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Its not done, but i just want to know what u guys think (advice?). My take on the "future" |
Chapter 1: Our Descent into madness Everything is gone. They took the music away, they took our rights away, they took our pride away. They promised that they were the right choice. They told us they were the new government because they would stop all the pain and suffering that was consuming the lives of the common man. I cannot believe we believed them. Every leader in the history of the world promises these things, but they never do anything about it. So how could this group be any different? They were not, however we all thought they were. They called themselves The United Americans, for the reason that they stood strong as one for years revolting against, what they called the “1%”, because they were the ones for or struggles. Which was half true I guess, I mean I solely never paid attention to politics because I did not want to consume me and fill my mind with lies. However, I did believe in change, and this new group seemed right for the job. They promised change and the end of the social class war. I lost many good friends too this stupid war. The war reached the collages faster than anyone would expect. See, at the outbreak of war the president at the time said that the only neutral zone were the universities, causing many instituates across the country to become safe heavans. Still class went on just the same, until one day, when the world truly went into darkness. On this day, the polls were open, but only to college students because they were “the last of the true innocents and intillectuals of our time”, what ever that meant. We were all lined up when one of The United Americans ran into the voting area ranting about who the true enemy was. Some people were yelling at him to shut up and leave, while others called security. I just ignored him, after all, I never paid attention to radicals. Because I was the only one not paying attention to this kid, I noticed a group of military men walking towards the kid, guns in the ready position. I had no idea what this was about, it was not like the kid was harming anyone. Then the unspeakable happen. The Military priks takel him and tie him to the ground, than a man came from behind. The man was no other than the leader of the “1%” George Wellignton the third a crude man whose daughter went to our school. Anyway, he stepped forward held up a knife, a beautiful one at that, all jewled and what not. He held it to the kids thoart proclaiming, “Our country cannot be run by fools who run around, stating fault realties. The country is fine, and will go to hell if these….. miscreants get what they want. But they are getting what they want, right kid? Your getting the numbers, the power, the government, you even got your filthy minium wage hand on my daughter, who you killed in a riot the other night right? You filled her head with fanasty about how im hurting the world. BLASPHMEY! YOU SIR ARE THE TURE REASON WHY THE WORLD IS FALLING APART. Look at all the blood your group has already split on our own land… no it is your time that your blood be split for the war that you started.” And with that the kids thoart was slit right in front of our eyes and as I looked away I saw a camera and knew that this was on nation television. Even though I was not looking at the murder, I could hear the kid trying to speak and say something. I got some of it, and im pretty sure many others did as well. He gasped, “I did not start any war… you… you…did.” Then he died. Wellington’s face was blank, but you could tell his last words struck him hard. When he put the knife away, he headed for the door with the his escorts. Then someone from the masses jumped out of line, took the gun from the military guy and shot Wellington right in the face. Her face was full of tears and I knew that the kid he killed was someone obviously closed to her. Than the man in front of me went after her and strated beating her. Than the rest of the line dispurted and war was upon the campus. I sneaked around the back, trying to avoid the violence that had but student against student. When I got outside, the mayhem was worst. Inside it was mostly punches and kickes, but out here it was war. Students were fighiting against the military with rocks and chemicals, while the military was shooting everything they had into the crowd. I was in shock. The world went from a mess to chaos in a blink of an eye. I knew I had to get out of here and fast, but first I needed to slow down this madness. I remember the camera guy from a few minutes ago, and as I looked to my right, there he was, with a crashed skull. I walked over to him and notieced that the camera was still running and was the feed because the voices in his headphones were telling him not to stop filiming I was sickened by this. I picked up the camera and noticed that there was a megaphone on the ground too. I grabbed that as well and decided that I had a plan. I went to the roof on one of the buildings, and positioned the camera in the best spot to show just how much desctruction was going on. Then I grabbed the megaphone and started to speak the truth. Chapter 2: Words of an unidentified force “America the beautiful, you guys remember that. A song that spoke how beautiful our landscape was and our love for one another. I guess its just another lie that our nation has developed over time. All our songs are now condrictions of ourselves. They speak of brother hood, freedom, and equality, but none of that exists anymore. We are killing eachother over what? Money. Class. Social Rank and power. That’s not American nor is it human. You let a few propagainsts take over your minds and distract from the reality. They turned your minds on eachother. You killed your friend, brother, sister, mother for what reason? Because they did not agree with The United Americans. Because they were part of the “1%” and they did not want to listen to your ideals or your political stand point? Its bullshit. Look at what you have done here to the supposedly last secure location in the states. It seems we are no better than the people who live outside these walls and why should we be? We are after all the same aren’t we.” That’s when I got the barbains attention along with the media because they were having a field day on who I was and what the hell was going on. I continued, “We have eyes, ears, skin, hair, boyfriends, girlfriends, even family that cares about us. So why are we fighting? The human race has brought this desctruction on themselves. We became greedy. You have become greedy for power, money, change. You let it fog your mind causing you to not see the destruction that narrow-mindedness has brought down. The blood that has flooded the campus was caused by a man who was greedy for revenage, and that led a girl to kill for reveange and so on. This “war” is no longer about different views. Than again it never was. It was always about revenage. Revnage on the banks. Revange on the government. Revange on the “1%”. Revange on The United Americans. And revenge on the American public. That’s what this madness is all about reveange because revenge is that only emotion that would cause us to kill our own kind. History really is repeating, wouldn’t you agree or is your mind still being driven by the darkness in your hearts. Look at your hands, than the ground, than your neighbor, than the sky. Try to the see the destruction that the darkness has brought to this land. Its corrupted us, and this is it unleashed on the land. We can’t stop it, but we can reverse it. Clear your mind. Clear your hearts. Forget about the sadness in your life and the pain that comes with it. This chaos is not the answer, but because we were greedy about change, we forgot to change ourselves before we tried to change the world.” My classmates were stareing at me, and the military dropped their weapons. They looked guilty, lost, scared. It seemed that everything that happened finally hit them. Some dropped on their knees, praying. Trying to redemm themselves form the deadly sin that crowed their vision. Others helped the wounded up. And for a brief second everyone was smiles, and the world seemed to slowly start turning again. Than a shot rang out. I was shot in the thigh. It did not go thorugh, it just grazed me. I knew I could stand, but I stayed down just to be safe. Than I heard a few more fries, followed by screaming, crying, and death cries. When all was over I heard a voice. “America is no more. The voice you heard is no one and no one. She does not see the truth like we do. The United Americans were a stray group of the true Americans. The U.A. were radicals we are the liberals the ones who will fix all this. I am the new leader of America. I am President Micheal Thorton. And I am the only true voice here. I left the U.A. and this herion who speaks in the shadows is nothing more than unidentified force, whose words and cause are of yester years. False hopes and dreams. She is a lost cause form a lost class, the class of 2013, a no one. I will protect all and pull this nation out of the “darkness” that has “plagued” our land. And believe me. Anyone who follows Class of 2013, will be shot on site, just like these people. They are no one, thus they are the children of no one. America welcome back cause President Thorton is here and all is well.” “That was america’s euology. People, America has fallen, and no one can fix it, especially this Throton man. He says I am no one, a “Class of 2013”. Well he is not as smart as he thinks. Evryone knows that no one walks in the shadows and has eyes on the inside and knows everything that is going on. President Thorton I am no one. Nice to meet you and see you in hell.” I said to this “leader”, and to have a little fun I through the camera over along with the megaphone, with a doodle of 13 written on the side with a sharpie I had in my pocket, than I ran. Where was I running to? To my dorm. I needed to go home and out of this hell hole. All over campus people were fighting, setting buildings on fire. I did not know what to think of it. I saw my friends killing more friends. I stopped and looked into the undead eyes of one. She was my section leader, a person I looked up too, and there she was strangling the life out of another band member. I did not reconginzed her at first, she did not even seem to have recogonzed me. At the first sign of life in her eyes, I ran. I heard her shouting for me, but she was not the person I knew, and this was not the place I called home. This was hell and I was no one, just an observer. Yet all this empowered me. I just did not know what to do with all anger and shock. When I made it to my dorm, it was the only one that was still standing. I ran in and up 4 flits of stairs. I got to my room and grabbed my bbackpack. I only packed a few things. A few socks, pants, shirts, underware, my ipod, books, notebooks, anything that I could carry. But the most important things, aka the things I grabbed first was my saxophone because its music its me, and my grandpas medal, the one thing I know which kept me alive this long. I even packed my military duffel bag. And like that I was out headed for home. A journey that by car would take 45 mins, but on foot I had no idea, but I did not care. I heard my speech, my words, my name all over the place, were tvs and radios were the only thing on. I was no one, an unidentified force, a member of a lost class, who would raise hell with out anyone knowing it. |