Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1854425-broken-mind
Rated: 13+ · Other · Emotional · #1854425
chapter I is done please give me your reviews and opnion

everyone, at less once in a life time, find them self in a "bad place", such that you dont want ti wush upon your greats enemys.
there are those who seek vendetta upon the people who give them sarrow and sent them to the "bad place".
they can be any one, the guy from school, the housewife nextdoor, you own brother.
they can be you...

chapter I:Ropes

As the alarm clock rang, chris was allready up.
It is the fourth week in a row that Chris didnt get some sleep, because of the nightmares. So his parents think, but the ugly truth is that Chris is being abused, pushed around, degraded; physically and emotionally.
Chris changing his cloths and wears his greenish-grey uniform, walking down the stairs and enters the kitchen, the empty big kitchen.

Every morning, every night, the kitchen is empty, the house is empty, sounds like a dream right? no parents no rules?
Chris's parents work as salesmen, never at home, rarelly at home, and even more rarelly if they speak with chris.
Chris eats his breakfast, taking his time and drifts way to his private thoughts, as dark and cold they my be, he allways think that one day he shall be free from his life, and start a new one, somewhere, sometime.
Chris wears his shoes and start walking to school.

After a couple of minutes, he arrived to the schools gate, and as always, Tom and Pete gordon stand in front of the gate, waiting for chris.
Chris tries to ignore them but quickly they grab his arms, "say Pete," Tom turn to his twin brother, "i think Chris here, tried to get through to the gate, without paying his entry fee.", "now that is very bad, i think we need to remind him what will happen if he wont pay." "guys, i... i dont have money on me" begged Chris.
The twins looked at each other and start punching Chris, one hit after the other lend with brute strength.
Non stop, almost in a constantly time between the hits.

The bell ring.
"fuck! we gonna be late to Mr.McGally." yelled Pete, quickly they run off, leaving Chris lying on the hard ground in his own broken mass, holding his sore bady, crying, but not making a single sound.
"get up, Chris," said a big and powerful voice, as Chris turned his head he saw coach Curt, a big and muscular man, black colored skin but with no single hair on it, bald, yet scary, "come on Chris, let me help you out." said the coach as he pull Chris from the ground.
Dragging Chris to the nurse's office, but every time Chris walk to the nurse he thinks the same thing "well it ever end?", "i don't know Chris, maybe." said the coach with his deep and powerful voice, "oh... i didn't notice i said it out loud, sorry." lower his head nearly to the floor due to the shame he felt, "i know Chris, but one day, you will wake up and finally smile, i sure of it".
Coach lift Chris again.

They entered the nurse's room, she looked at Chris and the coach and didn't say a word, coach lied Chris on one of the beds, Chris spend so much time in the nurses's room, that he got a regular bed, in left corner of the room, just for himself.
The nurse's treated Chris, but again, not a single word came from her mouth.
Few minutes later, Chris overheard the coach and the nurse speak, Chris was so worn out that heard the conversation in a very vaguely way.
In general, the nurse said that she sick off having Chris in her room almost everyday, the coach said that, Chris is a victim, a poor and weak victim that cant do much, cant stand up for himself, cant resist, cant live.
As the hours gone by, Chris took his stuff and left the nurse's room, missed nearly his entire day, but, it is not over yet.

As he has about to get out of the building, Pete, Tom and their big brother Max, appeared before him with a group of students.
Chris could hear from far their intentions, but recalled the coach's words, and stood in his place.
"Chris, do you know what you done?" asked Max, Max is a big guy, nearly 6 foot 10, maybe 230 pound man, and when a big guy like that ask you somthing, you better anwser, "n.... n.... no..." murmured poor Chris, "because of you, Pete and Tom are suspended, till next week, i don't like it Chris." Max started to press on his hands joints, clicks ripped the air and Chris know what is gonna happen, and cant stop it from happening, "any comment?" asked Max, but silence he got and he gave Chris a harsh, brutally punch to his face, knocking him down to the floor, Chris tried to get up, but couldnt, that punched made his entire body numb, Max lifted his hand for another puch, but this time, right to his neck, causing Chris to loss any feeling from his body, max picked Chris's head and yelled to his ear "losers like dont have any right to exit! why wont you be useful and die!".
The crowd of students dispersed, and so as Pete, Tom, and Max.
Chris finally picked himself up, and start dragging his bleeding, weak, bruised body to his empty house.

He opened his house door, trying not to bleed on the floor, step by step, going up the stairs and the words of max echoed in his head.
In the shower, Chris washed his body, still tortured by the words of Max, "why... why..." muttered to himself, expecting an answer, God maybe will answer him, but than again, Chris is not a believer.
Chris went to his room, opened his closet, searching for somthing,"why wont you just die... why wont you just die!" those words were like a shot to the heart.
He found it.
A long, brown belt, maybe 2 inch long, Chris,slowly, wrapped the belt around his neck, every few minutes he tightened the belt, just as he started to suffocate, he smiled.

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