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A mind can take you places you didn't know existed |
"Let me out!" she cried with anxious intentions to be in the new world of the old that she had been before. She wasn't sure quite how to take it. She knew how it was in the old, but the new old was more amazing, or at least mystical. She had heard what it might be like and that they have been there before, but would she like it? She wondered, all ready reconsidering the feelings she held so deep. This new world that had been before brought back memories, forgotten dreams. The world of magick had taken hold of her. "Where is you head?" he asked, with the consern of a brother. "Are you still with us, or amongst all the chaos?" He pondered while she gazed into space. Thoughts raced through his mind. Can she handle this new reality? Will she ever be able to survive in my world that has transended into another dimension? "Of course I can," she stated with unspoken words. "I guess you can and have," he replied in thought. With pure will alone, he directs change. The sky cried tears of red from the blood shed by men of the old world they knew it as. While the earth drank its fill to quench the thirst of aged violence no longer useful. Trees grew to the heights of the clouds, puffed to the limit, ready to burst forth a new range of visionary delight. The ground opens, swallowing buildings and man made ideals. Digesting hate and anguish, only to spew out the fertilizer it was. To give birth to beauty and riches that dreams were made of before. "Am I dreaming?" she asked seriously. "Are we alive or dead?" "Do you feel dead?" he inquired, holding back an impish giggle. "I feel more alive than any life I ever lived." "Then I guess you're not dead." "But, what am I?" "You are, what you have always been. A free spirit. One that knows no time or space. It does not exist here. It was man made anyway. Here, we are what ever we believe to be, which is what we always were." "Am I flesh?" "No, but you are solid in any form you wish. Care to fly?" he quizzed with a taunting note. "How?" she questioned with anticipation. "Easy. Just believe." Envisioning herself a hawk, she flew upward to the clouds, disappearing in its mist with him following close behind. "Where are you?" she squaked. "Behind you, beneath, infront," he stated boldly as the the clouds engulfed her. "I am the clouds in which you hide." Suddenly she disappears into the vapor unseen. He takes form, slowly transending from cloud to eagle. Searching the sky and land with acute sight, but she was no where to be found. "I feel you, but yet, you elude my keen eyes." "You use the wrong eyes teacher. For I am the sky in its limited vastness." "Then I give you a new test for your quick learning," he whispers as he too vanishes. "I feel you. You are close enough, I can. Are you elemental?" she asks. "No, but close. You feel me but cannot see me? Look into the mirror of the water below." As she looks down from great heights, she sees herself with two images. "I have been with you from the begining. For I am your opposite half. I am you." Going down within herself, she finds him. Together they become as one in full balance. "Only now can we find our mate, the one that will fulfill the aspects needed to recreate. |