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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #1859628
Vampire Story
Chapter One--
The ceiling seemed like it’s slowly closing in on me. I lay there on my bed in the darkness, staring up at the ceiling which seemed to be getting closer and closer every second. My dimly lit room feels all gloomy, depressing really. My bare walls show off the lack of interest of what all the teenagers out there like nowadays. Then again, if you get to live eternally, you can’t always live in the past. Sometimes you have to move on with the generations.
         My room would be in complete darkness if not for the stupid curtain. For some reason, it was slightly pulled back, letting some of the light from outside come in. The gray dreariness outside was casting a dull light upon my room. A light that was fading fast, for the darkness was creeping into my room. The sun was setting and the night was approaching.
         I heard the rain outside started falling faster as I got off my bed. I sighed. I loved the rain. I walked over to my window and stood there for a few moments, just watching the rain. I decided that tonight I would stay inside. I wasn’t hungry enough to go out. Maybe the next night, if it didn’t rain then too. Today, I’d just have to live without a fresh meal. Nothing I couldn’t handle. Nothing I hadn’t done plenty of times before now.
         “Soon…” I whisper aloud and smile. I stand there looking at the rain for a good while before fixing the curtain to make sure it kept all light out of my room. Once my room held no sign of light, I went back to my bed. Soon my eyes closed and I rested. No dreams came that night, and so I got a restful sleep.
         As the autumn rain fell, the streets weren’t yet completely abandoned of all life. Wrapped in a trench coat, Chris made his way down the quiet street. He looked up at the sky as he walked, wondering. A few cars passed by, and then vanished as soon as they had come.
“Was there really no one out today…?” He asked himself over and over again. He finally made his way to a small, black car parked on the side of the street and got inside on the passenger side.
“About time you got back. I’ve been wondering where you’ve been. You know that you should have gotten back here at eight, and now it’s almost ten,” the guy in the driver’s seat interrogates Chris as he closed the door behind him.
“Don’t worry Travis. I’m here now, aren’t I? Besides, I just decided to take a short walk.”
Travis started the car and instantaneously turned on the wipers. “Chris, you know… you’re going to get caught one day out there by yourself. I just hope you keep your wits about you ‘cuz I don’t want to hear that you got some nasty scratches without me. If you keep disappearing like that… Anyways, you know that you should have called me to say that you would have been out later than usual. Then I wouldn’t have had to sit in the car waiting for you for just about two hours.”
“Travis, calm down. Eat a Twinkie or do something to chill. Everything’s fine, I haven’t gotten caught yet,” stated Chris.
“I know, Chris. Not YET.” Travis says, putting a heavy edge on the last word. Then an awkward silence overtook both of them. Travis then put the car into drive and off they went, as the rain continued to fall on the city.
         “Good morning!” Someone shouted in my ear as they jumped onto my bed. I groaned as I sat up, rubbing my eyes.
         “So are we going to school today? I mean, the sun isn’t out yet… but when has that been a factor for us? I watched the news this morning and fortunately for us… there will be rain all day long.” Sophie babbled on and on.
         I got out of bed and pulled off the clothes that I had slept in. I look in my drawers for something new to wear.
         “So can we go to school? Then maybe the mall? Please?” I looked at her hopeful face and thought ‘Sure, why not?’ Besides, it’s not like I have something to do otherwise.
         “Okay Sophie, go and get your things ready for school. You win this one.” I said, pulling on a tank top and some dark jeans.
         “Yay!” She cheered; on her face, an expression of pure joy. I reached out for my hairbrush, and watched her rush out of my room and down the hall into hers. I smiled at my sister a moment later when she rushed back—book bag and all packed and ready to go.
         “Gosh Alla, you really are slow,” she teased. I rolled my eyes at her while pulling the brush through my flawless hair and apologized.
         “Sorry, I just think that you don’t have to use your supernatural skills for every single little thing around here, Sophie. I like to act human; besides, you and I both know that I’m fast. Even faster than you, so I don’t want to hear you calling me slow anymore.” I walked over to my table and while I put some eyeliner on, Sophie helped herself to some of my lip gloss.
         “Ready to go?” I asked her. Getting a nod as an answer, we both went out of my room then out the front door where my car was waiting for us.
         “Where’s your stuff for school?” Sophie asked me as we got into the car.
         Smiling, I answered her, “In the trunk. I knew that you were going to ask me about school eventually, so I had my things packed a few days ago.”
         “Anyway, how do I look?” I asked her, putting the car into drive.
         “Gorgeous, me?” she asked.
         “Good enough to eat.” I told her. She smiled at the little joke. Then off we went. To school, of all places.
         “Mornin’ Travis.” I said as I walked up to him. It was almost comical how early he had gotten here. Usually, he arrived right before the first bell, and that was on a good day.
         “Hey, Chris. No incidents this morning?” he asked me, joking as always. I put my school crap down before sitting down in a chair next to him.
         “No, nothing to report,” I gave him a half-smile. “Ready for another day of hell?” I asked him.
         “Ha ha, very funny. You know it’s really not that bad. Besides, I’m sure you can live through another day,” Travis said. “So what are we doing after school? Got anything planned, or can we for once hang out?”
         “I don’t know… what do you wanna do? I mean I guess we could go to the mall or something, back to your place and play video games, you can decide.” I answered him.
         “Okay then, we hit the mall and then go back to my place to get fat and lazy around video games and tons of junk food.” We both smiled, reminded of our high school years. We still had three minutes till the first bell rang.
         “So, you got everything you need?” I asked her once more as she got out of the car. She put on her book bag and shut the door behind her, nodding her head to answer my question. I rolled the window down and called to her before she immersed herself with her middle school crowd.
“After school, you can wander around, but I’ll call you right after I get out of my last class. So, you better pick up your cell phone, that way I’ll know where to pick you up. Then we’ll head to the mall.” She flashed me a smile, then turned and raced off.
I glanced at the time and decided that I should be getting to the university before I was counted late. Best make a good first impression, I thought to myself. Then I laughed aloud; when had I ever made a bad impression on anyone? I carefully drove away from Sophie’s middle school and headed for my own hell.
About fifteen minutes later, I parked my BMW into the school parking lot and grabbed my pack from the trunk. A wolf whistle came from my right, and I turned to see three guys climbing out of their own beat-up truck. I made sure to lock up my car and started for the school. Sadly, I was surrounded by the guys in seconds as they caught up to me.
“Hey there, nice ride,” One said to me, glancing back at my vehicle.
“Thanks,” I said, getting slightly annoyed. Whatever happened to not talking to strangers?
“Are you new here?” Another asked me. “I don’t think that I have seen you around before.”
“Yeah, I’m new. Today’s my first day,” I told them.
“I’m Josh,” the last guy said. Finally one of them remembered their manners. Then the other two gave me their names; Rick and Aaron. Honestly, I didn’t give a crap who they were, but just to be polite, I gave them my name.
“I’m Alla.” I said, giving them a smile.
“You mean like the God, Allah?” One of them asked, the others nodding their heads in amusement.
“Close enough,” I told them. “I mean, I’m pretty sure that I’m better looking than your God.”
“Definitely,” one of them said, and the guys laughed. I rolled my eyes. I think I could get used to these losers. Especially, if it was this easy to catch their petty attention.
         It felt like my heart had stopped when I saw her. It was almost as if she had stepped out of my head just to taunt me. My attention had even made Travis turn to look and see what was going on.
I watched as she entered the building with three guys at her flanks, trying hard to get her attention. She walked with an air about her. She seemed to just shine into existence whereas the others around her seemed as small as the ants on a gravel road; invisible. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, and with a quick glance around me, I saw that not many people couldn’t help but notice this creature of such fine magnitude. The only thing I had dreamed of since I first laid eyes on her two years ago.
Despite the plain outfit that she wore, she still outdid the rest of the female population. You could almost see the envy clearly shown in the eyes of the female students at the school. Yet, nothing seemed to influence the newcomer.
She walked into the main office to get her things together and her crowd followed. In a few moments, she walked out, and almost looked uncertain for a moment. She looked around her, staring back at the crowd that couldn’t keep their eyes off her, but as her gaze swept throughout her surroundings, students looked away, not daring to meet her eyes.
Seconds later, her eyes looked in my direction and I didn’t look away. I knew what perfection was held there. Her bright blue eyes stopped at mine. She had said something to the crowd that was starting to form around her, and they evaporated into their usual school niches. She, on the other hand, made her way to me.
Chapter Two----
         Of all the people that I have had to deal with over the years, this one just kept popping up where I didn’t want him. I held his gaze as I walked over to him. I could clearly see that he was just as shocked to see me as I him. I wasn’t planning to encounter him again.
         Little did he know how much we’ve been meeting up. I think it has been just a few weeks since I last saw him. He, of course, had no clue that I was there, lingering in the shadows, watching. But now, he was here and attends the same school. What am I going to do? This was really starting to become a nuisance.
         I watched as he told his friend to give him a minute alone. His friend gave him a look, but walked away nonetheless, walking within mere inches of me, going in the opposite direction. Then he disappeared into the crowd of students that were rushing for their first class of the day.
         I finally reached him, and sat down in the chair beside him. I looked down as I took my bag off and set it on the floor. If I still had a beating heart, it would have been beating a million miles per hour. But no, I upheld my clear, calm complexion. Chris, on the other hand, seemed about ready to have a heart attack. I looked back up at him…

         “I’m sorry…” I finally said, looking up into his brown eyes that held specks of green in them. He gave me a confused glance, asking me why was I sorry. I sighed, knowing that our parting was inevitable. We couldn’t stay like this. Not now, not ever.
         “I don’t want you to go yet,” I heard him say quietly. If only he knew that I wished the same. But… circumstances kept that from happening. I couldn’t do anything now, if only things were different.
         “I can’t stay here,” I said, taking a step away from him. I looked down at the ground, unable to look him in the eyes. How could I explain to him that this… This was nothing. Just something that wasn’t allowed… for both of us. We’d risk our lives… I couldn’t let that happen.

         Why was she being difficult? What was keeping her from me? I didn’t want her to just vanish like she did last time. It took me long enough to find her, and now that I did, I don’t want to lose her again.
         “Alla, why?” I wanted to know.
         “I’m sorry Chris. I honestly am, but I can’t do this.” She said taking another step away from me. Oh, how I wanted to hold her against me. To keep her from leaving me ever again. She didn’t know how my insides were doing summersaults every time I got a glance of her. Just a touch sent me into a frenzy. It was almost unreal. Everything she did was alluring, seductive. Pure ecstasy. Almost as if she knew what made me tick.
         “Please don’t go.” A request.
         “I’m sorry,” she said once again. I couldn’t have her leave. Just hearing her voice made me forget the world around me. I just didn’t understand. This had never happened before. No one has ever held that kind of appeal to me before, so why did this little girl stop me dead in my tracks?
         I took one step towards her, but apparently that was the wrong thing to do, for she turned and ran, ran as quick as lightning. In the blink of an eye, she had vanished, and… I didn’t stop her. I wasn’t able to… again. Just like the last time, she vanished right before my eyes. This wasn’t fair. Staring into the direction she ran off to, I made a promise. A promise to find her again, and when I did, that I would never let her go again.

         Why were these tears filling my eyes? I wiped them away as I kept running away. Away from that human. He should know better than to hang around me. Just being in my presence is dangerous to him. Doesn’t he know by now? Doesn’t he understand that I am not just some innocent little girl? Doesn’t he know that I could kill him just as easy as a human squashing an ant on the sidewalk?
It took a lot of guts on his part, being near a hungry vampire. Didn’t he know that my bloodlust could have overtaken me and he would have…? I growled in frustration and ran faster, putting more distance between us.
         Stupid human, I thought to myself as I ran into my house and locked the front door behind me. Running up the stairs, I raced into my room and shut that door behind me. I jumped into my bed and just lay there, relaxing. Taking deep breaths, I got up again and looked out the window. The cloudy sky was starting to clear up. Slowly, rays of sunshine began to peek out from behind the clouds.
         Disgusted, I quickly shoved the curtain back into place and went back to my bed. Just what I needed right now. Deadly rays of sun. Perfect. Well, at least, I’m not still with that human, I thought to myself.
         I sighed. Who was I kidding? That human was all that I could think about now. He wasn’t like the others. He… Chris. Why was I disobeying the law? This isn’t allowed. I’m not supposed to think of a human like this. Why do I feel like this? Why is he the first thought that crosses my mind when I wake up and the last thought I have when I lay to rest? Why does my mind keep returning to that pathetic creature that I, a vampire, call prey? Why is he polluting my thoughts like this?
         I hissed at myself. I was being stupid. I blamed this all on my hunger. That human interrupted my meal. That’s why I was thinking of him. That’s why…
         A spasm hit me hard at that moment. So hard that it made me stumble to the ground. I needed blood. And soon. I couldn’t have a catastrophe like one I had a while ago. I couldn’t go crazy. No, I promised myself to never go there again. I wouldn’t kill countless numbers of humans in one crazy feud. The council wouldn’t forgive me a second time. The last time was more than they could handle back then. I rose back to my feet and walked out of my room.
         “Sophie! Are you home?” I called through the house. In a few moments, I heard her make her way to me.
         “Yeah, I’m home. You need something?” With one look at me, she knew what I needed. She came over to me and held out her wrist for me.
         “Thank you. I only need enough till tonight,” I told her. Taking her wrist gently in my hands, I lifted it to my lips. My fangs extended to their place and I bit down taking in all the blood that flowed out until my hunger had diminished for the time being.

         I broke the eye contact, and both of us returned to the real world, the memories evaporated. Chris looked away for a second, as if deciding what to do, and then turned back to me.  I was deciding whether it would be best for me to run away. I was contemplating whether I should run with vampire speed despite the crowd around us. Would these humans even noticed if I disappeared. Before I had time to make up my mind, Chris spoke.
         “Is it really you?” he asked me. I couldn’t answer, so I looked down at the ground instead. I heard him pull his chair closer to mine. Then it just happened… his scent hit me.
         Instantaneously, my mouth began to fill with venom, and it took almost all my self control not to drain him then and there. I forced my hands into fists, so they couldn’t lash out at any passer bys and hurt them.
         “Don’t come any closer.” I warned him, my voice a low snarl. I heard his heartbeat increase, and then I looked up at him again, and found, to my amusement, his horrified expression. Apparently, he was expecting a warm hello, a hug and a kiss too maybe. I could see in his eyes that he still remembered me. His expression turned to worry.
         “Are you okay?” he asked me. This almost made me laugh, me okay? I should be the one asking him that question. Why was he here? Why wasn’t he running off like a normal human would have? I was sure he knew I was deadly. He knew, and yet, here he was. Or did he not know yet? Was he seriously that blind?
         “Chris, what do you want? I… I have things to do, so I can’t be wasting my time here. I…” Honestly, I didn’t know what to tell him.
“I… I just wanted to see you again,” he finally said. “I need to talk with you. Alla, please.”
I growled. “Not here,” I finally said, deciding that I would hear him out and send him on his way.
“Where?” he asked, surprised that I didn’t deny him.
“Somewhere private, I don’t want my personal information being overheard. You understand, right?” I asked. He nodded quickly.
         “See me after school. Then… then I’ll figure out what to do. As for now, you need to get to class.” I said curtly. “All clear?”
         “Crystal.” He responded.
Looking around to make sure there was no suspicion aroused, I got up to go. Picking up my bag from the floor, I set it onto my shoulders and walked away. To my dislike, he followed. I set a brisk pace for the human, but surprisingly enough, he did well without having to run the whole way. Seconds later, we reached the class I was assigned that morning, English. Chris passed me by and then glanced in my direction before entering his own class down the hall.

         I walked out of my class and headed straight for the lunchroom where I knew Travis would be waiting for me. He’d probably be wondering what that was all about this morning. I paused for a moment. Should I tell him? He is my best friend, he should know… but then again, he won’t understand why… Why I’m so damn obsessed with her. Then again, I don’t think I knew the answer to that one. I didn’t know why there was this attraction, why I am unable to stop myself from looking at her, even thinking of her.
I made my way through the flowing crowd to where Travis stood, waiting for me. We acknowledged each other and then went to get some food.
“Well, are you gonna tell me?” Travis asked.
“Tell you what?” I asked, pretending not know exactly what he was asking for.
“Chris, who is she? You know her?” He asked, seriously interested.
“I guess you can say that. I mean, I haven’t seen her in forever…” At least not in reality; I see her every night in my dreams. “I was honestly surprised that she would be here.”
“So... who is she?” Travis asked.
“Alla. She’s…” I didn’t know what to say. She was everything. Perfection. Just flawless. “…an old friend.”

Chapter Three--
         What was I going to tell him? I couldn’t tell him the truth. He isn’t supposed to know anything. If the council knew I told him anything about us, then they would kill both of us merciless, just like the time they did it to Alex…but then again, he deserved that, blabbing on and on about us…and to humans. The council has strict rules and we are to obey it. But what if they never found out?
         Never mind, they always find out.
         Once again, I thanked April in my mind for letting us borrow her house for a short while. Actually, I found it quite surprising that the little demoness let me do this, but I must admit it’s not as bad as what she does in her own spare time. Half the time I believe that demons are worse than vampires. The enjoy teasing humans before completely destroying them by driving them insane or just making them kill themselves. They leave the council a nice mess to clean up.
         I closed my eyes for a second and cleared my mind. I needed to think this through. Doing something irrational would lead to imminent demise, and currently, I was not looking for my death and destruction yet.
         I sensed Chris enter the house and find his way into the kitchen where I was. He paused before taking a seat nearby.
         “Are you okay?” he asked me.
         I opened my eyes and looked at him. I found his eyes looking me over, worry written all over his face. I smiled faintly. “I’m fine,” I told him. I could tell that he didn’t believe me, but thankfully he didn’t question me further on that topic. I was so not okay, but I couldn’t let him know that.
         “Alla…” he began and then stopped. He looked away, as if trying to figure out what to say. It was at times like this that I wished I could read minds, but sadly I couldn’t. I would have liked to know what was going on in his head at that moment.
         “What Chris? Just spit it out already.”
         “Why did you go? What are you hiding? We used to be friends, what happened?” His eyes bore into mine, looking for an explanation. I sighed. I so did not want to go through this, not with him. I’d rather he not know and hate me, than he know and have to risk his life.
         “Chris… you really want to know, don’t you?” I asked baiting him on, knowing that it only made the situation worse than it already was. He nodded slightly, waiting for me to continue. I got off the chair I was sitting on and paced around a few steps, debating. I couldn’t hold in the growl that escaped my clenched teeth.
         I looked at Chris’s reaction and saw that he was watching me carefully, studying how I fought with myself. I turned away and in frustration, I twisted my hair up and secured it into a bun on my head with a hair tie. I usually thought clearer with my hair not in my face.
         “Chris?” I turned back and looked at him.
         I walked up to him and sat down on the chair next to his. “I want to know what you think happened. Do you know anything?” I asked. I had to know what he thought.
         “Alla, really? Why can’t you just give me a straight answer? You’re acting really weird right now…” he looked away for a few moments. When he turned back, he looked at me once again, studying me. “Alla, you’re incredible. You know that?”
         “What?” I was seriously confused now.

         What you think happened…know anything? How could she ask me what I thought? Couldn’t she tell that I wanted her to confide in me? I wanted to know her, I wanted to be her friend, I wanted her to let me know what was troubling her; I wanted things to be how they were back in grade school. Back when we would always hang out and talk. I couldn’t stand to see her face strewn in agony.
         “Do you really not know what I think?” I whispered, looking into those bright blue eyes.
         “No, I don’t. I can’t read minds like the infamous Edward Cullen,” she said, with a pitiful attempt at humor. Her eyes held an expression I couldn’t read.
         “Alla, I wish you would tell me what all of this is about. Don’t you ever wish we were still BFF’s?”
         “I do Chris, but I really can’t help it.”
         “Yes you can, just tell me.”
         “Chris, I can’t!”She almost shouted, jumping off her seat. “Do you understand that? I can’t… not without putting you at risk.”
         “Please calm down, sit down and tell me. Alla…” I reached out to her. She eyed, my hand, but didn’t accept my touch. I reluctantly dropped my arm to my side.
         “Chris, I care about you, honestly. I don’t want to see you…” she cut off there. “Hurt.”
         Hurt? What did she know? I risk my life day after day hunting down those creatures of the night. Those creatures that killed my brother years ago….my innocent little brother… Ian. He had nothing to do with any of it, but they killed him, just to hurt me. That wound sunk deep. Damned vampires.
         But only Travis knew about that, my night raids.
         “Alla, tell me. I’ve been hurt before. It hurt a lot when you left me the first time,” I told her calmly. She looked at me with wide eyes.
         “I…I never wanted to hurt you,” she sat back down. “I had to leave…I didn’t…”
         “Please explain. You don’t know how much frustration I have had to deal with because of this. I want to know. I want to help you.” I tried to put this as subtle as I could, but I put meaning behind the words. I honestly did want to help her…but to help her; I needed to know what was wrong.
         “Chris, if I told you… it would mean death. No joke.” She said with all seriousness. “I don’t want to hurt you, so I’m trying to keep you out of it, but you and your stubborn-ass self won’t let me do so, and that’s putting it gently. That’s why I left last time. I was too scared to do anything. I didn’t want to hurt you.”
         “You keep saying that… You don’t want to hurt me. Hurt me how?” I had to know. I had to confirm what I was already beginning to suspect.
         She couldn’t be one of them…could she? Here she was stunningly beautiful, perfection. She seemed to know it all…Aces history as if she were there...Slim and pale, in contrast to her beautiful wavy, brown hair that flowed down her back when it was let down…A voice that rang through the air as if it were music on its own…Bright red lips that I only wished and dreamed of kissing…why didn’t I see it before? No.
         I wouldn’t believe it until she told me. Alla couldn’t be a creature of the night, she just couldn’t be a vampire. Or…could she?

         “Don’t make me do this.” I looked at him. “Please.”
         He looked at me with confusion and suspicion in his eyes. I looked down at my hands. I was sure that he would have figured it all out by now. Did he really not know? I looked into his eyes again.
         “I’m sure that you know by now. Don’t you? Chris?” I paused a second before continuing. “Don’t you know what I can do? Don’t you know what I am?”
         “Alla, tell me. I won’t believe it otherwise,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady. Great, now I was scaring him.
         I closed my eyes and just sat there, listening to his heartbeat. I heard movement beside me before I felt it. His hand felt warm against my icy skin. I put my own hand up to his as I opened my eyes.
         “You’re cold,” was all he said.
         “I’m also a blood-sucking monster.” I whispered, finally admitting it. There I had said it. Kill me now.
         “Alla…” he began, but I shushed him by putting a finger against his warm lips. He quieted, and then I got up and paced around again.
         “You know this means death for the two of us. I just broke a law, no, make that three.” I told him. He knows what I am; let’s keep getting ourselves into a bigger mess. I looked back at him.
         He seemed to be contemplating something in his own head now. “Chris? You okay?” He looked at me again, determination set into his features. He got off the chair and grabbed a knife that happened to be lying on the counter beside me. I watched his hands closely as he watched me. I glanced back up at his eyes and that’s when he slit his wrist.
         “Chris!” I smelled the blood, sickly sweetness all around me, making it hard for me to concentrate. My gums began to ache as I felt the fangs extend…

         I barely felt the pain. My attention was fixed on her. I watched her eye the blood running down my arm now, trying hard not to give in to her senses…not to become the blood-sucking monster in her.
         “Alla… you really are a…” I struggled with the word that was on the tip of my tongue.
         I watched as she shrank down to the floor, her arms coiled tightly around her. Her beautiful face set in a grimace, teeth clenched, fangs elongated. The only thing that remained were her eyes. They were still the beautiful shade of blue, but they were filled with…hunger.
         “Ch-Chris…why?” I heard her say between growls. “I don’t…want…to hurt you.”
         “I’m sorry, Alla,” I said, feeling truly sorry. I didn’t want to cause her pain, but I had to see if it was true. I started to come near her, but she hissed at me, a warning.

         That IDIOT! Why would he do that? Doesn’t he know that you don’t play around with blood when there’s a vampire in the room? Does he want me to cause his own death?
         PAIN…in my gums…all over…
         Focus. His eyes. Don’t look down. You know there’s blood there. Yes, we know it’s tempting. Resist. It isn’t the first time, it certainly won’t be the last. Clear your mind. What pretty eyes he has…
         PAIN…again…spasms inside…need to feed…
         Get rid of the blood…yes. Do that. “Chris…get a…fucking…bandage.”
         I closed my eyes, trying to calm down, trying to think clearly. I heard Chris ask where the medical supplies were kept, but I honestly didn’t know. I felt the need to feed go down a bit, so I stood up again. I opened my eyes to find Chris at the sink, washing his wound.
         “Don’t forget to clean the floor.” I managed to get out between gasps. Looking for a first-aid kit that I was sure April wouldn’t have in her house was probably useless. I took off my shirt and ripped it into strips. This would have to do for now.
         “Use this.” I told him, leaving the room. I managed my way into the living room. I curled up onto the couch, waiting for everything to go back to normal. I needed to calm myself down. I don’t want to hurt Chris in my bloodlust.
         Twenty minutes later, he walked into the room, all bandaged up now. I sat up, ignoring his arm all together.
         “Better?” he asked me.
         “What do you think? You don’t see me sucking the life out of you…so yeah, I guess that means I’m better.” He smiled. Yeah, much better, I thought to myself.
         “Oh, uh…sorry for your shirt,” he mumbled, looking away. I looked down to see myself in a white bra. Oh. Totally forgot about that.
         “Don’t worry about my shirt. I have plenty of others. I’ll just go and get one of April’s shirts to borrow for now,” I said, getting off the couch. When I stood up, I found myself looking at his lips. I quickly glanced up into his eyes.
         “Alla…” was all he said before he kissed me.

Chapter Four--
         I couldn’t control it anymore. I couldn’t just pretend that I had no feelings for her when I did. Yes, she deserves better than me. Yes, he’ll probably be another vampire. But no, I wasn’t about to give her up.
         The kiss was more than I ever thought it would be. And when it ended, I knew that she felt the attraction between us. I watched her reaction closely, memorizing every detail. She stood there dazed, almost. Her eyes watching mine, mouth slightly parted…
         “My bad,” I said, smiling.
         “Oh, shut up and kiss me again,” She said, pulling me down onto the couch with her, my lips on hers in perfect symphony.

         Why? Why was I falling for this stupid human? Why did he drive me crazy? Why was he making me break laws for him? Did he not understand that there could be nothing between us? Oh, his soft kisses…
         What was I doing? I am kissing Chris. Why? Because somewhere deep inside I really do love him. Have I lost my mind? Quite possibly. Do I care? Not anymore.

         I held her close against my body, kissing her delicate neck. I heard her sigh in pleasure as my fingers brushed their way down her arched spine. I kissed her throat and then went downward.
         How was this happening? Why wasn’t she running away from me again? She’s a vampire, something that could very well kill me in a second if she so wished. Why was she accepting my caresses? I don’t want to think anymore…
         I stopped kissing her, and watched her closely. She looked at me with a smile. Her features shocked me. She had delicate skin with lush lips and gorgeous blue eyes…eyes that seemed to look straight into my soul.
         “Why’d you stop?” she whispered.
         “I…I…don’t know,” I responded. “You’re just so beautiful…” Before I could get anything else out she kissed me, and I returned her kiss hungrily. Now she started kissing my neck, pausing every now and then to kiss my lips. Controlling her hunger? I felt her hands tug my shirt upward, and I obliged by pulling my shirt off. I threw it across the room before pressing myself to her.
         The heat from my body collided with the cold of hers, making her even more irresistible. How many times have I only wished of this? How many times has this scene been portrayed in my dreams?

         His skin was so soft…so warm…so alive. The heat his body released felt like fire on my skin. I wanted more. Gently, I pushed him off of me and got off the couch. His confused look made my dead heart melt.
         “Chris, what now?” I asked him, looking out the window. “We can’t go around town, parading our love for one another. Someone of the Dark Court will take note and that would mean the death sentence for both of us.”
         He got up and wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. “Alla, as long as we’re together, I don’t care what fate awaits me.” He kissed the top of my head.
         “Chris…”I looked up into his eyes, but found myself kissing him again. And again. And again.
         The hunger increased each time, making him the more human, prey. I felt my gums begin to ache, but I ignored it. I felt short spasms begin to emerge more often. Chris paused, noticing that my teeth had become fangs again.
         “You okay?” he asked me. I nodded.
         “I’m fine. Just a bit hungry,” I told him.
         “You gonna be okay? I can give you some blood…” he asked.
         I looked at him, concerned. “I don’t want you to have to do anything for me. Seriously, I can take care of myself. I won’t ask you for blood.” I told him, silencing him with a kiss before he could talk any more.
         He broke off from the kiss and look at me warily. “Alla, are you sure you’re okay?”
         “I’m fine. I promise I won’t hurt you,” I told him, ignoring the pain in my gums and stomach.
         “Alla, you need to feed.” He said, “Besides, I’m sure that you wouldn’t hurt me. Your eyes tell all, whether you choose to believe that or not.” I felt… uncomfortable with the fact that he knew me so well. I couldn’t hide anything from him.
         “I’ll go out and feed, okay?” I told him, turning away from him and heading for the door, but he stopped me by grabbing my arm.
         “Looking like that?” he glanced down at my bra then looked back up at my face. “I won’t let you go.”
         “Fine. I’ll go grab a shirt from April’s closet.” I said, jerking my arm away from him. Chris let go and I headed for the stairs. I got to her room and went to her closet. I looked through a few things before picking out a shirt that wasn’t too trashy. Before I could put it on though, I felt Chris’s arms around me.
         I turned to look at him.

         Now that I had her, I really didn’t want to let her go. I followed her up the stairs and watched as she picked out a petit shirt out of the closet. Blue, a couple shades darker than her eyes. Her eyes…
         I held her close, not wanting to let go. I heard her whisper my name, and still, I didn’t let go. I felt her cool hands on my face, tracing my eyes, my nose, my lips. I opened my eyes. Playfully, I nipped her finger, and watched as a smile materialized on my angel’s face. I smiled back, knowing that this treasure was mine.
         She gently pushed me backwards, walking with me until I felt the bed against my calves. I found myself falling when she kissed me, landing softly on the gentle surface of the bed.
         “Alla, you need to feed…” I murmured, seeing the hunger flash in her eyes.
         “I know.”
         “Bite me.” I said. “You need blood.”
         “I won’t.” Stubborn-ass little girl.
         “Do it.” I said once again, exposing the wound on my arm from the temporary bandage it was in.
         “No,” she said, baring her teeth, resisting the temptation. “I won’t, not to you.” She sat up, away from me.
         “Please.” I said, sitting up. I held my arm out to her.
         She glanced at me for a second before bringing herself to take my arm. “I won’t hurt you,” she told me, before bringing my arm to her lips.
         At first the feeling was uncomfortable before a wave passed over that made me lightheaded. The feeling wasn’t bad. Quite the opposite, delicious. My whole arm tingled faintly, but I didn’t notice that. Instead, I felt bliss. The sensations running throughout my body made me want the high. Then the images began…

         It was more than I ever thought it would be. His blood was sweeter than any that I have tasted throughout my lifetime. I felt the bond between us grew as I fed on his life. It was unbelievable, I thought, never before had I felt anything like this.
         My hunger was diminishing, so I let go of his arm.
         Chris blankly stared into space for a moment before I kissed him. I felt him slowly come back to reality. He smiled at me.
         “What was that?”He asked me.
         I licked my lips, wiping away any last traces of blood there. “Well… I guess the best way I can describe it would be to say that when I began to feed, I… telepathically gave you feelings and the images, so you wouldn’t feel any pain during any of it.” I told him, knowing well that the answer I gave him was not was he was looking for. I’m sure wanted to know why those specific feelings, of lust and desire, feelings only acquired through sex.
         “Are you better now?” He asked.
         I nodded, rewrapping the bits of cloth around his wound. I secured it tightly. “I’m fine now. Are you okay? I tried not to take too much from you.” I told him, looking back into his beautiful eyes.
         “I’m…I…” he couldn’t say. “You’re beautiful, you know that.” He finally said, laying me back down on the bed.
         “I really don’t need any more compliments today,” I whispered to him as he began kissing me again. “I’m…well aware that I’m pretty…”
         “Not pretty, absolutely amazing. Beautiful face, wonderful personality, a hot body… You’re everything anyone could wish for.” He said, slowly running his fingers down my body. “Everything that I’ve wished for, especially ever since I met you back in middle school.”
         His touch was making it hard for me to think. His eyes had me hypnotized. His voice soothed me into a state of instability. His words I had engraved into my memory.
         “Chris…” Who was I kidding? I wanted him. “I love you.”
         “I love you too.” He said, kissing me passionately.
         I felt his hands slide their way downward, unbuttoning and unzipping my jeans. He gently pulled them downward until they were off and on the floor beside the bed. His hands were back on me afterwards, pulling me closer.
I felt insanely human. Never before had I wanted something this much, not in this way. Guys before Chris were just playthings. Things to use, then throw away. This wasn’t just any fling I was so used to. This was different.
“Chris…”moaning his name, I pulled him closer, letting more clothes slide to the floor beside the bed.
Skin on skin, fire and ice, opposites pulled together by some unknown force. The attraction was pulling us closer and closer, making it hard to breathe, making it hard to think, making everything fade away; leaving two mingling bodies.
Now that my hunger was out of the question for now, all that was on my mind… Chris. I had never noticed how fit he was for a human. How insanely attractive he was for a human… how long I have been waiting for something like this.
© Copyright 2012 Ivory Malinov (hollah4alla at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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