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by Smokey
Rated: · Other · Thriller/Suspense · #1858048
Never mess with the wrong people
His cane made a ticking sound on the pavement as he walked through wards the abandoned warehouse.
His right leg had a limp and he had to stop several times because he was coughing too hard.
Finally he reached the door of the warehouse and opened it.
As he entered the giant hall he walked through wards a man sitting tied up to a chair, who appeared to be sleeping.
‘Good morning mister Joshua!’ he said loudly, as his voice and the ticking of his cane echoed through the giant hall.
‘You are aware that you possess something that is valuable don’t you Mister Joshua!’
The man tied to the chair moaned faintly, ‘I am truly sorry mister Joshua but you cannot expect that I Lord Graham will look kindly to thieves!’
‘Why are you always talking about yourself in third person Archie?’ the man said with a voice that sounded like he had sandpaper in his throat.
‘It’s Lord Graham to you, you scoundrel!’ Lord Graham said angrily ‘you should know better than to irritate me, you are aware to which monstrosities I am capable of.’
Lord Graham limped closer though wards the tied up man ‘now mister Joshua I’ve been a patient man and I spared you any physical damage but these twenty four hours without any food and water must have convinced you to tell me where the documents are.’
The man tied up to the chair chuckled which was followed by a loud cough.
‘Go to hell Arch’ he said with his rasping voice. ‘Tutututut’ Lord Graham muttered as he tightened the grip on his cane ‘I thought that you where smarter that, messing with MI6 operative is not a smart thing to do.’
Lord Graham lifted up his cane and hit the man hard on his kneecap with it, on which the man yelped of pain.
‘The documents mister Joshua where are they!’ Lord Graham said while tapping his cane in his hand.
‘I’ll hope you’ll burn Archie’ the man muttered, still in pain of the hit on kneecap.
‘Wrong answer’ Lord Graham said ‘you just lost the gift of walking properly’ as he hit the man’s other kneecap with his cane.
‘Now this is the last I will ask Mister Joshua.’ Lord Graham said while the man was yelling of pain.
‘Where are the naval documents you took from the Circus! We know you have them and we know that you’re a Russian informer, answer me now and you’ll might live to see another day but if you won’t those kneecaps are the least of your worries!’
Lord Graham closed in until he was an inch away from the face of the man. ‘so what’s it going to be mister Joshua are you going to tell me or would you like me to visit your home and see how much damage a point 445 webley revolver could do to a family?’
‘You leave my family out of this!’ The man said with his anger and pain in his voice. ‘Well it’s not my decision is it?’ Lord Graham said with an amused voice ‘I’m just a simple scalphunter and my superior told me to get the documents by all means necessary so I will, now one last time where are the documents!’
‘They’re in my car.’ The man muttered ‘Are they now? Well we checked your car thoroughly and we didn’t found anything and trust we have torn your car apart!’ Lord Graham said with increasing anger.
The man chuckled again ‘you fools.’
‘Where are the documents mister Joshua!’ Lord Graham said angrily. ‘In the last place you’ll expect it.’ The man said laughing with his rasping voice. ‘it’s in a plastic container in my petrol tank!’
‘Good man.’ Lord Graham said while he was getting a cellphone out of his long brown coat and he dialed a number.
‘Check the petrol tank.’ Lord Graham said ‘No, no, no, no that’s no problem I’ll hold.’ Lord Graham said while smiling friendly to the man.
A few minutes passed and then Lord Graham pulled a revolver out of his coat ‘Thank you Ricki, I’ll be there in a couple of minutes I have some unfinished business i must attend.’ Lord Graham aimed the gun at the man, ‘it’s nothing personal Mister Joshua it’s just standard procedure.’
‘I understand.’ Mister Joshua said and faced Lord Graham head on ‘Good.’ Lord Graham said and pulled the trigger which caused his gun to make a loud bang which echoed in the empty hall.
© Copyright 2012 Smokey (smokey1990 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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