes close as the darkness inside me begins to take from me the light.
Overcoming in power the pain is excruciating.

The bite to the neck was somewhat exotic and it hurt in a good way.
Once bitten and completely drained to the point of death he tells me

“Are you ready to begin the transformation?”
Weakley my eyes open
“Finish me now”

With his beautiful bright fluorescent green eyes he smiles.
“You will suffer me, beautiful one”

The blood begins to drip into my mouth as I drink.
The taste becomes overwhelming and I drink from him faster.
In my mind all instincts are telling me to survive

The Pain! The pain!
He Burns! He Burns!

In my mind I hear his voice.
“Your changing beautifully”
My bones stiffen
My eyes burn. My mouth is dry
Falling into the dirt he stares into me.
Grabbing into the dirt as the pain continues.
Coldness rushes in throughout my body and my vision is red
It is quiet.
He says to me “Arise now beautiful one.”
I arise.
He says to me “ You must drink from someone before the night ends”
I say to him “Is that all?”

He says to me “ You ARE MINE!”

Then cold fierce lips on mine and it feels ten times better than anything I have ever felt.
Hands all on me as he touches his prize.
My hair once straight has curled naturally
My eyes still hazel but much brighter.
My body is free from any flaw.
I am Perfect
He is perfect.
He has chosen me and I am befitting into darkness

Chapter 2: Madness

My eyes seeing like new, squinting to the gleam of city lights I see ahead of me. Sharp vision of all the spectacles of light. I take in a deep breath through the mouth and I taste it all. The city lights, the gasoline fumes that burn in the air. I can even taste the blood in the city. I smell all the things that makes this city its new bloodbath of dreams for me. All the indications that we are in this very moment walking into the one thing my maker calls Madness.
“I will always be watching you. You must know beautiful one, after your first kill I must leave you. It was part of our deal. Its up to you to survive on your own and become a hunter.”

My hands claw up and the thirst is thriving within me. The blood scented air reaching my nose burns. The scent of thick running blood scalding the bones around my face to extreme pain and around my mouth. My eyes turn red in vision and he tells me more.

“You must learn to control what can kill you. In the city we go to you must prepare yourself for death. If you can not control your thirst others like our selves will end you. And, my beautiful one I can not protect you.”

We walk downhill now. The air is strong smelling of warm and very desirable blood for my taking. I let out my first instinctive reaction
And I snarl in fiery, revealing my teeth and fangs to the arousing scented air. My tongue licking the new sharp fangs. Their a mind of its own. The fangs have a sharp pointed end. Curiously though, its smooth and sleek all around.

We stand in a middle of a park. A nice community park. Darkened by the sunless night. Looking around for someone to drink. His hand takes mine. My hands instantly no longer clawed at his touch. Like I transformed the hand on his command. My fangs no longer are revealed. They quickly sunk themselves back where they came from my upper gums. It wasn’t at all discomforting.

He stares into my eyes. My vision leaks from red to clear, and I see beautifully. I can see dances of dark light upon the moonlit grass.
His fluorescent green eyes baring into mine reaching inside my undead soul.
It is calming, very calming as if I had relaxed into a state of consciousness. No longer starving for the taste of blood in my mouth. In my head it stops spinning. Like the energy of being a brutal killer has been taken from me.

“We are in a neighborhood of humans. A community of humans. You must remain calm and not give yourself away. That is always the first rule. Never show your true form to any human. Always stay in the shadows.”

All in all, I say I felt completely better. He took from me an entity I could not control and I barely was able to explain to myself what it was that I desired to do.
Looking up towards the moon I stare sharply at it. Realizing that this is what I chose to do with my life. I killed myself and became a creature of darkness.
And, madness consumed me. It was as if he knew what was going to happen. If he didn’t control or take….

“What was it that you took from inside me?”

He takes my chin and his fluorescent green eyes blaze into my hazel ones and he looks at me like I am the most precious thing he has ever created in his darkly life. Gently taking his hand to soothe the right side of my face. He cradles my head. Walking up to me and embraces me tightly. He nips at my ear.

I laugh at his teasing like a shy virgin would. Then seductively in my ear he speaks to me. Still holding his body tight to mine, he tells me ever so close and I begin to feel that I never want to leave his embrace.

“I had to take from you what little madness you had, and filled you up with the desire to want to be with me for all of your eternity. I used my dark gift and I succeeded. You will prove your self worthy to our people of course. But, you are mine and will always be mine. I am your maker. I am your dark father, sister and brother and I am most certainly your dark lover.”

My eyes feel warm and its like a light went on inside me instantly my lips are on his and we kiss. I kiss my maker I lose all control and I thank him with everything inside my body that wants to be with him.

A noise from the end of the park draws our attention. Quickly he takes himself from me and leads me to the noise.
The light pole in the neighborhood park has been broken. Somebody had to break this streetlight. He holds his forefinger to his mouth telling me to be quiet. We are about to go and see who is about to die.

Chapter 3: Blood of the Emo

Walking feels so much slower than usual. The sound of my footsteps are heightened inside my ear canal. Every little sound can be heard as I walk quietly. I can hear my Maker clench his teeth in response to his thirst. My eyes begin to scan the area.

It hits me like a baseball to the nose again. Blood. Blood. More blood. Dripping sounds like a leaky faucet, dripping and dripping onto the paved road.

Then sneakily we peak our heads around the corner of the wall and see a boy no older than 18 years. He is cutting his wrists, with a piece of the broken city light. His blood drips and my throat burns in response to his self inflicting ways. My vision turns red quickly.

My maker throws me to the wall with his body facing mine But swiftly and amazingly quiet he had done it so. The boy had never heard us coming. After all he is hurting himself thinking that the people in this neighborhood are all safely asleep while he wishes to die.

Its all too overwhelming for me, my hands want to claw up and I want to leap over the wall and drag that boy out of his misery.
I want the blood of this Emo boy. It has been decided.

In my mind my Maker speaks to me, as his eyes are locked and bored into mine.
The fluorescent in his eyes is captivating me again. The eyes are powerful. I can feel in me his mind it’s strong such as his will is strong.

He holds my attention.

“You will walk up to him. My beautiful one. You will drink from him and once you have done him his favor I must leave you. And, when the time is right for me to be with you again, I will hold you to our agreement. You are still mine beautiful one.”

He kisses my hand like a gentlemen. I begin to feel sadden from the departure that is about to happen.
Then I remember what it is that I must do to be certain to gain him back.

Concentrating on my eyes to turn back to normal.
I put my new curly hair to the side as my Maker watches me.
Instantly my eyes are cleared.

In my mind I hear his voice again telling me “ Well done’’

I smell his desirable blood with my mouth open and it begins to burn, but I pull the desire a bit back. Concentrating, all the time to not reveal my true form. I walk up to the boy so quietly he did not hear me in front of him. Until I cleared my throat.

“Excuse me, but I cant imagine why a young handsome boy such as yourself. Would be trying to kill himself. May I help you in any way?”
He throws the glass at me and I moved too quickly for him to see. The flying glass was so sharp and fast heading in my direction straight towards my eyeball. But, I moved away it seems the speed I have is much quicker than the speed of the flying glass.

“Leave me alone here to die. I promise you I want to die , if you don’t leave me alone I‘ll take you down with me.”

He is very serious. So serious I quench at the thought of taking his wrist to my mouth.

“Look at me closely young one.”

I tell him as his head and eyes travel up towards my face. The blood is so desirable I concentrate harder on looking beautiful.
Naturally he is somewhat intrigued by my beauty. I don’t know why or what it is he is intrigued by but I do know that look on his face. It’s the same look I had when I met /him/.

“Can I take a look at that?”
I grab his wrist before he gives me the answer. He tries to pull from me but I am much stronger than he is. I act as shyly as possible towards the Emo boy batting my eyes in a flirtatious way.

“I just want to look at it calm down.’

“I’m trying to die in peace woman! Let go of my hand.”

Then out of the shadows I hear my Makers footsteps walking towards us. Then his voice is speaking.
I see him, he is gorgeous. With his green fluorescent eyes he burns them into the boys own.

“You will get what you wish tonight. Only allow yourself to believe death is easy and it will be so. You can call her your Death Angel”

Chapter 4: Death Angel

The boy is silent. My eyes are drawn to his leaking wrist. The blood smells warm and inviting. The spectacles in his blood shine out. I can see it sort of dancing for me. The darkness inside me is creeping up slowly through my eyes.

Then as I begin to take his wrist to my mouth, I feel my Makers hand on my shoulder.

“Goodbye my beautiful one. Until we meet again. Remember, stay in the shadows.”
Then as if a gust of wind carried him off he was gone just like that.
His lingering presence has really left me! I am alone.

Then I hear the boy coming out of my Makers tranquil illusion. I quickly hold his mouth shut with my hand and I take his wrist to my mouth.

The blood is intoxicating. As if I had just drank a quenching warm but sensual drink. The looseness of his blood swishes around my tongue and I feel energized. I begin to grip onto him more with my newfound strength pushing him further into the ground. Instantly my fangs have dug deeper into his cut. It release the blood more freely. And it rushes inside me filling me up with his air, his life, his humanity and I am new. My eyes close as I grunt in pleasure to his gift.

The boy all of sudden took his other hand and brushed my hair away from my eyes . My eyes are looking into his as I am drinking from his wrist.
He is on the verge of death. The heart beat is so quiet and slow, he has seconds left. I release my hand from his mouth and the last words that came from the Emo boy

“Death Angel.”

Then as if he knew what was coming next a smile on his face as he closes his eyes to die.
The boy’s body goes limp and no longer feels warm to my touch.
I have given my first kill the one true death, a happy death. A beautiful death.

Then I begin running but I don’t know where. I cannot go back to my home or my family. My running feels lightning fast but ironically slow to my vision. I can see everything clearly that I pass but no one can see me pass I am like a gust of wind.
I run blinded in my life for the first time in ages. Now that I am immortal, what will I do? Who will I become now?

I am no longer human, the life of a wife and mother is no longer what I desire to do. It has died from me.
Images of my family’s face come in my mind but they are blurry. /I can almost forget my name/. I suddenly stop at the thought. I am under a freeway pass. Wiping my mouth I sit on the dirt.

Looking into the moonlight. The stars are shining brightly.
I don’t remember them being that bright.
That feeling of being human is seeping from me I try to grip those memories inside my mind that are fading but it’s a failure from the start.
The boy’s blood is coursing through my own veins keeping me alive, if that is what I’ am.
Or undead, that would be a better word.

This power inside me is going to the fingertips of my hands.
I calm my self trying to remember the faces my family.
My husband, his life is empty without me my daughter will grow up without me. How can I not remember who I /was/?

“There’s always something you got to give up if want everything you want.”
I laugh aloud thinking it is entirely true in this moment in time.

Then a beer bottle falls from the sky. Quickly getting up I hide myself from prying eyes.
Then a voice from above me.

“Goodbye cruel world, I come to you now o’ gracious Devil!”

Then thud! A man’s body squished from impact over the freeways pass! His blood begins to flow out freely from him I can’t take it I jump onto him and I lick what little blood coming from his wounds has. No love or mercy for a man who has just died, but the fact that I must take from him his blood is no where near what could happen to me if I am found.

I walk away from the underpass. My steps much quicker than usual. Then noises, loud noises in my ear and its screeching loud. Sirens!
The sound is piercing! My hands go to my head in pain.
Logically, my ears are not heightening out the sound of sirens any longer. They somehow have tuned themselves to a lower frequency. Responding to the pain it was bringing inside me.

Strange. I think to myself how strange this new body of mine is. If I am in pain or hunger it reacts on its own. Everything, my vision is much lower it seems not too “HD” like. My hearing smooth as if it were normal again.

Only one thing remains inside me. Thirst.
The blood of humans is a desirable thing for me to feel. At this moment I am feeling so thirsty. Why? I have just fed! I just fed on two humans and I still want to feed? Feed the demon that has taken its place inside me.

Chapter 5: Blood Demon

My newborn night has brought to me a new acquaintance to conquer. Blood. Human’s blood and all that it can bring to me.
It sends chills to my spine and I snap out in anger due to the fact, I can no longer be free from this. I am bound to this essence. Bound to the feeling of being tormented by humans blood.

Dashing into the city further I have taken myself to a downtown parking lot. I’m on the top floor looking down on my victims. Walking back and forth from the very top of the building deciding if I should jump down and grab a passing human. When every passing second seems to be lasting longer than it should.

I am alone. I think to myself again.

Suddenly, a voice in my head I know very well begins to speak to me.

“Do not show yourself my beautiful one. They are watching you very closely. You must conceal your thirst from them soon before it is too late.’’

Then I feel a lingering touch on my lips. So soft and sensual and almost breath taking. I consume the taste on my lips. Licking every inch off the lusciousness within them to live through him again.

My eyes begin to scan out for him, hoping to reunite at last. But, I fail yet again to get him back. I quickly take myself from the ledge and begin to walk out. The parking lot is somewhat filled this evening. I know there has to be some late night city workers around here about to go home.
I decided carefully to wait it out. Let the thirst in me dwell and let the predator come to the surface ready to hunt.
My official second kill is about to unravel when a beautiful young woman pushes the button to her car keys letting out a very distinctive car alarm sound telling me where her car is located. Instantly my body flies its way to the location. Like radar accuracy I am there and unnoticed yet again.

I am underneath her car waiting for her to open the door. My plan works smoothly and effortlessly. When her door opens my body flies from underneath her car to her driver seat pushing her body to the backseat at the same time.

Her screams are muffled by the shut doors and rolled up windows. My fangs cut her throat open and I am freed from thirst. Indulging my satisfaction until her death has come. I don’t spill a drop of blood and I take my clawed hand as I am finished and slice the fang marks from existence. Evilly I can feel the smile widen on my face. Happy to have ended her.

I look at her dead opened black eyes and her blonde hair. Her eye shadow the color of black. Her skirt so short and the top so loosely fitted around her breast they almost show.

I take her keys and place them in her hands I steal her wallet and purse and I leave the scene in ghostly speed.

Taking my self to a public restroom at a gas station still holding her purse. Looking around and staying in the shadows at all times.
I lock the door behind me and I begin to go through her information. I find pictures of some of her friends and inside me it becomes all too tempting to hunt down these people and drink from them as well.

A driver license, a lipstick container that wasn’t actually lipstick at all in fact, it was a container to hide cocaine in. All these things still carry her scent on them. I smell the inside of her purse deeply and in my mind it starts to show me a path. A path to her house. A scent to someone else. Her girlfriend.

A path that I am sure if I followed her home I could have indeed killed them together. My mouth waters at the thought. As if it were actually possible to water at the mouth, it unquestionably happened to me.

My accuracy to her residence is thrilling. I almost yell out as I stand above their rooftop. I sit calmly and listening inside their home. I found this time to practice all my gifts. It seems by scent I can find anybody I wish to find.

A tracker! I have tracked her house by scent. By a scent, something so small and intriguing guided me here to her home.

What else is possible?

The moon shines high in the sky now it almost feels midnight. The time is none of my concern any longer. I have done what my maker commanded me to do and that is drink from someone by the end of this night. I have accomplished at such a thing with spot on accuracy.

As I sit on this lady’s rooftop, something in the distance just hopped from roof to roof.
I know I saw something or someone. I am positive. My eyes are not playing tricks, that is no longer a part of me.

Again, I see them jump. Their head turns back looking in my direction as if taunting me to follow. Noticing that who ever it is, is always staying in the shadows of the moonlight.

I should go with my instincts and follow.

I don’t want to sit and linger around here waiting to kill this other female when I know that someone else has noticed me here.
I decide after contemplating what it is I should do. I follow.

Chapter 6: TAKEN

What or who I am following I don’t know. This someone is leading me back to the outskirts of the city. Where I was made hours earlier.

Keeping my distance at a minimum of 50 yards. Once I have caught up to their speed the figure stops in its tracks. Their head goes into the air and begins sniffing at it violently.

As I stare quietly at this figure its head immediately turns in my direction. I almost begin to feel frightened. But, I remain still I am new and most certainly strong. I am no longer human, and this creature obviously knows that.

Within a blink of an eye he stands feet from me. His eyes the color of crimson. His anger vibrates off of him and he reveals his fangs to me and takes transformation in front of my eyes.

His hands claw up first as his nails begin to grow out into daggers. Its almost like his hands just grew an extra three inches long!
His eyes boil bright crimson and his fangs begin to leak with some kind of venom and I know he is vampire.

He is mad. I think to myself.

“No I’m not. Who the hell are you?”

He tells me as if he just answered my thoughts.

“Yes I can read your thoughts. Quit bickering about it already. Tell me now, young one. Who the hell are you?”

He stands from me still with his crimson eyes. I say nothing to him as I evaluate his anger. It quickly comes to me when I have figured out he is on the defensive.
“I don’t have a name. My Maker calls me beautiful one.”

I smirk in my response and my fangs release as my fluorescent hazel eyes burn brightly into his. My hands begin to claw up and I can feel them stretching into their deadly weapon.

“You are taken?”
He asks of me. I don’t know how to respond to him.

What does taken mean?

“It means my young one, if one of our kind has claimed you as their own.”

He tells me more as he continues to read my helpless thoughts. I don’t have any clue how to defend myself from this, it makes me weak.

“Yes, indeed it does my young one. Your thoughts can reveal you to be weak but, your also profoundly strong and secure. I find no other weakness other than the blood demon inside you. You are one of a kind to read.”

I stand alone again and this time I stand in front of my kindred. A similar night creature who can read thoughts. His talent is consuming the very essence inside me. The only thing I can tell him is who made me. But, I have no name just a face.

In my mind his face is all I connect to.

“You have been taken and in such doing my young one, take the word of an immortal full of dark given gifts. See who brings the paths of destruction. You will deliver unto us a portal of fire. The brightest of suns could not end you.”

His eyes falter from crimson to florescent brown. His transformation of vampire dissipates and becomes a handsome man.

I am forever lost to this world without him. I think to myself.

“ You walk a lonely road young one. But, your powers will intrigue you and immortality will suit you better than any mundane dream you have ever conceived.”

I think to myself perhaps I have made a friend.

“A friend I am not. But, in this newborn of a night you have already been taken and you can not follow me to my destination. It is our way. Your Maker must bring you to us. When that time comes please look for me. I am the Warlock of Blood.”

Eerily fast he has left me and I stand alone in the outskirts of the city. I have no one but myself and if I tend to survive on my own I must meet my Makers requirements. Those deeds are nameless and it’s the very thoughts of them being nameless that scares me.

After my run in with the Warlock of Blood I had to quench a burning thirst. I’ve killed a total of ten people now comfortably my thirst is settled. The sun is about to rise and I have taken refuge in a cemetery.

After my tenth kill of the evening I smelled a rotting smell. Old death, the smell was not as bad as a typical human would think so.
To my senses the smell was serene.
It is here the scent of blood is scarce. It allowed me to take comfort of the evening and reflect quietly.
So I lay in a crypt that I unfortunately had to break into. The padded lock was simple to destroy. And, what do ya’ know? There is a lock on the inside of the door as well. I open the cemented coffin located in the center of the room. Air rushes out from it and dust flies about. I quickly throw out the skeletal remains of a man.
I place my new body that fears the sun rising, into the spacious coffin.
My instincts are telling me to sleep. So I close my fluorescent hazel eyes as my curly hair falls loosely around my face. My arms fold across my chest making an X. Ending my newborn night.

© Copyright 2012 Angelica_Rose (angelica_rose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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