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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1860134
What can happen on a typical weekday.
         "Yeah Amy a spring fling, sure like that'll ever happen. I work two jobs plus a home based business. I have two kids, a dog and a mortgage that comes with monthly threats that I'll be sent to collections. I can't tell my husband anything is bothering me because it hurts his feelings. Now, in my reality, that is The Real Housewives of Lower Middle Class."
         "Well we have to do something sweetie, we deserve happiness. Don't we?"
         "What was that? Hap E Nuss?" Syndee said in a mock foreign accent. It was really a bad, nondescript accent but the point was as if the word was as good as Greek. "Can you build a time machine? Can you Calgon me away from all of this?"
         "No I can't but you can betchorass I would if I could." Amy's New york accent was thick. "I luv ya hunny."

         Syndee was bone weary. Three days in a row working on her feet for thirteen hours straight was killing her. Cramps from her hip to her heal on her right side had her wincing, yet again. She was completely lost in thought. "I would give my limbs for a hot steamy romance. Just sex like the college days: wild, continuous, hot steamy sex in varied locations." A slow crooked smile creeped to her lips, "Just let me keep my limbs until after the affair part. Please!"

         "Mom? MOOOOOMMMM!!!" What are you doing? You look so stupid just standing there with that half assed grin on your face."
         "Oh, nice language to use with your mother as you insult your mother. What's up? What're you doin"
         "I need stuff to complete my project from school, a diorama or sumthin' You need to go to Wallyworld right now."
         "Right now? I just walked in the door. I work at a store that sells everything you need to complete a school project. Why didn't you call or text me before right now? I am not going back out. I'm....." The sentence was interrupted by the jingle of the phone signaling a text. - Just so you know.....Brian is on the run. Some conflict. Bar brawl. No more dtls - Syndee just touched delete and didn't think anymore about it.
         "Mom? Are you gonna get my stuff or what?"
         "No I am not. You could have told me what you needed before now. I am done. I am exhausted and I am NOT going back out."
         "Fine. I'll effen fail. I don't care."
         "At this point in time, neither do I"

         "What the hell is going on? She's saying you want her to fail, that you don't care about her. You can't get her the crap she needs to do her homework?" Her husband was angry. She stared blankly and remembered the old cartoons where the angry characters had steam coming from their ears, that's what he looked like right now.
         "Well, let's see. I woke up this morning at 7:45 to begin my work day by 9. I worked on my feet all day with the exception of my lunch hour and I had to deal with the worst kind of customers in the world...the rich and entitled. I then got in rush hour traffic to drive from one store to the other and got chewed out for being ten minutes late. I worked on my feet there until 10 pm...oh but I had a 15 minute break. When I got to the break area there was someone sitting in the only chair so I stood there eating a crunchy granola bar and drinking room temperature water. What did you do today that kept you from going out to get her school supplies?"
         "She didn't ask me. Besides it is the 'we don't give a shit about you' attitude towards her that I don't like."
         "I really don't give a shit about anything right now. I am beyond exhausted, can't you understand that?"
         "No I can't understand how a mother doesn't care about her kids. I don't get how you can just ENCOURAGE her to not do her homework. You know these high school years can make or break her entire future. Our actions can determine whether she lives in a trailer or a mansion, flippin' burgers are a career."
         "Fine! I will go to Walmart at midnight. You take it easy and get some rest. I know that filling the kitchen sink with dirty dishes must take a lot out of you!"
         "What the hell did I do to deserve this? Don't I take care of the house and the kids? I work when I can......" Michael was still going on when Syndee walked out and slammed the door.

         As she turned the key in the ignition she noticed a few more texts came through, most likely as she was talking with Michael. - Looks like manslaughter - - Fight at Sulley's gone wrong - Brian accused of manslaughter, her Brian? It seemed so hard to believe. Of Course Syndee hadn't seen Brian in over twenty years, since before she got married and had kids. She had been in love with Brian for so long her friends still told her every move he made.
         "What the hell?" The bright blue flashing lights caught her attention long before she heard the wailing sirens. "There sure is a lot of chaos up there, I better turn it around I am not sitting in this traffic to go to Walmart."
         Syndee had to K-turn her Altima to get out of the jammed lane and head back home. As she was getting ready to hit the gas she heard and felt a thud on the passenger side of the car. Before she could react the door was opening.
         "Just drive lady." The very sweaty man in jeans and a polo demanded breathlessly. "I need to get out of here fast but don't get pulled over."
         "Brian?" Syndee was looking at the face of the biggest crush she ever had in her life and, dear God had he aged well.
         "Syndee please just drive. You have to help me, I will tell you everything but you have to just keep moving."
         "Jesus Brian, where do you want me to go?" She couldn't believe she was so ready and willing to help him but just one look at that face and she knew there was nothing she wouldn't do.
         "Just move, we'll figure it out as we go. How are you on gas?"
         "I filled up yesterday, we're good for a while." Syndee drove back towards the farms that lie about 7 miles to the west. She opted for small country roads since there was less of a chance to encounter anyone, especially cops. She drove steadily out of town at a decent speed, just about 10 MPH over the speed limit.

         "Syndee, I did not do anything. I swear to you I never touched that guy."
         "I believe you Brian. I don't think you could ever hurt someone that way."
         "I did fight with him, he was a major asshole. He was spouting on about what a great job he has and he makes so much money, he could buy and sell each and every one of us. He was an ugly drunk and Sulley kept on serving him. He got up in my face so I told him he best back down. We shouted a lot and dropped more F-bombs than I can even count"
         "So what happened to him?"
         "I have no fuckin idea!! That is the God's honest truth. I turned my back on him and went to take a piss, when I came back out Kathy was there screamin' at me. She was like 'What the fuck did you do?' and she's cryin and carryin on. So I'm like what is this? Did he pass out or what? Then I see the blood, he's layin there on the floor and blood is just like leakin from his head. There's like a pool of blood now and I'm like how can this happen, it was only like five minutes."
         "Alright, just calm down; you are so upset right now. Why are the cops after you?"
         "That's the thing, both Kathy and Sulley tell the cops I did it. They said I bashed his head open."
         "Are you fucking kidding me? Your wife and your best friend lie to the cops about you?"
         "EX-wife, but yeah. They said they saw me do it."
         "How ex Brian?"
         "About seven years now, nothing new."
         "I have no fucking clue...none. Last weekend I hung out with Sulley, everything was cool. I generally try to avoid Kathy but Amanda will be 18 years old next month."
         "Oh my God, an adult. It's hard to believe. So what's our plan? Where are we going?"
         "You're gonna help me? Just like that, no questions asked?"
         "Of course. We are tight Brian....no amount of time can change that."

         Somehow Syndee was on auto-pilot. She headed to the cabin in the woods she used to use all the time when she was young. Michael and the kids didn't know anything about it. She drove around the back of the house and parked under the giant pine tree. The little car was barely visible at all and was totally out of sight from the road. The key was in her wallet. There was no running water or electricity since she never paid any bills on it but the fireplace was fully functional.
         "We'll have to collect firewood at least enough to get us through until morning when the sun comes up" They got settled in front of the fire with some old blankets that were in the trunk of the car. They did not have any food or drinks so they just sat and stared at the flames.

         "How come we never hooked up?" Brian was staring into Syndee's eyes.
         "We did." Syndee reminded him, she could feel the blush come over her, starting from her neck and climbing.
         "Oh, just some necking. We never did it. Was it Kathy, the baby or what?"
         Syndee stared back into his big beautiful brown eyes. She remembered, those eyes. She remembered how he tasted, the feel of his rough hands on her. How many times did she imagine sex with him? How many times when she was with Micheal was she thinking of Brian? Oh God she was actually wet right at this moment. Her Brian was right there with her, in the dark in front of a fire. Her family was over 90 miles away and no one knew where she was. "Dear Lord, help me", she thought.
         "Can you remember why we never slept together?"
         "Because you never asked."
         No more words were necessary. Brian's large calloused hand went to the Back of Syndee's neck and drew her in. His tongue found hers and she moaned her delight. He tasted the same, more than twenty years and he tasted the same. The exchange was heated but not rushed. He took his time fondling each breast as she stroked his erection. He tasted each nipple and suckled them as she drove her fingers through his incredibly thick hair. Their clothes had been discarded although neither could remember disrobing or removing the other's clothes, they just wanted that warm skin to warm skin.
         Syndee could not wait, she mounted him as he sat there on the couch. Straddled there on his lap she moaned as she rode him. She arched her back so she could take him in farther. She couldn't believe sex could feel this good. She had become so used to pleasuring herself she truly forgot how good a real penis could feel. She only paused briefly as she was wracked by the first orgasm but she knew it was not enough. She turned Brian and shoved his shoulders so he would lie flat on his back on the couch. She climbed on him, her feet planted firmly on either side of his hips as she used her strong leg muscles to ride him. He was now arching with the pleasure. The burning in her leg muscles was completely ignored as were his needs. This was all about her pleasure. She laid down on top of him and rubbed the tip of his erection back and forth over her swollen clitorus. She came so much it was all over both of them as well as her hands. With this, her third orgasm, she collapsed on top of him. She fell asleep with her face nestled in the soft curly hair across his broad chest.

         She opened her eyes and looked into the sun pouring through the naked window. Brian was trying to get up with her upon his chest. She placed her bare feet on the cold floor so he could get up. Brian stood and scooped her up into his arms and started to walk to the small narrow stair case.
         "What are you doing?"
         "It's my turn." Brian said simply as he laid her on the bed. He grasped both wrists above her head and held her bound like that. He sucked hard on her breasts as he kneaded between her legs. It didn't take him long to come into her but he drove hard and deep. He rammed her like a wild animal and she screamed out. "Harder!! FASTER!!" Syndee came again with spasms that shook her to her core and had her bucking up to meet each powerful thrust. Brian never slowed or stopped. He felt each spasm and just drove deeper. He felt the massaging muscles on his penis and he kept on plowing her over and over. She licked at the sweat on his throat and she begged for more. Her head was spinning and her body spent but she wanted to have this man on top of her driving his dick in her this hard every single day of her life. He finally spilled into her until he himself fell into uncontrollable spasms. He fell on top of her and was out cold.t
         This time when they woke they clung to each other with long deep kisses. Their hands exploring wherever they cold reach, massaging her soft breasts, kneading the taught muscles of his ass. They rubbed and kissed and explored and he came into her yet again. This time they fell into a slow melodic tempo as old as time. A dance of the bodies, in and out and in and out. They felt the smoothness of her velvety folds as his penis penetrated again and again. It was slow and sweet and very erotic and seemed to last forever. Their tongues would meet and mingle then separate to explore other sumptuous delicacies. The hollows of the neck, the soft shin under the breasts, supple thighs. There was not a single part of each other's bodies thas was ignored.
         "We need food. I am going to get some groceries. I will use cash so we can't be traced." Brian just shook his head no as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. As she landed in his chest he began to suck on her tongue, nibble her lips and lick her chin.
         "I have more than twenty years to make up for, my mouth will be busy." It was at that moment that Syndee decided she was never going back. She would rather be on the run with Brian for the rest of her life than working herself into and early grave with her family. She was as much a fugitive as he was and she was exactly where she wanted to be.
© Copyright 2012 bethie7950 (bethkorch at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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