Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1854526-Seven
Rated: E · Other · Supernatural · #1854526
The most important battles are the unseen ones. Life and death happens here first.
The soft colored glow of the nightlight spotted the room in shapes of little stars, fading out soon after his little eyes slowly closed. He was fast asleep laying next to mom with one foot touching her leg for reassurance; he was secure knowing he was not alone. Jonda, on the other hand, though tired from a long day at the office and all the duties of a single mom that demand her attention before and after work, was fighting to keep her eyes open looking intently at her cell phone. She was taking full advantage of this time; trying to catch up on all the facebook jokes, stories and gossip. The two of them alone in that quiet house were unaware as to what was taking place.

Dark shadows lurked toward the peaceful home with the full intent of destruction. The coast was clear and like a black vapor they moved silently closer as their evil joy could hardly be self contained. The darkened walk way to the front door appeared free from any hindrance and the wooden door, they knew would be locked, did not detour them. They wanted her, they wanted her boy and tonight they were dead set on having their way. They had come to steal and kill and destroy. Seven of them, each one more vile than the other in ungodly motives and desires, moved in chaotic unison, each one assigned a position to guard and to be on the lookout for anyone who would disrupt their plans. Two in front at the bedroom windows, One at the front door, One on each side of the house and two more slithered silently to the back to stand one at the rear door and the other at the window to the master bedroom.

Updated completely on all the current news and juicy gossip, yawning, she closed out the facebook application on her phone as she rolled over to plug it in to charge for the night. Settling back in bed and getting comfortable she ended her day with a short silent prayer and almost as soon as she had said Amen she was fast asleep. Instinctively, the leader knew it was time to move in. With a voice that sounded like a chorus of life long pack-a-day smokers they all spoke, "Now, Move In!" Each one, unhindered by door or window or wall, moved straight forward from where they stood. Once inside they stood defiantly and celebrated with a demonic cackle. "I'm in and nothing shall stop me from having her and the boy now!" the satanic voice echoed from each black mass as if they each individually spoke it. Jonda's eyes open suddenly, not sure why, looking around and seeing nothing she assumed it was the furry bandits that stole part of her Christmas decor that once decorated the trees outside. Laying her head back onto her pillow, she whispered reassuring herself, "Stupid squirrels, I am going to punch them in the face!" The black mass that passed through her window stood his ground as the other six crept their way to her room.

All seven, like starving vultures salivating over their prey, stood around her bed staring intently at mom and child laying there in peace. Each black mass oozed pure evil, black and greenish vapors rolled off them and onto the carpet where it seeped into the ground finding its unholy way back into the pits of hell. Coughing and gagging, she was half awake again this time making a disgusted face as she waved her hand back and forth above her sons bottom, "Really? No more eggs for dinner for you boy!" Her voice tapered off as she tried to get back to sleep oblivious to what and who stood around her bed. It was the sulfuric stench of evil that she smelt and not the effects of the egg dinner on her sleeping son.

The seven looked at each other and without words their deformed limbs reached into their dark essence to bring forth blades of various sizes and shapes, but, all with the same blood red symbol etched into the blades. Raising their weapons in unison and ready to plunge into the sleeping bodies. "DO IT NOW YOU FOOLS! NOW!" A demoniac growl emanated from all around them, Their hands came down swiftly bringing certain destruction. Abruptly, inches before impacting their victims, their arms were locked in place. Jerking and pulling with all their evil strength they could not move their weapons, they were frozen in place above Jonda and her son. Each one began to squeal like a trapped wild pig unable to move and unable to let go. They jerked and pulled desperately, terrified of what this could be, the air became electrified, hissing in fear, there was no escape.

Slowly light began to emanate from all around the bodies of the mother and child and the demons shrilled more as they began to hear the voices of this mother and child. They frantically tried to cover the holes on the sides of their heads to keep from hearing the words. The sounds got louder, the light brighter as the seven of them began to twist and contort in unspeakable pain. The sounds became clearer, it was the prayers of others and those of the mother for her and her child and it was the child's prayers. "God bless mommy" His little voice rang out and the evil horde cried out as if they were being tortured by an unseen force. "Lord please protect me and my son, please Lord put Your Angels around us to protect us" They heard the voice of the mother, but her lips were not moving. Then they realized that what they were hearing was the past prayers of Jonda, her son, and those of the others, all prayers spoken over and for her and her son. The prayers spoken in the past still had power and authority, they were swirling in the air around them; shimmering wisp that seamed to act like a barrier around this mother and her child. Each word, like a bolt of lightning, struck the vile creatures that were ensnared.

Suddenly as the prayers were repeated, a brilliant light burst from above, the seven realized that they were no longer alone. Appearing behind each of the grotesque creatures stood, what appeared to be men. Dressed in Brilliant white, their faces beamed with pure righteous light. With a voice like thunder that made the demonic seven cringe and fall to their knees, God in Heaven spoke, "These are My Children, These are washed in the Blood of My Son. You have no right nor privilege to them. They are Innocent and forgiven." Instantly, but oblivious to her surroundings and the war that was taking place, Jonda sat straight up in bed with the deepest desire to worship her God. From deep inside, as if out of her belly, she began to pray in the spirit as tears of love rolled down her cheek. The light that filled the room intensified as her pure worship of God, her heavenly Father, flowed forth in life giving words.

The seven could no longer look upon her or the child because of the brightness of the light around them. Suddenly their demonic hands were free and they attempted to flee, but those who stood behind them had other plans. They pulled from their golden belts brilliant swords of light ready to strike. With the words, "The Lord rebuke you devil!" Each glistening blade found their mark straight down the center of each demonic mass. Vapors of black and sickly green exploded and with the sounds of shrieks that caused the pit bull, that laid on the bed next to the boy, to jump to its feet, attempting to find the intruders in the room, but she settled back down next to the boy as mom continued her time of prayer and worship before her Holy God. The final blow was struck and the last of the black and green vapors oozed back through the floor and into hell where in once was from. Now the room was quiet. The Angels of God began to worship along with Jonda. Soon she was at peace and laid down and fell fast asleep. Her little boy's hand, reaching back, found his mommies arm, it slowly made its way down to her hand where he patted her hand then drifted off to sleep. Now there stands Seven Angels guarding her and her child at all times, day and night without rest.

© Copyright 2012 Thomas D Wagner (thomasdwagner at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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