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A list of questions with answers for all Brainstormers
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Brainstormers Q&A

Point System is no longer in use!! Please see "Peaceful Pursuit Project for current crediting system.

Kind Regards nangwaya.

Point System

Q. What is the point system?
The point system is established for members who want to provide encouragement and smiles to others in the group. Each action has it's own point value.
*Noteb* Send a cNote to another member (5pts)
*Noteg* Send a scribble to another member (4pts)
*Noteo* Review another member's item (3, 4, or 5pts)
*Noteg* Review from "Monkey Soup (4, 5, or 6 pts)
*Noter* Participate in the Review Raid (4, 5, or 6pts)
*Notev* Recruit a member (15pts)
*Noteb* Participate in Informer Contest (7pts)
*Noteg* Respond to Informer's "Speak Up" question (7pts)

*Bullet*Send a cNote to another member (5pts)
I have created a variety of cNotes listed on the "Peaceful Pursuit Project page, and am continually adding more. The cNotes are created for the group, however, they are available to any WDC member. At this time, they are non-refundable. You may send up to 3 members with one cNote. For each member to receive a cNote, you will receive 5pts. Only one cNote per person per week will count towards the points; however you may gain points by sending multiple cNotes to different members per week. To receive points, you must record who you sent the cNote to in the "Peaceful Pursuit Project forum.

*Bullet*Send a scribble to another member (4pts)
-Send a member a positive, uplifting message in the member's notebook. Let the person know you were thinking about him/her; wish them a happy day; provide an encouraging quote.Only one scribble per person per week will count towards the points; however you may gain points by sending multiple scribbles to different members per week. To receive points, you must record who you sent the scribble to in the "Peaceful Pursuit Project forum.

*Bullet*Review another member's item (3, 4, or 5pts)
-Give another Brainstormer member a review. Make sure that the review is public and to affiliate your review to "The Brainstormers Group It is recommended that you use a Brainstormer Signature which can be found on the "Peaceful Pursuit Project page. To receive points, the review must be at least 500 characters not counting ML.

*Bullet*Reviews from "Monkey Soup or a Review Raid (4, 5, of 6pts)
-Affiliated Reviews that are given from the list of requested reviews on the Monkey Soup or during a review raid will be rewarded with extra review credits (GPs) and an extra point.The reviews must be public and affiliated with the group. To assure you receive points, it must be at least 500 characters not counting ML..

*Bullet*Recruit a member (15 pts)
-Help us spread the word about "The Brainstormers Group. If a member joins because of your invite, you will get 15 points.

*Bullet*Participate in Informer Contest (7 pts)
Enter the contest in the "Brainstormer Informer Contest Entries and win points. The entry must pertain to the contest rules in order to receive points.

*Bullet*Respond to Informer's "Speak Up" question (7pts)
Email me with your response and receive points.
Q. Are the cNotes refundable?
A. No, at this time they are not refundable. However this may change in the future.
Q. How do you determine how many credits to give for reviews?
A. It is basically based on the length and quality of the review. Only outstanding reviews receive 5 points (6 points for reviews for Monkey Soup items and review raids).
Q. How will you know if I recruited a member?
A. The survey form that is filled out by every new member asks how he/she heard about the group. If the person lists your name, you will receive credit.
Q. Do I have to win the Informer contest in order to get credit?
A. No. All entrants will receive credit for entering as long as the entry follows the prompt and guidelines.
Q. Do I have to participate in the point system?
A. No, You can be a valuable member without trying to earn points. However, some points might be accrued to you even if you are not actively striving to gain points.
Q. What do I get for having the most points?
A. Credits are tallied both weekly and monthly. If you have the most points during a given week you status of the Encourager and will win 1000GPs. If you have the most points for the given month, you will win status of the Merrymaker and receive a Merit Badge. There are other prizes to be handed out for runner up and for Best Review and Most Reviews and such things not yet mentioned.
Q. Do I have to use the cNotes found on the "Peaceful Pursuit Project page?
A. No, you can use any cNote to receive credit.
Q. How do you determine the weekly winner?
A. The points are counted from Sunday 12:00 a.m. WDC time to Saturday 11:59 p.m WDC time. The member with the most points is the winner, the Encourager.
Q. How do you determine the monthly winner?
A. The points are counted from the first day of the month to the last day of the month. The person with the most points is the winner, the Merrymaker.

Brainstormers Group Links
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