Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1860841-The-Bond-series-Number-9
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1860841
The Bond is a series of short stories that fall into a long story about protectors.
The Mysterious Mac

Eski, Terryn, Parker and Blake were walking through the Forrest of Hollow Whistles. Blake looked pissed.

“You still mad after getting’ whooped by Eski, Blake?” Terryn insisted.
“No,” Blake lied, “I’m just tired,”

“Yeah yeah yeah,” Terryn laughed.

Leaves and twigs popped from behind.

Blake turned around in a whirl. “Who’s there!?”

A figure walked out in a cloak and clapped. The person had two sword sheaths at the side of his hips, two at a X pattern at the top of his back, and below he had two on top of each other, like Eski’s daggers.

The man pulled down his hood, revealing a white man in his twenties with a white mustache, black sunglasses, and a white afro.

“Yo, what sup?” he said with a smile.
Blake pulled his swords. “Who are you?”
“… Why are you wearing that black cloak?”
Members of the Washi wear black cloaks. It was an indicator of their strength.
“I make it myself, cool right?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Anyway, gotta go, see ya!”
Mac flashed out.

Blake squinted his eyes. “Something about that guy make me worry,”
“He seemed pretty cool,” Parker said.
Eski laughed.

“We lost some time, we gotta hurry,” said Blake as he ran ahead. The others ran with him. There it was. The gates to the Village of Grass. They went in and started talking to villagers.

“No, I haven’t seem any grave robbers.”

The same response came from everyone.

One person, however, knew information. A girl.

“Really?” Eski said, “That’s great! What do you know?”

The blond-ish, red-ish haired girl, probably 14, tall, big breasted, beautiful eyes, tan skin, and unpainted fingernails. She wore a red shirt, with a low V neck, showing a lot of cleavage, and booty shorts, and boots to her knees.

“I don’t know, but, I saw some people last night out of my friends windows going into this place.”
“Who is this friend?” Terryn asked.
“My best friend.”
“Ok, tell me where this place is,” Blake said.
She told him.
“Hey, what’s your name?” Blake asked.
“Capri,” she said with a smile.
“Well, can you show us to your friend? We need to question her to see if she is a part of the conspiracy.”

Dawn led the walk, the gang followed.

They walked down the village until they saw a house. Knock ,knock, knock.

A black haired girl answer the door. She had black eyes and black eyeliner on. She had a black tank-top on and black skinny jeans, with white and blacks vans.

“Hey, um, miss lady, I need to talk to you,” said Blake.
“It’s Dusk.. And what do you want?”
“What do you know about a group of grave robbers?”
“.. heh… well it’s a group of six men that rob the bodies of people and bring them to a place. Pretty disgusting.”
“Are they in cahoots with the Reapers by any way?”
“How should I know?”
“Right…. Um, do you know where their hideout is?”
“Ok, thank you two for the information…”

They ran into someone. Mac.

“Hey, Mac, is it,” said Eski.
“Yo, what sup my dogs?”
“not much, you?”
“Ha! Just chillin’ like a villain, know what I’m saying? Heh.”
“Actually,” Terryn said, “We’re looking for some grave robbers.”
“Oh, word, word.”
“Riiight… um… do you know anything about this?”
“Fo’ sho’.”
“Awesome, um, can you tell us?”
“Yeah, anything for my kit-kats. Yeah you see dat? That is MY word! kit-kats. I made it up! Anyway, I'll tell ya'll... But, only if I can roll with y’all. I wanna pop them up good. Thieves aint good for nothing.”

“Alright,” Blake said. “Let’s go!”

Blake started walking towards the inner village.

“Uh.. Where you goin, cuh?”

“To find the robbers…?”

“They aint even here, man. They in the Village of Thunder.”


“Chill, bro, I never had said it was gonna be easy.”

You see, there are six great lands. The Land of Lightning, Land of Wind, Land of Fire (Where the Village of Hell is), the Land of Water, The Land of Earth (Where the Village of Heaven is), and the Island of the Artic (of the coast of the main continent.) Great lands are like countries on Earth.

“You know it, we in the Land of Earth right about now, we need to go completely through the Land of Wind to get to the Land of Lightning, and the Village of Thunder is halfway into that. So we lookin’ at a lot of traveling.”

Eski kneeled down.

“Summoning Art: Carrier Pidgin!”

Smoked popped up, and when it faded, a small pidgin with a message attached to it’s let appeared. The pidgin flew up into the sky and went towards the Village of Heaven.

“I sent the message to Kairi. He should approve.”

Carrier Pidgins were used by high ranked protectors throughout the whole Void. They were like the e-mail of today. They fly to whoever you want, with a message tied to it’s leg. The best thing is, you don’t even have to write it out. Just think about it. Almost everybody knew this Art…. Except Parker.

“Well, we aint got no time to be sittin here. Let’s go head and get started. We’ll camp when dusk falls.”

“I have an Art that summons an underground cave.” Terryn said.

“Cool, cool, that’ll be good… is it comfy?” Mac said.

“Um…. No…”

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