Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1854518-Camp-Survivor-Chapter-3
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Teen · #1854518
It is challenge #3 for the contestants in Camp Survivor! Who's going home tonight?
Last time on Camp Survivor: The Armadillos and the Deer competed in their first competition: a race around the whole island. They all competed well with the Armadillos crossing the finish line first, thanks to the silent prodigy Tom. However, the Armadillos lost the competition thanks to Zach missing the flag in the desert. In the end, it was he who became the first person ever to be eliminated in Camp Survivor. Will there be love? Will there be hate? Will there be drama? Find out on today's episode of Camp Survivor!


All of the contestants were in the Mess Hall, attempting to eat what Mrs. Rosenthal called "Corn Flake Surprise."

"I think I found out why she added in the 'surprise' in the name," Steve said as he pulled out a toothbrush from his bowl of gruel.

"Congrats, Captain Obvious," remarked Ty. He tried to spoon out some of the more edible-looking parts, but his spoon was firmly glued into the food. "I can't eat this! There's absolutely no nutrition in this!"

EJ, who was actually eating the stuff, blurted, "Since it does have corn flakes, it probably has carbs that we need for today's challenge."

"What I meant to say was 'There's absolutely no nutrition in this that is worth getting food poisoning for." Ty looked around at his team, looking confused. "Hey, where's Lee?"

The door to the mess hall flew open, revealing Lee. All of the campers gasped. He looked terrible, bags under his eyes and his hair disheveled.

"Lee? What happened to you?!" Emily gasped as he walked over to the table and smashed his head into the bowl of Corn Flake Surprise.

"I couldn't get any sleep last night, and I have no clue why." Alex turned away and began to whistle.


Alex scratched his head sheepishly. "I watched so many shows like this, and one of the earlier challenges would be the sleep-a-thon. So, I slipped a little caffeine pill into Lee's drink yesterday during dinner time. Whoopsies."


At the Armadillos table, Brandon was grumbling, stirring his breakfast vehemently. "Did you guys really have to vote Zach off? What he did was just a simple mistake. You could have voted someone who would have been a problem later in the competition."

Jake replied, "Well, we can't afford for anyone to make a stupid mistake like that again. Besides, he was the kind of guy I can't stand."

"So? Anyone could have made that mistake! Even you, Mister I'm-Better-Than-Everyone!"

"I don't think I'm better than everyone! At least I didn't get into juvie 20 times for dealing drugs, stealing, or harassing old ladies!"

"Just stop!" Annie yelled at them both. "I hate it when people argue like that. It infiltrates my mind with such hateful thoughts. Besides, we were first to cross the finish line, so we get an advantage today. Focus on winning today's challenge, and put your differences aside."

"Fine then. Let's just listen to the soulless one." Brandon sneered and turned back to his breakfast.


"If there's anything I dislike more than arguing, it is ginger jokes. Seriously, I do have a soul." Annie rolled her eyes at the camera and huffed.


"Campers, listen up!" Ryan's voice boomed from the speakers in the mess hall. "Finish up your breakfast! Get ready for your next challenge: a water obstacle course! Meet me at the lake shore in half an hour."


"A water obstacle course? This could be a problem." Bella looked nervous from her wheelchair.


"Eeeeee! A water obstacle course! This going to be-"

"So much fun! We've wanted to this since like forever!" Lily and Lizzy shrieked in enthusiasm.


Emily was quivering in the confessional. "Oh g..g..gosh! This is going to be problematic."


Chelsea was wearing a gas mask as she applied hairspray to her poof. "There is no way I'm lettin' my poof get ruined in this challenge, so I'm using Jane's 'All-Natural Extra Strength Waterproof Hairspray From Organically Grown Olives!' This better work, or I know one hippie who's going home tonight!"


"Can't...BREATH!" Raj gasped for air as his face turned purple and he fainted in the confessional from Chelsea's hairspray vapors.


Jessie peeked into the confessional and gasped as she saw Raj on the floor. "Boyfriend! I'll save you!" She dragged the unconscious Indian out of the confessional. Smooching sounds can be heard outside of the outhouse.


All of the campers, including a lipstick-coated Raj, were waiting by the lake shore, where a cliff stood over the cerulean waters. Ryan stood by the edge, his back to a series of red and blue pillars and pathways. "Welcome campers to the Ultimate Water Obstacle Course! Isn't it beautiful?"

"No." Kat replied curtly. "Get to the challenge already."

"Fine then. The goal of the challenge is to get to cross your team's respective obstacle course before the other team does. Their are four parts to this challenge: the Piston Pillars, the Snowball Speedway, the Water Plinko Board, and the Lilypad Leap. Each part is aptly named, as you will find out soon enough. If you fail to make it across a part of the course, you have start that section all over again by climbing the ladder at the start of that section." The host chuckled. "But this is too easy... for me, that is. So, Rob will shoot stuff at you from the sidelines with his Cannon of Pain!"

The co-host was on a cannon that stood on a pillar in the middle of the lake.

"Hey Ryan," Summer asked shyly. "Why does it look like a mattress is attached to Rob's back?"

"Good question. A certain someone-" The host glared at Alex, who looked away and began to whistle- "decided to play a prank on him by super-gluing him to his bed. While it is funny, we can't get him off of that thing until we prepare a chemical that takes a day to make. So, for the mean time, he's bed bound. Literally."

"Wait a minute," Lily spoke up. "Since we made it to the finish line last challenge-"

"Don't we get an advantage today?" Her sister finished up for her.

"Glad you reminded me!" Ryan pulled out a heavy trunk and opened it up. Inside were blocky pumpkin masks carved from wood. "Deadly Deer, since you guys lost the race, you have to wear these totally annoying pumpkin masks that screw up your vision. Have fun!"


Brittney, who was wearing a pumpkin mask, looked at her face with a mirror. "Oh my gosh, I look awful!" She tried to run out of the confessional, screaming, but instead she ran into the wall.


"Contestants, are you ready?" Everyone nodded, including the mask-wearing Deer. "Okay then! The challenge starts... NOW!" The campers all ran towards the Piston Pillars except for Bella.

"Can anyone please help me across? Anyone?" She groaned in irritation and pulled herself off her wheelchair using her arms.


"I was training for the Junior Paralympics event at my school before it became mainstream, so at least I can handle dragging myself across the entire course!" Bella's voice got louder towards the end of her speech, and she dragged herself out of the confessional with her arms.


Alex groaned. "I'm starting to feel a little sea-sick... Do these pillars ever stop moving?" The pillar he was standing on, along with all the other pillars, were moving up and down, threatening to shake the teens off.

"Nope!" Rob called out from the sidelines. "Here's revenge for gluing to my bed!" The co-host shot a soccer ball out of the cannon, knocking Alex down into the water.

Steve was gracefully hopping across the platforms, pausing by Ty to catch his breath.

"Hey! How'd you cross the pillars so easily?" Ty asked as Gabby, who was standing in the piston next to him, fell off.

"I developed amazing reflexes from playing video games so much. you try it some time." The gamer leaped across the final five platforms and became the first person to make it across to the Snowball Speedway.

Blaire was shot off by Rob, pulling Eric down with her. Bella managed to move herself up to the fourth piston by herself when EJ stopped by her.

"Do you need some help?" he asked.

"Sure thing! Just be careful not to fall off." The cadet picked her up and carried her on his back.

"Don't worry. I had to do drills like this before, so I'm experienced with this stuff." EJ jumped to the next pillar with ease, then to the one after that. "Just hold on tight."


"EJ is so nice!" Bella was blushing in the confessional. "If I had to choose out of my entire team who to invite to the Pepper Girls concert, i would choose him. Unfortunately, he probably never heard of them." The girl sighed.


On the Armadillos' obstacle course, the team wasn't having much luck.

"Move your butt Jessie!" Brandon was yelling to his teammate, who was clinging on to a pillar for dear life.

"I want to, but I can't swim well, and I don't want to fall into the water!" she replied, almost in tears. "Just jump on my back if you want to cross."

Tristan, who stood on the pillar before her, sighed and jumped. He landed on her back, and the pillar groaned and creaked before it stopped moving. "Hey guys! I think our combined weight stopped the piston from moving!" He jumped to the next pillar. "Jessie, you can move now!"

The girl jumped off the piston and onto the next one, crushing Tristan but stopping the pillar's movements.

"Thanks guys! Let's win this!" Harley said as he jumped on to the now-still pillars.


"I must say. Even though Jessie is extremely annoying at times, she can be pretty helpful too." Joe scratched his head for a minute, looking confused. "I also noticed she stopped hitting on the guys since the first challenge. I wonder why..."


Emily nervously landed on the platform leading to the Snowball Speedway just in time to see Jane get pegged in the face with a snowball from the launchers attached to the side of the winding, twisting, thin pathway. "This cannot end well." She gulped and ran for her life with her eyes closed, bumping into Sydney and knocking her off. "S...s...sorry!"

Ty was unsteadily balancing on the slippery pathway, ducking from the snowballs. "I can't see with this mask at all!" He took a step forward, slipping and falling off again.

Chelsea was trailing carefully behind Dylan and Aziz, the latter using the former as a shield. "Why are you doin' that to him? That's a bit mean, you know."

"He insisted that I use him for the greater good of our team," Aziz replied.

"It's true. I probably wouldn't have been any use to our team this round without my jacket, not that it's going to make a difference." The emo sighed as Aziz pushed him forward, blocking another snowball.


"Why do I have to be so pessimistic?" Dylan gloomily asked to the camera. "It's not that I'm trying to annoy my team, but I'm just trying to view things more realistically, that's all."


By now, all of the Armadillos had made it to the Snowball Speedway with Jake, Tristan, Jessie, Wes, and Summer leading the way. Raj had fallen off with Mona and Harley, while the rest were carefully trekking across the course.

"What are you doing?" Joe asked Daniella as they carefully moved along the slick pathway.

"I'm collecting the snowballs in my hair! You see, I'm really an ice fairy princess, and for my transformation to be complete, I'm saving the snow for later!"

"Okay...then..." Joe inched away from his teammate slowly as Daniella caught twelve more snowballs and fashioned her hair into the shape of an ice cream cone.


"Is it just me, or am I the only normal person on this island?" Joe shook his head in wonder.


"We're losing!" Gabby said as she saw the other team make their way to the Water Plunk Board. "How can we win if we have these stupid masks that keep us from dodging snowballs at all?"

Eric's eyes widened. "I have an idea." He dropped down to his stomach and slid across the pathway. The snowballs flew over his head, aimed too high to hit the boy. "Follow me!"

Gabby, Blaire, Bella, EJ, Jane, Brittney, and Austin followed, but Hailey stood defiant at the starting platform. "There is absolutely no way I'm going to do that and make myself look stupid on national TV!"

Austin shouted back at her, "Hailey, if you don't cross and our team loses, you'll look even stupider on national television! Just do it!"

The girl groaned, dropped to her stomach, and slid. "Ugh! I feel like a penguin!"

"At least you're a cute penguin." Austin smiled back at her, and Hailey blushed.


"Jessie, you might want to go last for this." Wes told the girl as he and Jake stood by the Water Plinko Board. Five holes in the contraption had water gushing down into them. At the bottom of it were five other holes, with one ending on a platform leading to the Lily Pad Leap and the other dropping water into the lake. "What are we s'pposed to do here?"

"I guess you have to jump into one of these holes and the water will randomly take you to the ending platform or the lake," Jake replied. "Here goes nothin'!" The Australian jumped into the second hole. A minute later, he washed out on the platform below, holding a thumbs up.

Jessie stood back as her other teammates jumped into the board, some ending up in the lake and others on to the platform. She sighed gloomily.


"Sometimes I wish I wasn't so large," the girl sniffled. "But my weight is the point I joined this competition: to prove that someone as heavy as me can win a competition. Well, that was my other point; my first was to get a boyfriend, and I accomplished that! Yay me!"


Lee dragged himself out of the Water Plinko Board exit, heaving and exhausted.

"Are you okay, Lee? You don't look so hot," pointed out EJ, who carried a soaked Bella in his arms.

"Yeah... I'm... fine..." Lee replied. "Just let me rest for a while." The cadet shrugged and ran off to the first lily pad with Bella. Water currents raged around peaceful pools with floating lily pads sitting in the middle. He took one jump and landed on the leaf, which still remained floating. "How is this even possible? This plant is supporting the weight of two people while remaining in place despite the currents around it!" Eric cried out in disbelief as he saw EJ and Bella cross the course.

"Three words: Fake plastic plants!" Rob shouted as he shot down Sydney, Ty, and Steve with tennis balls.

"Why do you keep on aiming at our team?" Chelsea yelled as she narrowly avoided a tennis ball.

"Because you're the closest to my cannon, and Alex is on your team." Rob aimed and fired, knocking Tristan and Tom into the water. "Are you happy now?"

"Very!" Chelsea laughed as Sydney, her rival, slipped and fell into the water.

The co-host then took aim on Alex. "Bombs away!" He launched a bowling ball at the teen, who ducked.

"Sucks for you!" The prankster laughed and continued on his way.

The Armadillos weren't as lucky. Sheila jumped onto the seventh lily pad as the bowling ball hit the platform on which Raj was standing on, sending him and the entire pillar collapsing into the lake behind her. "Are you kiddin' me? You could've killed him!"

"That's the point!"

"Now what are we going to do?" Jessie cried as she miraculously walked out of the Water Plinko Board. She, Tristan, Annie, Tom, Raj, Mona, and Daniella were stranded on the other side of the course as everyone else on their team leaped to the lakeside cliff. "I don't think any of us can jump that gap between the lily pads without falling back into the water."

Mona turned to Tom. "Is there anything you can do like make a bridge or something, like you did last last challenge?"

Tom concentrated for a few seconds then gestured to Annie.

"He says for Tristan to give him a mirror and for Daniella to give him the snow in her hair," Annie translated for the silent teen. Tristan and Daniella obeyed, giving Tom the necessary items. By now, the only Deadly Deer still on the course were Emily, Alex, Brittney, Hailey, and Lee. Tom fashioned the snow into two pillars, then blushed as he gestured to Jessie.

"What does he need from me?" she asked hesitantly.

"Your...um... industrial-strength bra," Annie nervously replied. Jessie just nodded as she pulled it out and handed it to Tom. He buried the ends of enormous bra into the snow and focused the mirror, melting some of the snow briefly into water before refreezing into ice. Hailey just made it to shore, leaving the stumbling Lee the only Deer left.

"Tom, whatever you're doing, hurry it up!" Raj frantically cried. Tom leaned back against the makeshift slingshot and motioned for the others to do the same. Lee was on the final lily pad.

"I hope this works!" Tristan nervously said. "On the count of three, we'll jump. One, two, three!" The teens jumped, sending them flying towards shore.

Lee jumped, shouting, "I'm going to make it, i'm going to make it!"

"I can't watch!" Summer turned her face away as everyone held their breath.

Lee smashed against the cliff, to his team's chagrin. On the other side, Tom and the rest of the Armadillos made it on to the shore.

"And the Awesome Armadillos win!" Ryan announced from a speaker, followed by the cheer from the victors. "Deadly Deer, see you at the fire tonight."


Hailey and Brittney were by the beach, walking as the sun began to set.

"I think we should vote of Lee for screwing up the challenge. What do you think Brittney?"

"I think we should go reapply our make-up. Mine washed off in the challenge."

The brunette face-palmed herself and groaned. Just then, Austin walked out of the forest, jogging up to the girls.

"Hey there Hailey, hey Brittney, what's happening?"

"We were just talking about who to vote off. I say Lee. How about you?" Hailey replied, blushing.

"I say Bella. She is kind of useless and might slow us down later in the competition."

"I agree with you, now that I think about it. But how will you convince the others with voting off Bella instead of Lee?"

"I have my ways. Anyway, I've been thinking... Why don't we three form an alliance?"

"I'll be glad to join you in your alliance! How about you Brittney?"

"Okay then, whatever my BFF Hailey says!" the blonde replied.

"Alright then! See you girls later at the camp fire!"


"Deadly Deer. Welcome to your first elimination ceremony!" Ryan said as he welcomed the incoming team. He was carrying a tray of s'mores on his right hand. "Please get seated. As you hopefully should know, I will pass out these s'mores as a sign of immunity, and the person who does not receive one will be going home tonight. And unless we allow you to, you will not be able to come back. EVER. Got it?" The campers nodded fearfully.

"Let us begin. Steve, Ty, Sydney, Chelsea, Aziz, Austin, Dylan, Jane, Blaire, EJ, and Gabby, you are all safe." The teens caught the s'mores as the host threw them. "Eric, Brittney, Emily, and Hailey, you are also safe." The four gave a sigh of relief as they caught their s'mores. "Alex, you are safe, surprisingly." The prankster caught his s'more as Ryan turned to Bella and Lee.

"Bella, you are stuck to a wheelchair and may slow down the team in future challenges. Lee, you totally bombed today's challenge from your lack of sleep. Only one of you will get this final s'more, and that person is..."






"... Lee." The athlete caught the s'more as Bella sadly wheeled herself off to the confessional one last time before she had to go home.


"Oh... I thought this wouldn't happen this early in the competition." The girl was crying, but it was not affecting her speech. "I wanted to show that a someone on a wheelchair can win a reality TV game show. I guess I just happened to be unlucky." Bella wiped her tears on her hoodie. "Who do I want to win? Anyone on my team, really. They all seem nice, but I especially want EJ to win, since he was the only one who helped in this challenge. Goodbye, Camp Survivor. At least I was this show before it became mainstream."


Bella was sitting on the slingshot, her wheelchair waiting on a boat by the dock. She wore a large pool toy around her waist.

"We'll send your wheelchair on the boat that will pick you up from the sea," Ryan explained to her. The rest of her team was there to say goodbye to her.

"See you guys! Good luck next round!" Ryan activated the slingshot, hurling Bella hundreds of feet out to sea, shrieking the entire way.

"Maybe you guys shouldn't have voted her off," EJ said sadly. "Maybe she had some talent that we didn't know."

"Sorry big guy," Blaire said to her teammate. "I guess it was just her not-so-lucky day. You'll see her again, you'll see."

The two left for the cabins along with the rest of their team as the screen fades to black.


Next time on Camp Survivor: A game of dodgeball! Who will have the skills to win? Who will have the lack of skills to lose? And who will have the skills or lack of to get themselves voted off next? Find out next week on Camp Survivor!

© Copyright 2012 D. Buenafe (fierywormz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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