Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1860842-The-Bond-series-Number-10
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1860842
The Bond is a series of short stories that all fall into one long story about protectors
The Bee Hive

“UH!! Are you sure we can’t stop? MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME!” Eski said. Now, the gang has walked for six hours, and daylight was fading. Mac turned around and pulled out a map from his cloak.

“Nah, we aint got the time to be sleepin’, you see how far we gotta walk? We right here…. We gotta be here ASAP.”

He pointed to where they were. In the middle of the Land of Earth. Right beside the land on the left was a vast land. The Land of Wind. North of the Land of Earth was the Land of Water, and to the right of which was the Land of Fire. (There is a path through the Land of Water that opens up to the Land of Fire.) And, to the north-east of the Land of Fire was the Land of Lightning. All of these Lands were on a single land mass, surrounded by the sea. Also, below the land mass was an island. The Land of the Artic.

Blake spoke up.

“Hey you guys, why don’t we test out Parker, and train him, so he wont be a bother.”
Everyone seemed to like this idea. Except for Parker.

“Okay, well, where should we do it?”

“Transportation Art:,” Mac said.
“Bee Hive!”

Parker, Blake, Eski, and Terryn looked so surprised to be standing in an empty honeycomb whenever they transported.

“This is an Art my teacher taught me. I have used this thing hundreds of times.”

“How do you know the Bee technique?” Blake asked.

“Ha, well, that is my style. I use the Stinging Bumble Bee technique. I’m the only one alive who still uses it. It was my teacher and I, but he passed.”

“I kind of figured. No one uses six swords for no reason. I knew you where a Beast Style user.”

“Haha, anyway, lets get down to business… What are we gonna teach em’?”

“Energy Distribution.”

“He’s not ready for that!” Eski said, “If he messes up, his Art will detonate and possibly kill him!”

“Well, he can’t mess up.” Blake said with a messed up smile.

Blake walked to Parker.

“Parker, what are all your Arts?”
“Uh.. Well I have one, Crescent Moon Slash”

“Yep, and I saw that Art earlier. That’s not good enough an Art to protect yourself. Draw your blade.”

Parker did. So did Blake.

“We’re going to make another version of that. A more powerful one. But, to do so, we need to unlock your maximum spiritual energy. Once we do this, the results make your permanently stronger. To do this is easy. One word. Adrenaline. Adrenaline will make you stronger. To do so, I am going to attack you full out. But, be careful, you can’t push this by trying to force your energy, or else it will happen as Eski described. So….. Right now, you either grow in strength, or die.”

Blake charged Parker.

“Flame Art: Burning X!”

Blake’s swords were set afire and he slashed in an X pattern. It was a hit. Blake slashed open Parker’s left shoulder. Blood flew into Blake eyes.

“AH!” Parker screamed and the slashed Blake in the side of the stomach.

Both were bloodied already.

“Nice hit.” Blake said, as he thrusted his sword at Parker.

Parker jumped on his blade, then jumped into the air. “Crescent Moon Slash!!”

“Zozoark: Burst!”

Eski and Terryn’s eyes went wide when they heard that call. Blake is really going all out. You see, every Guardian has an angel, who is named, (Ex. Lozikar for Parker, Zozoark for Blake), anyway, there are two states of borrowing power from your angel. You see, a Burst is where your angel gives you power, usually to your weapon, and it gets angel power, making it a lot more powerful, also, it lets you use divine arts.
The second stage is a Break. A Break is where your angel fights with you, making you so much more powerful it’s unbelievable. Even though you don’t really need it in this world. In the Void, humans have superpower like abilitys. Like, no one on Earth can take fire blast or crushing rocks. That’s why the Void is so cool.

Blake’s swords were put on fire by his Burst. And he blocked Parker’s Art by holding up his sword and letting the two make contact.

Parker was scared. Was he really going to be killed?

Blake threw his swords in the air, and made a triangle figure with the two pointer fingers and thumbs on his hands. The triangle was around Parker.

“Divine Art: Solar Flare!”

A pure yellow beam shot at Parker. The temperature in the hive went up to around 200 degrees while it was active.

Parker got shot back along with the beam to the wall.

When the beam faded, Parker silently fell on the floor.

“Well,” Blake said as he caught his swords, which had returned to normal, and slid them into their sheaths, “He would’ve died sooner or later. Better he die now then to die when we depend on him in battle.”

Eski shed a tear. Parker, was dead. Dead and motionless on the floor of the hive. Eski punched Blake in the face out of rage and sadness. Terryn ran to Parker, fell by his body and wept. Mac was shaking his head.

“You killed him. You killed our friend, and fellow Guardian, Parker. How dare you!?!?!?! You think you can kill someone and blame it on trying to improve their skills? YOU PLANED THIS! You wanted his death…. It’s like I don’t even know who you are anymore! GAH! Why the HELL WOULD YOU WANT TO!”

Blake just continued his glare on Eski, showing no emotion.

“I was weeding out the weak. In my group, only the strong ones live. Death is nothing to frown on. He’s with his Angel now, Lozikar, and I bet he’s happy he died. I mean, I would’ve hated my life if I was that weak too.”

Eski shook he was so mad. Tears continued down his face. His grip on Blake tightened.

“I’LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!”

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