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My entry into the Daily Slice contest |
Carry gasped for breath. Her mind comprehended nothing. Pain lanced through her whole being, her heart pounded in her ears, her lungs were sore from long disuse. Slowly the pain subsided. The black fog around her mind began to lift, and she began to catch snippets of conversation. She caught words like Miracle, alive, history. As her vision focused, she could see a tall black man in a white lab coat standing over her. His head was bald and waxed to a shine a floor buffer would envy and a neatly trimmed salt and pepper beard. Carry tried to talk, but couldn’t. The man smiled down at her, and placed a hand on her brow. “Welcome back, Carry. Welcome back to the land of the living.” Dr. Walt Brenndan, the bald man who was Carry’s doctor, walked from the stage amid many shouted questions from the gathered reporters assembled outside of Hutzel hospital in downtown Detroit, Mi. He’d said just enough to warrant another press conference next week, and saying almost nothing of any real substance. He thought of all the speeches he would be able to give, being the attending physician to the only person in history to come back from the dead after a three day period since Jesus, even if he had nothing to do with the girl’s resurrection, except the constant documentation he had done since he had discovered her wounds healing twenty minutes after he had pronounced her dead. Money, fame, and fortune! Pastor Harry Poiter of the Holy church of God in Christ paced back and forth in the hospital hallway, impatiently waiting to see Carry Ford. A Pretty black girl of 17, with hair braided down to her shoulders and an athletic body, Carry and her family had been members of his church for five years, ever since her father had been shot in a robbery in a liquor store. Pastor Poiter had counseled the family as Mr. Ford pulled through the recovery, and they had been faithful members ever since. Not that Carry had wanted to be one, but her mother had made her come. Carry was a troubled girl, skipping school, running with a gang, and Fornicating. Pastor Poiter was determined to show the girl that God loved her, and if the congregation, and tithes, grew, more the glory to him, And, of course, God. Carry had agreed to do her first press conference at her parent’s church, persuaded by Pastor Poiter, of course. As she sat up in her hospital bed she smiled a smile that never made it to her eyes. For the past week, she had been visited by everyone but the President, and a letter of well-wishing and a bouquet of flowers from him sat in a corner of her room. People had come to worship her. Some thought she was another incarnation of Christ, which Pastor Poiter did not confirm or deny. People came to get her to do commercials for products that had nothing to do with coming back from the dead, and there where offers to book deals and movie rights and talk show appearances galore. To stop it all, Carry had agreed to hold a press conference at the church, in which she would tell what she had gone through for three days in the world of the dead. She would tell them what God had said to her. Sunday, at the Mack avenue Church of God in Christ, and it was a full blown three ring circus.Carry stood at the podium in the church, TV cameras pointed at her, and a sea of faces with expressions ranging from greedy to worshipful shining up at her. She was given the nod that the cameras were rolling, and she was on live. Carry looked out among the people and smiled. “I am Carry Ford, I have returned from the dead to give you God’s message.” A pin dropping would have sounded like a ten megaton nuclear bomb. Carry continued. “ God himself gave me a message to give to you all, all over the world, and I want to get it right, so if Pastor Poiter would join me up here for a second?” The Pastor hustled up to her side, surprised to be called. Carry opened a bible that was on the podium and asked the pastor to pronounce a word for her. The Pastor leaned over after reading it and spoke into the microphone. He said one word. “Armageddon.” As he spoke the word, Carry’s eyes went dead black. She grinned the devils own grin and grabbed the back of the pastors head and slammed it onto the microphone until it punched out of the back of his head. She looked into the camera and said.” You have all been judged as damned by the true God, the Morning Star, Lucifer, and I am his Demon of Death. Behold the beginning of the end!” Carry turned to where her Doctor sat, in the first row of pews with her family, faces stunned. She smiled and pointed, and the first row erupted with fire hotter than any known to man. The church filled with screams and the smell of chard flesh. The doors and windows slammed shut and fire exploded all over the church. The screams of the dyeing filled the church. Carry left the podium and walked down the center isle amid the dead and dying, saw a woman screaming and holding a baby. A snarl left her throat, and with one swing she decapitated the woman, sending her head bouncing up the aisle. Carry snatched the baby from the corpse’s arms and rushed up to the still rolling camera that the entire world was seeing. “Here is your fate, Death, I come.” With that Carry’s teeth elongated, and she ripped the baby’s throat out mid wale. With blood covering her, fires burning behind her, and death all around, Lucifer’s chosen walked out into the world. |