Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1854166-My-Girls
Rated: · Poetry · Parenting · #1854166
written about a day with my gradndaughters
The phone rings to awaken me
it's so early who can it be?
I struggle to get the ring
I can barely hear a thing

What are you doing I can barely hear her say
I was wondering, can we come over to play
I smile and say sure always
I live for these special days

I am so tired I fall back to asleep the night was bad
Seem like this is the only kind of nights I've had
I hear hey I can't open the door
Hey I have a boo boo my toe is sore.

I smile as I struggle free
I think that is my wake up calling me.
I open the door
and am tackled to the floor.

Their mother says are you sure this is okay
I have so much to do today
Tatter says I am your big girl helper girl I told her so
Her mom shakes her head and says I have to go

Lauren snuggles in close to me
as close as can be
and says I am your baby mouse helper eekk eekk
I say yes and that is how my mouse squeaks.

Tatter has the computer on of course
time to feed Lady Lonni her virtual pet horse.
Lauren is off to the cabinet to check on the man in the woods and his snake.
Have to make sure he didn't eat our paper towels again for goodness sake!

Time to eat!
Cherry Cordial Ice Cream is our favorite treat!
No grown - ups around to say no
so we pig out in front of our favorite show.

Tatter turns and says you know what would we haven't done
baked a cake, now that would be fun.
We break eggs all over the kitchen floor
breaking an egg when your 2 and 3 is quite a chore.

We get the cake ready to cook
and we are off to find a book.
Tatter likes magazines with pictures and all
the groovy boyfriends we hang on the wall.

Mouse only likes books with words to read
for guys she has no need.
Out come the blocks, stuffed animals and dolls
paper, groovy pens, my jewelry and the balls.

Of course no party is complete
until the table is cleared and nothing left neat!
Oh My Gad! The cake!
Now I remember why we don’t bake!

We got it out just in time
we will let it cool take turns icing it and it will be fine
Put the dishes in the soapy water to wait
times a wasting, let’s play before it’s to late!

Tatter builds me a bright yellow block house.
A chocolate block ice cream from my Mouse.
Soon mom is back ready to go now
go on, I’ll clean it all up...somehow...

Hugs and kisses kisses and hugs
tenderness heart tugs.
I am your big girl helper girl, I am your baby mouse
we really love playing with you at your house!

They go and I shut the door
I collapse on the floor.
Was I feeling sad?
Was I upset and mad?

I look around me... what to do...
I pick up the blocks and build a castle for the big girl helper girl and the baby mouse too!
© Copyright 2012 HisBabyYCW (hisbabyycw at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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