Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1854720-Burglars-for-Hire-Pt3
Rated: E · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #1854720
The obstacles continue for Blaine and Diane
The story continues. Blaine and Diane are at Diane's house with the jewels. "Mr.Campbell, I have a floor safe that only you and I know about, this is where we'll hide the jewels, if the police were to search my home, they would never find this."Blaine replies "Let's hide them here then Ms.Ruzak". Diane puts the jewels in the safe and locks it and then begins to speak again,"Alright, were go to go, lets get back to the office".

Meanwhile at the home of Bill and Katherine VanDerpool, the VanDerpools are planning something. "Kathy, we have to get those jewels back, if the police get invoved they'll know that they were stolen some weeks back". "I agree Bill, nobody knows that we stole those originally, so were safe there, aren't we?" Bill replies "You're forgetting Blaine and Diane hon, they know"."Oh thats right,what are we going to do darling?" "Were going to find where they hid it and were going to steal it back."
(Bill and Kathy laugh sinnisterly)

Blaine and Diane return to the office and are greeted by Diane's secretary Carmen Delgado ( A native of Puerto Rico, who is 51 years of age, thin to medium build, long black hair down to her mid back, with brown eyes) Carmen begins to speak with her accent, "Ms.Ruzak" "Yes, what is it Carmen" "There's a detective waiting in your office and would like to speak to you and Blaine" Blaine and Diane look at each other with shock and then look back at Carmen and Diane replies,"Thank you Carmen" They enter Diane's office and Diane responds,"Yes, how can we help you" The detective replies,"Hello, i'm Detective Jensen, if you don't mind I would like to speak with you and Mr.Campbell" (Detective Jensen is also middle aged and overweight, and Semi-Bald) Diane responds " Sure, what would you like to talk about" "There was a theft some two weeks back, and some jewels that are valued at over $250,000 were stolen during the caper" Just then Blaine speaks "What does this have to with us?" Jensen replies,"We'll Mr.campbell, you served time in the County jail for the attempted burglary of the home of William and Katherine VanDerpool, and Ms Ruzak, you employed Mr.Campbell to work for you, so yes this has everything to do with you, now could you answer my questions please?' Det. Jensen continues, "Now where you approximately two weeks from yesterday?" Diane replies,"Mr.Campbell and I were here working late getting a new account set up, if you would like, the cleaning lady was here and she can verify all this for you." "Thank you Ms.Ruzak, I will be talking to her" "Anything else, said Diane" "No, not at the moment, but please, don't plan any out of town trips without notifying me, you tow have a wonderful day" Det.Jensen exits Diane's office, after he leaves, Blaine begins to speak, "Do you think he suspects anything?' Diane replies,"No, he has nothing , we didn't commit the original break in, but i'll bet I know who did." Blaine replies "Are you thinking what i'm thinking that it was the VanDerpools?" "Yes I am, and we better stay on our guard, because we might have to do another Burglary to clear our name possibly." Just then Carmen opens the door,"Ms.Ruzak, there's a Mrs.VanDerpool on the line for you." Blaine and Diane look at each other once again and Blaine responds," Showtime" Diane's picks up the phone and begins to speak, "Hello Kathy" Katherine on the other line responds, "Diane, this isn't a Social call, i'll get right to the point, we know it was you and Blaine who robbed our home the other night, and we want those jewels back. "We'll Kathy, if you want them that bad, maybe we could work something out." Blaine watching and smiling. "What do you propose Diane?"Diane replies "A chance to redeem yourself, for cheating me out my cut from a burglary you and I did a year ago, and for your husband to redeem himself for cheating Mr.Campbell during a burglary they did sometime back." Katherine pauses and then speaks, "Alright, i'm listening" Diane replies " Meet us at the park in two hours, and bring lunch for all of us, we have alot to discuss" Fine, Bill and I will meet you in the Park in two hours, and i'll have lunch made for all four us." Diane replies, "Very well, will see you then." Diane immediately hangs up the phone and Blaine begins to speak "What's the proposition Ms.Ruzak?" "We are going to do our next caper with the VanDerpools." "I see where you're going with this" said Blaine, " And I think it's shear genius, we'll get our revenge and clear ourselves at the same time." Don't forget Mr.Campbell, were going to $250,000 richer." (They laugh sinnisterly)

© Copyright 2012 Joe Ferrera (joe_ferrera at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1854720-Burglars-for-Hire-Pt3