Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1860063-Saturday-Prayer-Meeting
Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #1860063
Two Different Approaches to Prayers
On Saturday
he knelt to pray:
What did he say?
O Lord, Give me!

Her attitude
was gratitude
and servitude
to God her plea.

Line count: 8
Form: A Rhupunt poem is composed of 3, 4, or 5 lines per stanza, with 2 stanzas or more. Each line has 4 syllables and the rhyme scheme fro the 3-line Rhupunt aab, ccb, ddb, eeb, etc. The rhyme scheme for the 4-line stanza is aaab, cccb, dddb, eeeb, etc. The rhyme scheme for the 5-line stanza is aaaab, ccccb, ddddb, eeeeb, etc. Except for the last line which rhymes with the last line of the other stanzas, a Rhupunt is mono-rhymed.
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