Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1854362-Trials-and-Taboos-Chapter-1-Quiet-Days
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Drama · #1854362
A boy and a ralts meet.
“Order in the court!”
The judge slammed down his gravel, the sound of wood colliding with wood. The murmurs of the crowd died down, as the witness gulped, his nervous hands shaking as he stood in front of the court. He gazes through the courtroom, adjusting his dirty lab coat, before finally letting his eyes come to rest on the couple on the defendant’s bench.

One of them was a man in a black suit, a fedora dipped over his eyes, his scrowl directed at the witness. Gulping, the witness changed his gaze to the figure next to the man. Her body was hidden under a gothic black dress, her head guarded by a veil. She was staring at the floor, her crimson, distressed eyes hidden under the veil. “James…” The witness started, his hand outstretched towards them, his voice pained.

“Now is not the time for your emotions, witness.” The judge barked, glowering. “Y…yes sir.” The man responded back, dropping his hand and giving a wordless apologetic smile to the couple. “Name, and profession?” The judge demanded. “Iriah Stone, your honor. Professor of Dawn Town.” The professor responded back, nervously fiddling with his coat pockets. The judge placed his gravel down, stroking his beard and asking the professor “Could you please give your testimony to the court?” Iriah nodded, gulping “Yes sir. It all started fourteen years ago…”

Chapter 1: Quiet Days
It was a lazy day in Dawn Town. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and everyone was upbeat. Well, almost everyone. “Do I haveee to?” A boy, dressed in rich clothes and smelling of roses, whined, following his similarly-dressed father through the concrete streets. The father laughed, patting his son on the head “Yes, James. Even if you aren’t going to be a trainer like your old man, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get a pokemon.” The two came to a shining white building, one of the many various labs that dotted the land. His father urged James in, and as much as the boy had whined and complained, he begrudgingly went in without further resistance.

As they entered, the professors, their white coats boasting a high budget, looked up from their studies and bowed to the father “Mr Bates, sir!” The man laughed, waving his hand “Just Richard is fine. So, how goes the research?” One of the men steps forward, his lab coat stained with various remmnants of spills “Uh, Richard, th-thanks to your g..g..generous funding, we uh h..have a hundred percent increase in pr-“
Richard slaps the man on the back, laughing “Hahaha. It’s fine, Vicktor! I’m not here for stupid silly research anyways…” He put both hands on James and pushed the pouting boy infront of him “My son here is ready for his first pokemon.” Vickor gave James a pat on the head, nodding “Alright then, what’re you looking for kidd-“ James smacked Vicktor’s hand away, staring “I’m not a kid. And I don’t want one.” Richard grasped his son’s shoulder, softly yet firmly saying “James….”

*Booom* A light explosion occurred, knocking debris everywhere. A small, humanoid pokemon, looking as if it were wearing a white dress, and wearing a green helmet with red spikes, waddled by, pursued by two scientists. Vicktor held his hands up, nervously laughing “Ehehe…S…sorry, that Ralts is a bit of a deviant. We were just experimenting with genes, and…” “That one, then. She at least has a pair.” James says, pointing to the Ralts. The two scientists pause, confused. As does the Ralts, who makes her way over to James, head aimed upwards at the boy. “Are you q…quite sure? She’s a trouble maker, and…”

Richard laughs, clasping the cringing Vicktor on the shoulder. “It’s fine, fine. Far better then spending hours with James’ usual pouting. So, son, what shall you name her…hmm?” Richard is interrupted by the Ralts snatching up a pen and a clipboard from a professor via telekenesis, much to said professor’s complaint. Taking then pen in one hand, it jolts down something, showing it to the three. SONA was penned down over mundane research notes, in haphazard, sketchy handwriting. James nodded, stroking his chin “Seems she already decided. Well, then.” He holds out his hand to the Ralts, who curiously offers a hand back, surprised when James shakes it “Nice to meet you, Sona.”

Vicktor nervously adjusts his glasses, clearing his throat “A..alright, I’ll just find you a pokeball and…” The Ralts flings the clipboard at Vicktor, who rubs his head “Ow!” Richard strokes his chin, hmming “Well now. Feisty, smart…Lucky for her that I don’t believe in using pokeballs anyways!” He turns to leave, holding his hand up as he walked out “Alright Vicktor, you get those two set up. I’m going to go get some trainer appeal for James.” And with that, all of the professors, Vicktor included, breathe a sigh of relief, resuming their duties as James and Sona sat down, staring at eachother, each not sure which to make of the other.


A hour later, Richard returned. Walking through the doors, he said “So, how are t-“ His voice trails off as he observes that the lab is a utter wreck. James and Sona are running around, both laughing in their own tounges, as the professors attempt to corner them. One of them lunges, only to be surprised as James slides under him, grabbing Sona as she uses psychic, throwing the two in a long slide, coming to a stop at Richard's feet. "...Uh, hi dad..." James gulps, getting back up, nervous "I know this looks bad but..." Sona gets up infront of him, streching her arms out as if to guard him, making a low hostile sound towards Richard, who stares at the two, his eyes nearly glowing red...

Before laughing, kneeling down and patting Sona on the head "Well now, you're a pretty defensive one, arent'cha? I see the two of you had fun..." He says, standing back up and looking around the lab. Vicktor stumbles over, coughing and wiping himself off with dust "Yes sir, they had 'fun.' If by fun you mean made a utter mess of the lab..." Richard just laughs, shaking his head and placing a red, white, and black cap on James' head, one adorned with a logo of a red and white orb with a button in the middle - a pokeball. "Well then, I'll take them off your hands. Keep up the good work!" James and Sona exhale a sigh of relief as they follow Richard out, elated that they were getting off the hook....

"Oh, and James? You and that Ralts are coming back here tomorrow to help them out as punishment."


Author notes: Well, that's chapter one of my little pokemon fanfic. Yes, it's another pokemon fan fiction, but I promise you, it's going to be worth reading! The next few chapters are going to be childhood, but after they finish, the tone is going to significantly change, so don't get comfortable. These are the quiet days before the storm, afterall.
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