Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1857436-Prologue-to-Inner-Demons
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1857436
a squad of demon slayers go on their final mission to prevent a not so normal summoning.
         The group of five stood in front of the dark door. Demonic sealing runes covered it, preventing most people from detecting the evil within.  The five men outside the door however were not most people. These men were here to make sure the demons never even entered their world. The runes glowed red as the ritual within the room began to take place. They didn’t have long to act.

         “Shortest sword goes?” Typhin asked the others already knowing the answer.  He took his swords off his pack. He was a man who prided himself as a swordsman and carried six with him. A dagger, two short swords, two long swords, and a great sword were always with him. They all had identical hilts. This was how the group often decided upon things, leaving it to chance.

         The others in the group turned around as he jammed each one of his swords into the soft earth beneath their feet. As they heard the fifth sword go in they turned around again, only the hilts above remained visible. “Who’s first?” Typhin asked his friends. They all smiled always enjoying the moment before a fight. “I say biggest first.” Krag, the largest member of the group said.

         He was a solid six inches taller than others, and bulky muscles covered his body. His shoulder length blonde hair flowed as he stepped forward and he drew a sword out of the ground. His clean shaven face turned into a frown as he realized which sword he had drawn.

         It was a short sword, he would not be the one to enter. “Damn it” he said as he gave the sword back to Typhin who sheathed it. “Disappointed by the size of your sword?” Draken said mocking the big man. “Thought you would be used to disappointment from your sword by now.” the joker said as he drew a sword out of the ground. This time it was a long sword. “See, even mines bigger than yours.” The others in the group shared a laugh as he handed the sword over to Typhin. A moment later the demonic runes pulsed stronger. They had less time than they thought.

         The remaining two, grabbed the swords in the ground. It was the youngest member in their group who had drawn the dagger. “Looks like Grim won. Lucky bastard” Krag said as they handed the swords over to the leader of the squad. “Man, I told you to stop callin’ me that” Grim said to the big man who simply patted the boy on his back. “Hey you only encourage it by carrying that as your weapon.” He said in reference to Grim’s Scythe. “Stop being so good with it, and we’ll stop calling you that.”

         The young man, no more than twenty years old stepped up to the doorway, the glow from the runes illuminated his tall muscled frame. “Remember, Knock three times on the door when you’re done.” Typhin reminded him. Grim pulled out his scythe to show his readiness. “I know Typhin, I’ll be back in less than ten.” Grim made to open the door but Typhin’s hand on his arm stopped him. “Don’t be so cocky. There used to be six of us. Just get the job done. If you don’t stop the summoning we’ll have to kill you.” Grim looked into the man’s eyes.

         They had indeed lost the sixth member of their group not long ago. He had failed to stop the demons from coming into the world, and was possessed. When the group heard no knock they knew the worst had happened. They were forced to kill one of their friends. That’s why only one of them went into the room at a time, so they wouldn’t all fall to demon spirits in case they failed. Typhin did not want a repeat of what happened last time.

         “I know, I’ll get the job done, this is the last one after all.” The words reassured Typhin who cared deeply about all under his command. He let go of Grim’s arm and let him continue. Grim nodded to his friends, knowing he would see them again shortly. He opened the door, and shut it behind him, not knowing that this summoning was different from others he had stopped.

         The room he stepped into was brightly lit with fires in deep recessed pits. The sacrifice chamber was longer than it was wide. His boots made little sound as he lightly stepped on the red stones of the evil chamber. Luckily he hadn’t been noticed by the mob of people in front of him. Their backs were turned to him. He could only see the typical generic robe one would wear to a hidden meeting. The worshippers were all swaying back and forth, listening to the single man Grim could see the face of. He stood at the end of the hall which was raised up so he could shout over his followers.

         Grim went in closer to the throng of people, looking for the sacrifice that was always at a gathering like this. It was usually a young woman, to bring out the demon spirits. He couldn’t see through the worshippers though, so he decided to make his path. He was only three feet away from his first victims.

         He swung out with his scythe, the razor sharp edge cleaving the three in front of him in half, and slicing open the backs of the ones in front of them. Screams echoed through the hall as the warrior stepped onto the bloody mess ahead of him and struck out again, killing another two. Even though he was young, he was used to the sounds of the dying and the feeling of bodies beneath his boots. He had done this for years now, and this battle seemed no different from any other.

         Grim saw the demon worshippers turn around to face him, their faces contorted in rage. Those faces met quick death from his scythe as he struck out again. In no time blood coated the floor, making his boots slick against the stone.

         None of them had weapons, they struck out with claws and arms trying to stop him. Their claws scratched at him but he ignored the small pain and killed all in front of him. Grim sliced one man in two, leaving his hips still standing on the ground. He used the remains as a launching platform to get a better view of the room. What he saw disturbed him.

         In the brief seconds he was in the air he took in as much as he could. He saw where the sacrifice was at. There were two tables set up behind the leader of this cult, who had not stopped even with the screams of the demon worshippers. On one table there was a young woman trying to break free of bonds, on the other there was a child who was no more than two years old, crying her eyes out.  The warrior saw that he had already killed half of the worshippers, but there was still many to go before he could get to the altar.

         He slashed downward with his scythe piercing a man’s skull, killing him instantly. Grim spun in 360 degrees, killing, or mortally wounding all around him. The demon slayer knew he had to get to the altar fast, he heard the chanting of the practitioner increase in volume and speed. The robed men surrounded him and blocked his view of the altar once more. Knowing there was no way to get to his goal at this pace Grim searched within himself for his power, his rage, and fell into it.

         He had fallen into his own inner beast, gaining extra strength and speed from his primal self. His feet moved quicker, his blade swung through his enemy’s bodies more easily. He took many scrapes but ignored them as he knew two lives were counting on him. As the slayer tore into his last victim he found himself at the stairs of the raised platform that served as the altar to demon. His felt the speed and strength leave him as he witnessed a cruel act he was unable to stop.

         Even with his added speed he had come to the altar just in time to see the leader of the cult, the summoner, slam his knife into the woman’s chest. She gasped in a harsh breath and coughed up blood, she would die in a matter of seconds. “You are too late fool.” The man said. “You have helped this demon come into the world. Look at your enemies, look at your scythe.” For the second time Grim looked around the room, trying to see what the crazed man was talking about. Then he noticed what he had missed before.

         His rage had blinded him from the details of the fight. He looked around at the blood he had spilled. His weapon and the floor were covered in the ichor. It was thicker than it should be, and more black than red. Grim’s gaze went to the corpses on the floor and noticed the men in clothes weren’t actually men. They were half-demon. Their skin and faces twisted by their evil heritage.

         As he looked at the floor of the room he saw that it was built at a slant, guiding the blood into channels. He followed the channels with his gaze and realized that the blood of the fallen was all being drained into a chamber directly below the center of the room. No doubt that was where the demon was going to emerge from.

         “This… is a blood summoning.” Grim said out loud.  The summoner laughed out loud at the warrior. “Yes, the spirit will come forth thanks to you, and all the blood you spilled this day. It will enter my body, consume me, and then feast on you and this girl.”

         Grim looked at the girl who lay on the table near the man. She was sniffling hard, trying to fight back tears. He did not miss the connection between her and the now still form of the woman, this was her daughter. Grim knew he had failed her, and his friends. He looked at his scythe, his weapon that he had always trusted his life with.

         The half-demon blood seeped its way into the metal of his blade, transforming it to look wicked and cruel. Grim walked up the first step to the altar but the man moved quickly grabbing the girl and placing the dagger close to her throat. “No no no, if you try to come up here, I will kill this girl. I’m sure you will make a good meal for me once the demon comes forth.”

         As the words left his mouth hidden runes on the walls appeared and began to glow brightly with a red light. Grim knew he didn’t have long to kill this man, even though it wouldn’t stop the spirit from coming into the world. “You aren’t going to become a demon, and she isn’t going to be hurt.” The man laughed more at Grim’s words, thinking he couldn’t back them up.

         Grim pressed a button on the handle of his scythe. The wicked blade changed position so it ran even with the handle. Grim threw his weapon like a spear, catching the man in the chest and pinning him against the wall. Grim covered the distance quickly and picked the girl up off the table. “It’ll be ok now, I won’t let anything hurt you.” he said softly to the girl who buried her head into his shoulder.

         “It’s too late.” the man said as he coughed up red blood. “The ritual is complete.” Grim set the girl down on the ground against the back wall and walked over to the pinned man. He tore his weapon free from the body and let it fall to the ground. The evil man let forth one last gasp as he died. The young Demon Slayer looked around. Runes grew brightly on the walls around him. He stood over the girl in a defensive stance, he wasn’t going to let the demon get her. Grim looked out into the room, wanting to see the thing that would end him.

         The glowing stopped and all was silent. The center of the room exploded with blood like a geyser. He saw the spirit, the demon emerge from the geyser and fly around the room. It was searching for a body. At last it turned and charged at the Demon Slayer guarding the child. Grim stared at the face of the demon spirit as it charged at him. He screamed as the spirit came at him, throwing him high against the wall behind him.

         Typhin and the others had been listening to the fight through the thick door. They could tell that he was faring well. However they also knew their friend had failed by the runes on the door, and by his scream.

         “Something’s not right” the fifth member of the group, Geral, said. “A containment rune is supposed to pulse every time a demon spirit is brought into the world. All these runes pulsed only once.” In most cases a demon ritual brought many demons into a chamber to inhabit the bodies of the worshippers, this was too different. The cleric didn’t have to say what he was thinking, the others already knew. If the runes didn’t pulse multiple times, it meant only one big demon spirit came out.

         “Well, get ready.” Krag said. There was no time to mourn over the loss, their good friend was now their hated enemy “He was a good man, but…” The large man pulled out his great hammer and shield and approached the door. He looked back to his friends to see if they were ready. They wore grim faces, already knowing what had to be done. Each one of them had their weapons out, ready to slay their friend. Krag opened the door and stepped in, surprised by what he saw.

         “Half breeds” he whispered back to his party as he led the way into the bloody mess. The others knew as well when they entered the room. The dark blood and deformed bodies gave the beings away. Grim had not been with them long enough to encounter the creatures to notice the subtleties between half breeds and humans. Even with the lack of experience, he had handled himself well.

         The four friends spread out across the room, slowing making their way to the altar. They didn’t want any surprises. As they got close to the altar they heard the sniffling of the little girl. The fact that someone was still alive put them on guard. It could be a trap from the demon.

         The first ones up the steps were Krag and Typhin. They saw their friend sitting against the wall unconscious. His weapon had been flung out of his hand and fell next to him. The little girl sat next to Grim, holding his hand in hers.

         Typhin motioned for Draken and Geral to stay back from the altar as he and Krag moved forward. Krag got close enough to the body and kicked the wicked scythe away from the man. Typhin crouched down and sheathed one of his swords as he got closer. He tried to ignore the body of his friend and instead focused on the girl. “Come here sweetie, it will be ok.” He said to her in as calm of a voice as he could.

         She looked at him, shook her head, and clutched onto Grim’s arm. “Come on, it’ll be ok, we are here to save you.” again she shook her head. Typhin knew the girl was in danger being so close to Grim. Out of all of the bodies in the room his was the only on intact. Soon he would transform and be a demon.

         He went against his better judgment and reached out for her. Grim’s hand shot out and grabbed his wrist right when it got near the girl. “Help me.” Grim said to his friend. Typhin could see the demon in him, twisting his face, madness filled his eye, and for an instant he swore he saw a face in them. His hand tightened like a vice, breaking the bones in Typhin’s wrist.

         The quick swordsman struck out with his free sword, stabbing it into his Grim’s arm. The child screamed at the violence and backed away from the two of them Typhin tried to break free from his grip but he would not let go, even with the sword in his arm. Grim slowly stood up. “He’s fighting it” Typhin called out to his friends. He felt the grip loosen on his hand but not completely. “Geral can’t you do something?!” 

         Geral raced through his spells in his mind, quickly trying to think of something. This was unheard of. No one had ever had a strong enough will to battle a demon in their body. They were always completely taken over. Typhin watched as Grim pulled the sword out of his arm. “I believe this is yours” he said, but it wasn’t his voice that came out. The voice that came from his lips was deep and menacing, that of a demon. The demon made to strike, but Krag beat him to it.

         Krag’s hammer connected with the possessed man’s back, sending him flying into the room. He carried Typhin halfway through his flight, but let go, sending him into the air. “Hold him down, quickly!” Geral screamed at Draken who gave him a look of question. He was by no means the strongest in the group but he still obeyed immediately. “Krag, go get me that door. Don’t question, just do it.”

         Draken and Geral ran to the body of Grim and held onto his arms and legs. They struggled with him, barely able to hold him down. The whole time the demon was laughing at them. They heard a large bang as Krag broke the metal door off its weak hinges and ran over. Krag replaced Geral’s spot and kept holding down his friend.

         “What are you doing?” Draken yelled at him. The cleric responded with “taking a chance.” as he began casting an intricate spell. By this time the girl had walked over to the men. She ignored the flailing and convulsion and evil laughter of the man who saved her. She knelt down beside him and put her hand on his head.

         Instantly there was a reaction. He still struggled, but it was much weaker. Draken and Krag looked at each other wondering what had just happened. “She’s connected to Grim,” Typhin, who had finally crawled over to them said. “She’s helping him fight against the demon somehow. Keep holding him.” Typhin looked to Geral, he hoped he could save his friend. He didn’t want to lose another one.

         Seconds went by as Geral continued casting. The door began to glow white, and split into four pieces, each one covered in demonic containment runes. The pieces wrapped around Grim’s arms and legs. The pieces shrunk down and became shackles. The struggling stopped as chains appeared connecting the arm shackles together. As the chains for his feet shackles appeared the possessed man passed out.

         Geral watched his friend close his eyes and pass out. He sat down besides his friends completely exhausted. “Look at that, it worked.” He said breathing heavily.  Krag and Draken held onto Grim for several minutes, making sure it was safe. “What did you do?” Draken asked as he let go of Grim finally.  Geral held up his hand asking for a moment. He stumbled over to Typhin and quickly cast a healing spell which mended his broken bones.

         “I made demon containment shackles. The chain that binds the hands together will contain the demon’s strength, while the one binding the ankles will contain its speed.” The man sat down again. “The four pieces themselves should contain the demon’s spirit for the most part.” His friends looked at him like he was insane. Again he waved his hand at them. “Yeah for the most part, I’ve never done this before, so I don’t know. The combination of his will, and the items should let Grim be in control.”

         The girl had passed out on Grim’s chest after the spell was completed. “What about the girl?” Krag asked. “It seems like a bad idea to separate the two.” Typhin nodded at the smart words. “She comes with us. We’ll have to let the council decide what to do with him and the girl.” The four knew it was horrible but he was right. Anyone tainted by a demon had to be judged, and most likely executed.

         The group of Demon Slayers sat in silence, not wanting it to end in such a way. After they regained their composure they made their way out of the dark room. Krag carried the unconscious, Grim and Girl. Grim’s shackles glowed with demonic light, the six runes on each shackle glowed a deep red. It was eerie carrying the possessed man back the way they came.

         They exited the room and went back into the cellar. The four of them looked up as they saw the exit. The bright sunlight of the outside world was beaming down onto the dark staircase. As Krag climbed up the staircase the light hit Grim’s face, and he opened his eyes.
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