Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1857427-The-Egg
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1857427
Jack finds a large, greenish egg sitting in a nest of sea weed on the beach.
........... ..................................The Egg.....................................
By, Michaelle Maynard.

Once upon a time a boy named Jack was walking alone on the beach.
Jack was a miserable child, his dear mother died a few years back leaving him with his mean old Grandpa to raise him.
The Grandpa beat Jack daily for no reason at all.They were also very poor and Jack was often hungry.
This all took a toll on young Jack and he became as mean and nasty as his Grandpa that he hated.
As a result Jack had no friends at all.

Jack kicked the sand angrily and screamed at the wind. "Why must I always be so hungry?
"Why, why, Why? He shouted."Why is my life so miserable?"

After Jack's outburst of emotions he felt faint from hunger.Jack recovered his strength and spotted something on the beach.
A large greenish egg lay nestled in a bed of sea weed.Jack was astonished at the huge prize."WOW, what a huge egg??"
Jack's stomach growled loudly at the thought of scrambled eggs or eggs cooked in any way for that matter, especially eggs
that he personally would get to eat. He crossed the beach quickly to see his prize.

To Jacks delight it really was a giant egg in a nest of seaweed on the beach."Oh Lucky Day for me, you look delicious," he said to the large
egg as he examined it more closely.
The egg was indeed very large and it took both of his hands to carry the egg.
"I'm going to cook you up and eat you for lunch today," he told the egg he carried.He staggered along under the weight.
"But I wonder how should I cook you? Should I boil you or fry you up with some butter and fresh herbs?"

After walking a distance Jack stopped to take a break, he set the egg down on a log of driftwood and scratched his head.
He seemed a bit puzzled. The egg appeared to have gotten much bigger since he first found it on the beach in its nest of sea weed.
It must be my imagination, he thought to himself.But when he picked up the egg, he noticed it was much heavier than when he set it down.
He struggled along the beach dunes with the large, heavy, greenish egg and tried not to trip through the scraggly beach grass.

Then to Jack's relief he saw his small  run down shack that he lived in with his mean old Grandfather. Never the less it was his home
for now and he was happy to see the small but sturdy wagon his mother had given him long ago as a birthday present back in happier days.
Jack brushed away a tear at the thought of his mother. She had been long since dead and he missed her much.
Then Jacks stomach growled very LOUDLY. Jack once again put the large, greenish egg down, and left it at the edge of the sand dunes so he could go and get his wagon and use it to pull the egg home.

When Jack returned a few minutes later, the egg had grown even bigger. Jack could barely get it into his little wagon.
"I had better cook you up quick, before you get to big to fit in any pan or pot we've got!" I hope you are delicious, I am very, very hungry," Jack told the egg, he patted it and began the short journey back to the shack he called home.

His mean old Grandpa already had a fire going when Jack brought the now HUGE egg home.
"I bet that is going to be delicious," crooned the mean old Grandpa and he licked his lips in anticipation.
"Looks like you finally did something right for a change, Sonny boy," the mean old Grandpa made a attempt to pat Jack on the head, but Jack thought he was going to get hit as usual and quickly shied away out of the old man’s reach.
The mean old grandpa laughed a mean cackle.

"Well, let’s cook it up." said the Grandpa.
"How should we cook it?" Boil it or fry it in butter with herbs?" Grandpa asked eagerly, for he was very hungry to.
"I don't know, “said Jack. I think I would like it fried in butter with herbs."
"Sounds good," said Grandpa and he brought down a fry pan, spoon and large bowl.
Jack turned around to get the egg out of the wagon. The wagons wheels suddenly collapsed under the weight of the now GIANT, Greenish Egg.

Then the egg gave a loud "Crack!" and cracked open.

A large yellow eye looked out of the crack.

Jack and his grandpa stood and watched in shock.Then the egg cracked open the rest of the way and out popped a Red Sea Dragon.
Right in front of their eyes it quickly became the size of a cow, then as big as their house.
The Giant Red Sea Dragon looked at them both; it seemed to have stopped growing for a moment.
It smiled at them with sharp teeth.Then it said to them."You look delicious, I bet you will taste great!"
"Hmmm the dragon pondered but how should I cook you? Boil you or fry you up with butter and herbs?"
Before the mean old Grandpa and Jack could come to their senses and run away.
The Red Sea Dragon was upon them with his huge sharp teeth and with two quick bites, gobbled up the Grandfather and Jack.
"Mmmmmm," said the Red Sea Dragon after consuming the boney old man and bitter boy Jack. Not too bad raw either."
With a loud BURP! the Red Sea Dragon walked back to the ocean, jumped in and was never seen again.

The End.

Thanks for reading, all advice and feedback, always welcome... smile
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