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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Other · #1853403
Several old poems of mine

Dear dear friend
Where are you
I wonder where tonight

If we were still talking
I’d ask you
Get the opinion of a guy

You always knew how to guide me
When new things came around
And now you’re gone
I am wondering

You left with so little sound

And I still have no answer
Why I need you I can’t say
I usually knew the answer
But I need to hear them out loud

But you are not here to guide me
You are not here to see me through
You left me unattended

You simply walked away


Sorry for those times I was mean to you
I’m sorry also that I cared
I’m sorry I ever liked you
I’m sorry that you’re not here
And I’m sorry for saying sorry
I’m sorry for not wanting to say goodbye
I’m sorry for being a bad friend
And for telling you all was “fine”
I’m sorry now for crying
I’m sorry I have to let you go
But mainly I’m just sorry that I didn’t keep you close
I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry


And to all I say goodbye
The time
The time has come
To leave behind the simple joys
Move onto something more
I know we shall not meet again
I am taking a new road
One I ask you not to follow
It is my road alone
Alone I shall go
For loneliness I know
I know it better than anyone else
So say your goodbyes
Because tomorrow I go
I’ll leave when you don’t know
I’ll sneak away into the night
While you lay asleep
Dreaming sweet dreams
I’ll take my leave
To a happier place
To a new life made for me
And now I say goodbye
To all those that I see
Goodbye and remember not to cry
Or come searching for me

Never could I hate you
I wish that you could see
Just how lost I am without you
No, I take that back
Never should you see!
If you did you’d worry
But the fact is clear
This feeling could only be
One thing
Yes just one thing!
I’m trying hard to leave you
Inside my memories
But when I do I become so lost
I need one person
We walked and talked
We played a game
Then set our movie on pause
We’ve tried to peek
And try to sneak
Back into the other’s heart.
But things have changed
So slightly
What a difference one thing makes
I wish I would have known
I should have just waited
Like I wanted to
But NO I had to listen
To your lies
I always do!
So now I ought to ask you
Hurt him or hurt myself
I need an answer
I need it now
Tell me
The truth
Not a lie
A life is on the line.

Silence fills the room
No, not a word is said
We sit
We remain silent
Thoughts only of you in our head

Silence fills the room
Mouths are silent
Thoughts are full
Others think we’re crazy
But I say they’re the fools

Silence fills the room
It fills my thoughts
It fills my heart
And only then can you be heard
Only then can I hear
“I love you”

Silence now is over
And everyone’s going to leave
But I sit
I remain silent
I still listen
I’m listening to you

The Lion met Lamb
Lamb being blind
Mistook Lion for a lamb
Lion played along
They were good friends
Lion and Lamb
But what happens
When blind Lamb learns
Is told Lion is not a lamb?
Does that change their friendship
Will Lamb runway
Will Lamb look past and not care
Will Lamb pretend to be a lion
Or will everything just end

Pretend I didn’t see it
Pretend that I don’t know
Pretend that I don’t feel it
Hope it does not show

Pretending not to think of it
Pretend it never was
Pretend my heart’s not pounding
Hope it does not show

Pretend not to consider
Pretend life is fine
Pretend it will never happen
Hope you will never know
© Copyright 2012 Barbara Alive (bgd841 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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