Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1855261-Humanity
by A.E.R
Rated: E · Article · Opinion · #1855261
My opinion of humanity and my thoughts.
One day a young man not far in life sat and thought to himself why? Why is life so easy yet so hard? Why is it everything's the exact same but slightly different? Why do I have these thoughts? Am I losing my mind? Doing whatever I please is easy doing what others want is not why? It's an interesting thing even if you just do what you want, life is mediocre because even if you're doing everything you want it's exactly like doing nothing exciting for a moment then it passes along with some chemicals, no matter where you go it's all the same. Whether you're an adrenaline junky a drug addict or someone who over indulges in food or sex everyone's the exact same and slightly different.

There's only two outcomes in this world life and death. But we don't even know what dying entails maybe ill become a damned fish and get eaten by an osprey. Maybe ill go back in time and become a king. Everything is a lie though, I tell myself this is my purpose. But honestly maybe its just as backwards as it sounds I tell myself and everyone tells themselves because we just want a reason too be alive. We yearn for a purpose that may not exist at all.

We aren't a hive mind after all we all have individual thoughts. But then society doesn't really progress then does it? Because we all believe are own purpose we all have are own goals. We progress only as far as the individual or as the small group. People segregate themselves all through life. Cliques all through school k-12 then again in college and further more into adult life. We have small co-operation with each other group projects and such. An then we have political party yet another way we segregate are selves because of different ideals. And the worlds also built on segregation small and large countries different cultures different everything yet the exact same damn thing. The human race can not exist like this, so many different ideals that clash that for every step forward we take we have some individuals ideals being stomped on and them getting butthurt. Yet so many of peoples ideals and reasoning behind them is monetary gain or other things to empower or enrich the individual.

The world is a contradiction always moving forward somewhere and going backwards somewhere else. A constant state of failure and success for one too succeed someone else has too fail. What if the entire world could be winning what if the entire human race had the same thought. Wouldn't it be glorious if everyone said well shit we can't let this go any further or we all loose? When is that moment going too come? When the planets natural resources are completely gone? Society can not progress on the individual, yet for the loss of individuality some believe we loose creativity and culture. We can record culture and as for creativity it would flourish in a society that does not require a monetary system which prevents the individual from fiddling in a shop with a watch too see how it works or someone who enjoys there free time painting. More people on this planet strive too do other things in there lives rather then spend everyday at a job they hate.

If the world united every country and continent for nothing more then the purpose of a universal improvement of the species and not for power, pride, or money. But for the self for everyone, people complain they don't like the world yet do nothing too change it. The world can unite against a common enemy and that seems too be the only time, I think Hitler saw this same thing unite for a common cause through fear or prejudice. It takes a great evil too change the world for the better it seems. I think its time humanity faces its darkest hour too succeed or fail everyone vanishes or everyone stands awakened too the light of the ever glowing cosmos. Shall we leave this universe a caterpillar or a butterfly. Shall we loose too the spider or shall we fly between all the webs.
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