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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1854160
Fictional story based on role play.
The wheel weaves many threads into the pattern, some good, some bad, but all important to the turn of the wheel.  My name is Lonni and I am a gleeman *Lonni bows with a flourish of her patchwork cloak a hint of a smile barely reaches her eyes* my passion in this life is to share with others stories of places I have seen and people I have known. So set ye back and listen to my tale, may haps they bring you a tear or smile then and only then do they live and my life once more has meaning. Though many threads are woven into the pattern of time some are bond tighter than all others. Mayhap it is not for us to understand the why and how, the wheel weaves as the wheel wills. Some may per chance see what might come to be, but alas we can not say that the wheel will not weave it another way, we all remain mere threads in the great pattern of our lives.”

Empress Loraine DeMarcus, Lonni DeMarcus Remulak, Lobbi DeMarcus and alas of course there is Koth…all threads bond together though they don’t know it yet.

It was a day that will be remembered… not for the year or month…for time weaves in and out of the wheel with great ease. It was the day of death and phenomenon’s  of life. Illian was not at war…but the DeMarcus family was. They were a prosperous and powerful family though by no means noble. It breed fear and rivalry among some. So the day of the attack it came as little surprise to them that the neighbors would turn on them so vile and bitterly. The lady of the house, Lilth DeMarcus, was in the labors of childbirth when the attack started. A devoted stable boy called simply Josh took her deep into the woods behind their home and concealed her within a cave. Hours passed like days as she strained and he stayed by her side unable to do more. When the male child was born and still the lady suffered Josh feared the dark one had surely overtaken her. Ten minutes passed and a female child was born. Twins were rare and often feared so the lad was not comforted by this sight at all. The lady beheld her children and breathe her last, the birth all that was in her. The young lad knew it was up to him to save the twins for there was nothing he could do to help the others now. He swaddled the twins and headed to Caemlyn were their only hope laid. The Empress Loraine, the eldest sister to the twins lived there. Loraine was deplored for she had tried to overthrow the royalty and lead her own army, better known as ‘The knight’s of Loraine”. The army of Loraine’s was made up of male channlers, men despised and feared throughout the lands. Loraine had no desire to play nursemaid nor mother to the two infants. Yet being ever the power hungry person , she knew the powers  of the twins. Being a DeMarcus she knew the power of channeling. Twins that would grow strong in the one power were worth a bit of a bother… and the young lad felt a need to protect and care for them so let him! She sent them deep within her fortress to a place of great secretness and safety. A place called “The Ward.”

As Josh carried the twins deeper and deeper he felt his skin begin to prickle. Was this the right thing to do? The right place for two infants? He stood before a set of huge metal doors , the hall way that laid before him was sterile empty of any life forms. Deep within him he felt bile rising, the urge to flee and sudden panic besieged  him.  He looked about him like trapped prey might. The lack of sound, the total silence screamed at him. Where was everyone? Where could they be? He took a small labored step forward inhaling slowly to steady himself. Suddenly they were there, pulling him in, the white dressed horrors. They removed every possession and search them. What was it they were looking for? What if they found it? “Flee” a voice within screamed. The loud groan of the doors being shut behind him made him feel as if they knew his every thought. A shadow appeared before him in an almost non-existent voice it said.
“Welcome…to the Ward” So thus the true life of the twins began.

Growing up

Lonni and Lobbi had everything they could want for growing-up except perhaps other people. Josh ( the stable boy) stayed with them as they grew and was a loyal, loving care providing friend and their only parent figure. When the twins became teens that they were schooled separate, for the first time in their lives Lobbi and Lonni were parted. Loraine said that they were never to use their gift, the one power together and had to learn to use this gift separately. Loraine had Lobbi schooled in the ways of battle while Lonni was merely taught the properties of being a lady. Away from his twin Lobbi’s heart seem so empty. He did what he did knowing that his life served no purpose but for to make his Lonni proud. In their rare times together he taught her to use both dagger and sword. In his heart Lobbi feared he would not always be there for his precious twin sister.  On the 14th. birthday of he twins Loraine did an odd thing. She had a portrait of the three survive DeMarcus painted. Lobbi thought they were indeed an odd family to behold. Loraine was nearing her 30th. year now. Her long, long golden locks were plaited and adorned with jewels. Her blue eye were dull and she had the look of a hard woman. For all her beauty Loraine was an empty woman. There were many who sought her hand and heart but none who held it.  Saruman was the closest to love that Lobbi had seen in her life. A hunter of the horn Saurman lived the land well, and little need for things, or wealth. All he desire of Loraine was her love. He nicknamed her Lori, though no one else was brave or foolish enough to call her that.
Saruman was tall, his features were dark, from his wavy, dark as night hair to his brown sparkling with mischief and love eyes. He was a man worthy of notice though Loraine gave him very little.
Lobbi was not exceptional in size or girth, he was an average young man in many ways. Lobbi had blonde, almost white hair that was wavy and shone in the light of day. He had faded blue eyes and brown, golden skin. Only in the company of his twin however did Lobbi shine with life. Apart from her he was a sullen lad that drew no attention to himself. It was almost frightful how Lobbi could blend in and be there without one ever taking notice. Loraine said it was a gift, yet it often frightened and seemed to anger her.
Lonni was always smiling with a smile that warmed your heart and eased your mind. She seem to brighten any room she entered. She did not have the commanding presence that was Loraine’s. It seemed almost as if you could look in Lonni’s eyes and see her heart. Lonni’s long locks cascaded down nearly to her knees in waves of a golden, almost fiery red. Her eyes were sea blue and shone with love and mischief. The real beauty of Lonni laid beneath the surface in her pure and always loving heart.
To look upon the three was to behold how different the threads can be , yet be tightly so woven.
Illness Strikes

It was their fifth teen summer when a great illness overcame the people. They called it the plague, many became ill and died. No one was safe or immune from it. No one know one knew from wince it came, but all feared there was an evil dark hand behind it.  Everyone knew that the one side held two sides the side of the light and the side of the dark. Even in so knowing there were always those who feared the one power was evil and tried to kill all they suspected of wielding it.  This was a time of anger and many deaths in many lands. Loraine’s Knights were despised and hunted down, for all knew they were strong in the one power. Males were known for their inability to control the power due to taint afflicted upon all males with the one power. Omar head of Loraine’s Knights was often away so it fell upon Jeremy to lead the Knights must times. Jeremy was young and sought to make a name for himself so he often took careless risk. Hale, Jeremy’s younger brother was secretly in love with Loraine. Hale would spy on Loraine all of the time and often attack and killed those whom he deemed a threat.  When the illness hit Loraine was away with Saruman visiting Masema of the Dragonsworn. Lobbi was also away with the knights. Lonni was one of the few people on the grounds at the time. Never in her life had Lonni been so alone with so few people around. The prospect excited her a great deal. Lonni dressed with care and quietly went down to the courtyard, it was lonely but safe. Lonni was strolling the grounds when suddenly she saw Loraine’s image before her burning with fever. Lonni was shaken by the image…because that that was what it was…Loraine had actually appeared before her eyes. For the first time in her existence Lonni knew true fear, she decided to go back to the safety of her rooms. Josh found Lonni at the entrance to the house doubled over in intense pain. One look at her and he knew what was happening.
“Loraine is ill and in trouble, she sends you a message.”  Josh said.
“Aye, I see and feel her. Yet I do not understand Josh. How can it be so?” Lonni was truly perplexed.
“It is the one power. You, Loraine, and Lobbi share the one power. Your strong bond leaves you open, she can link to you and use your power. Loraine, however trained she has become strong, however she does not have the power you do, Lonni. As a twin you are stronger, you and Lobbi are always connected. Loraine has tried to separate you, but even distance your power is far greater than any I have seen. Worse is her greatest fear is true… you can always call upon the strengths of Lobbi and he upon yours. The two of you have been and remain to close for the comfort of many.” Josh explained to her.
“Why does Loraine send messages to me?” Lonni besieged him.
“You have the talent and power to heal, you are a true medic. While Lobbi wishes only to heal, his powers lean more toward that of destruction. It happens often to men strong in the one power. He is young and yet un-tainted, but time will come Lonni when it overpowers even the tenderness and pureness of his heart. Lonni, you can travel to Loraine and cure her. That is why she sends the message to you. The wisdoms are weak, the ill can no longer come into the cities or leave them. The wisdoms turn many away, far to many die. You may well be Loraine’s only hope Lonni.” Josh told her.
“Then I must go to her at once, Josh” Lonni stated with firm determination.
“I will ready everything and we will leave within the hour.” Josh told her.
“No, I will leave within the hour. I will not have you ill. I am safe, and Loraine leads me to her. You must stay and tell Lobbi what is amidst when he returns.” Lonni stated with firm determination.
“As you wish.” Josh said. He did not argue for in his heart he knew she was right. She had great power, though she was just beginning to see it, she was far stronger and more able than a dozen men like he. Josh left to ready her things.

The Journey

Lonni was excite by the prospect of going on this journey even though the reason for it saddened her dearly. She had never been off the grounds and here she was leaving the city.
She met a man waiting to enter the city. He was tall with dark features and the deepest, brownest, eyes she had ever seen. He looked so very ill her heart took great pity on him.
“You sir must be brave or stupid to try to enter the city in this time of great illness.” she said and smiled at him with a warm and tender smile.
“I am neither dear Lady. There was no illness in my homeland, by the time I journeyed here I had become ill. Now I wait for what else can I do?” he replied.
Lonni looked deep into his fevered eyes and something in her melted .
“Then I shall wait with you.” she said and wet a cloth from her pack and gently sponged his hot and fevered face.
“No my Lady! You do not have the illness, if you stay you may catch it. I can not allow that. Please go on away and stay well.” he begged
“I can not do that. My name is Lonni she introduced herself.
Smiling weakly he said “My name is Rylan, and in the secret place within my heart I am glad to have you stay with me my Lady.” he told her They sat for most of the night with Lonni doing what she could to comfort him. Near dawn a guard came and seeing Lonni ask what was going on. She said the man was her fiancé and had been away. The guard took pity and allowed Rylan to enter the city. Rylan was stunned that such a lady would lie for the likes of he, for if she was not royalty she certainly should be. He sat silent and awe stricken. The guard opened the gate and hurried Rylan in.
“We must get ye to a wisdom post haste. Can you travel?” Lonni ask him
“I will not keep you from your journey my Lady.” Rylan informed her.
Lonni smiled. “The wisdom is on my way Rylan, and I need herbs from her for my sister as well. So come we will journey together.”  The two hour trip through the city to the wisdom took nearly six full hours. Numerous were the streets that were blocked off,  many  were so full of people that they were unsurpassable. Finally the pair made their way to the wisdom and got Rylan and Loraine the herbs they so badly needed.
“My Lady allow me to accompany you to your sister.” Rylan said to her as they left the wisdoms.
“Rylan, I would so adore the company of such a kind and handsome man. You are weak however and not fit to travel. You need to stay here and recover. If the wheel weaves it so our paths will cross again.” Lonni kisses him gently. Lonni went on but in her heart she wished Rylan were with her. She had met men before, Loraine’s many knights, but none like Rylan. She was so involved in her thoughts of him that the journey went by rather quickly and soon she found herself at the inn where Loraine awaited her help.


Lonni entered the room at the inn and was tackled to the floor by Saruman. Loraine who stood just at the other side laughed. Saruman had lovingly met to tackle Loraine and Lonni had per chance walked in at just that moment. Loraine was not nearly as ill as the masses Lonni had seen on her way here, but she was ill all the same. Saruman had taken great care of Loraine and had done all that he could have done for her. Lonni prepared the herbs for Loraine while Saruman watched protectively.  Lonni watched Saurman and wondered if ever there would be such a love in her life. While they sat in wait for Loraine to gain back some of her strength, Loraine showed Lonni the ring Saurman had had made for her by a tinker friend of his in way of passing. Lonni stared in wonder at the ring that Loraine so casually showed. It was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. Lonni could not understand why Loraine did not feel herself to be the luckiest of women alive. While Loraine rested Lonni and Saurman spoke. He told how he was a Hunter of the  Horn and while he was away how he would look for some precious gift for Loraine. He told her of far away places and fantastic sights he had seen. Lonni listened to his stories in awe. When Lonni finally fell asleep that night it was a fitful sleep full of dreams of Rylan and Saurman. Of faraway places, fantastic sights  and foods she did not know.  Saurman had shown her a hunger for a new life and Rylan had shown her how empty her life had been and how selfless Loraine was. Her dreams set her soul searching, her mind free, and her heart in painful longing for a true love and a new beginning. These were two men Lonni was not likely to soon forget.


Lonni awoke the next morning with a start. It took some moments to get her bearings. This was the first time in all her fifth teen years she had been away from home and here she was. She has spent the night in a strange and new place. Lonni looked about and saw Loraine up and talking to Saurman and a stranger. Upon seeing Saurman Lonni felt somewhat flushed as she began to remember her dreams. Loraine noticed Lonni was awake and motioned for her to come and join the conversation. Loraine smiled at Lonni and said,
“This is Teron of the Dragonsworn. Masema sent him with me. I have joined the Dragonsworn, though I refuse to bring the knights with me. They are free to join or not. Teron will journey with us. He is young, but wise in the ways of the Lord Dragon. He will teach and assist me.” Loraine said by way of introduction. Lonni looked over at Teron. He was about the same age as she herself she guessed. Loraine seemed to dismiss him as a price she must pay to get what she wanted, It was clear that she indeed had no respect for him or his knowledge. He seemed quiet and shy, Lonni decided she liked him from the start.  Teron smiles at Lonni and bows deeply. Lonni blushed and curtseyed. Rarely had she seen anyone her own age, Teron was kind.  Lonni was glad he would be journeying with them.  Teron was quiet by nature, but he was very wise despite his age. Loraine did not like that in him. He was to young to bide for her hand as most men did. He was a burden unless…Loraine looked at Lonni and then back at Teron. Yes, he was interested in Lonni, all the better to keep him out of her business. Teron explained the ways of the Dragonsworn to Lonni. Lonni listened in true interest. If Loraine was to join the Dragonsworn so should she. It was not a decision, it was a natural assumption. Lonni decided the more she could learn the better things would be. Teron was a sweet and kind teacher to her. On their journey back Lonni listen with interest to Teron’s tales of excitement. Lonni noted that Loraine seldom showed any interest in Teron nor heed any advice he gave. Saurman would just smirk as if he were young knew little of the real world. When they arrived back at the compound there seemed to be great excitement in the courtyard. Lonni hoped it was due to Lobbi’s arrival. She ached for her twin and thought he too might seek Teron’s advice.

A New Form of Education

Lobbi was not home much to Lonni’s distress. The excitement was bad news… Josh was deathly ill. The dreaded illness had reached him . Lonni felt to blame no matter what anyone said. She did all she could to help Josh and care for him. Alas Josh was far weaker than Loraine had been. Loraine explain to her it was because he could not channel, he did not have the one power. It did not take Lonni long to realize Josh would not get better. She could only make him comfortable now for Josh would never be whole again. Lonni stayed faithfully at Josh’s side but never in her life had she felt so helpless. On the days when Josh was strong Lonni would take walks with Teron in the gardens. He taught her more about the Dragonsworn and more about how to protect herself. She truly enjoyed their times together. Teron made her feel alive when all else made her feel dead. She enjoyed Teron’s company, but still she ached for her precious Lobbi she missed and needed him so. Lonni gave it much thought and decided that Teron’s skills and weapons were not as strong, nor as accurate as her one power, nor even as safe. She did like what he taught her. It was nice to think she could do things the same as everyone else.
On a day exactly one week to the day they return to the compound Loraine packed up and left. She went to the Dragonsworn camp to join. She said nothing to anyone, not even Saurman, she just left. Saurman followed her. Jeremy said he was head of the Knights now, but Hale argued that he felt he should indeed be. Nothing was the same.
Lonni continued learning from Teron. He was there for her in so very many ways. She was ever thankful for him as Josh grew worse and worse. It seemed Lonni could bring him so little comfort these days. She knew she needed Lobbi desperately. She decided to try and contact him with her mind as Loraine had contacted her. She was surprised at how quickly and easily she was able to do so. Though it was her greatest desire to reach him, she found no comfort in it. Something deep within her caused her to feel great distress and fear. It was as if she could sense the future was changing drastically for her.

I am Dragonsworn

Lonni awoke to find that Josh had passed in the night. The one whom had loved and protected she and Lobbi from birth was no more. Lonni wept as she had never wept before. Her heart was most assuredly broken, she knew pain as she had never before known pain.
Lobbi arrived at noon and when he came into the room Lonni ran to him for comfort. Lobbi however was not the man that had left, his eyes were full of rage and hate. Instead of comforting his twin he slapped her hard across the face. Teron at once stepped between the two, dagger in hand.
Lobbi raged at Lonni “ You are a fool and a child sister. You have such power, yet you call not upon it. You would let the man who would be our father die. Why did you not come to me sooner? Why did you not link with me to heal him? Have you no heart? Or is it that you have no brain?”
Lonni stared at him a moment in total shock then ran from the room. Teron followed her to the garden where he held her as she wept.
“Come with me to the camp Lonni, join the Dragonsworn.” Teron begged her. Lonni looked up into his eyes, what else did she have? What else was left for her now?
“Yes,” she said “I will become Dragonsworn.” They packed a few things and left. Lonni said farewell to none. She was not met to be here anymore. She left nothing, no one now. When they arrived they where welcomed, though Teron was called away to explain Lonni’s presences. Soon Lonni was brought to meet Valtara and Kelamaron. They ask what she knew about the sworn and she told them. During the interview she watched the two in awe. Kelamaron was so taken with Valtara he seem to sense her every mood. Lonni was impressed with them, they agreed to sponsor her in her desire to join the Sworn, she needed but one other. Loraine nor Teron were of high enough rank to sponsor Lonni. Missy was and after talking to her for sometime, Missy also said she would sponsor her. Now all that was needed was for the Prophet Masema to come back to camp. In the mean time Lonni was content to learn more and new things, and meet more of the Sworn. Lonni liked these people, felt at home here and was very happy. She never wondered far from Teron but when he was forced to be away she did explore on her own. One day she happened upon a Rose Garden. The roses were so fantastic it was the most beautiful place Lonni had yet to see. It was not long before she found herself spending all her free time here, the garden became her own special place. Rarely was the time another entered it. It was  not far from here that Teron found her the day Masema returned to camp. He brought her back to the camp to meet the prophet. Masema was busy and hurried. He trusted Valtara’s word, but luck would have it that Missy was away, leaving Lonni one sponsor short. She waited in a state of confusion. Many said they would sponsor her but lacked the rank to do so. Loraine and Teron even ask Masema if he might not allow them to both act as one sponsor for her. Lonni was not overly concern, a meeting was about to take place and Lonni assumed she would be rejected at least until Missy could be there perhaps. Teron came for her and told her someone had sponsored her to come with him. It all happened so very fast, but indeed it did happen. Lonni was made a member of the Dragonsworn. There was the meeting and then many people where gone on missions. Lonni felt alone in the camp so it was she spent most of her time in the Rose Garden.

Lonni and Koth
Lonni was alone in the Rose Garden when she received a message that read

My Lady,
I have just returned to camp, the first time since you became a member of the Dragonsworn. I would like to meet the one so many sought to sponsor. Please come to me in the middle of camp where the fountain is. Your third sponsor…
Koth Remulak
*seal of a Black Hawk over Green Trees Rampant*
Lonni was alone and bored, she thought it might be interesting to meet her sponsor so she sent a reply message to say she would do so. Finding the fountain was not such an easy task for Lonni. She was still new to the camp, though she was now Sworn, she seldom actually spend time in the camp, preferring her Rose Garden whenever possible. Finally she did arrive, and for a brief moment looked at the man who had sponsored her. Something about him touched Lonni though she could not say why. Perhaps it was that she sensed a certain sadness about him, he was a strong man in very many ways, but he seemed to her not so strong in others. Full of pain perhaps it was merely his scars that spoke of suffering untold. When he noticed he  said with a slow smile
“So you are Lonni?” Lonni smiled
“So you are my third sponsor, the secret, mystery person.” Koth’s smile widens
“So many wanted you to join us, I thought you must be special.” Lonni liked his smiles, his warmth. She wondered if he was always so sweet.
“Special is in the eye of the beholder. I am nothing more than someone looking to do what right I can in my lifetime. I like the Dragonsworn and feeling a part of a family.” she told him.
“Do you have no family?” Koth ask her.
“Yes, Loraine is my sister and I have a twin brother, Lobbi. Do you have a family?” she ask.
“I had a family, a wife, a son. The Children of the Light killed them in Illian, in a raid.” Koth said softly.
He seemed in such pain, so sad, so hurt. It pulled at Lonni’s heart, without a thought she leaned over and kissed him gently. He returned her kiss. There was no time to think, Lonni only felt and what she felt was wonderful. When the kiss ended Lonni looked at Koth.
“What is it she ask?”
“I have been at war so long, seeking revenge. Lonni you are fresh and young. Look at me. Look well and tell me what you see.” Koth told her. Lonni looks at Koth.
“You are in such pain.”  Lonni says
“Lonni_look at my face, my shoulder, my many scars.” Koth said near to tears.
“Koth_” Lonni whispers and kisses his scars tenderly.
Koth returned her kisses wrapping his arms around her. Lonni felt so warm, so safe. So this was how it felt to love. This man made her feel so much, so real. They sat like that together deep into hours wrapped in each others arms. They did not even realized they were not alone until Masema entered the grounds. Masema smiled at Koth and said
“Koth, buddy mayhap you need to get a room.”
Koth smiled back and said “ Maybe so Mas.” Lonni could only blush. This did not please her inside. In fact it angered her a great deal that Masema should be so presumptuous. How dare he assume to know how she felt or thought. She realized that she did not like this man from the start and he had just made it easier for her not to do so. Lonni could be like that, she either liked you or not, there was seldom and in between with her. She realized it was her major shortcoming, she felt to much, anger included. Lonni followed Koth from the fountain in silence. They went to the “Queen’s Blessing Inn” after some time they were alone in a room. They had said very little to each other during this time and it had not soothe Lonni’s temper. He had her here and now what was his intent? She could not know, she was not sure had he himself suggested it how she might have felt. That they were here because of Masema angered her. Lonni looked at Koth and began to undress. Koth sat on the bed in bewilderment, unable to take his eyes off Lonni. Lonni walked over and kissed him passionately.
“This is what you want isn’t it? To deflower me and dishonor me? “ She ask him.
“No_no_I_no Lonni.” Koth muttered. Koth broke into tears and fell to his knees
“Lonni; I am a hard and bitter man. I have little heart left but you have stolen it. Lonni will you marry me? Before you answer please know I want forever. I want you to be my forever love. Never will there be another.” He said
Lonni fell into his arms, both fell into the floor in tears. Lonni kissed him and he held her gently.
“I can not answer you today, can you give me a night? I have no other. It is just Teron and I are so very close. I would like to talk to him first. I want him to hear it from me. I want to see him and know he is okay with it.” She explained.
“As long as you need my sweets, because we will have from now until forever.” Koth replied with a tender kiss. Lonni couldn’t wait to tell Teron, though she felt some apprehension in so doing.

Teron’s Hope

The next morning Lonni walked into the rose garden deep in her own thoughts. She was surprised to find Teron sitting there. He looked up and smiled when he noticed her.
“How are you Teron?” Lonni ask him.
“Tired of all the battles Lonni.” Teron said with a heavy sigh.
Lonni hugged Teron tenderly…
“I am glad you are here,” she said “I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Really? What?” Teron ask somewhat apprehensively.
“Do you know Koth?” Lonni ask him.
“Yes, Koth is a great person. I respect him very much.” Teron told her.
“I think so too, we have become very close, very quickly. He has ask me to marry him, and well I want to. Not, if you think I have reason not to. Not if it will upset you in any form. You and I…we are so very close, our relationship matters to me.” she  told him.
“You fell in love with him?” Teron ask
“Deeply” Lonni said trying to contain her happiness at once, sensing Teron was not happy.
“He is a good man, a strong leader. I like and respect him very much “ Teron said.
“Teron? Did you_was there hope that we would be more than what we are?” Lonni ask him.
“A hope? There is always a hope, but I knew that you were not for me Lonni. Tell me though how did it happen so fast?” Teron ask. Lonni sighed deeply.
“I don’t know Teron, it just did. I would not hurt you for the world. Please know that.”  Lonni told him. Teron smiled at her
“Lonni I want you to be happy. Koth is a good man, and I will always see he makes you happy, always” Teron told her. Lonni felt bittersweet… her love for Koth overwhelmed her. She wanted so much to be with him, the short time they had been apart already filled her with the ache to see him again. Still Teron had been her one mainstay in life for so long now, he had been there for her when she had no other. Realizing what Teron felt dampened her happiness and her heart sunk. Teron told her he had to return to his mission and sweetly he kissed her on the cheek. Lonni sat down alone in thought and pain.

Yes to forever

So it was that Koth found her when he entered the garden. Lonni was so lost that it took her several seconds to realize Koth was there. When she did she could not contain herself, her heart sang.
“You look sad my lady” Koth said “Is it bad news?”
“No, no my beloved. It is just sweet Teron, he is so special to me. I would not wish to make him sad. Koth if we wed you must realize he will always be a special part of my life.” Lonni told him. Koth smiled
“Lonni my sweet it goes without saying. He will always have a place in our lives. He is a friend and brother sworn.” Lonni kissed Koth passionately.
“Lonni? Does this mean? Dare I hope? Will you marry me?” Koth ask her
“Yes my beloved _ I will be your forever love.” Lonni told him.  Koth produced a 4 caret blue diamond engagement ring and kneeling slipped it onto Lonni’s finger. Lonni gasp in surprise, how had he known… how had he been ready in such a short time?
“Do you not like it beloved?” Koth ask with worry.
“Like it? I have never seen anything the likes of it in my life Koth. There are no words to speak the depth of all I feel.” Lonni said in a whisper. Koth smiled.
“My beloved Lonni, I need you to know I do not take this lightly. I want no other, we are forever. You must never leave me, I will always cherish you and protect. This is forever Lonni.” Koth told her. Koth reached into his Dragonsworn girth and produced a pair of white silk gloves upon the tops there was a *Black Hawk over Green Trees Rampant*. Lonni felt a tingle turn to  fire inside she did so love this man. Any man could think to give a woman a ring, but this, these gloves were so much more. Koth had just given her all of him, he had changed her from the *blood red rose* of the DeMarcus family to the *Black Hawk over Green Trees Rampant* of his own blood. There were no words to express to him all that she felt inside so she kissed him with all the passion she felt. Koth would prove to be a lover full of teasing and with passionate needs. It seem to please him greatly to make her want him. He smiled wickedly and teased her to the point she could bare no more. Then there in the rose garden he took her in such a way that told her she was indeed his, they would be one, forever, a breathless passionate way. Forever started that day in the rose garden.

Lonni sighs deeply lost somewhere, was it in the story she was telling, or in memory? It is hard to say…but a look into makes you sit back and wait, longing to hear the rest of her tale, giving her this moment in time.

“My best poems came from here you know” Lonni tells you.
“They used to write the most beautiful letters and poems to each other.” 
The forever love did not falter yet they did not wed at once. Many were the obstacles that stood in their way. Loraine was captured, tortured and killed by the Children of the Light. Koth, Lonni, Valtara and the others tried to save her, but to no avail. Being what they were and bond as they were, Lonni was forced to live Loraine’s pain in death. Lonni told no one save Teron that she could do what she could do, the one power was not something openly used in the Dragonsworn as far as she had seen. They fought differently with swords and daggers, so Lonni adapted quietly. Still there was the silent pull between she and Loraine and Lobbi. Loraine even in death brought to Lonni trouble. It was in the form of two men, Saurman and Cleadus. Lonni had long known Saurman, but Cleadus seem to come from nowhere and announce he and Loraine where to have been married. He was one of her Knights and he also was an Illuminator, for most of Loraine’s knights also belong to other guilds and were her eyes and ears to the world.

Lonni smiles. “Faithful was one department poor Loraine was just never very good in.”

Then there was more bad news… Lobbi had been beheaded by Hale in a fit of madness and rage.
Lonni looks as if she may cry now once more seemingly lost in her tale.
Lonni was taken back… in her heart Saurman did all he could to fill her ache for Loraine and they became closer than ever . Koth was her forever love. She ran to him in sorrow and he held her lovingly in his arms…
“Lonni , what started in your garden needs to plant firm it’s roots here today…” he grinned “you and your roses…” So it was that they were wed. Saurman slipped away after that.
Lonni sighs… “If it were a happy ever after ending I don’t suppose I would be sitting here telling you this tale but alas I would be in his arms .” she says sadly.
After the wedding everything did go happily and blissful for awhile. The Remulak Forever Love became as much a part of the Dragonsworn as Masema himself.

Hell in a White Cloak

Both Lonni and Koth were well known to the Children of the Light. Partly it was because of their family names, partly because both seem to go out of their way to taunt them at every chance. When Lonni was sent to preach and a White Cloak was present to torment her she was just as likely to tell them her true feelings about them as well. More than once she ended up in trouble. Luckily Masema was wise enough to seldom send Lonni out alone to preach.  Both Koth and Lonni worked hard to increase the numbers and strength of the sworn. They made a great team Lonni and Koth in so many ways.  Masema was not often pleased by the pair, alone or together they seem to have always been in a presence of a following he feared rivaled his own. So it was that Masema found any means to try and keep them apart.
Lonni learn she was with child and Koth was away. She thought it would be fun to post him and tell him so she went to the post masters office to do so. On the way there she encountered her…Claudia. The Child of the Light had coast her Loraine and mayhap in the end Lobbi as well. Lonni gave nay a thought before she attacked her.  So it was that Lonni was captured by the Children, one should think twice before attacking a child in public. When brought before the Inquisitor Lonni spat in his face, to which he landed a firm blow in her middle section of the stomach. Suddenly there was blood everywhere. Claudia also being a woman was the first to realize what had happened and visibly she paled. Never had anyone seek to kill an unborn spirit, even that of a foe. The Children did what they could upon Claudia’s command. They took her as close to the camp of the Dragonsworn as they dared. It was here in the street she laid bleeding when Teron and his best friend Haden found her. Teron took her to her beloved Rose Garden and there he cared for her. The child was lost… Lonni was never the same after that.
When Lonni was able she removed all her gear , donned rags…and walked alone.
Koth…he returned …he made finding Claudia his goal in life. The child was a great loss…but she had taken Lonni away. He vowed for that there was no room for living for her in this world. Haden and Teron tried to tell him Lonni would not want this. Koth could be unreachable at times.

The Patchwork Cloak

It seemed lonni was lifeless nothing gave her back her warmth, her smile. Then one day upon her path she met a man in a patchwork cloak. She knew him to be a gleeman…for once Koth had hired the gleeman Jackel to read a poem he had written for her to her in the White Boar’s Inn. The gleeman sung to her and brought a smile to her face. She remembered the few times she had seen a gleeman…the cheer they always brought, the stories they told. She decided if she could never have a child she could at least bring a smile to face of a few.
Hence here I sit…telling you this tale Lonni as a gleeman.
What of Koth you ask?
We all know all know well that forever is a tale written in time never ending…
Lonni smiles at you…
There may be new parts to this tale anytime now child.
Just remember when you despair and feel all alone…
There lives magic in the love of your soul mate…
Enough magic to get you through the hard times not just today…
Lonni wipes away a tear. Though she has finished her tale…one senses the story won’t end here…
Perhaps someday Koth and Lonni will reunite…in FOREVER LOVE .

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