Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1856492-Chapter-2
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Other · #1856492
More email between the two
I just sat there looking at those words sitting on my screen. Could she like to playful bite like I do? Does she want to be more aggressive with the biting?

I don’t know how to do this. I have been alone for awhile and adult interaction is lost to me, but yet somehow, this doesn’t bother me at all. I thought about all the chats we had, trying to get a feel for what she wanted. I felt like I should know what she liked and she told me stuff she had done, but getting to know her wasn’t as easy as I was used to. I always took pride in figuring people out after knowing only a few things, but yet when it came to her, I was at a complete loss.
Is she aggressive when it comes to sex? What does she seek by writing and reading the emails? Will she see that I’m not sure what to do and stop?

After a few minutes I decided to call it a day and go home. Being the sole, semi-reclusive owner of a small company does have it perks and just saying fuck it and leaving is at the top of that list. Maybe after grabbing some Mexican food on the way home it will give me time to think about how I want to proceed.

Does she like Mexican? Or better yet does she like food play? What more does she like when it comes to sex? Oh hell! I still have no idea what I am doing?

Settling down on my bed I opened my email I reread that last message try to come up with a response. She wants to tighten my bonds and has a lot of places to bite.

Does she want more from me or does she want the control? How do I approach her about this?

I was beginning to doubt myself when it came to her, the person I had thought about as my mysterious beauty. I’d examined several online sites about writing stories plus browsing a mix of chat rooms on erotica, but I still had no idea how to respond. How could I prompt her to reveal more of what she wants without revealing that I have no clue what to do?

To Raven07:
“You think you can bite me and get away with it?” *starts to work the rope lose* “maybe I should just tie you down instead and bite you?”

NO! That doesn’t look right. I don’t think I want control yet. Let’s see where she can take this? Deleting the last message, I wondered how I was going to word this.

To Raven07:
“Maybe I prefer the longer list?” *struggles with the rope a little as you tighten it* “And maybe some places need more than a nip.”

I wonder how often she checks her email? How fast before she responds to mine?

After 20 minutes and no response, I closed my email. I couldn't believe how ashamed I felt. I put myself out there, completely out of my comfort zone and there was no response. Seems like I gambled and lost. I could almost feel my heart sink in my chest. I knew my face had to be red with the amount of embarrassment I was feeling.

He must think I'm a total freak! So I sat there on my bed, holding my head in my hands. Great impression Raven. You sure know how to reel 'em in.

Since I'm already a total loser, I don't need to add to it by sitting in front of the computer any more. Yeah, I was feeling pretty dumb. The only thing I could look forward to at this point was a hot bath to calm my nerves and relax my mind.

Slipping into the tub was heavenly and I was relaxing my cares away before too long. I needed to force those feelings down and try to reason away my insecurities. Why are you so upset? He doesn't even know you! You can't look like an idiot to someone who has never seen you.

This argument made sense to me and I could accept this stance and move on. But there was something else that crept into my head. But I really started to like this guy. What a fool I was, growing attached to him so quickly. You don't even know his name!

These thoughts were my reality check. I was getting just a little too worked up over this guy and it was clear to me that he'd probably lost interest. I thought that things were going well, but maybe I misinterpreted. Maybe I crossed a line that I didn't know about.

After my bath and pep talk, I decided to watch an action movie to occupy my mind. Flipping through the online selections I selected Ip Man 2. It was easy for me to settle on into the couch and forget my troubles by drowning myself in the fighting prowess of Donny Yuen.

By the time the movie was over, I felt better. I was too busy pretending to shadow box Jackie Chan to chide myself about being too forward or even contemplate feeling like I'd come on to strong. I was actually in a good mood. "Sony, why are you still single? You are the greatest, most generous person ever!" Should I watch another movie or should I call it a night?

I thought about it for awhile and decided to curl up in bed and read myself to sleep. There are a few sites that I keep bookmarked online that feature amateur writing and there's always something to read on those. So, I opened my laptop, ready to dive into a new story. That's when I noticed my mail icon. Could it be from him?

Are you CRAZY? Didn't we just go over this? I opened my laptop slowly, pretending to act casual for my invisible audience. At least you won't think less of me Toshiba.

I started out trying to play it cool, but I clicked on that mail icon faster than a Texan in a quick draw competition. To my surprise and relief, I saw that one of the messages was from him! That excitement quickly changed to reluctance. Is he going to play along or is he going to tell me to drop dead and never contact him again?

All of the nervousness returned immediately, only intensified. I didn't want to feel such a desperate need to be accepted by him, but there was something exciting about our exchanges. Something that drew me despite my best efforts. You really do like him? Just open the damned email Raven!

I swallowed down my fears. Holding my breath, I clicked the message.

Highlander35 writes:
"Maybe I prefer the longer list? *struggles with the rope a little as you tighten it* And maybe some places need more than a nip."
I immediately fell back into the mattress after reading the brief sentences. Relief flooded in and so did fear and anticipation. What do I do now?

My first instinct was to slap him for making me wait so long between responses. I really wanted to send him a message telling him not to take so long next time but those thoughts came and went. I was too excited to focus on those feelings.

What was important was that he still wanted to play with me and so, I decided to play back. Okay, you can do this. Think, think, think. I thought about it for a few minutes before I came up with a scenario that I hoped he'd enjoy. With my excitement and nervousness bubbling over, the room was soon filled with the sounds of my keystrokes.

I read my own words over and over again. I couldn't decide how this would make me look. The word slut comes to mind. This was so out of character for me, but I felt a certain comfort level with him that I hadn't with anyone else before.

The anonymity of the computer allowed me to be more adventurous, to try things and say things that I never had or would otherwise. I mustered all the bravado I could so that I'd send the message without regret. This time, I would send it and turn off the computer. I won't look like an idiot again.

To Highlander35

"You struggle so sweetly." *walks slowly around you before pulling your head back* "Where to start..."

*makes a long swipe of the tongue up your throat, moving upward and grabbing your earlobe in my teeth, tugging it while flicking my tongue over it*

*Releases it to whisper in your ear* "You are going to scream for me, one way or another. You will decide if it is in pleasure, in pain or if you no longer care to know the difference."
© Copyright 2012 Whiteboy (whiteboy75 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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