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Rated: 18+ · Novella · Opinion · #1852693
transcript of god's pirate radio show

and, to continue, that, was, SPOILER, and, CRUEL SWING, by, JAWBOX, from, FOR YOUR OWN, etc. from, here on, i, will give, these, overlong titles, for, albums, ONCE, in, their entirety, and, abbreviate them, when/if, they, come up, again. carpal, tunnel. sux. SEARCHING WITH MY GOOD EYE CLOSED, and SLAVES AND BULLDOZERS, SOUNDGARDEN, BADMOTORFINGER, and, FIRE IN THE HEAD, THE TEA PARTY, THE EDGES OF TWILIGHT. that, last one's, excellent, especially, if, you, loved, JIM MORRISON's, voice. now, while, it's, only one, subject, tonight's RAVE, that is, i've, a lot, to, say on, it, so, we're, gonna, load up a, ****load, of, tunes, right now, to, tide us, over. so many, i, had to, give, frank, a list, and, oh, wait, that's right! ahem. this, is LOST HIGHWAY, and, i am (i've heard, that phrase, before, i, wonder...), your host, frank cotton. welcome, and, all that. to, continue, the songs you, will, be hearing, are, ok. one, other, thing i, know you, can't, hear them, i'm, not, that, far gone, i, just, like, to tell you, what, i'm, hearing while, i, do, this, and, hell, let's, face facts: FRANK, KNOWS METAL! DAMN RIGHT, HE DOES!. you, don't, see me, naming off a, bunch, of, pussy hair bands, do, you? or, a bunch, of, 'nu metal' (REALLY, despise, that term; it, AIN'T new, it's, just, DIFFERENT! alt metal, yeah, sure, that, sounds, ok) BULL****, and, i'm, NOT saying it, is, ALL bs but, a, lot of it, JUST, PLAIN SUX! there, i've, said it, it's, out, in, the open, and, you, didn't have to, do, it, yourself. disagree, if, you, will and, you will, i, know, but, frank's, taste in, METAL (heavy is, just, like, redundant) is, IMPECCABLE! don't, like, much of, that, DEATH METAL, the, vocals suck, sorry, IT, IS, TRUE, haven't heard, any, BLACK METAL, but, did, hear the, vocals, ain't, any better. heard, again, of, something called, DARK METAL, just, haven't, ya know, actually, heard heard, it. yet. i, will, look into it, tho. back, to, the point, which, was, this time, that these, are, just what, i'm hearing, and, simply, SUGGESTIONS. feel, free to, listen, to whatever, crap, you, normally listen to (not SAYING, it IS, crap, just, saying), it, is, after all, at least, for, a little, while longer, a, free (more-or-less) world. you, will be (but, not really), hearing, HEAD TO WALL, QUICKSAND, SLIP, I (NOT, me, YOU) DON'T KNOW ANYTHING, MAD SEASON, ABOVE, PLAGUE MUSIC, VAUX, PLAGUE MUSIC (there's, one), SURPRISE! YOU'RE DEAD! FAITH, NO MORE, THE, REAL THING, UNTIL, THE END, KITTIE (teenage girls, who, rock harder, than, almost, any, guys), UNTIL THE, END (two), UGLY TRUTH, SOUNDGARDEN, again, LOUD, LOVE, and, last, for now, BULLET, IN, THE HEAD, RAGE, AGAINST, THE MACHINE, same (there's, a, pattern here, i, swear). gonna, hit, the can, grab, a, smoke, and, be, right back.

just a few minor details before we proceed. tonight's WORD is SISSY. you'll be hearing/seeing it, and, many more like it, quite a bit. tonight's THOUGHT is, 'when did the future change, from a promise to a threat?' CHUCK PALAHNIUK, INVISIBLE MONSTERS, a great read. and, frank would like to RECOMMEND, this, morning/night, hey, it's ALWAYS, midnight here, in, THE HEART OF DARKNESS, from, whence we broadcast, on, a frequency of, 6.6.6, our, call letters being K-A-L-I. what. time it is, where, you are, is, irrelevant. we, or, i,recommend DEPEND (no, there's no 's', lazy, 'comedy' writers) brand, ADULT DIAPERS, as you all, WILL, **** yourselves, when, inevitably, you realize, that, A)frank, was right, and, therefore, B)frank actually, IS, god, and, C)that, IT'S, TOO, ****ING LATE, NOW, I (you, not me), SHOULD HAVE, LISTENED, TO, HIM, (me, not you) WHEN, THERE, WAS STILL TIME! tough **** on, that last one, there. better, buy a lot of 'em. couple more, songs, to list, then, we'll get to, the meat. INNOCENT BYSTANDER, KORN, UNTITLED (still, a name, eh?), OILDALE (LEAVE, ME ALONE), KORN again, KORN III: (?) REMEMBER, WHO YOU ARE (a message, NOT from, my, teeth, to ME, yes?), WAR PIGS, FAITH NO MORE (BLACK SABBATH originally, of, course), off NATIVITY IN BLACK, a tribute (who do you think?), album, on FNM's own, THE REAL THING, also. then FORFEIT, CHEVELLE, WONDER WHAT'S NEXT, and, GAVE UP, NINE INCH NAILS, BROKEN. had, planned on, something, else for this, installment, works, i, guess, of the show. paid 3.50 a gallon, for gas today, and, got a new focus, to boot. quickly, tonight's, chemical enhancements, are: KLONOPIN (legal), VICODIN (bit o' gray area, here), caffeine, nicotine, various sugars, chocolate, which, is, kind of, a drug, and , of course, frank's favorite, substance Z (X being taken), which, you've likely, never heard of, altho i'm, sure, you've heard, of the products that, contain it (legal, but, frank's usage thereof is, again, a, bit gray. or, is it, grey? can someone, help, me out, here?). here's the deal folks, plain and simple, no big words: god, or frank, if you prefer, is fed up with AMERICA, his own home base. sick and tired of, disgusted with, and, above all, ASHAMED of. tired of hearing, all of you whine about, 'why doesn't, god fix this', why doesn't, someone (other, than, the whiner) fix that, why doesn't, the government...you know, all that. what, god wants, to know, is, WHY THE **** DON'T YOU, FIX IT ALL YOURSELVES?! WHY THE **** DON'T YOU, 'DO SOMETHING', ANYTHING, ABOUT IT, YOURSELVES?! for the, second, and, final time, not every, single one of, you, NO. some, do, try, and this, isn't aimed at, them, so, why, are they, even getting upset? no, this is for, those who DON"T get it, who WON'T get it, don't try, won't try, and, damn well, better, NOT, complain about being, dressed down. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, IS THIS MUCH CLEAR? so. people are demonstrating, even as you whine, for their rights, in countries where they know, they, could be killed, just for showing up, but YOU, gutless, cry-babies, can't even throw a, peaceful protest over, GAS PRICES! a few, might, i know, but i, ain't seen 'em, yet. but, but, but i emailed, my, my congressman, i, i even wrote a, real, letter to my, senator...ha ha ha, do you REALLY believe, that they, ACTUALLY, give a **** about you and your, well-meaning, well-written, but essentially pointless little letter? **** NO, they don't care! why? why do you, think? because you're all, a bunch of, PUSSIES, that's why! you won't, march, in the streets, what the **** good are, letters? Jesus H. Christ. spineless little, sissies, boo-hooing, and, wanting SOMEONE ELSE, to do it for, them. well, guess what? THEY WON'T! you're no, threat to, anyone, much less them. listen up, ****heads, this is your, last chance. the end of the era of, 'letting you let, things fall apart, because you're more afraid of, the consequences of, doing something yourself, than you are, of, what will happen if you, don't do anything, at all, is here. it's OVER. done. with. the new era, what's about to, begin, in say, less than two years, if not sooner is, at hand. what new, era? the era of, god letting the iron fist of, GLOBAL TYRANNY fall, on you, that's, what era. so you'll know, finally, and first hand, what ORWELL warned you, about, what 'stalin', and 'hitler' showed you, was, possible, what you, should have been afraid of, all along, the GLOBAL, ONE WORLD, UNIFIED GOVERNMENT, NEW WORLD ORDER, that you, foolishly believe, can't possibly, happen. well, **** YOU, YOU, demanded it, YOU, even PAID, for it, so, enjoy, YOUR PURCHASE! morons! i'll not shed one, single, more tear for you because you, rolled over and took it, in the ass, without a whimper, much less a, fight, for the sake of,'george w. bush, his family, friends, and partners the, saudis, and their, oil profits. i hope you are, all proud of, yourselves. there was, a time, AMERICA would, stomp, the living **** out of, ANYONE, for so much as, looking at them funny. now look, at you. a disgrace. god loved you, AMERICA, because you didn't take anything, offa anyone. a quick aside, a short story to emphasize my, point. BLACKJACK PERSHING once, had to deal with some, 'muslim extremists' (bombers/terrorists, whatever). so, frank, what did he do? well, children, and i am talking to, everyone here, boys and girls, altho it's mostly, the boys, i'm unhappy with, well, ol' BLACKJACK, lined fifty assholes against a, wall. he then went on to have a, pig butchered, in the sight of, said assholes, and, poured, said pig's blood upon a, large number of, rifle bullets (again, seen by said, and, aforementioned, assholes), which were, subsequently (sorry, i like, and, know how to, use, big words), loaded into, rifles, which were handed to, shooters, who then proceeded to, EXECUTE (sorry, sissies, IT, HAS TO, BE, DONE, sometimes, so, it, doesn't, have to, be, done, nearly, ALL, OF THE TIME, get it, no, you don't, hence) ALL, BUT, ONE of, the worthless, vile, ignorant scum. the one left, alive, he sent home to tell, the tale. and we had FIFTY YEARS of, relatively, 'muslim extremist terrorism' free, peace. free from said, 'm.e. terrorists', not, however free of, 'nazi's, kamikaze's, and fascist's'. THAT IS HOW, YOU DEAL WITH MISCREANTS, MALCONTENTS, AND NE'ER-DO-WELLS (individually, or, in groups, large, and/or small). ON THEIR, OWN LEVEL, ON THEIR, TERMS, or, if you, prefer, IN WORDS THEY, CAN EASILY, UNDERSTAND (meanin', EQUAL, OR, GREATER VIOLENCE, for, those of, you, who, don't or, won't get, the point). break time.

i'm back. sorry. the worst thing is, not only did America, let herself be raped, she even, deliberately, closed her eyes, so she could pretend she, didn't know, who, did it to her. and, i know, some of you did, and shouted, and, were drowned out. and i'm proud of you. very, very proud. but for the rest, well, they KNOW who, did it to them. it's the TRUTH, and they really, should be, ashamed. they, failed HER, our country, the red, white and blue. so. before i further, berate and abuse, you, it's time for more, tunes. THE SKY IS FALLIN', QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE, SONGS FOR THE DEAF, NIGHT PROWLER, AC/DC, HIGHWAY TO HELL (it's a long one), POSSUM KINGDOM, THE TOADIES, RUBBERNECK, SEVEN NATION ARMY, THE WHITE STRIPES, ELEPHANT, MACHINEGUN BLUES, new SOCIAL DISTORTION, off of HARD TIMES AND NURSERY RHYMES, and a little of, THE original, MAN IN BLACK, JOHNNY CASH, thems bein' RING OF FIRE, and, I WALK THE LINE off, well, a number of albums. and, it seems, frank here, no, not you, that one, over yonder, skulkin' about, that frank, left something off, a list, that bein' the, RECOMMENDs list, and that something bein' , uh, a film. MOTHER NIGHT. excellent film, been meaning to say, somethin' 'bout it, my damn self, just kept, forgettin', and forgettin', and for...hey, don't let, me, get stuck in, yet another, endless loop, ****head! you may not, but i do, remember, the last time, that happened. weren't pretty, what with all the...that's right, we are live, frank, watch your, frickin' mouth. MOTHER NIGHT, i believe i was sayin', has some mighty fine work, by, NICK NOLTE, who plays a radio, call-in show host, something i might have done, if, i, didn't hate phones, so much. later. to RAVE on, have you folks not had, enough totalitarianism yet? that's a loong word, there. seriously, i spoke about a picture i, have on my wall, not this, second, mind, but back, when; a beautiful, yet disturbing picture, framed so it was, like, looking out a window, at the woods, which is what, the picture, was of, the woods. way out in, Siberia, middle of cold nowhere. fitting. trees, in the woods, with all these, markers, on them, like you know, stuff, tacked to phone poles. i knew it meant, something, more than met the, eye, so, i, read the article it, was about, or was, about it, this place. it's a warning, is what it, really, is, because, those markers, millions of, them, on millions of, trees, were, millions of, GRAVE MARKERS! because, that place, is, like, the world's largest, graveyard. it is where 'stalin', mass-murderer, extraordinaire, all-time world's record, holder, BURIED HIS, DEAD. all SEVENTEEN MILLION OF THEM. SEVENTEEN ****ING MILLION. OF THEM. OF PEOPLE. DEAD. DEAD. DEAD! just one man, running just one UNION (of S.S.R., ok, nit-pickers?), just one man's orders. and you idiots think it would be a great idea, if we had just ONE government, for the WHOLE PLANET. why, what, could, possibly, go wrong? that picture, look it up, it's in NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC's photo library, somewhere, is, a WARNING, of what, not only can, but, likely, WILL HAPPEN, and, SOON, if you don't, WAKE THE **** UP! NOW! NOW, NOW, NOW! NOW! now, i need, some, coffee, back in, whatever...


alright, why, is it so damn quiet in here? frank? FRANK! nap time's over, get back, to the console! move, move, move! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE, and THE LINE BEGINS TO BLUR, NINE INCH NAILS, WITH_TEETH, VALENTINE'S DAY, MARILYN MANSON, HOLYWOOD [IN THE SHADOW OF THE VALLEY OF DEATH], WASTING AWAY, NAILBOMB, POINT BLANK, and LAST EXIT (just in case you, ain't, like, quite got my point, yet), by, PEARL JAM, from their, VITALOGY cd/album/disc. ask yourselves this, if, you would...why, for what, possible reason, would god, why, whatever god you please, why, would he/she or any, god, want, to spend, ETERNITY, with, a bunch of, losers, who are too damn scared to, even LOOK HIM IN THE FACE! WOULD YOU? god WANTED you, to, rebel, wanted you, to, THINK, for YOURSELVES, to, learn logic, and, reason, to, use as tools to, build a better future for, yourselves. do you, really want to, just sit around naked, in, the yard, FOREVER? sure, might, be fun for, a while, but, not all that long. no tv, no lights, no microwave popcorn, no bug spray, no radio, no nothing, NO ****ING POINT! this, 'heaven' you, imagine, this 'garden' you, want to, go back to, it's just a, fantasy. it's, an endless loop, a, closed system, a, dead end. stagnant and, lifeless. is, that, what you, really want? SHEEP, out to pasture, all calm and mild. meek. you know, don't you, what happens to, sheep, don't you? ever heard, PINK FLOYD's ANIMALS? think, folks, what do we, do, with lambs, what do we, lead, them to? TO SLAUGHTER. that's what. duh. you want to, be all meek, and ****? well, that's what, you'll get, that's what, the meek, get, they, get, ****! you know, what, they inherit? uh, the earth? as in, uh, the planet? **** NO, THEY DON'T! what they DO, get is, consolation prize, the earth, as in, ****ING DIRT! and that's, all that will be left, for you meek, mild, mother****ers, if the, DOGS, get their way, NOTHING, BUT, DIRT! SCORCHED, ****ING, EARTH. and guess, what we'll burn, for, fuel then, when the trees are, all, gone? can ya? can ya, guess what we'll, have left, to burn? plenty of, in, fact...why, THE BODIES! of, the DEAD! of, the, LUCKY ones! and, NOTHING ELSE! no where left, to bury them, no forests, no, no more, forests, not this, time. so, we'll, just, burn 'em all, every, single last one of, them, so, we won't, freeze, to death, on, our lifeless, rock, and, won't that, won't that, be, be, fun? no? not even, a little? you uh, sure? OF COURSE, NOT, YOU ****IN' IDIOTS! but don't let me, get in your, way, if that's what, you, want, if that's, your, choice. have at it. it's all bought, and paid for, with, your blood, your, sweat, and your, tears, and it's all, yours.


from the summit of OLYMPUS MONS, it's LOST HIGHWAY, live on 6.6.6 IM, radio KALI, with your host, and worst nightmare, frank cotton! how's it goin', frank! glad you asked, frank! it's been fan-****ing-tastic the last few days, and to keep things on an up note, we'll be saving the last bit of that large slab of darkness we put out last week, for a tad longer. tonight, we're gonna be lightening things up a smidgen. you just heard, CHANGING, new from THE AIRBORNE TOXIC EVENT, off of, wouldn't you ****ing know it, the CHANGING album. dammit. DIAMOND EYES (hey, didn't DEFTONES have an album/song by that name, last year?), from SHINEDOWN, offa, hey, FRANK! you have GOT to see THIS, offa their new CD, DIAMOND EYES! i see a copyright throwdown over this, for sure. MY BODY, YOUNG THE GIANT, for ****'s sake, people, won't you even try? off of YOUNG THE GIANT. and lastly, PORN STAR DANCING, no message or anything, i just like it, MY DARKEST DAYS, and, ya got to love that name, too, off, oh, give me a godamned break, MY DARKEST DAYS. no, frank, i, will not let this, trivial bull****, spoil my mood. i do think i'll have, one a them KLONOPINs, just in case. tonight's WORD is, ROOT CAUSE. the THOUGHT is, from CHARLIE SHEEN, and i have to say, i admire his blatant, brash, bold, and, well, frank-like attitude. 'if i'm insane, i'm OK with it...this is not an act.'; i think i'll engrave that on, somethin' or other! and tonight, i RECOMMEND, GERBER LEGENDARY BLADES. franks been a customer since, 1980, or thereabouts, and wishes, that all companies were half as good. if you've got a need, to do some serious stabbin', you just can't, go wrong, with GERBER. and, we have a WARNING, tonite, as well. stay away from 'zringtones'. it's nothing but a, SPAMBUSH! they'll back your email up, like a 'mode after thanksgiving, sure, as ****! folks, as soon as, we can get in, a smoke, a snack, and, queue up some noise, we'll get on with, the RAVE. take five, franks!

next round of sound, one FACE IT, MOBY, ANIMAL RIGHTS, two GREEDY, PURE, PUREFUNALIA, three NEGATIVE CREEP, NIRVANA, BLEACH, four YOUR GENIUS HANDS, EVERCLEAR, WORLD OF NOISE. please note: all of these had, non-repeating titles. it CAN, be done. so. i was at my, local, BORDERS yesterday. that's right - lucky for everyone, mine, did not close, or i, might have had to go on a smiting spree. seein' as i'm pressed for time lately, and not really in the mood anyhow, well, hey, what did CAPTAIN PICARD say about, moods? somethin' about, cows and sex, right, frank? can't recall, either, eh? well, really lucky, ya'll. please, try to, support, what's left of them, BORDERS, just to, be, on the safe side. hear? the other day, someone asked, me, i, think it was, frank, asked me, 'say, frank, why is, the world, so. ****ed up?'. good question, frank. deserves, a good answer, it does. i'll see, what, i, can do. this, world, this, time and place, all of this, is, humanity's, trial run, a, beta test, just like with, software, if you would. got to, flush, the, bugs out and, the, only sure way to, do that is, as, we, all know, to, put it in play. run it, in, the real world. and, here, we are. this isn't, as, precise a science, as, you, might hope for; this has, never, been tried before. so, what's the, worst bug, what's the, virus that's gonna, crash, this experiment, just what is, the, biggest problem in, today's world? what is, man's, greatest 'sin'? it's not, one, of the majors. not even, on, the list. can't even, think, of a name for it, but, what it is, is, letting things slide. for instance, i, mentioned, a ways back, a woman, killing two kids because, she, was distracted by, her, cel phone. hideous, isn't it? don't agree? well, IT, ****ING WELL, IS. how, many people have, died, due to, nothing more than the, carelessness, of others? some, meathead, decides he, just, can't miss the, first two seconds, of, 'the game', so he, drives, 80 mph, in a, 45 zone and, wipes out, a school bus. some, other dickwad, just, has to text, who-the-****-cares, about, a, line on some, TV show, last night, and, BAM, head-on into, a, sidewalk cafe. that we, can have, that, little, regard for our, fellow man that, some, bull****, little thing we, just, have to do is, worth more, than, a human life, that, anyone would, even risk that, happening, that's, what's wrong, in, the world. THE, biggest problem. our priorities, are whack. everyone, thinks, that their, little, problems/issues/wants/needs, are, more important, than, life itself. and, why, is this? because, you are, all, running on autopilot, all day, every day, etc, etc. you, DO NOT, THINK. you, simply act, or, react, by rote. it's, not, your fault, at least not, entirely. the, media, the, government, pretty much, any, large, entity, be it a, church, or, the, school system, or, just, society itself as, a whole, is, mostly, to blame. society says, if, you execute, a murderer then, you are, as bad as, said murderer. so, said, lifer-murderer KILLS, a guard. well, THAT is, SOCIETY's fault, because, society placed MORE value ,on, the MURDERER's life than, on, the guard's (and, in the process, society, becomes even WORSE, than ,the murderer). well, didn't they? place, more value, on, the murderer's life? see, if they'd, dealt with, the, murderer, PROPERLY, the, guard would STILL, BE ALIVE, wouldn't he? THAT, is how, STUPID, the world has, become. AND, YOU, SIMPLY, REFUSE TO SEE IT! it's the, overwelming magnitude of, simple, THOUGHTLESSNESS that is, the, world's, humanity's, WORST failing. it's, NO big deal. right. it's, not MY problem. right. it's, TOO hard, it's, too MUCH trouble, i, MIGHT, get into trouble. right. THIS, is why, 24/7, assaults, and rapes, and murders, and child abuse, your, various, and sundry atrocities, and corporate malfeasence, and governmental corruption, and all the, other, nasty, awful things that, YOU, clamor, for SOMEONE ELSE to fix, NEVER, STOPS. AND IT, NEVER WILL STOP, BECAUSE YOU, DO, NOTHING ABOUT IT! letters. emails. rallies. yeah, right. sure. oh, you TALK, a good game, but, IF, it comes down to, ACTUALLY, dirtying YOUR hands, maybe, chipping, a NAIL, well, YOU'RE, nowhere, to be found. FRANK! why, is, the air so, still? what? where's the, music, numbskull? hop, to it, you...FOUR WALLED WORLD, TEMPLE OF THE DOG, guess, EVERY DAY IS EXACTLY THE SAME, off WITH_TEETH, and INTO THE VOID, THE FRAGILE, both by NINE INCH NAILS, THIS IS THE NEW ****, MARILYN MANSON, another favorite, here, @ the station, from, THE GOLDEN AGE OF GROTESQUE, and, IT'S OVER, by FILTER, offa SHORT BUS. should do, for, now. before, we, break for a, smoke, and, station identification, let's, slog, thru a little more. THE PROBLEM, boiled down, is, that you DON'T, seriously, give a, **** about anything, OUTSIDE, of, your own, little bubble. about, anything that's not, near, and dear, to you, that's, not, in some way, personal. it, IS hard to, i, understand don't, get me wrong. but, that's still, no excuse. maybe, you, do care about, some things, the, environment, human rights, etc, but, with little exception, it's, only, in a superficial, abstract way. and while, no one, can, care about everything, all, the time, neither can, you, just, turn a blind eye, to it, even tho, it, is, practically overwelming. because, yes, you CAN, do something. it may, well be, outside the law or, borderline unethical, but, that is, NOT, an excuse for, DOING, NOTHING AT ALL (double negatives, be damned). and until, at the, least, a, majority of you, recognize this and, start, to take action on the, world's problems (and NOT, the, play-acting, bull**** that, passes, for action today), it, will only, get WORSE. bottom line, is, excluding wars, far more, accidental, unintentional harm, is, caused by reckless, oblivious people than, is, done by the, conscious, deliberate acts, of, criminals, and corporate/governmental sociopaths, combined. man i'm, parched.


damnit, frank...do we, have to have, this, same argument, ever' damn, day? fine. once, again; it's, my station, it's, my time, i, own the company, and, the parent company, hell, i, don't even, get paid so, i, will take, every bit as long as, i, damn well please when, i, take a break! understood? any break! now, lookee here, the frickin' mike's on...and, so it seems we're, back, on the LOST HIGHWAY, with, frank here, and, all that. spin a, couple, wouldya, frank? frank? we, clear, on that, what, we was gabbin' about, there, frank? FRANK! good. don't, bring it up, again. let's hear, CAPILLARY LIFE, by JAWBOX, from FOR YOUR OWN, etc, BELIEVE, STAIND, THE ILLUSION OF PROGRESS (great name, there, eh?), FINE AGAIN, SEETHER, DISCLAIMER, and, we'll, wrap this show up with, two from, A PERFECT CIRCLE, JUDITH, and, ROSE, from, the CD, MER DE NOMS. what, the ****? have to, look, that up. hey, please note, not, a, single, repeat title or, name, in the bunch! look, i know, it's no big deal, it, just...nevermind. finishing up, with the previous, yet, ongoing, RAVE, we, will, soon be. no big deal - i think we were in that general vicinity. well, at one time, 'hitler', wasn't. you know, a big deal. that sure turned out alright, didn't it? (SARCASM, for you, you, got-to-twist-someone's-words-around-backwards mother****ers! eat ****, and DIE!) i believe, at one time, 'marx' and 'lenin', were, no big deal, either. same, could be said of, syphillis, and AIDS, somewhere, along the line. or spam, or malware, or pop-ups...do you, see my point,? could you, at least try? one or two small, 'sins', indiscretions, slip-ups, whatever, you, want to call, them, i'm, not partial to any, term, in particular, sure, that's no big deal. per person. per day, even. but billions of them, all day, evbery day, day after day, THAT, is a really, tremendously, big deal. 'we didn't start the fire.' i, believe someone, said, something like, that, some ways, back. FINE. you did not. but that's NO EXCUSE FOR LETTING IT CONTINUE TO BURN! ON, AND ON, AND ON. and, voting, to keep a, megalomaniac, in office, simply because there's, no one, better, on the ballot, doesn't wash, either. can you not see, how ****ed-up a thought process, that is? can you not see, why, for the sake of, the future of, mankind, that, must be changed? the WORLD is, ****ed-up, because it's, inhabitants, let it, get that way (much like, bad tenants, in, an apartment complex), and, REFUSE, to take the, necessary steps, required, to fix it. and, worst of all, they, say, 'it's not our fault.' 'we're good people.' i've, got news, for you. you, are NOT, terrible people. or, even, unpleasant, as a whole. but, the main reason, most of you, don't, do the bad things, or, the really bad things, is, for fear of, the consequences. not, because you, don't want to; no, because, you do want to, actually, it's, human nature, it's, just the way we, are made. however, that, does NOT, constitute good. add, to that, the, tiny, petty wrongs, that, altho tiny, altho petty, nonetheless, could have grave, or even fatal, consequences, for others, and well, that's, not even decent, much less, good. which is, all, god really asks, that you, just be, decent to each other, considerate, and, that you, think, really think, maybe, even, more than once, before you act. yes, i know, it is hard to swallow but, i'm here to tell you that, yes, i am god, and, yes, that is, the basis on which you, will, all be judged. or, if you prefer, graded, on your performance evaluation. not, the 'sins' you, do, worry so much about, but, the ones you, don't, worry at all about. sux, i know. but, those are the ones, that, in the aggregate, are, the most harmful, in the big picture. and if you, are, so flippant, so callous, and unconcerned, that you, won't be bothered to, even think about this, well, maybe your, personal, future is, at the very best, very bleak. indeed. this, is truth, folks. and, it hurts, and, the reason you don't want to hear it, is, because you already know it, and you know it to be true. you just refuse to see it. so, get your head, out of your ass, for, the time is short, and, EVIL, is nigh upon thee. that's a wrap!


for one show only, live, from FHLOSTON PARADISE, it's LOST HIGHWAY, over K-A-L-I radio, on IM frequemcy 6.6.6, hosted by the one and only, frank cotton! welcome back, kids! that was, THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE, MARILYN MANSON, ANTI-CHRIST SUPERSTAR (none taken), SPIN THE BLACK CIRCLE, PEARL JAM, VITALOGY, PUSHIN FORWARD BACK, TEMPLE OF THE DOG, squared, TOO OFFICIAL, QUICKSAND, SLIP, and last, but not least, YOU'RE CRAZY, GUNS N' ROSES, APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION, which has, got to be the, best, album title, bar none, ever. and stand by, frank, 'cause i'll be throwin' titles atcha, all, spur of the moment like, at, any time, k? lot's of ground to, cover tonite, folks. and, since i've had a few, good, days off, and i'm in, no, mood for all that dark, unfun stuff we had last time, we're gonna use, this time, to, clear up a backlog of listener questions. first, of course, are the regular, features. but, before that, seein' as frank has become, somewhat preachy, here, on the show, it's high time he got him some, credentials. and, to that end, i, have applied to join the, CHURCH OF THE SUB-GENIUS (praise BOB; which is, honestly, my actual dad's, actual name. hmm...coincidence, or...), and, as soon as i, get my certificates and, whatnot, i, will be a full-on, card carrying, authen****ingtific REVEREND! that's right, the one, and, the only, REVEREND, frank cotton! how's THAT grab ya? far-****in' out, ain't it? well, sorry if you don't, share my, enthusiasm, maybe you need a, couple o' shots, or somethin'. no, frank, NOT, upside the head, shots o' LIQUOR, you, sap! altho...well, i, think it's slicker 'n snot, and since i, ain't 'catholic' (yes, raised, that way but, gave it up, long ago), i, can STILL GET LAID! well, ya know, i, COULD, still get laid, if, well, i, could at, some, point in time, actually, uh, GET laid. at, all. but, enuf 'a that, not, spoilin' the mood. no way. so, that out the way, tonight's WORD, is EXPOSITION. you'll soon know, why. tonite's THOUGHT, from, the film RAVENOUS, is, 'it’s lonely being a cannibal; tough making friends'. i, can relate and, NO, not literally. and, to finish up, i, RECOMMEND POINT #1, by CHEVELLE. it's way more, harsh, and TOOLish, in, a good way, i, think. we'll be playin' some, shortly, so you'll hear what, i, mean. we have a, new, sponsor for the RAVE this, morning/tonight, /whatever. this, SHOW! please, welcome to the fold, KINETIC AMALGAMATED, or (KA) for you, abbrv.-inclined types. makers of, well, uh, that's CLASSIFIED, so, even tho i, own the company, and, of course, i, do know, what they/we produce, and i, COULD tell you, since, well, it's, my show, and, my planet and, my, universe but, then i'd, uh, have to, say, KILL, EVERY LAST ONE OF YA! because that's, like, the rule for all that, top, classified and, kinda, secret-kinda, like, stuff. so, don't ask! but, what i, will tell ya, tonite is, or, has been, secret, for a long time. even tho, it has, always been, and, now is, technically, kinda, right in front of you, if, you'll just like, take off your, blinders, for a spell. FRANK! jams, man! ready? (DO NOT) STAND IN THE SHADOWS, and DANCING WITH MYSELF, from REBEL YELL, and BILLY frickin' IDOL, by, um, well, do i, hafta, say it again? no. FROM OUT OF NOWHERE, FAITH NO MORE, THE REAL THING, UNCOVERED, SOUNDGARDEN, LOUD LOVE (that's, like, the best kind), and finish this round with, NITRO (YOUTH ENERGY), by (there's no the, here) OFFSPRING, off of, that album, their first, ain't it, frank, that, that other other frank found, in, the closet , when he was, uh, lookin' fer, somethin'. i, don't think any of, us, want to go, there. oh, right, SMASH, was the title, there. we're, going to grab a, quick smoke, and be, right back with, the show, directly.

just, pick one, or, the other, frank! quit, playin'...
question #1) i get this one a lot. so, frank, or god, or, crazy ****er, what's with all the, foul language, and, bad grammar, and, all that? don't you, think that, maybe, more people would, listen' to ya, iffn you, like, didn't curse so, doggone much? answer #1) well, uh, **** NO, BOZO! you want i should get all, 'thee' and 'thou' with you, think, that might help? lookee here, ****hook; has it, worked, yet? anyone paying attention to, that, SHAKESPEAREAN crap? did they, ever? maybe, you'd like, me, to, speak LATIN, at ya, huh? didn't, think so, numbnuts. this, is, how you, meaning people as a, whole, talk, more or less, right? no, fancy crap, a little slang, here, and there, a little, or, a lot, of cussin', dependin' on, present company and/or, circumstances or, whatnot. right. so, this, is how frank, god, psycho dude, talks, to you. in, the, local vernacular, with, the, current lingo, gringo. not, expecting to, reach many of the, 45 and, above crowd, anyways, so...next question. #2) are you, like, all-powerful? answer #2) HELL NO! don't i, wish! no, you see, if i, was, then, the earth, would, have been RENT ASUNDER, long before i, turned like, fourteen! hormones, and, all, that, adolescent bull****. you don't go givin' a toddler, nuclear weapons, do you? what we got here is, a, reverse WIZARD OF OZ deal. i am, that is, frank, here, in his, corporeal form, is, the AVATAR, the user-friendly interface, the earthbound incarnation of, god. at, this point, just a, dude, with his, mental acuity, goin' way, way, off scale. now, i. know purty much near, most of ya'll, remember, the, STAR TREK episode, with, APOLLO? of, course you do! ran, that one, slap into the, ground, didn't they? you, had your, 'god', in, one place, and, his, for, lack of a better term, power supply, elsewhere. what you, got, with me, is, frank, down here on, good ol' earth, and, his, power supply, back, at the house, so to speak, in, dimension Z. GO AHEAD, AND, TRY, TO FIND IT. more, power to ya, so, to speak! i, may not have, immediate access, to the whole, uh, PLETHORA, of, godly superpowers, at, this very instant, but, you see, frank's, always been a, bit, hair-triggered, rage-wise, and, just plain, too, unstable, presently, to, be packin' the, FORCE, in a, like, major way. no, sir, not, a, good idea, at, this time. i'm, workin' up to it, mind, but, for the, time being i'm, a, combination, ambassador/field operative/undercover observer, kind, of guy. question #3) uh, why so many, like, different gods, and religions, and, uh, hell, why is/are all of your, god, personas so, changeable? answer #3) 'cause all you asswipes, just, don't, listen to me, in, whatever, shape/form/disposition/demeanor i, try! seems, as if, since i, ain't, to your knowledge, actually, physically present, like, ever, ya'll think you can, just, worship any old, thing, that, pops into, your, tiny little heads! this is due, partly, to the anti-authority component of your psychological makeup being cranked just a tad too high. not to mention, kinda, poorly focused, too. kinda my fault, but, also, kinda yours, too, i, can, adjust the volume, so, to speak, but the direction it goes in is, up, to you. mostly. question #4) the, big one, the, one they made that, movie, about, WHY? why, are we here, what's, it all for, what, is the purpose of, existence? mine. yours. everyone's. WHY. it's funny, isn't it, how the, most, difficult questions often have the, simplest answers, and the, simple questions, have the, most incomprehensible answers? well, you're gonna love, this, one. answer #4) because, OK. why, does anybody do, anything? why do, people, climb mount everest, why do, we, hurl probes into space, why does, the, chicken, cross the ****in' road? because, it's, something, to do; because, there's, nothing good on, TV, because being god, is, BORING! that's, why. there you, have it. if you won at, EVERYTHING, if you couldn't even, possibly, lose, AT ANYTHING, how long, do you think it would be before you, were bored out of, your skull? notice how, if, you use game cheats, all the time, the game becomes, pointless, because there's no, real, sense of winning or losing, there's no, real, sense of anything, at all, because there's no, challenge, there's nothing, at stake, whatsoever. it's just, same old, same old. but life, real, actual life, doesn't have, cheat codes (but you can still cheat, of course), it doesn't have, save points, and, if you die, you, really ****ing die. get it? life, is a game, but, with no resets, no, health packs, and no, extra lives. it's a real, challenge. it's the ultimate, GOD GAME. and when, god, plays, it's the same as when, you, play, a game, you, have set conditions, and parameters, and (if you, are NOT using, cheat codes) the, same baseline abilities as, any other player. and the REASON we are all here, is, to do things, and buy stuff. that's pretty much it folks, LIFE, is, boiled down to it's constituent parts, simply, something to do. that's, the big SECRET OF EVERYTHING! it's the ENDS, and the MEANS, all wrapped up together, for your enjoyment, at home, at work, or wherever you are. it is, what it is. the secret of life, is to learn the secret of life. that's why STEPHEN KING's, DARK TOWER ended the way it did, that's why, in ASTEROIDS, when you fly off the screen on one side, you, simultaneously fly in the other...there's just no other way to do things, than to do things. chew on that, for a spell. i'll be back...


frank cotton here, yeah, that's right, i'm still here, and still running my mouth. from the top - frank cotton, here, with a SPECIAL REPORT on the the lousiness, if that is, indeed, a word, of his, that being, and meaning, my, personal, and actual, 50th birthday. IT SUCKED! first off, i had to work; can't miss a friday, what with gas, and the world, and all that. no big deal. i need the money, right? so, it's friday, my bday, and MOMS, of course, SHE can be counted on, i'm her son, right? she, like, gives me a card and fifty bucks. absolutely perfect. couldn't ask for more, but, yet, get this...she's hangin' out at boyfriends house, tonight, so frank's got the house to himself! rock on, mother****ers! right? yeah. so, it started out like this, great, like, for the first five minutes. or so. and, well, yeah, it kinda kept goin' ok, for a while - i stopped by BORDERS(?), got a cup of coffee, and went on in to work. to do my CORPORATE DUTY. as it were. day goes by, turns into night, and , eventually, frank gets off work. so. what's the big deal? how, is that, so bad? i, will tell you, momentarily. wow. sorry about the, dead air (i do this LIVE, as in, i type it up as soon as it, happens, if i can, if i'm near a, keyboard). let me explain: it is now, 8:32 in the AM, YOUR time (remember, it's ALWAYS midnite, here, at the station), monday, march 28th. i have just returned from, taking a leak. and, lo, and, behold, what do i see when i, get to the bathroom? it's ****ING SNOWING! seriously, no ****. back, to the program. the big deal. not one call, not one gift, not one, anything, from, anyone. nothing. all day. my own 'brother', who should be, taking me out to a strip club for drinks, AND, at the, very LEAST, one, lousy, lap dance, WHERE, THE **** IS HE? he didn't even, call. no voice mail. nothing. frank WOULD, have taken himself out, to yon' strip club, but, alas, his tax return has been, snagged by the, court/so-called justice system/restitution that frank, actually, owes to the feds, for that whole, misunderstanding at the bank, thing. so. no cash. bummer. look. i said to, not, make a big deal of it, NOT, to, mind, ignore it, ENTIRELY. i said that, about all birthdays, after, yes. NOT, THIS ONE. so. worst of all, i told a few of the angels, about it, being my, birthday, and, all, and, what did i get? did i get a single, hug? NO. did any one, of the beautiful girls (at work, at BORDERS), so much as, say, blow me, a, kiss? HELL ****ING NO! NOT, A ONE. so. that's why frank's so riled today/tonight/tommorow. which leads me into, my next bitch session. why i don't date. or even bother, to try. it's been, coming for a while now, and i think i'll just cut, to the chase, and, sum up just why god is, so all-fired up and, pissed off, a lot of the time, especially, here, lately. could someone, just, please explain to me why, i, frank cotton, emperor of the, known universe, the, most holy of holies, the, LORD GOD HIMSELF, who, just happened to, by the way, design it, in the, first place, WHY CAN'T I, GET ANY PUSSY! PLEASE? buehler? anyone? HELLO! this is serious, i'm trying to make a, point here, and that point is, at least, i hope it, is, that women don't, pick a guy by looks, alone? right? correct? isn't, that...why, that's JUST, BULL****! they are, every bit, as shallow, as men are! the men, they complain about, being shallow! why don't i, date? let's see, what am, i missing, BESIDES a, shot of leg, from, time to time. is it the, mind-numbing, mind-changing, mind-games? NO! don't, miss that. is it the, i, love you so much, but, then, i, go out of my way to make us, both, miserable, with all the, boo-hooing over the, teeny-tinyest, little thing, thing? HELL NO! sure as ****, don't miss, that! is it the, nerve-wracking harping, that, pretty much, every woman gets around to, doing, on, a regular basis, eventually? uh, no. so. girls, please...this is, an over-simplification, but, honestly, how many other, girls, do YOU know, that, deliberately, sabotage, pretty near every 'relationship' they, find themselves in? because, they're, waiting for, mister perfect, and, well, this one's just, filler until, he, finally, shows up? this, is a heads up, ladies. because, if, things continue on, the way they, are headed, with all this, bull****, one day, we men, are, going to perfect the, PUSSYBOT, which comes with a, handy remote control, including buttons, for, MUTE, PAUSE (think, FREEZEFRAME), and, OFF! and, then, we're going to take all our, 'bots, and, all our, handyman, honeydo, house maintanance/auto repair/etc. skills, and, MOVE TO, ANOTHER PLANET. WITHOUT, YOU. seriously, ladies, my last shot at, companionship, for, lack of a better word (the 'r' word being, unacceptable), led to, after, one week, my putting a cigarette out on, the back of, my, (left) hand, to leave a, permanent reminder, of, how i, ALWAYS, end up getting, BURNED. EVERY, SINGLE, TIME. and i try, my dears, i try harder than, anyone, to make you, happy, and, keep you, happy. in that girl's defense, i, was unaware that, she, was a, board-certified psychotic, and, she was, literally, locked up in a, hospital for, a, week, because, she'd gone off her, medication, and, off her, rocker. this, has been a, SPECIAL REPORT, and, i am, frank cotton, signing off.
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