Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1852358-Camp-Survivor-Chapter-2
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Teen · #1852358
The second chapter of Camp Survivor, a reality TV game show fiction story.
Last time on Camp Survivor: 36 teens were invited to compete on a game show here at Camp Lakewood. They were split into teams of 18 and were assigned their cabins. Can anything prepare them for the first challenge? Find out on today's episode of Camp Survivor!


Emily opened the door to the Deadly Deer's cabin, and a cluster of bats flew out, scaring the teen.

"It's not that bad," Sydney said as all of the Deadly Deer girls minus Hailey walked into the girls' side of the cabin. "At least it's not totally falling apart." There were eight beds, one for each of them, lined up with the headboards against the wall

"I call this one!" Chelsea and Sydney shouted simultaneously as they both jumped onto the bed furthest to the right. The two broke out into a scuffle.

"I called it first!"

"Shut up, I got here first!"

"So what?"

Blaire sighed and put her stuff on the closest bed on the right. "Will you two ever quit it? If you fight anymore, I'm going to vote one of you off tonight if our team loses."

The two stopped and Chelsea decided to take the bed across from Sydney, glaring daggers at her.


"She just had to be on my team!" Chelsea was furious. "That stupid tomboy just had to!"


Bella rolled her eyes as Gabby blabbed away. She took out a stack of vinyl discs out of the backpack attached to her wheelchair and stashed them under her bed. The girl then pulled out some fruit chews. "Here, eat this." She threw them into Gabby's mouth, shutting her up for good.


"Using gum and peanut butter to stop people from talking is sooo mainstream." Bella said, leaning out from her wheelchair outside of the confessional.{/n}


Hailey stepped in at that moment and lowered her sunglasses. "Is living in such crude place even legal?" She looked at Jane and ordered, "Hey, hippie girl. Go dust my bed and grab my stuff. I'll be back in five minutes." The brunette stepped out as fast as she had come in, leaving the other girls staring at her.


Jane pulled out a bottle filled with a pink fluid. "It's totally legal to live in such run-down place, right? What should be illegal is acting like Hailey did! How rude!" She sprayed some of the fluid on her hand and sniffed it. "Aaaaaahhhh. Grandma's all-natural organic soybean and pink grapefruit perfume! This should work wonders in our cabin!"


The Armadillos were all gathered outside, Jake pacing in front of them. "Look here, mates. The key to winning this game is teamwork. Unless we're friendly with with each other, how in the world will one of us ever make it to the merge?"

Zach replied, "By forming alliances, duh." He jammed his hands in his pockets and walked towards the mess hall. "Peace, dawgs, I'm gettin' myself some grub."

Annie raised her hand. "Why don't we all go eat breakfast? It will help fuel us up for the upcoming challenge. We can talk amongst ourselves and build our friendships over a meal." The others nodded and followed the girl in.


"Annie seems like a nice person. It's just that, she's so, well... weird." Raj looked rather nervous as he said that, hoping that Annie wouldn't somehow read his mind.


All of the competitors looked disgusted as a pile of what appeared to be lasagna was heaped onto their trays by Mrs. Rosenthal.

Summer looked worried. "My mom says that I have to have a balanced meal everyday, so can I please have some salad instead?"

Mrs. Rosenthal glared at her, pulled out a single shred of lettuce and placed it on top of her pasta. "There. Happy?"

Summer blushed and moved to her table, sitting next to Tristan, Brandon, and Harley. Hi there!" she said meekly. "Can I sit here!"

"Sure thing Summer!" Tristan scooted over and the girl sat down. "As I was saying, we're sure to win today's challenge!"

"Why? It looks like we only have a few strong competitors on our team," Brandon argued. "We have the pain magnet-" he said, gesturing towards Raj as he tripped and face-planted into the linoleum floor-"the psycho, the girly girls, the fat chick, the anime fanatic," continuing on as he pointed to Daniella, the twins, Jessie, and Mona. "And, of course, no offense or anything, the feminine guy," he finished, staring at Harley.

"None taken!" he said as he daintily at his lasagna. "Besides, the other team has weak people too. They have Bella, Steve, Eric, Jane, and Hailey. Neither team has an advantage."

"Oh yeah?" Tristan said, a sly tone in his voice. "We do! Why? Because in my bag, I brought all of my scouting equipment, which can come in handy in all of our challenges!" The others looked in awe at his revelation.

"But wouldn't that be cheating?" asked Joe, who had overheard them speaking.

"Of course not. I won't use my gear when it's not allowed in the challenge. It may be heavy, but it can be a lifesaver."

The camera panned to the Deer's tables, where EJ, Eric, Steve, Blaire, and Emily were talking.

"Our team is so lucky to have strong players," Eric was saying to his fellow teammates. "I mean, our team is well-balanced. Steve, Jane, and I have the brains, EJ, Ty, Sydney, Lee, and Chelsea provide the power, and everyone else provides everything else!"

Blaire turned to Steve, who was playing with his handheld, and asked him, "Do you ever let go of that thing?"

"Sure I do!" he replied, looking offended. "I don't play whenever I sleep, eat, or whenever I have to do something else. Because of the skills I developed from playing so many video games, I can probably get a high score on this and compete and help our team win!"

"Sure... right." She remarked sarcastically. "Oh, by the way, I need to do something." Blaire stood up on the table and shouted, "Can everyone please gather outside? I'm going to take a group photo before we begin!" The teens murmured in agreement and filed out of the mess hall. They all posed and smiled as Blaire set up her camera on a tripod and ran to join the rest of them. The camera flashed, and the picture was taken.


"I can't wait to show this to my friends in photojournalism class!" Blaire was ecstatically waving the photo in front of the camera. "I think I might start taking a group photo everyday to record who leaves and who stays each episode. If I'm voted out, I'll pass my camera on to one of my friends, like Eric or Emily, to continue taking photos. This is gonna be big for me!"


Just then, Ryan and Rob announced over the speakers, "Attention contestants! Go follow the forest trail where you'll meet us for your first challenge!" He laughed and the speaker turned off.

The contestants walked into the forest, talking amongst themselves in worry.

"Now remember, Wes, if you jinxed us, I will kill you," Kat said in a serious tone.

"The challenges will be harder than this later in the season," Wes argued. "That's how all them game shows work."

"He's probably right," Dylan sighed. "My team probably won't last more than two weeks here."

"Don't be such a downer! Look on the bright side: Gabby's not talking!" Emily said to her teammate. They both looked at the resident chatterbox, her mouth sealed shut by Bella's fruit chews.

"Mmmfff hmmm mfffmfffmmhhhh," was all that escape her muffled mouth.

The teens found Ryan and Rob standing next to a line chalked across the trail. "Welcome campers to you first challenge: a race around the entire island!" Rob pulled out a map of the island and opened it wide for all of the campers to see. "As you can see, the trail you just followed loops around the whole island. The first team to have everyone finish gets an advantage next time we have a challenge."

Brandon spoke up, "There's a catch, isn't there?"

The co-host grinned. "Glad you spoke up, kid! We almost forgot about that! See these five X's on the map? These mark stations that you must grab a flag from. For each flag not taken, your team will take a penalty. Got that maggots?" The teens jumped back as he barked those last words and nodded their heads. "And since we want to make it tougher..." The co-host pulled out a lighter and set the map on fire, laughing as the contestants watched in disbelief.

"Alright then! The race begins in 3, 2, 1, GOOO!" Ryan pulled out an air horn and blew it as the contestants ran off.


Alex grumbled. "Rob's no fun. I know the perfect way to completely change that!" He smirked as he pulled out a tube of super glue from his pocket.


Ty was the first to reach the forest station, a simple and short flagpole with 36 green flags. "Wooo! Eat that, Armadillos! No one can beat Ty!" He set off for the next station as Jake followed by Wes, Brandon, and Sheila grabbed four green flags and left.

"Ha! I beat you again!" Chelsea proclaimed as she and Sydney each took a flag.

"Try beating me to the next one," challenged her rival as they sped off deeper into the forest.

The two girls were followed by Austin, Lee, EJ, Bella, Tom, Tristan, Blaire, and Gabby. Annie, Alex, Eric, Raj, Emily, Hailey, Brittney, and Eric arrived next. Daniella, screaming psychotically as she swung from a vine grabbed a flag as Zach, Lily, Lizzy, Joe, and Aziz overtook Summer, Harley, Kat, Dylan, and Jane, all of them passing the first station with a green flag.

"I hate races so much," Jessie wheezed as Steve, eyes glued to his game console, jogged past her and grabbed a flag. Jessie groaned.


"How in the world am I going to get a boyfriend in this season if no one stops by to talk to me?" Jessie exclaimed. "Maybe I can save one of my teammates from losing! That will surely get someone to fall in love with me!"


"This is screwed up." Ty gaped at the dilapidated boardwalk in front of him as piranhas leaped from the water. "Well, here goes nothing!" The jock closed his eyes and ran as fast as he could to the beach on the other side, screaming the whole way. Jake, Sheila, Brandon, Tom, and Wes gulped and did the same.


"By the time I'm done with this whole game show thing, I'm suin' Ryan for threatenin' our lives!" Sheila said as she plucked a piranha off her shirt.


"I told you I'd make it to the next station before you did," bragged Sydney as she and Chelsea made it across the boardwalk. Ty was peeling piranhas off of his shorts while the five Armadillos had already grabbed the blue flags from the second station.

"Fine then. Good luck catching up to me!" Chelsea said as she pulled a flag and ran off, leaving her two teammates at the station. By the time Ty and Sydney left, Lee, Austin, EJ, Tristan, Bella, Blaire, Alex, Annie, Kat, and Zach had all arrived, surviving the boardwalk successfully.

"Come on, Raj!" Annie shouted to her teammate on the other side. "If we can make it, so can you!"

"I'll try!" Raj ran as fast as he could, avoiding all of the piranhas. "I'm going to make it, I'm going to-" He was cut short as the plank beneath him collapsed, sending him down into the water. The teens on shore grimaced.


Raj was wrapped in bandages from head to toe. "At least I can move. That's always better than being totally useless and immobile."


The Indian washed up on shore covered in piranhas as Dylan, Joe, Daniella, Summer, Aziz, Harley, Brittney, Hailey, Eric, and the twins grabbed their flags. Raj was still there when Mona, Steve, Jessie, Jane, Emily, and Gabby brought up the rear.

"Here's my chance!" Jessie said to herself. She picked up the injured Raj then grabbed two flags, one for him and one for herself.

"Gee, thanks Jessie!" Raj said in gratitude.


"Hellooo new boyfriend!" Jessie squealed in excitement within the confessional.


"Is this even possible?" Summer panted as the sun beat down on her brow. "How in the world does a desert exist on this tiny island!?"

"Don't me remind me about it," Kat complained. "My lips are as dry as my humor." The trail that led them to the desert had disappeared under the sands, and all of the competitors were lost, tired, and dehydrated.

Suddenly, Tristan came up to them, holding small bottles of water. "Here guys. Drink this." His teammates gladly accepted them.

"How did you manage to get the water?" Joe asked, coming up behind them with his own bottle of water.

"A Boy Scout is always prepared, you know." Tristan replied as he jogged to the other Armadillos ahead of them.

Meanwhile, a tired Ty, EJ, and Bella wandered the desert, looking the desert station.

"Hey EJ," Ty gasped out through his cracked lips. "See anything?"

"Sorry private. Can't see a single flag pole out in this sand sea."

Bella suddenly shouted, "Look! There it is!" The flag pole was on top of a sand dune. The three Deer ran up to it and high-fived. "We can see the whole desert from up here! There's Jake, Sheila, Wes, Brandon, and Tom!" The five Armadillos were already walking up the mountain, a yellow flag wavering in the wind from their pockets.

"Hold it. Before we go..." EJ looked around and saw Chelsea, Sydney, Blaire, Aziz, Steve, and Lee together. "Hey guys! The station is over here!" His team noticed and followed his voice.


"EJ is so thoughtful. If he hadn't called out to his team, Daniella, Tristan, Jessie, Raj, Annie, Kat, Summer, Harley, the twins, and I wouldn't have found the third station!" Joe grinned, holding a yellow flag. Then he frowned. "What about Zach then..."


Austin, Hailey, Brittney, Gabby, Eric, Alex, Steve, Jane, and Dylan arrived at the desert station as the Armadillos headed off for the mountains. They quickly grabbed their flags and ran towards the frozen peak.

Meanwhile, a lone figure roamed the sands. "Screw this sh**!" Zach yelled in the dry air. He was completely lost in the desert, separated from his team. "This challenge is complete bull!" He squinted his eyes to the amorphous multicolored blob in the distance. "It's my teammates! Yes!" Ecstatic, he ran towards them, almost tackling Harley down.

"It's about time you showed up. Let's hurry up before the-" Kat was interrupted as the Deadly Deer ran past them, spraying sand in their eyes.

"Before that happened." the goth finished. The Armadillos picked up their pace.


Lily and Lizzy were both crammed in the confessional. "Oh my gosh, that desert was terrible!" Lizzy cried out, the butterfly on her shirt turned yellow from the sand stuck to it.

"Totally, Lizzy!" her sister agreed. "We're so lucky to have Tristan on our team!" They both pulled out a water bottle and took a gulp of water. "Aaaaaaaaahhhh."


"Oh my gosh! We're the first to the top!" Jessie exclaimed with Raj still clinging on to her back. "My sweater totally saved me from this snow, and now were in first! Eeeeeeeee!" She grabbed two white flags from the fourth station and entered the cave that the trail led into with Raj.

Dylan, Zach, Blaire, Summer, Steve, and Harley reached the peak of the frozen summit, protected from the chilly air. They followed Jessie and Raj into the cave. Sydney and Chelsea shivered as they quickly grabbed a flag simultaneously before giving each other angry looks.

"Hey... Tom..." Annie shivered as she, Tom, Lily, Lizzy, Wes, Jake, and Tristan hiked up the mountain below the two rivals. "I just realized... you haven't spoken at all. It suits your spirit..." she commented. Tom simply smiled and kept on walking. Bella was being pushed by EJ uphill, followed by Austin, Ty, Hailey, Brittney, Alex, Brandon, Sheila, and Jane.

"At this point, i give up trying to figure out how this entire island is possible," Eric sighed as he, Gabby, Mona, Aziz, Emily, Kat, and Daniella climbed up the slippery slope. The ice had frozen the rocks around this part of the trail and made it difficult to walk.

"Hey. Thank Allah we made it past that desert. Otherwise, we wouldn't be this far," commented Aziz, who had remained quiet the entire trek.

"That's true, I guess," his teammate replied as they finally reached the peak. The others had all descended down into the dark cave.


"Isn't this just fine and dandy," Blaire said sarcastically as she bumped into the wall. The cave was pitch black and, by the echo of everyone's voices, extremely large.

"I completely agree," Kat said as she rammed her head into another person. "Sorry!"

The person didn't reply but instead pulled her behind a stalactite where a bright light went on. "Don't worry. It's just me, Tristan." He was holding a flashlight. Next to him are the other members of their team. "Now on the count of three, everyone run as fast as you can, following me, okay?" The others agreed. "Okay then. 3, 2, 1, now!" The Awesome Armadillos ran into the darkness of the cave. Tristan's flashlight illuminated the trail in the cave, and they followed it. The Deadly Deer saw the shining light and followed it as well.


"I officially am grateful for having Tristan on the island, even though he's on the other team," EJ said. "I'm a little scared of the dark, just a little, you see, and well... that cave was pretty dark."


"There's the end of the tunnel!" Summer yelled out in triumph as the Armadillos ran out of the cavern. Just outside was the fifth station with red flags. The entire team grabbed it and proceeded along the trail. All of the Deadly Deer ran out after them, EJ breathing heavily. All of the teens run along the trail to a dock with 18 boats floating on a lake.

"Come on guys!" Austin shouted. "Two per boat! Hailey, you can come with me!" The girl obliged, and the rest of the Deer followed.

"Let's go!" Zach tried to get on one of the boats but Tom stopped him. "What's up with you, my dude? They're going ahead of us!"

Annie spoke up. "He wants us to do something. Just wait." Tom went over to Tristan's backpack and pulled out some of his gear: a flashlight, some batteries, a magnet, a coil of wire, and some string. He then pulled out his own cell phone and smiled.


"We're ahead! The Armadillos are still on the shore!" Aziz shouted to the others as they quickly rowed their boats across the lake.

"I think we're about three fourths of the way across the lake," Eric excitedly announced. "There is absolutely no way they can catch up!" Then they heard it: a small buzzing sound, like a motor, getting louder and louder.

"Hey guys. What's that noise?" Blaire asked Lee, who was with her.

"I really don't know. It might be... be...be the Armadillos! They're catching up!" he frantically shouted, setting a panic to all of the Deer and causing them to speed up.

The Armadillos were all in a chain, Tom and Tristan in the front with the others behind them. Tom high-fived the Boy Scout as they looked at Tom's makeshift motor, powerful enough to pull all of the others by a length of wire. The chain of boats zoomed past the other team, tugging them along in its wake.

The motorized boat crashed on shore, flinging the Armadillos off. The Deadly Deer became clustered around the shore on the boats as the Armadillos got up and ran towards the finish line. The Deer desperately tried to catch up. Ty and Austin zoomed ahead of their teammates. They then passed all of the Armadillos to the finish line.

"We won! We did it! We finally won!" Austin cheered. The Awesome Armadillos crossed the finish line, looking defeated, followed by the triumphant Deer.

"Not so fast there, pretty boy." Ryan walked up to the Deer. "I specifically said that the team had to cross the finish line. Since the Awesome Armadillos all made it before the rest of your team, they receive the advantage for the next round!"

The Armadillos cheered, only to be shushed by Ryan. "Armadillos, even though you get the advantage, one of you is going home tonight."

"Wait, why?" Jake asked.

"Remember how I said that you take a penalty for each flag that you didn't grab? Well, the Deer have 90 flags in all. You guys have 89."

"What!? Who is the one who is missing a flag?" Brandon yelled at his teammates. Zach raised his hand.

"Sorry bros. I didn't grab the one in the desert 'cuz I got lost." He shrugged while his teammates glared at him.

"See you tonight at the campfire!" the host said, laughing as he walked away.


"Awesome Armadillos, welcome to your first ever campfire elimination ceremony! Tonight, one of you is going home. Your teammates have voted." Ryan paused as Mrs. Rosenthal walked in with a tray of s'mores. "As you should know, each person who is safe will receive a marshmallow. The person who doesn't receive one will be sent home and can't come back to Camp Survivor forever unless we allow them to."

he turned to the contestants. "The following people are safe: Jake, Tristan, Annie, Summer, Harley, Joe, Kat, Sheila, Tom, and Daniella." All of them happily received their s'mores. "Brandon, Wes, Lily, and Lizzy." The four caught their s'mores and began to eat them. Only Raj, Zach, Mona, and Jessie were left. "Mona and Jessie, you two are safe." Raj stared at Zach nervously. "Raj, you get hurt a lot and can be deadweight to your team. On the other hand, Zach, you totally screwed your team today. Which one of you will be going home tonight? And the very last s'more goes to......" The two contestants stared in horror at the host, waiting for his mouth to say his name.





"... Raj." The camper, his body still covered in bandages from the piranhas, caught the final s'more in relief. Zach looked down and stood up.


"They said I should have a confessional before I leave and stuff. If I want anyone to win, I'd pick someone from my team. They're totally cool, even though they voted me off. Do I have any regrets? Naa. I got to compete for million bucks and just happen to get bad luck. This is Zach, peace out dawgs."


"Zach, as the first eliminated camper, you are the first to experience the Fling of Failure." Ryan was standing next to a giant slingshot on the dock. "Here is pool floatie to keep you alive out at sea while we send a boat to pick you up." Zach was handed a green rubber duck floatie as he stepped onto the sling shot. The other Armadillos were there to see him off.

"See ya later my dudes." Those were his last words before the sling shot flung him far out to sea, screaming the whole way. The other campers simply gawked in horror as the screen fades to black.


What will happen next? Who will be eliminated next? Find out next week on Camp Survivor!
© Copyright 2012 D. Buenafe (fierywormz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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