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Rated: 18+ · Other · Personal · #1854954
You never know who you really are.
It was May 22 and Roxy was turning 18 today. From now on everything was going to change she was going to begin her life with out anyone controlling her life and constantly telling her no. She never again would be forced to watch her little sister and miss out on what her friends were doing.

She was excited, she woke up early that day and jumped outa bed and fell on the floor emediatly. The poor girl was clumsy, she once fell head first into a garbage can because she was texting. She was a little bit axcident prone. So everyone had that worry about her moving out. She had recently found an appartment for real cheap and she'd planned on moving in the day after.

She was a very unique girl, yes, she was. Today she was getting her first tattoo. An anarchy sign on her left breast, she was nervous about the way it would turn out, pain didn't bother her at all.

She arived at the tattoo shop called INK INC. She waited there patiently as the boy on the other side of the room staired at her for the longest time. Roxy looked at him and smiled sweetly, the boy's face glew in excitement and quickly rushed over to speak with her.

"Hello my name is Reese!" the boy said excited.

"Hello Reese my name is Roxy." she responds.

" What are you doing in here honey?" asks Reese.

" Well today is my 18th birthday and my passion is drwaing I want to become a tattoo artists one day, but today I'm just getting a tattoo." she smiles with her response.

" Oh well I work here my best friend is an the owner of this establishment. I'll go get him and I'll be right back." Reese is gone faster than she can blink. But he soon returns with this tall black figure. Roxy is amazed, the man she sees before her was beautiful, as unique as her, he wasn't afraid of his apperance to anyone. And she could tell he was one of those people who didn't give a crap.

" Hello sweetie again, this is Severin, my best friend and the shop owner. I thought he would like to meet you." says Reese all excited again.

Roxy stands up to greet Severin. This tall mysterious figure, was quite. And gestures something to the bouncing boy next to him. The difference between these two was like night and day. Reese was happy and full of sunshine he always seen the brighter side, Severin was dark, mysterious, and calm, but you never know what the night will hold in store.

Reese speaks once more," If your wondering, Severin is mute, he has a voice box but he doesn't use it much, because I always use it. I am mute as well."

Roxy doesn't respond insdead, she allows her smile to answer for her. Severin stairs at Roxy intensly for what felt like forever, then soon gestures something else at Reese.

" He says what do you want tattooed he is going to do it." Reese says.

" An Anarchy sign on my chest." she replies.

Severin smiles and walks away leading Roxy to the chair open and waiting for her to rest while she gets her tattoo. She sits calmly and watches the cute boy sit beside her continuing to talk to her. Then the dark figure gestures at Reese again. Reese looks shocked, he then takes off the voice box and hands it to Severin.

" I think it's time to calm down Reese, why don't you go shopping she'll still be here by the time you get back." his voice was lower, his eyes red and piercing. He doesn't lay any stencle down to trace. Roxy relaxes.

" Are you nervous?"

" No pain doesn't bother me that much, I can handle this." She respnds.

" I noticed you have multiple piercings, where did you get them done?" Severin doesn't look up from his work.

" I did them myself... I'm trying to be in the tattooing and piercing business professionally. Yep, I did all of them."

" He looks up, you did those? Nice job indeed." he nods and then continues. "I could use a piercer here, What would you think about that?"

" I think this is turning out to be a good damn birthday after all" she giggles.

"Welcome back Anemone, we've missed you." Severin says

" You've missed me? We just met." She respond and stops giggling.

To Be Continued........
© Copyright 2012 Roxy Mosley (anemone1.8 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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