Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1854315-Burglars-for-Hire-Pt-2
Rated: E · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #1854315
Cat Burglars Blaine and Diane continue their adventure.
Still getting over their semi-botched break in of the home of Bill and Katherine VanDerpool, Blaine and Diane regroup and begin the process of trying to fence the jewelry they stole. It's 10 am the morning after the burglary Blaine arrives at work and immediately heads straight to Diane's office. " Good morning Ms.Ruzak,I brought us both some coffee", "Good Morning Mr.Campbell come in, and thank you,have a seat please", Blaine takes a seat and Diane begins to speak again. "Mr.Campbell, last night as we know didn't go nearly as smooth as we would've have liked it to, we didn't get caught in the act and we got out of there with the goods, so lets put it behind us and move on". " I agree, so what now"? "Before we answer that Mr.Campbell, I have to tell you something, and it dawned on me when I got home last night", Blaine looks at her with confusion in his eyes and then proceeds to ask her " What dawned on you?" " Katherine VanDerpool is what did,I didn't tell you this, but now I can since were officially partners, Katherine VanDerpool's name before marriage was Katherine Risotto, she was my ex-partner", " What!! Ms.Ruzak why did you keep this from me"? "I had no reason to tell you at the time,but now I do, I thought you would appreciate me being honest with you". "I am, and thank you, well were being honest with each other, I have a confession to make, Bill VanDerpool is my ex-partner". "You're kidding!!" Diane replies, "Nope it's the truth, thats why I broke into their home, because he cheated me on a Caper" Diane smiles and replies " No way!! Kathy cheated me too!!" "Well, it looks like we have somehting in common Ms.Ruzak, you know they're going to be coming for the jewels", " I know Mr.Campbell, and when they do, the jewels will be long gone and we'll be $250,000 richer"!! Just then Blaine and Diane began to laugh in a sinister way.

Back at the VanDerpool home, Bill and Katherine are putting two and two together. "Bill, somehting doesn't add up here, " I agreee Kathy, is there something you would like to tell me at this time"?"Yes honey there is, please don't be angry with me". Bill nods his head in agreement and replies"Okay, go ahead and tell me". "I didn't tell you at the time because I didn;t want to fight with you, but Diane Ruzak is my ex-partner". "Wait, let me get this straight, you were a Cat Burglar when we met, I thought you said you you were new to the business when we did our first burglary"? "Please forgive me my love, thats why i'm telling you now". "It's ok sweetheart, I have a confession to make to you as well, Blaine Campbell is my ex-partner". Just then Katherine laughs and shortly after Bill begins to laugh as well. "Bill, I think we can assume that the mans's voice we heard last night was Blaine's"? "I recognized his voice, I'm just trying to figure out the connection between him and Diane " Kathy responds "I don't know Bill, we'll find out, until then we have to eat, so how about I make lunch, is Tuna fish sandwiches ok"? Bill answers " Of course, thats more than ok, Tuna fish is our favorite sandiwich ", " I know, I thought i'd ask anyway, let me get lunch ready" " Go ahead and do that, and while were eating, well discuus how were going to get Blanie and Diane". Katherine responds "Sounds good, I can't wait!!"

Back at Diane's office, Blaine and Diane continue their plan to fence the jewels."Mr.Campbell, I think were going to have to wait to fence these until eveything cools down,"I agree Ms.Ruzak, it would be to risky at this point, we'll hide them someplace safe for the time being". Diane responds "Agreed, besides I think Bill and Kathy have figured out it was us robbing their house last night, so they're porbably plotting against us as we speak". Blaine reponds "I would bet that they are and you and I should be very cautious in every move we make from here on out". " I agreee Mr.Campbell, lets get out of here and hide the goods in a safe place,and when the VanDerpools come for us, we'll be waiting".
© Copyright 2012 Joe Ferrera (joe_ferrera at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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