Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1852082-The-Sorceress-Chapter-4
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1852082
A young Sorceress is told she must save the world from all evil.
Chapter Four – Friends and Foes

Tired and exhausted, they finally made it to the town that next afternoon. Besides the town welcome sign, “Welcome to Tikrelia,” Kaya didn’t have the patience to look around. She spotted the inn right away as soon as she crossed the town border. Perhaps a night’s sleep on a real bed would be great for her energy. She was about to alert Diddly, but found he was sound asleep in her bag.

         She stepped inside the inn door. It was a small room containing a front desk, a door that led somewhere unknown, most likely a back office, and a flight of stairs. “Can I get a room please?” She asked the man at the desk. He was large and half shaven. He seemed rather gruff and dangerous looking, but when he spoke his appearance changed everything.

“Sure thing ma’am.” He smiled. “You look plum tuckered out.  Been traveling much have ya.”

Kaya smirked. “More than you can imagine.” She said.

He took out a key from a drawer to his right. “Well you get some sleep ma’am.” He said kindly. “Room eleven eleven.” He handed her the key.

“Thank you so very much.” She quickly paid the man, and went upstairs to her room. It was tiny. There was a single bed in the middle. Dressers and drawers lay all around excluding the window at the far end. She carefully took out the sleeping Diddly from her knapsack, and placed him on a pillow. She then crawled into the bed next to him. She awoke again a few hours later much more alive and refreshed than she was earlier. She debated on leaving Diddly alone in the room, but he seemed too sound asleep to wake up anytime soon. She then went out the door and down the stairs back to the lobby. Only the nice man wasn’t at the desk anymore. It was now a middle aged woman with long dark red hair. She approached the lady at the desk.

“Can I help you?” She said with an attitude in her voice.

Her negative energy almost knocked Kaya over, but she stood her ground. It wasn‘t evil. Just angry. “I was wondering if you’ve seen a man come through here.”

“I’ve seen many men come though here. You need to be more specific.” She didn’t even look up to speak to Kaya. She was busy filling out paperwork at her desk.

“I wish I could be.” She said. Somehow dark and eerie didn’t seem like a correct description to give the lady. “Are there any stables for this inn?” She asked.

The lady looked up with annoyance. “This is an inn isn’t it?” She gave Kaya a spiteful eye. “Of course there are stables. They’re around back.” She pointed with her quill then went back to the paperwork.

Kaya wondered what was bothering this lady. She read her energy even further. She dissected the negativity into two major categories; grief and guilt. “Thank you.” She tried to use the kindest voice possible. The lady smirked at her. She didn’t like to pry into people’s minds, but for some reason she felt drawn to. She tapped into the lady memories, and watched through her eyes a battle long ago, between humans and demons. She felt the weight of a sword in her hand, and the pure love for a fight. She felt this lady’s love rise to a high passion as a man came into view amidst the chaos. He was fighting along side of her. She then saw him run towards her in pure terror. She was pushed aside, and knocked to the ground as a fire-ball hit her love right where she was standing. He was killed instantly.

“Do you have a problem?” The lady caught Kaya staring at her.

“It wasn’t your fault.” She said slowly returning from the battle to the inn. Back to her own eyes.

Her eyes began to change from the hatred that consumed them. “Excuse me?” She asked. Her rude voice was still trying to be shown, but it was beginning to crack.

“It wasn’t your fault.” She said again. “It wasn’t his love for you that killed him. It was his love for you that kept you alive. The demons were the ones that killed him. Not you.”

“How did you..” She began, but never finished.

Kaya smiled. “You need to let go of the guilt. It’s controlled you for so long.”

“Who are you?” She asked with tears in her eyes.

Kaya smiled. “Just a friend.” She said and began to walk out the door.

“You’re her aren’t you?” She asked.  Kaya stopped in her tracks. She stared at the ground, trying to come up with an answer. “It’s alright.” Her voice now lacked the rudeness. Her negative attitude energy diminished and extreme power came through., almost as if the lady was doing it on purpose to show her. She was a person of power. Kaya felt it in her heart. This lady was a sorceress as well. She slowly closed the door and approached the lady again. “I knew it.” The lady said. Her eyes gave the same sparkle as Diddly’s when he first saw her. “I’ve waited to meet you ever since you were born.” She stood up from her seat and went around the desk to approach the girl. She studied her face with such admiration. “Dimitri has told me so much about you.

Kaya let her hesitant guard down. “You know Dimitri?”

“Know her?” The girl laughed. “She’s my sister.”

Kaya blinked. “She’s your what now?”

The lady smiled then nodded. “Yes.” She said to Kaya. “Dimitri is my sister.”

Kaya stared at her with disbelief. “She never told me she had a sister.” She suddenly felt as if she didn’t even know Dimitri. She studied the lady, and soon the resemblance shown though; the same red hair, the same eyes.

“My name is Roze, Kaya. And I apologize for my attitude earlier. It’s been twenty years today since he died. I’ve been taking it out on most anyone.” 

“It’s quite alright really.” She held up her hands. She was still in minor shock from the news.  “How did you know it was me?”

“I could feel Dimitri’s presence in the room. And when you spoke about my memories, I knew it just had to be you.” She laughed with excitement. “She came to me a few days ago, and told me you were coming this direction.” Roze certainly had some personality characteristics of Dimitri, also. Kaya thought. She loved this side of Dimitri. The spunky, energetic side, when it wasn’t overpowered by control and the need to stay serious.

“You could feel her presence?” Kaya asked.

“You didn’t think she would leave you completely alone did you?” She smiled and shook her head. “She’s always around you. She was born to be your guide, and that she will remain until she is no longer needed.”

“But she told me she was never coming back.”

“May be not directly, but she’s there.” She assured.

A peace fell over Kaya, and weight lifted from her shoulders that she didn’t know was there. “Listen.” Kaya said. “I would love to stay and talk. But I really need to be looking for someone. Can we continue this later? I really do wish to talk to you.”

“I understand. You go do what you need to do. I’m working until late tonight anyway. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

Kaya smiled and headed out the door to find the stables. She still couldn’t believe that Dimitri had a sister. She never really thought about it before. She then thought back and realized that she knew little of Dimitri’s life. It saddened her to think that she didn’t even know her mentor at all. The stables were right around back as Roze had said. Kaya spotted Nynavae right away and ran to her. Complete joy reined her heart. “Oh, my friend. I missed you terrible.” She wrapped her arms around the horses neck. Nynavae jumped slightly in pain. She quickly examined where she had touched the horse, and found rope-mark bruised. She put her forehead against the horse’s. Nynavae gave a slight neigh. “What did he do to you?” She sighed. “I’m so sorry.”

“I didn’t think you would actually come here.” A man’s voice spoke from behind. Kaya quickly turned around. She shuddered at the energy coming off of him. It was almost pure evil. The fact he was dressed in all black didn’t help it much either.

“Who are you?” Kaya asked with her teeth clenched.

“A friend of the Sorceress.” He said with a cocky attitude. “She asked me to give you something.” He put a straw like object up to his mouth and blew. A dart came flying at her, but she ducked away just in time. “That was lucky.” He sneered. “Shouldn’t have wasted simple weapons on you anyway.”

“I found you Xero!” A lady came from behind the stables. Her hair was reddish blonde, and clearest blue eyes Kaya had ever seen shined on her fair skinned face. She was dressed in battle clothes with a sword in her hand. She waved her other hand, and the straw like object flew out of his hands.

“Aideen.” The man laughed. “So nice of you to show.”

“Don’t play games with me.” She said.

“I will find a way to kill you.” He said to the lady. “You just wait. I will have you begging for mercy.”

“To you?” Aideen rolled her eyes and laughed. “Never.” 

He bent down to pick up his weapon, but it flew away from him into the lady’s hands. He turned up his nose at her, then turned to Kaya and pointed. “She always watching.” He told her. “You can’t hide from her. Nor me.” He turned and ran away.

The lady watched until he was out of sight before turning to Kaya. “Are you alright?” She asked.

Kaya was perplexed by what just happened. “Wonderful.”

The lady smiled and approached the horse. “Hello there.” She spoke to Nynavae. “Remember me?” She smiled. “I told you I would get you away from him. He won’t ever hurt you again. I promise.” She stroked Nynavae’s hair. She then looked back to Kaya. “Does she belong to you?” She asked.

Kaya nodded. “Yes.”

“She’s very beautiful.” She continued petting the horse.

“Thank you.” She said. “I take it you and that man know each other very well.”

Aideen sighed. She stroked Nynavae one last time before turning around to face Kaya. “He’s a hired assassin from the Sorceress.” She said. “He’s killed many people. I’ve been tracking him for years now. Trying to save as many as I can.”

“And how many people did you succeed in saving?” Kaya asked.

“Out of the three hundred I wanted to protect, I’ve only lost two. But the survivors lost many friends because of him.” She said sadly.

“If he’s so evil, then why did he run away?” Kaya asked.

“Part of his little games.” Aideen shrugged. “Probably just trying to size up your potential as an enemy. Just be careful of him.” She advised. Kaya tried to read her energy, but the lady had some sort of mental shield over herself. “I’m not a bad person I promise.” She laughed. She must’ve felt Kaya’s attempt.

“You must have a lot of power to be able to do that.”  Kaya finally felt intimated by somebody.

Aideen shrugged and laughed. “Just something I’ve picked up. Came natural. So why did the Sorceress send Xero to kill you? Why does she want you dead?”

Kaya debated on opening her mouth to the lady. She seemed good, pretty easy going. She definitely knew who the sorceress is. “It’s a long story.” She said. “You wouldn’t be interested.”

“I am interested.” She said. “If I’m to protect you from Xero, then I must know your background. It’s okay. You can talk to me about it. Any enemy of the Sorceress is a friend of mine. You don’t have to hold secrets.”

Kaya sighed. “I do not wish to get you involved in these matters. The history between the Sorceress and I go way back.”

“Just as the history of Xero and I go way back. Now our histories have crossed. You know mine. Please tell me yours. You don’t have to hide anything from me. It’s not as if you were Kaya or anybody.”

Kaya’s spine tingled when she said her name. She hated people to think she was this great person. It was so odd how everyone knew of her. She bit her bottom lip and held up her right hand. “Guilty.” She said quietly while staring at the ground.

Aideen laughed. “No really. If you were Kaya, you’d be protecting me.” She said. “It’s alright. You can tell me anything, really.”

Kaya looked up from the ground to Aideen in amusement. “What?” She laughed. “You don’t think I can be Kaya?”

Aideen looked her up and down. “I suppose so.” She shrugged. She jumped up to sit on the stable door. “But you do know that’s all just a legend right?”

“What do you mean?” Kaya asked.

“A story made up to give people hope. Oooh somebody destined to finally kill the Sorceress and put an end to her reign over evil.” She mocked the story. “If that were true, why didn’t that happen when the Sorceress’ family line began.”

Kaya loved this girl’s personality. She wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, and she did it in such a manner that was far from offensive. It was almost a compliment. “Maybe because in order to keep the world in balance, you need both good and evil to live in it.” She began to explain. “The amount of evil in the world finally reached it’s appropriate balancing number. Somebody now has to stop it from growing larger.”

“You are very wise for your age. How old are you seventeen? Eighteen?” She asked.

“Nineteen.” Kaya laughed. “And you?”

“Twenty-three.” She said. “The name’s Aideen by the way. I guess I haven’t introduced myself.” She held out her hand to shake.

Kaya accepted the handshake. “It’s nice to meet you Aideen. I’m Kaya.”

Aideen smirked at her. “Alright. Who are you really?”

“No really.” Kaya laughed. She  held out her hands to present herself. “The legend is alive.” She sighed. “Sad but so.” 

Aideen still didn’t seem to believe her. She eyed her again. “Alright. Do something all powerful.” She laughed.

Kaya shook her head. “I really only perform the magics when truly needed. I’m sorry. I can’t.” Nynavae gave a neigh. “On the other hand…” She turned to the horse and put her hands over Nynavae’s bruises. She reached in her knapsack with one hand and pulled out a crystal. She waved it over the bruise line concentrating all her healing energy. Slowly, Nynavae began to heal until the bruises were completely gone. She put the crystal back I her knapsack and looked up to Aideen.

“How do I know you’re not just a healer?” She eyed her.

“You don’t.” Kaya laughed. Her tone then grew serious. “Killing the Sorceress wasn’t a job I asked for.” She then said softly and leaned up against the stable door next to Aideen crossing her arms. “I was of told this just days ago, and here I am now.” She sighed. “I have a long ways to go yet.”

“You’re serious aren’t you?” Aideen asked wide-eyed. Kaya nodded. “Listen.. If you need any help or anything along the way, I’d be happy to do so.”

Kaya laughed. “So protecting me from Xero has now been reduced to ‘if I need any help?’”

“Well you’re Kaya.” She said slightly embarrassed.

Kaya shook her head. “I’m the same person I was two minutes ago. The truth is I’ve never felt so weak in my life at this moment. Maybe I need your protecting. You’re welcome to join Diddly and I on the trip. We would love the company.”

“Who’s Diddly?” Aideen asked.


After passing through the lobby, and seeing that Roze wasn’t at her desk, Kaya and Aideen went upstairs and walked into the inn room. “You can’t just get up and leave me like that, Kaya.” Diddly was standing up on the bed. “I thought you left for good. I have issues you know.” He scolded in a teasing manner.

“I’m sorry, Diddly. I had to find Nynavae. You were asleep, and I didn’t want to wake you.” Kaya said.

“Did you find her?” He asked with seriousness.

Kaya smiled. “Yes.”

“Good. What about that creepy man?” He asked.

“He’s still out there.” She said quietly. “Diddly, this is Aideen.” She presented her. “Aideen. Diddly. You two stay and chat for a while. There’s somebody I need to find and talk to.” She exited to room.

Kaya made her way down the stairs to the front desk, but, instead of Roze sitting there, it was a young man about her age. She stopped in her place at the bottom step. Something compelled her to just watch him. He was concentrating on the paperwork before him, stopping every so often to brush his long shoulder-length brown hair out of his face. There was something about his energy that just made her smile. He must have seen her in the corner of his eye because he looked up. Their eyes met for a brief moment before he smiled at her. “Hello.” He said kindly.

“Hello.” Kaya smiled back. She approached the desk. “I thought Roze was working until late tonight.”

“She was.” He smirked. “But the owner said she seemed slightly sidetracked today. He sent her home early. I’m here to take her place.” He continued to stare at her with his gentle brown eyes. Gentle? Kaya realized that thought had passed though her head. What was wrong with her? “Is there something I can help you with?” He asked kindly.

Kaya shook her head and continued to smile. His voice was so soft. With the right words coming out of it, it could probably make her melt. What was wrong with her? No man had ever had this affect on her. “Thank you but no. I was just looking for Roze.”

He nodded. “So what brings you here out of all places?” He dropped his pen and leaned forward with his chin on his fists.

“I decided to do some traveling.” She said to him. It wasn’t a complete lie. “This town was on my pathway.”

“You travel a lot don’t you?” He tilted his head to the side. He seemed interested to hear her answer. This definitely had to be a good thing. But this is not the time to actually get caught up in hopeless romantic thoughts. He’s just a nice man who works for the hotel. When she leaves this town, she will never see him again. There are more important things in this world to focus on.

Kaya nodded. “Yes.”

The young man sat back in his chair. “You must create quite a name for yourself. I bet you hardly ever make your way home.”

His questions were now starting to make him sound suspicious. Her infatuation began coming to an end. He seemed to know her quite a bit. She read his energy, and found not a spec of evil in him. All she felt from him was happiness, excitement, and a spec of nervousness. Maybe it was a coincidence, she thought. But she never believed in coincidences before. “Home is a place I rarely see now-a-days.” She sighed. “Obligations are always needed to be tended to farther away.” She shrugged. “But it’s just something I’ve grown accustomed to.”

Wrinkles grew in his forehead as a bit of worry came about him. “I am sorry to hear that. I bet your uncle misses you terribly.”

Kaya’s eyes widened. She stepped back away from him. “Who are you?” Her voice rose with anger. “What have you done with Roze?”

The man stood up from his seat suddenly. He stepped back also, but only in defense. He held up his hands in front of him. “I’m sorry.” He said with a genuine tone. “I was only teasing you, Kaya. I didn’t do anything with Roze. She is safe in her home as I had told you. I am truly sorry.” He pleaded. Kaya read his frantic energy and looked into his eyes for the truth. He really was truly genuine in his words and manner. She dropped her guard and stepped forward. He saw her do so, and in relief, did the same. “I really am sorry.” He said.

“I believe you.” She said quietly. His worried face changed slowly before her eyes. “Who are you, and how do you know me?”

The young man began to smile. The infatuation began to show itself again. That smile was just so perfect. “I was fifteen when I moved to this town.” He said. “My previous home existed a few hundred miles south of here. I lived up top a hill with my parents and my siblings. In the cabin next door lived a man, Richard, and his niece Kaya, my age.” A smile began to grow on Kaya’s face as the young man continued to speak. The infatuation left again and complete happiness filled her heart. “This girl, you see, used to be a great friend of mine. Until my mother began to fear her and the strange woman who showed up randomly. It was my mother who decided to move one day while she was out on her adventures. I wished to stay, for never an ounce of fear grew in my heart. I knew this girl very well, and knew the mysteries surrounding her. They were nothing to be feared.”

Kaya laughed to hold back a few tears. She looked into the face of her old friend, and found him looking back at her. It really was him, she finally recognized. “I came home one day after a year away. I ran to your cabin as soon as I could, but instead of you and your family, I found it empty and lonely.” She studied his face in awe. “My Stars, Rie. You’ve changed so much. I didn’t even recognize you.” He had grown into such a handsome man.

Rie walked around the front desk to her. He looked into her eyes and smiled. “As opposed to you my lady.” His hand took hers, and he kissed the top of it. “I recognized you in a heartbeat. I’d never forget those eyes. How they hold so much of the world in them.” He laughed. “You’ve never lost that.” He shook his head in amusement and awe. Kaya melted. His voice was so soft and just perfect. But he was her best friend. Suddenly she felt very conflicted. “You must come to dinner with me. My mother will be so shocked to see you.”

Kaya burst out with laughter. “Shocked? Rie, shocked is a word that would not even begin to measure to their reaction. Your family hates me. I do not wish to bring a burden to your household. They wanted to get away from me. The last thing I want to do is walk right through their door. I can hear your mother right now. ‘Riordan! Get this girl out of my house this instant!’”

Rie laughed with her shook his head. “No no. My mother’s mind has opened slightly since she’s met Roze. I do not believe she will kick you out, Kaya. She regrets us moving too much to even begin to think she hates you. Please come to dinner with me. It will be for old time’s sake. You won’t regret it. I promise you.” His eyes pleaded with her.

“Don’t give me that look. I can never say no to that look.” She hung her head low to avoid his gaze, then laughed. “Fine then. I accept.” She rolled her eyes. “But the first sign of negativity from your mother I’m leaving.” The smile on Rie’s face was enough to make Kaya’s heart glow. She laughed. “I mean it.”

Rie immediately picked her up and swung her around in excitement. When he put her down, threw his arms around her. “I will see you tonight then.” He laughed. He let go her embrace and kissed her cheek. Kaya blushed. “So.. my dearest friend. What kind of traveling are you doing this time? Who do you have to protect, and who do you have to kill to protect?” He leaned up against the desk so relaxed.

“The whole world, and one evil sorceress.” She smirked.

He stood up straight and his forehead wrinkled again. “The rumors are true then?” He asked her. She gave him a blank look. “We get a good deal of magic folk coming through here. A lot of them tell us stories about a girl named Kaya saving soon the whole world fr—“

“Oh.” Kaya cut him off. “Those rumors..” She rubbed her eyes. “Yes. Unfortunately enough they are true.”  She nodded.

“Oh Kaya.” He hugged her again. “I had a feeling it was you. How are you holding up?”

“I just want to get it over with.” She shrugged. “I want to go to her, kill her, then come back home to stay home.”

He looked her face up and down. “You hate it don’t you?”

Kaya laughed. “At times.”

The inn door opened and Roze came running in. “There’s a battle with demons just outside the town. The death count is rising too highly. They need help.”

“Do you have an extra sword?” Kaya asked. Roze nodded. “Good.” She turned to Rie and gave him a hug. “I’ll see you tonight.” She said. She then followed Roze out the door. “I’m getting Nynavae.” She said. “I’ll meet you at the town entrance.” She then ran around the inn to the stables. “Ready to have some fun girl?” Kaya asked quickly taking off the saddle. It was easier to fight bare-back. Nynavae gave a neigh, and Kaya hopped on. “Come on let’s go.”

Roze was already waiting at the town entrance on her brown horse. She had a sword belt and sword in her hand. She handed it to Kaya. She began to put it on for the battle. “This belonged to Dimitri when she was your age. I want you to keep it.”

“Oh Roze. I can’t do that.” She said.

“I’m not taking no for an answer.” She said and road off. Kaya followed behind her. When they arrived at the battle scene a half mile way, she saw that what Roze said was correct. The number of lifeless bodies on the ground doubled the remaining alive, which couldn’t be more than fifty. While a hundred dark greened-skinned demons still attacked. They were almost human like, despite the scales and the horns. Kaya and Roze both rode right on in beheading the first few demons they saw. When the demons noticed new riders, they turned their attention and began to throw fire balls at both of them. Kaya quickly held up her hands. They stopped in mid-air, turned to ice, and fell to the ground. She and Roze continued to kill off the demons, dodging flying arrows and axes. Kaya had forgotten how much she loved to fight. Her last battle was one year ago with Dimitri. She looked over at Roze, who seemed to be enjoying it much more than her. But there was something deeper than just enjoyment, with each demon killed, her eyes turned a firey-red color. She seemed to be taking out all those years of anger inside of her on these demons. Getting them back for what they did all those years ago.

“I don’t know who you two are..” She heard a voice beside her. She turned to see a tall girl with long brown hair on a brown horse. She was dressed in men’s battle clothes and carried many weapons on her. A sword was held in her hand. “..but I sure do appreciate the help.”

“Our pleasure.” She said, dodging a fireball followed by an arrow. “I’m Kaya. That’s Roze over there.”

“Very nice to meet you Kaya.” She beheaded a few demons around her. It was so fast, Kaya didn’t have time to count. She seemed to work the weapons with a breeze. “I’m Gilrana.”

“What happened? Who attacked who….” A demon jumped on top of her knocking her in the head with his steel plated fist. She stabbed him in the gut and he fell to the ground. “….first?”

“We’ve known this group for years. There have been many attacks by both sides.” She said. “This time was by complete surprise. We were traveling north. They were traveling south. We kind of knocked heads.”

Kaya about had enough of the demon’s games. She began to form balls of energy in her hand and throwing them at the demons. She disintegrated about twenty before Roze saw her. “Kaya!’ She yelled at her a few yards away. “Don’t! You’re gonna attract attention to yourself.”

“I do that nicely without magic thank you!” She yelled, and continued her method of fighting.

“Kaya no!” Roze yelled again. Her eyes flashed even more red with anger.

Kaya’s eye’s widened slightly before taking the sword back in her hand. She continued to fight the demons until there was only one left standing in the midst of Kaya, Roze, Gilrana, and the ten men left from her crew. One of the men beheaded him, and that was the last of the battle. Gilrana stepped off her horse. “Pile the dead.” She began to give orders. “The demons in a separate pile. Burn both quickly.” She said “We will mourn later. We must continue to head north.” She took a long moment of breath before turning to Kaya and Roze. “Thank you again.” She said to them. “I appreciate it more than you could ever know. I only wish I could stay and chat. But we really must be on our way.”

“We were glad to help. Any time.” Roze said. “I only wish we could do more.”  Kaya nodded in agreement.

“Do you need any help with the dead?” Kaya asked.

Gilrana shook her head. “Thank you but no. These are our friends. And the demons were our foes. It was nice to meet you two. I hope we meet again.” Gilrana said then went to go help the men pile the bodies of their friends. One of the men, a boy actually a few years younger than Kaya stopped and just stared at one of the bodies he just help lay. He couldn’t seem to move anymore. His eyes weld up in grief. Gilrana approached him, and whispered something in his ear. He smiled slightly and they both embraced. They then both continued.

“Come on.” Roze said. “Let’s go back to town, and leave them in peace.” Kaya nodded and turned Nynavae around to follow Roze and her horse. “Kaya listen to me, there are many powerful evil individuals in this area. They come through town all the time. They can sense great positive power when it is used. I’m sure most of them are on the hunt for you as we speak. You need to be careful when using your powers.”

Kaya smiled. “I will I promise.”

© Copyright 2012 Mel Cat (melm27cat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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