Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1852499-Do-we-know-each-other
by Phil
Rated: · Article · Other · #1852499
How much do I know about you?
  We can spend years and years with the ones we love, but do we really know them. I spend most of my time thinking about things trying to found out what is the point of life, not in a bad way, just what is the meaning of all the thing we go throw. I came across a point where I was stuck asking myself how much do I know my love ones. See we can think oh I know they would not do that or I know them what they want, but do you? Do you really know the thoughts in a person head? Is a person really bold enough to tell every thought word for word? How about even your own mother? We spend a lot of time trying to make own mother proud, but do we? Is we really doing what she plan for us? What is really going throw her head when we deside on something. Do we really even know if she is happy? She can be proud of us but what about her self? Is she really at where she thought she would be at in life, or if she is do it make her happy? This are some of the things would might think we know, but Do you really know? How about the one person you wake up to every day. Do you really know them? You can spend as many years together or have how many kids together as you want be you will never really know them. Do you really know how much that person love you? How about do they really want to spend there life with you. What kind of thoughts do that one person have about you? What is going threw there head everyday when they wake up in the morning. How do we know the some where inside that person did not really plain for something else. That is where a lie come in not a lot but even one lie can change have a effect on life and we do not notice it. You can tell a person something like your a nice person I really enjoy you just to be nice because your thoughts are different, but do you know how much that can effect on that person life? What is going throw that person head ones you have said that. You can tell your other that you love them and that you know they love you too. But do you? Do you really know how they feel? Do we even know that you are the only person that they think about? When you kiss what are going throw there head? After some years are you really the only one in there head? Do we even know what really make them sad or happy? When you say bye to go to work are they really happy or sad? When you talk on the phone what is really going throw there head? See we live off action and word of mouth? See in our mind we can have many looks on life if you take the time to think about, but you don't know how the next Person see in there mInd how your life is. Just how I see it one person can have many lives but can only show one. Or live many lives in mind but only one in person. Well I don't know have to say it but I can explain it. See the life you in your head can be a different one in the next person eyes. You can ask different people what do they see or think your life is like but nobody might say the same. Then do you really know if what they said is what there thinking? How much do you really know about someone?
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