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This story is about two best friends who drift apart:. |
It was a cool crisp Fall evening.A gentle wind was blowing colorful leaves everywhere,and up above a full moon shone magically upon the earth,illuminating the forest. Best friends Faith Moonchild and Kentessa Fairborne were taking a stroll through the forest,talking about school,boys and the latest gossip. " Are you going to the Halloween dance next week?" Kentessa asked,her long blonde hair blowing in her face. " I don't think so", Faith replied." I am not into the party scene,you know". " Come on Faith", Kentessa pleaded." It's time you come out of your temple and join the living.You're always locked in your bedroom meditating.we earthpeople need you,too,you know". Faith laughed,knowing that Kentessa was only teasing.The girls had been best friends all their lives and had a lot in common,but they were also very different.Faith was quiet and shy and hated crowded places.She was extremely spiritual and spent most of her time meditating,talking to angels,and praying.When she wasn't in her " temple", she was often hanging out with Kentessa,reading,or going for a walk in the woods. Kentessa,on the other hand,lived for the moment.She loved parties and enjoyed being the center of attention.She wore fashionable clothes and make-up,dated regularily,and loved hanging out at the mall. " I am serious,Faith",Kentessa said,folding her arms." You need to get out and meet more people.The more friends you have,the better your social life will be". " I have a social life", Faith said,adjusting her ponytail." My friends and I are involved in environmental causes,and we hang out at the beach every Friday.Believe me,Kentessa,I have plenty of fun". " If you say so".Kentessa looked at her watch."I have to head home.It's my turn to baby-sit.I'll see you in school tomorrow". Faith waved as her friend dashed off.Lately Kentessa had been becoming obsessed with boys,clothes,and the in-crowd.It seemed all she cared about now.In the old days,the girls used to discuss serious issues,such as child abuse,the environment and poverty.They've also discussed the future and all their dreams.But now Kentessa had no interest in those types of discussions. Sighing,Faith stared at the moon.Her biggest fear was that she and Kentessa were drifting apart,and that their lifelong friendship would come to an end.Faith poured out her fears,feelings and thoughts to Heaven before heading home. The next day Faith and Kentessa walked to school together as usual.Kentessa was dressed more fashionable than ever.She looked like a model! " I can't eat lunch with you today",Kentessa told her friend." I am sitting with The Hot Chicks....They asked me to! Can you believe it? The hottest,mostpopular girls in school asked me to have lunch with them!" " They're also the snobbiest girls in school", Faith pointed out." Just last year you constantly bashed them,calling them airheads," " Things have changed,Faith", Kentessa said coolily. "I'll say", Faith muttered to herself." So,are we still on for our movie tonight?" " Oh,Faith,I apsolutely forgot!" Kentessa clapped her hand to her mouth." I made plans with the Hot Chicks.We're going to a dance club to meet guys.I am so sorry,Faith.I swear I totally forgot," " Liar",Faith fumed to herself.She always knew when someone was lying,and lately Kentessa had been doing more than her share of lying.It was time to confess her fears to Kentessa. " Kentessa,do you still want to be friends?" Faith asked seriously. Kentessa looked shocked." Faith!" " Just answer the question!" Faith shouted in frustration." Lately you've been lying to me,cancelling our plans,not returning my phone calls,and you've been spending less and less time with me!" Tears rolled down her flushed cheeks." Just tell me the truth,Kentessa,I deserve that much." Kentessa stared at the ground looking embarrassed. " All right.I'll come clean.I've been spending most of my time with the Hot Chicks.Recently,they asked me to join their club under one condition. " If I am going to be a Hot Chick then I have to end my friendship with you.The Hot Chicks hate geeks and they consider you to be one of the biggest geeks around.That's why they invited me to have lunch with them today: to make my decision." " And what have you decided?" Faith asked quietly. Kentessa avoided eye contact with Faith." I chose the Hot Chicks,Faith.I am sorry". That's when Faith lost her temper for the first time in her sixteen years.She punched Kentessa in the face as hard as she could,knocking her to the ground." YOU STUPID BITCH!I HOPE YOU ENJOY BEING A LOOSE NOBODY!ENJOY SLEEPING AROUND,GETTING DEGRADED BY SICK-MINDED GUYS AND GETTING PAID FOR IT! SLUT!" With that, Faith ran away crying hysterically. After school Faith's mother was waiting for her when she came home.She looked mad- really mad! " FAITH AUTUMN MOONCHILD!" Mrs. Moonchild shouted. " What the hell has gotten in to you lately? I was talking to Mrs. Fairborne earlier and she said you assaulted Kentessa! Is that true?!" Faith slumped on to the couch. " Yes". " Why would you do such a terrible thing?" rs. Moonchild demanded." Kentessa is your best friend!" " Was", Faith corrected." She dumped me for the stupid Hot Chicks club." " That's no excuse to hit her!" Mrs.Moonchild said angrily. " You broke her nose.Really,Faith!I would expect a spiritual,God-loving person like yourself to behave more compassinately and loving." " OH,SHUT UP!" Faith screamed." I am so sick and tired of people telling me how to behave,think and feel! No one cares how I feel as long as I am a saint! " Well I am not perfect.I have problems like everyone else!Just last week I had a problem and came to you and Dad but you both told me to toughen up and focus on helping those in need!My problems are nothing compared to what others go through! " You expect me to help anyone in need and to always be there for those who need help,but you're never there foe me! You don't care about me at all!" Tears rolled down her cheeks. " All my life I've done my best to please you and Dad.I tried to be the best person I could be.I even ignored my own needs and feelings so I could be a better lightworker!It was never enough for you!" She stood,clenching her fists." I had enough! I am leaving this hellhold once and for all! I saved up all my money from work;I can finally afford to live on my own.The hell with you hypocrites!" With that Faith ran upstairs to pack. " Faith!" Mrs. Moonchild cried,tears rolling down her face. " Don't do this,honey! We're so sorry! Please don't leave us!" But Faith was defiant.She could no longer withstand all the negative energy in her family's household.She could no longer withstand feeling unloved,lonely and neglected.All she wanted was to be loved and accepted for who she was,and to have a safe place to go to whenever she needed help.Was that too much to ask for? Soon Faith was settled in her apartment and enjoyed her newfound freedom and independence.She even got a dog to keep her company.Her landlord was kind enough to look after Angel while Faith attended school and work. At school Faith And Kentessa avoided each other.When they did run in to each other,Kentessa would make fun of Faith.Kentessa had become a nasty stuck-up person. feeling alone and friendless,Faith avoided her friends,family and kids from her environmental causes.She stopped going to meetings and spent most of her time locked up in her apartment with Angel. One day Faith took Angel for a walk in the woods.She could see the nature spirits watching her with worried frowns.The angels constantly talked to Faith,trying fruitlessly to reach her,and to bring her peace,but Faith ignored them.Right now her faith was so low that it seemed getting back on track was hopeless. Angel started barking,her little thin tail wagging excitedly. " What is it,girl?" Faith bent down and stroked the dog's soft white fur. Just then,a tall handsome man appeared out of nowhere.He had long golden hair,ocean-blue eyes and olive-colored skin.He wore a crown around his head,a purple shiney robe and wooden sandles.He was beautiful.He looked like an angel. " Do not be afraid,child," the man spoke softly. " My name is Aranen.I am at your service." " Are you an angel?" Faith asked feeling unafraid. " Actually,I am a member of Lord Ashtar's Federation of Light and Love," Aranen explained." I am one of your spirit guides.You are one of us,dear child- a starseed,as space earthlings are called. " You are originally born from the pladedies,a very peaceful-loving galaxy.You have volunteered to come to Earth for this incarnation to bring peace to this planet.You have done extremely well,Faith,and we are very proud of you." Faith felt ashamed. " You're proud of me despite how stupid I've been acting lately?" Aranen put a hand on Faith's shoulder." You have been experiencing a severe case of homesickness,Faith.You are way too hard on yourself.Earthlife is extremely harsh and you find it very difficult to cope with it. " But you are not alone my precious child: you do not have to face this harshness alone.You are surronded by many angels and space beings constantly.We are always here to help,guide,love and protect you- if you let us." Faith held back her tears.She now understood why she felt so lonely and friendless- she was homesick......homesick for her true home where only love,peace and happiness existed,a place where you were free to be who you are without being judged.Faith often had dreams about UFOS,other planets and space people: now she knew why! " I want to go home,to my real home," Faith confessed.She felt safe in revealing her true feelingstwith her "brother". " We understand how you feel,Faith," Aranen said compassionetly." But you have the strength to cope on this planet.You are a fighter and a survivor.You are a true light-warrior. " Let us help you,Faith.We will give you all the strength,love and tools you need to move forward and live in the light again.Let us heal your wounded heart and faith. " We need you here a while longer.The Earth needs your loving energy.We will send fellow starseeds to assist you.They will be your friends and allies.All we ask is that you trust us and have faith." Just then two tall angels appeared.Faith regonized them as her Guardian Angels,Alexander and Arzan.They smiled at Faith lovenly. " At last,we can connect with you once again!" Arzan exclaimed,putting an arm around Faith." But even angels need help now and then!:" Faith relaxed in her angels' loving arms,all her anger,fears and pain disappearing.Tears rolled down her face and her angels held her tighter. " We are here for you,beloved child,always," Alexander whispered,stroking Faith's long hair. " Please help me!" Faith cried,allowing all those hurt feelings to be expressed." I feel so lost!": " The healing has begun" Aranen said,sending pink,white and green light to Faith's heart,mind and soul. Faith slept really well that night.She even astral-traveled to the Pleadies and visited her people and Lord Ashtar.They all embraced her and gave her lots of healing light.When Faith woke up,she felt peaceful,happy and energetic. Faith returned to her volunteer work in her environmental group.They spent all morning cleaning up the beach.Faith had never felt more alive than ever! After the cleanup Faith befriended a girl named Jessica,a fellow starseed.As the days went by Faith kept befriending more and more Starseeds.Together they formed a support group for Starseeds.Every week the group got larger. With all the love and support in her life,Faith found the courage to reconcile with her parents.The family talked for hours,working out their differences,and learning to respect one another.They were now a close,happy and loving family. As for Kentessa,Faith was able to forgive her,and she continued to send love to her former best friend,despite how mean Kentessa was to her.Faith no longer cared how people treated her: she was loved by so many,and had all the love,hope and faith she needed.Even with just a little faith,she learned,she could survive anything.All you needed was faith. The End |