Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1854799-RyanStargazers-UPDATED
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1854799
When a stranger suddenly comes into Celia's life, everything changes.
School, homework, rehersal, sleep. Repeat. I squeezed food in there somehow. I worked very hard to make my applications look good and to make myself look good. This was my life. This....schedule. Nothing ever out of the ordianary. Until I met him. Something , was bound to change.

"Yes mother?!"
I was trying to get ready for my first rehearsal of Chicago. I was Roxy. I should look prepared. Living in Cleveland was always a plus for me. A perfect mix with the crazy city life and the calm country life, everything was perfect, except for the unpredictable weather. With global warming, there had only been 4 occasions of snow. Somewhat a plus for this good sized city. I loved the people, the food, the authenticity of the city. It was home.
"Are you coming, “my mom yelled.
" Yes mom, I'm coming down now."
We got in the car and drove. On this peculiar April day in Cleveland, Ohio, it was a nice 60 degrees. I rolled my window down and stuck my head out. I could smell the early flowers coming in and the smell of the rain from the night before. The vibrant colors of the buds stuck out thr the light green grasses.
"You must hide many things from people," my mom said,” they would never cast a dog!"
I smiled at her. Life was good. This was my sophomore year and I got the main part in my play! Ny dreams were coming true. If I worked hard enough, I mighy be on Broadway. Broadway. I let ot a sigh of happiness and the wind blew my black curls backwards. My flower headband almost falling off. Then we arrived at the theatre.My mom stopped me before I could leave.
"Im proud of you flower. This is one of your biggest parts."
I blushed. Flower is what she has called me since I was 2. I had eaten flowers for lunch one day because I though it would make me pretty on the inside.
"Dad would have been proud."
Her smile remained on her face, fading as the time passed. My father had passed away when I was 10. I was now 16. My mom's round brown eyes started down into her lap, hands laced in between each other.
"Thank you mama."
She leaned in to give me a hug. I could smell the faded scent of my dads cologne in her hair. She always sprayed in on his pillow, never really getting over his death. Her auburn hair tickled my face. She let go of this moment t shooing me out. I grabbed by bag a jumped out of the car with excitement.
"Bye mamita!"
"Bye Celia."
I started walking towards the round auditorium. It had a courtyard in the middle for parties and benefits. The bright colors on the mural of the wall made me feel even more at home. This was my life. My excitement grew as I reached the door. As I grabbed the handle, I noticed a boy. About my age, was staring at me. He was strange. I only saw dark, black hair and bright blue eyes. His face was covered by a gray hood. He had jeans but he looked awkward. Out of place.
I pulled the door open. The boy took a step forward, closer. I stepped inside. He followed. I turned left, making my way to the theatre. He followed. I turned right and suddenly he appeared in front of me. He stared at me with those burning blue eyes. When I tried to move, he moved. I turned around and started walking. He followed.
"I.... I will call the cops!"
My voice trembled. My legs shook. When I was least expecting it, he spoke.
"Now why would you do such a silly thing?"
He was English?! His voice rang in the silence of the hallway. His accent was very foreign, considering this was Ohio...
" So why are you here? Are you here to kidnap me or something? " He pulled off his hoodie.
"You are the key," he replied, “if you could just follow me. "
I noticed his features. His almond shaped bright, blue eyes. The full pink lips. His short black hair, just starting to curl.
"Celia," I thought,"stop drooling."
He snapped me out of my train of thought.
"Celia, if you could just listen to me-"
"How in the world do you know my name?"
I stared in puzzlement. I was quite freaked out. This beautiful boy with blue eyes, muscular arms and shapend shoulders.. Nonetheless he was still a stranger who knew my name.
"Please just come with me," I could hear the desperation in his voice. "my people need you."I chuckled.
"You? Need me? This must be a sick joke! Im just a 16 year old girl from Cleveland! Nothing special. I honestly need to go now. What ever your doing is just weird. 'Your people' should probably find someone else'."
I shooed him off.
"They probably aren't even real," I muttered under my breath.
He sighed. About to put up a fight, but he let his shoulders fall in defeat. He looked at me with those bright blue eyes. He went around me and started walking down the hallway.
"Shoot. I didnt catch his name." I thought.
As I was thinking, he turned and ran towards me as I started walking away.
"Ryan. My name is Ryan." He was gone.

That night, I tossed and turned thinking all about the mysterious "Ryan".

" Brother, you are back."
" Yes. I found the girl."
"So you werent crazy."
"Correct Emmett."
I looked deep into my brothers eyes. Emmett knew what needed to be done. I did too. Same blue eyes as me. His hair was blond. He wasnt as muscular as I was. Like a hollow skeleton.
"She is pretty."
" Ryan stop drooling. We are going to use her and then we are done. Easy and quick. Restoring the balance. What do you think Liam and them will do if they find out about her?"
"Emmett, I would rather not think about that-"
"Answer me!"
I looked down. I knew I was going to like Celia. In more ways then one. I saw the stars.The grey hoodie hung down from my waist. My blue jeans falling off.
"Kill her," I whispered.
Emmett nodded. He looked at his brother and swiveled on his feet and walked out of the room.

For the next month, I felt whenever I turned around, he was there. He would pass my house, my school, he would even walk right in front of me. But he never said a word. Never made eye contact. Like he meant to make me feel nervous. To feel guilty.
It was May. Last full month of the school year. The weather started to consistently be warm, and girls and boys started cranking out the shorts and tank tops like chocolate in a Hershey's factory. Because of the warmth, I would walk to the coffee shop after school. The heat of the sun made me begin to sweat and my uniform skirt began sticking to my legs. I pushed the door open and a bell rang.
"Hey Celia, a voiced called out from behind the counter. It was David,"welcome back to Bangkok. Would you like the regular?"
I nodded. This place along with its great coffee was notorious for great teas with herbs and spices. You could practically lick the the cinnamon out of the air. I walked over to a table by the front window, able to see everything and everyone. Everyone could see me. I opened my book bag and pulled out my white and blue laptop. I slid the lock on it and pushed it open.
" Vanilla cappuccino with whip cream and a shot of caramel!"
I stood up and went to pay David my money. He laughed at me and told me it was free. His brown eyes shone in the sunlight of May, his brown hair matching.I stared down his skinny body and watched in admiration as he moved swiftly and easily behind the counter. His blue smock leaving a streak of color behind him. He turned and caught me staring. I blushed and slowly walked back to my table.
"Thanks David."
"Anytime sweets!"
I heard him laugh. I smiled and continued blushing.
" So do you like that man?"
He made me jump. His English accent took my by surprise and the fact that he was finally talking to me was quite a shock too.
"That is none of your business Ryan. And just because you have stalked me for a month doesnt mean that you know me and cant just appear like this. It needs to stop!"
He nodded while I talked like he understood what I was talking about. Those stupid eyes. So...beautiful.
" It cant stop, because I honestly need your help. Give me 5 minutes audience to explain?"
Audience? Who did this guy think he was? I finally noticed, he wasn't awkwardly dressed anymore. But I could only see a blue long sleeved button down shirt.
"To match his eyes of course!" I thought out loud.
He looked confused.
" Excuse me, Celia. Are you listening?"
"Fine, yes, say whatever you need to say."
He smiled as if it was an accomplishment to get me to listen. Was I that vital to his mission?
"My people, help balance the world. God how do I explain this to a Project? Let me just say it I guess. We are called Stargazers. We each have different powers but we all must use the stars to use our powers."
He stopped talking. He could obviously tell I wasn't aroused by any of this.
"Please do go on," I said.
The corners of my mouth started to curl. He stared at my hair out of curiosity. Out of my own insecurities , I grabbed a curl but he just looked away and began talking again. It oddly felt like I knew him.
" I can see glimpses of the future. I can change them."
"Really," I said with great amazement," what other things can you do, pull a bunny out of a hat too?"
"No need for sarcasm."
His eyes turned to ice. Something I didn't see this winter in Cleveland. His tone shocked me. Stalking me and being ever so kind about it. Suddenly he was like a brick of ice. By surprise, he slammed my laptop down.
"Just listen to me ok," the aggravation in his voice began to boil up to the surface," I help by changing peoples thoughts in order to keep some peace. My family can do other things too," his aggravation began to boil down to a simmer,"my brother can tell whenever someone is sick and what they have and with a touch of his hand 'poof' they are cured."
"How am I supposed to believe this?"
He grabbed his fist out of frustration.
"Cant you just believe,"he asked," why do I have to explain everything?"
His knuckles began turning white from him grasping his hands.
"Look Ryan. Although this is very.... convincing-"
He put his hand up. I could see the thick veins running through.
"Come to Sunluck Garden tonight at 8. The sun should be down by then. I will tell you what you need you to believe."
Extra emphasis on believe. What in the world was I supposed to do? Should I go? He still is a stranger. I spoke without thinking.
"Oh-Ok. What should wear?"
"Something nice and comfortable. Something you can lay down in."
He winked and left. The bell rang as he went out the door.
"Hey Celia,"it was David," are you OK? You look like you are about to faint."
He sprinted over and caught me as the floor fell beneath me. His skinny arms held me tight.

I moaned and turned. I was in my bed.
"Mom?Mom? Dad? Anyone?"
I sighed. I was alone. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It read 7:45.7:45?! I hopped out of bed and began changing.Blue crop top , black jeans, pink Converse. I grabbed my purse and sprinted downstairs. I grabbed
the keys and ran out the door, not even locking the door behind me and jumped in the car. I drove to Sunluck Garden.

When I arrived a smile crawled against Ryan's face.
" I thought you might not come because of what happened this afternoon."
"It was warm and I was in shock and-wait, how did you know?"
His smile continued to get more and more vibrant.
"Told you. Powers. Now follow me."
He led me to a table towards the back. It was dim and quiet. He pulled out the wooden chair and gestured for me to sit. I sat. He sat down himself.
"Ni Hao. Welcome to Sunluck Garden. My name is Makia. I am your waitress today. Drinks?"
She was a short women with black hair flowing down her back like a river. Her distinguished, asian eyes eyes were beautiful.
"I will just have a water." Ryan so politely replied.
"Coke for me ,thank you." I answered staring into Ryan's eyes. "So,"I started,"I came for a reason. If this is true, I need to ask some questions before I begin 'restoring the balance'," he nodded giving me permission to speak," What are Projects? How many of you are there and why am I have any importance to this thing?"
He stared at me again, making me very uncomfortable. His eyes flickered up and down my body, stopping every few seconds. Not even seeing if I was uncomfortable. He stopped at my eyes, my mouth, my neck, but strongly avoided looking at my chest. Makia broke his concentration and brought us our drinks.
"Thank you," we both said.
The contrast between my higher girls voice and his deep voice was so smooth. Like water. We gave her our orders and he began talking.
"Ok. First, Projects are humans that aren't Stargazers."
"How many is that?"
" I was getting to that. There are only 25 of us, but 12 are bad. They dont believe with what us Stargazers stand for."
"And that is?"
"Using our powers for the use of other people. The world. They think we should use our powers for our own good. Therefore, putting the world in danger."
"So why am I needed?"
"One second, I was getting to that!"
I smiled and he smiled back. It was a joke. I think.
"You are positive."
" Positive for what?"
I was scared. Was a sick? Was I in trouble? He chuckled.
"I mean your attitude. You are positive which is pretty rare these days. The world is full of negatives and we are losing more positives. If the world is all negative, my family will die, having no more use in this world. We need one more positive to keep balance."
"Thats me," I whispered.
What was I going to do,say,expect? He only nodded. Our food came and we had dinner in silence. I was attempting to suck this information up, but I was like a wet sponge trying to soak up more water. When dinner was over, Ryan paid.
"Either follow or drive with me."
I got into the car with him.
" I am going to read the stars for you. Show you that im not lying."
When we arrived at the park, gentleman as always, opened my door for me and escorted me out. I followed him to a hill. He lay down and patted the ground for me to sit next to him. He closed his eyes forba few minutes. When they fluttered open again, he had serious eyes.
" Whats wrong," i asked,"did you like read something?
"Yes," with no emotion in his eyes or voice, you would have thought someone was going to die," you are going to mess up your lines the opening night of your play."
I looked at him with relief and astonishment.
"Why would you scare me like that? I will not!"
"Will too. Stars say so."
I sighed. Could any of this be true? I broke the silence.
" Can anything bad happen to me?"
He looked everywhere but towards me. His chest was falling and rising seemingly slower and slower as each second that rolled by.
"Death." he whispered.
It was like the air was knocked out of me. I couldnt breathe. I couldnt seem to get the air through me. Finally with a sharp gasp, I began breathing again.
" Its not because of you, its because of other people. The bad Stargazers. IF it even happens. Which I doubt they havne the guts to do."
I t was like listening to the adults on Charlie Brown "wah wah wah wah wah". I didnt speak. I couldnt. Suddenly Ryan grabbed my hand. The electricity sped through the air. A strong gust of wind swept over us, my curls flying in the wind. His eyes illuminating the night.
"We can do this Ce."
Nobody had ever called me Ce before.
© Copyright 2012 Ali Marinelli (alimarinelli at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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