Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1860780-JESSICA-PART-THREE
by Rufus
Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1860780
Part three in the serial "Jessica" Story of a vengeful psychotic and beautiful woman.
                                                                                JESSICA Part Three.

The old brown Land Rover shone like a new pin. Leo stepped back and admired it. Jessica would be ‘appy enough ta ride it it. Strewth, fit fa the flamin’ Queen. He notice that the canvas water bag hanging from the roo bar was still loosing water. He had been assured that was normal for a new bag and that it would stop after a few hours. He hoped so. Never knew when you might need it out in the never never. He felt a surge of excitement, tomorrow morning he would pick the beautiful Jessica up and they would begin their journey. Their journey!.

She didn’t need to know how he had to beg his friend Bruce to lend him the Rover. Or how many hours he had spent making it presentable. Jessica would like it, he was sure. Ya just had to look past the scratches an’ dents. He had hidden the torn upholstery under a bright blue blanket.  Tossing his battered old suitcase into the Rover and locking it he shambled happily indoors, “dum de dum de dum” he sang happily and tonelessly to himself. He wound his alarm clock up and set it for 5:30am. At 6:00am he would pick Jessica up.

There is was again, an incessant banging. Jessica opened her eyes slowly. .Bang bang bang. It was the door, someone was trying to break it down! Bang bang bang....”JESSICA! You there?” Oh god, bloody Leo! A naked Jessica rolled out of bed and stretched languidly, accentuating her firm breasts.  “What is it Leo? Why are you here?”
Leo’s heart sank.. “we are sposed ta leave fa Perth at six, remember?”

After a long pregnant pause Jessica called “I knew that but you don’t seriously expect a girl to be ready at the crack of dawn do you?”
“You said you would be ready Jessica, you did!”
“Well I lied, come back at nine darlink!”
“Thanks darlink, that will be just fine!”
“What am I supposed to do for three hours?”
“I don’t know, you should not have come so early. Sit in the park or something. Most of my bags are packed at least darlink!”
Leo scratched his head, most of her bags?

“Kin I come in an git ‘em then Jessica...ta save time?”

“NO! I am naked you naughty man! When I pack the other two you can take them all out together.”

The other two? Stone the flamin crows! Was she gonna leave any clothes behind? “Five cases Jessica?  You need all that stuff?”

“Don’t be silly, you don’t expect a girl to were the same things every day do you?” she snapped.

“course not, sorry Jessica, we got tons of room in the Land Rover.”

“Yes, yes, I am sure. Now go away darlink and let me get ready, your making us late!”

I’m making us bloody late! Leo fumed as he refilled the water bag. Though it had stopped leaking overnight it was almost empty. As he filled it the canvas darkened and began to trickle again, though not as it had at first. Reckon it will stop soon Leo thought silently.

“Did you know a witch lives in there?”

Leo looked up into the eyes of a girl, about seven or so. She had laughing brown eyes and medium length blond hair. She wore a pink blouse tucked into blue jeans.”Did you?” she repeated.
Despite his dark mood Leo could not help grinning.”Sure do little lady, ‘er name is Jessica but he added, wagging a finger at her, that better be Miss Jessica to you.”

The little girl cocked her head to one side and asked innocently..”Why?”

Leo licked his thin lips, “Well, she’s an orrible witch an’  she might turn ya into a mouse or somefink if ya rude to ‘er.

The childs eyes grew as big as Saucer’s and she clapped her hand over her mouth in shock!

“Darn’t worry kid, I warn’t let ‘er ‘urt cha!” he declared, winking reassuringly, or so he imagined.

“And how will you stop her”? little missy asked cheekily, arms akimbo.

“It just ‘appens that I am a wizard and I am more powerful that ‘er!”

The little girl giggled. Your not a wizard, you have not got a pointy hat or a cloak or a wand or a beard! You look like a talking rat!”

Leo too a step toward her angrily and she let out a high pitched scream as only little girls can. It made Leo’s ears ring! Magically Jessica appeared at the door. “LEO! What are you going?”

“Nuffink!” Leo called back sullenly, spreading his hand innocently.

“Jessica,” the little girl bubbled, “he was being mean to me and he said I had to call you Miss Jessica or else you would turn me into a mouse because you are a horrible witch!”

Jessica’s lips tightened. “Don’t worry sweety” she said reasurringly, “Your safe and I promise, he will be sorry he frightened you today!”

Leo closed his eyes as though it would make all this go away. But it wouldn’t, now would it?

The child suddenly skipped happily off down the street, waying at Jessica and calling out “By, by, Jessica!”

“By, By Julie...I will bring you something nice from Perth.”

“Come and get my Cases Leo! Don’t dawdle, we are late enough already!”

Tell me about it! “Eighty Oh Jessica, ‘ow many bags are there then?”

“Only five, three from Uncle Aaron and two of my own.

Looking at the Land Rover Jessica gasped, Oh god, please tell me we are not going in that...thing?”

“See ‘ere, that thing as you call it is a 1982 Long wheel base Land Rover.”

Jessica raised a quizzical eyebrow, “and this is reassuring because?”

“It’s got a recond donk an’ gearbox. New CV’s an’ shockies too” Leo declared

“In plain English what does that mean darlink?”
Leo smirked...”means we aint gonna ‘ave no trouble is what!

“That’s wonderful” she retorted  but her sarcasm was wasted on Leo who positively beamed with pleasure. “Come here darlink” she purred. As he got close she lashed out, slapping him so hard he saw stars and an angry red weal appeared on his left cheek.

“Ah shit Jessica! what cha do that for?”

“don’t ever call me a witch again you pathetic little man” Jessica snarled “Understood?”

Damn psycho!  “Sorry Jessica, was just havin’ a bit of fun with the kid” Leo muttered rubbing his cheek ruefully.

“Not at my expense! Get the bags in this heap of shit and lets get going!”

Leo packed all the cases into the Rover and at last they set off. Twenty yards down the street Jessica wailed...”STOP!”

“Whats a matter?”

“This seat is too hard, back up so I can nip in and get a cushion.”

Twenty minutes later she reappeared with a large green cushion under her arm. After arranging it to her satisfaction they finally got under way. The Rover was running well and ate the miles up quickly. “I hate this countryside” Jessica said petulantly. “All this red earth, salt bush and mallee scrub,” “I hate it” she repeated, peering over the top of her big sunglasses.

“Wal” Leo replied cautiously, we are on the edge of the desert ya know!”

“Yes I know that” she whined. It is getting hot, turn the air conditioning on will you?”

Oh shit! “’fraid it don’t work no more”

“Please tell me your joking!”

“No, I ain’t, sorry.”

Jessica said nothing, she sat tapping her index finger against her chin for a minute. Leo heaved a sigh of relief...she is takin’ it better than I thought.

“ya still ‘ot?” he asked.

Jessica gave him a withering glare and he wound the window down a few inches hastily. Voomp, voomp voomp the air rushed noisily in blowing loose items around the cabin and blasting Jessica’s hair into wild disarray.

“Shut the window you moron!”

The look of utter devastation on Leo’s face as he frantically wound the window up softened Jessica. She felt remorseful. Poor Leo did try so!

She reached out to touch his cheek which made him jerk back apprehensively. “I am sorry Leo, that wasn’t fair of me.”

Crikey! Leo smiled broadly, “soright Jessica.” He looked at her searchingly, “still glad ya came?”

“Sure I am Leo.” Looking round the countryside, she asked, “Where are we?”

“’Cordin ta the last mile post, we are about 10 miles from Ceduna.” he stole a glance at her, “be there in ten minutes or so.”

“Can we eat there?”

“For sure. Top the fuel tanks up too. There is a Shell road ‘ouse on the outskirts.” He swallowed nervously “it’s five ta two, after lunch we better check the map an’ decide where we gonna stop fer the night.”

OH, careful girl, don’t let him take control. “Actually, I have already booked two rooms in the Nullarbor Road house, it is about 200 miles from here so taking our time we should get there by seven don’t you think?

Two rooms! The bitch! “Ya coulda flamin asked me!”

“Just being helpful darlink” Jessica replied sweetly. “there is nothing between there and Eucla, and that is another 180 miles!”

“Orright, spose it’ll do.”  Not what I was ‘oping for though!

There was plenty of room in the large car park so it was possible to park close to the restaurant. Yeah Leo thought, just as well, the Aborigines had been playing up and hassling travellers. It had been on the news. Throwing rocks at people and even a spear now and then. They had a big chip on their shoulder but it was hard to blame them. The white man had given them a really hard time for two hundred years now.

Inside the  restaurant it was nice and cool and the few customers sat chatting quietly at their tables. Jessica chose a table near the window and they settled there. Soon a waitress came over and smiling pleasantly asked if they were ready to order.

“Yup, I’ll ‘ave two curry pies an’ chips, an a Pavalova an a coke.” Glancing at the frowning waitress
he belatedly added..  “Thanks.”

Smiling at the waitress Jessica ordered the King George whiting and a salad. She would follow that with apple pie and a flat white coffee. The waitress bustled off with their orders.

Jessica looked around at the neatly arranged tables, each with its dark blue table cloth, salt, pepper and sugar containers, and neatly arranged menu’s. Near the door a young woman sat behind a till and on the wall behind her, a  a display case of cigarettes. Running along the front of the counter there was a glass display case containing various pastries. She stood up and went to the ladies rest room. Better go fer a leak Leo decided. When he entered the Gents he was three Aboriginal youths. They were leaning against the wall by the wash basins. Ignoring the urinal Leo chose a cubicle and locked himself if. Almost immediately there was a heavy knock on the door. “Hey whitey, the ladies is over the hallway!” Chorus of sniggers. “Or  ya just too shy ta flop ya cock out!” More sniggers. BANG, bang , bang on the thin door. “Out cha come whitey...before sumpin ‘appens ta ya woman!”

“You stay away from Jessica!”

“Oooooh we’re shittin ourself whitey! Bang, bang, bang! Tell ya what whitey...buy us a carton of smokes an’ you an’ your woman can piss off!

“Really? You will leave us alone?”

Snigger. “Course we will”.

“Why don’t I believe you?”

“I dunno? Can’t stay in there forever can ya?”

Leo unlocked the door and gingerly emerged. “Hello boys” he said in a strangled voice.

“Hello whitey” the three chorused mockingly. The smallest of the three said “Lets get the smokes, three cartons of Marlboro”

“Three, you said a carton!”

“That’s right, a carton each!”

As he spoke he tripped Leo, sending him sprawling across the tiled flood. “Ooops! Clumsy white boy. You have ta be careful around here!” Snigger. The two bigger boys picked him up and all three escorted him to the service counter. “Can I help you sir?”

“Yes can I ‘ave a...I mean three cartons of Marlboro please?”

“Are you alright, you don’t look to well?”

“He’s just fine, aren’t cha mate?” The biggest boy answered for Leo.

“Yup” Leo said glumly, “’Ow much?”

“That will be a hundred and twenty dollars.”


He felt a painful blow to his right kidney. “An ‘undred an’ twenny was it?” he asked as he opened his wallet.

“Good boy, now get cha woman an’ piss off” the short one whispered to him.

“What if I go to the cops?” What then aye? Leo asked.

“The cops? You got a death wish or what whitey?” The tall one grabbed Leo by the shirt front and pulled him up close, literally face to face he grated “Piss off while ya can.”

“Lets go Jessica” Leo called.

“No, I want to look in the gift shop!”
Leo grabbed her by her high pony and dragged her painfully toward the door.

“Leo, let go of me! What the hell has gotten into you, LET GO!”

“Shut up woman, we are leavin’ now!” And despite her protests he bundled her into the Rover.

“Now there’s a man knows how ta treat his bitch laughed the short tormentor as Leo sped away, followed by a hailstorm of rocks.

“Sorry Jessica, but they woulda killed us if we stayed!”

“Killed you maybe you gutless little worm! DON’T SPEAK TO ME!”

Jessica sat in silence and Leo drove in dread of her. Finally she curled up and at least pretended to sleep. Leo was glad of that. He hoped that after she had slept in a soft bed and had a good breakfast everything would be OK. He hoped. Nullarbor roadhouse was only a couple of miles further. Then he could see the motel and it’s welcoming lights. Finally he pulled into the driveway, found a park and tentatively  shook Jessica. “We are at the Road ‘ouse Jessica.”

C Gainsford  ©  copyright 2012

© Copyright 2012 Rufus (rupert7 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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