Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1852081-The-Sorceress-Chapter-3
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1852081
A young Sorceress is told she must save the world from all evil.
Chapter Three – New Allies

After walking for a couple hours, Kaya came across a forest. She took out the map. It wasn’t but a couple miles long, so she decided just to go through it. If she walked around, it would be a good chance her direction would be lost. About a mile into it, she noticed a very large thick mushroom about as tall as her waist. She decided it would be a great seat to rest her legs for a minute. As she began to sit, she pulled out a water container, opened it up and began to drink.

“Hey what do you think you’re doing?” A voice came from below her. It startled her into spitting out the water. She quickly stood up from the mushroom. There was no one there.

“Hello?” She spoke to it. “Mushroom? Did you just talk to me?” With everything she had seen in her life, she wouldn’t be surprised if mushrooms could talk. But laughter came from it as a tiny little man came out from behind. With a very lanky body and blueish skin, he had the same features and a normal human being, but he was only half as tall as her knees. There was no aging in his face, but she had a feeling he couldn’t be much older than her. He had a friendly noble energy about him. “Ohh!” Kaya said out loud while taking a breath of relief. “You had me thinking..” She started. “Never mind. I’m sorry did I take your home?”

He began to laugh again. “Home? No no no. I live in the trees.  I was just lying here taking a nap, when it started moving rather hectically. I didn’t mean to startle you ma’am.”

Kaya laughed. “Do not worry. It is my fault for interrupting your nap.” 

“It wasn’t the first time it’s happened.” He said. “They call me Diddly, here ma’am.” He gave her a slight bow bringing out that noble quality.

Kaya smiled. “It’s very nice to meet you Diddly. My name’s Kaya.”

“I seem to know that name from somewhere. I can’t recall.” He shrugged. “You are the second person today to walk through here. Seems this place is rather busy. You’re a lot nicer looking than that other guy. Creepy fellow he was. Treating that horse rather meanly I would think.”

Kaya’s heart skipped a beat. Her eyes widened slightly. “Was the horse white?” She asked. “Very tall? With a brown and green saddle?”

“Why yes. I do believe so.” He nodded.

Kaya smiled. “Nynavae.” She then knelt down to talk with him. “How long ago did they come through here?” She asked.

“It couldn’t have been more then a couple hours I believe.” He suddenly started pointed at her while smiling. “I know who you are now. You’re going to save us all. You’re that Kaya!” The excitement in his energy just exploded out to her. She didn’t even have to read it. 

“How did you know?” Kay asked. This wasn’t something she wanted to be recognized for.

“Wood gnomes know the prophesies very well. The children here, whenever they get frightened of the world’s evil are always told not to be, because one day Kaya would take it out. And now you’re here. Kaya is standing before me. It is such an honor.” He stepped away from the mushroom. “By all means, sit yourself down if you need a rest.”

“Woh woh. Slow yourself down.” Kaya gestured with her hands. “I’m not as special as you deem me to be. I’m just Kaya.” She said. “I’m not this big hero choosing to take on the sorceress. I was just told I was born to do this, and here I am.”

“Do not sell yourself short, milady. For you are something beyond all great.” His eyes gave a slight twinkle as he looked up at her.

“Please don’t look at me like that.” She said. “I may have this task I need to complete. But I’m just a normal girl.”

Diddly conceded to her wishes, although she could see that in his mind he believed his truth. He nodded. “Whatever you wish to believe milady that makes you happy, then by all means you keep doing so.”

Kaya smiled. “It was very nice to meet you, Diddly. I should be on my way. I only meant to sit for a minute. The horse you saw earlier today belonged me, and that man took it from me. I need to catch up with them.”

“Can I come with you.” Diddly asked.

“What?” Kaya was caught off guard.

“Please. I won’t be any trouble. I promise you that.” He gave her a pleading look.

“It’s awfully dangerous.” She said. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Whatever happens to me, I take full responsibility. I haven‘t been out of these woods for years. I could use the adventure.”

Kaya laughed. “Well, I could use the company. Alright you can come with.”

“Thank you Madam Kaya! You won’t regret this!”

Kaya smiled. “If we’re going to be traveling partners, just call me Kaya. No ma’ams or Madams.”

“But Madam is a proper name for a sorceress.” He said. “I can not think of calling you anything else,” said Diddly.

“If we are to be friends, being proper is out of the question.” Kaya laughed. “Please just Kaya.”

Diddly smiled. “Kaya it is then.”

“Good.” Kaya stood up from the ground. Do you have anything you wish to take with you? Anybody you wish to say goodbye to?”

Diddly shook his head. “If I know the gnomes, they’re listening in right now.” He looked all around the forest.  “Goodbye my friends.” He said then looked back to Kaya and whispered. “I think they would be happy to see me leave. They are tired of my wishes to travel.” 

Kaya shook her head and laughed. “You are too funny, Diddly. Would you like to sit on my shoulders?” Kaya asked. “Or travel in my bag?”

Diddly gave another starry eyed look. “To sit on the shoulders of the Madam Kaya. Wow. That would be such a—“ He stopped when he noticed Kaya giving him an exasperated look. “Your bag is fine.” He shifted balance.

Kaya laughed. She bent down, picked up Diddly, and put him on her right shoulder. “Come on we have to catch up with the man who took my horse.” She said. She took a sip of her water, and put it back in her knapsack.

Until they reached the end of the forest, Diddly and Kaya spoke non-stop about their lives. Kaya found Diddly’s life as a wood gnome so much fascinating. Wood gnomes were exactly like humans. They plant and hunt. They have schooling and markets. Everything took place in the trees. Away from the sight of any humans or other creatures that pass through their forest. Kaya spoke all about Dimitri and their battles. She then worked up the bravery and told him her history with the sorceress and her brief travel so far.

“I’m sorry to hear about what the sorceress did, Kaya.” Diddly said. “But don’t you worry about her. You have all the strength in the world to kill her off. And I do not mean this in a prophesy way. I can just tell by getting to know you. You have a brave soul.”

Kaya smiled. “Thank you Diddly. Your words mean so much.”

“You are quite welcome milady. Now! What is this chicken you speak of?” Diddly asked about the chicken Gretchen gave her.

“You’ve never had chicken?” Kaya was surprised for only a moment. “That’s right. You’ve never been on a human farm have you?” She asked rhetorically. “Well here.” She reached in her bag, and broke off a small piece of a chicken leg. She handed it to Diddly. He took a bite.

“OH Heavens!” He exclaimed, putting his hands to his head. “I’ve never tasted anything like it!”

Kaya laughed. “I bet you’ve never had eggs before either.”

Diddly was just swallowing his last bit of chicken. “You eat eggs? Like bird eggs?” He seemed rather disgusted. “How do you eat through the shell?”

Kaya didn’t know how to explain. “I’ll tell you what. The next town we come across, we will stop in a restaurant and order some eggs.” She said. She then noticed some light ahead. “Look Diddly! I think we’ve reached the end of the forest.” Diddly remained silent as he stared at the forest exit. “What’s wrong?” Kaya asked.

“I’m leaving this forest, Kaya.” He sighed. “All my dreams are finally coming true.”

Kaya smiled. “You’ll be a lot farther from home than you would think.” They then continued to travel out of the forest. Stopping only once an hour later to rest and take a quick bite to eat and drink. It wasn’t until an hour after nightfall when they decided to stop to rest for the night. Kaya desperately wanted to keep traveling but knew the dangers of the night. In the field, she found herself a pile of grass and decided to lie down. She picked the already sleeping Diddly off her shoulder carefully laid him on the other side of her knapsack. She then laid down herself. She looked up and stared at the stars, and just breathed in the beauty. She watched one shoot passed all the rest. It has been years since she’s seen something so beautiful. It had to be an omen. She closed her eyes to make her wish. Before she could think of one, she felt herself falling into sleep. She had to be more tired than she deemed herself to be. The next thing she knew she felt something rub at her shoulder.

“Kaya.” The small voice said right in her ear. Kaya sat up quickly. “Finally!” Diddly exclaimed. “I’ve been trying to wake you for ten minutes.”

Kaya blinked at the light and rubbed her eyes. She then turned to him. “I’m sorry.” She said. It’s been so long since she’s had a dreamless sleep. There were no encounters with the sorceress. There were no encounters with Dimitri. Everything was just peaceful and enjoyable. She then thought of the shooting star, and how in the back of her mind she probably wished for one good night’s sleep. She shook herself out of her waking state. “Good morning.” She said. She then looked for the sun. It’d been morning for only a couple hours, she judged by the position.

“I’ve been looking at the map.” Diddly said, pointing to the sprawled out map in front of her. “The next town is two hundred miles away. And judging how long it took us to get out of the forest, I say we won’t be there for another four days.”

Kaya pulled the map towards her, and studied it. “Then I guess we better start then.” She said, reluctant to stand up from her comfortable position.

“I was thinking, Kaya, that the man who took your horse would most likely stop at the town.”

“That would make sense.” She answered him.

“But what lacks sense..” He started. “..is the fact he stole your horse before you stopped at the couple’s house.”

“I don’t understand.” She looked at him inquisitively.

“You said you fell asleep for three days, yet he was only two hours ahead of you when he came through the forest.”

         Everything fell into place in Kaya’s mind. “Oh.” She closed her eyes and scoffed. “Great. She’s always watching.” Kaya said out loud. There was anger behind her voice, but she swallowed it back. She then opened her eyes to speak to Diddly. “He’s waiting at the town to kill me. Well..” She stood up from the ground, and brushed herself off. “We just won’t let that happen.” Diddly gave her worried eyes. “What’s wrong?” She asked him.

“You didn’t see him, Kaya. I don’t think it would be easy to kill him.”

Kaya shrugged. “It may not be easy, but I will kill any evil that comes in my direction.”

         “Your confidence is overwhelming, my dear.” Dimitri’s voice was heard from behind.  Diddly took one look at the appearing spirit then ran to hide behind Kaya’s knapsack.

Kaya laughed. “Relax Diddly. It’s just Dimitri.” She turned around to meet her mentor, and smiled. “Why is it so overwhelming? I would think that you would be proud that I’ve finally set my mind back to how it used to be.”

Dimitri shook her head at the girl and just laughed. “I am very proud.” She said.

Kaya laughed too. “So..” She stretched her arms above her head trying to wake herself up. “What are you here to warn me about this time?” Kaya asked wanting to get to the point of the conversation.

“Why do I have to be here to warn you?” Dimitri answered with another question. “Can’t I just wish you a good morning?”

Kaya eyed her. She actually did contemplate the answer to those questions for a few moments until she mentally kicked herself. “No.” She gave Dimitri a half sarcastic and half real smile. “What’s wrong?” Dimitri stepped towards her and took her face in her hands. Her eyes turned to sadness. Even though she was dead, Kaya still felt it coming off of her. Kaya then grew even more tense when she saw how serious Dimitri had just become. “Alright. Really now.. what’s wrong?”

“I’m not coming back after this visit.” She said.

Kaya’s eyes grew large and glazed over. She didn’t understand the words that came out of Dimitri’s mouth. How they were even possible. “What?”

“The higher powers told me that you no longer need my guidance.” She kissed Kaya on her forehead.

Kaya shook her head, and pushed Dimitri away. “They’re wrong.” She said.

“I’m sorry, Kaya.”

“I already lost you once, please don’t let me do it again. You just came back.”

“It’s not my decision, my dear. And personally, if it was, I must agree with them. They are right. You are no longer a child. You no longer need me.”

“But I do need you, Dimitri. Please. Don’t leave me.” Kaya asked sincerely.

Dimitri gave her a caring smile. “I have to my dear.” She sighed. “At least this time, I can give you a proper goodbye.”

Kaya took a deep breathe. “You really aren’t coming back? Never?”

Dimitri shook her head. “Never.”

Kaya put her hands to her head. She then spun around to turn her back to her mentor. “Can’t I just wish you a good morning?” She mocked in anger. “Good morning Kaya. I’m going to leave you again Kaya. You’ll be fine Kaya. You don’t need me anymore Kaya.” She turned back around and dropped her hands to her side. “Just leave then.” She said. “Just go.” She waved the back of her hand at Dimitri.

“Kaya..” Diddly crept out from his hiding place. “I don’t think you should be mad at Madam Dimitri.”

“She’s not mad at me, Diddly.” Dimitri looked down and smiled at the gnome. Diddly then lost his fear of the woman, and relaxed his stance. She then looked back up at Kaya and sighed. “She knows in her heart what must be done.”

“You’re really never coming back?” Kaya asked again.

Dimitri shook her head. “I’m afraid not, my dear.”

“This isn’t happening.” Kaya said to herself.

Dimitri approached her again, and they exchanged embraces. “I really am proud of you, my dear. For a while, I truly thought you had given up for good.”

“I think I am about to again.” Kaya’s voice wavered.  “I can’t do this without you.”

“You can and you will.” Dimitri smiled at her one last time. “Good bye my dear.” She then disappeared.

Kaya was left standing there staring at the spot Dimitri just vanished, trying to take in what happened. She couldn’t believe what she just heard from her mentor. She couldn’t believe that was the last time she and Dimitri would ever speak again. It was like watching her die all over again. He then felt a tugging on her pant leg. “Kaya..” Diddly spoke up with hesitation. “Are you alright?” He asked sincerely.

A few tears fell out of her eyes, and she quickly wiped them away. “I’m fine.” She looked down at the concerned Diddly and gave him a smile to assure she was fine. “Come. Let’s go.”  She picked up the map from the ground, folded it up, and slid it in to her knapsack before grabbing that up. There was no time to cry. They had to be on their way.

“Madam Dimitri is very important to you isn’t she?” Diddly asked.

Kaya picked him up and put him on her shoulder. She began walking. “Yes.” She answered his question shortly. There was nothing in her to feel like talking more on the subject. All she wanted to do was walk, and not think about it anymore.

Diddly bit his top lip and nodded. He wanted to get her talking, but didn’t know exactly how. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked her again.

Kaya stopped in her tracks. “Yes.” She said. “I am fine.” She then continued walking. The rest of the day was traveled in silence. Kaya hoped that the gnome didn’t take offense to her attitude. She hated the higher powers for taking Dimitri away from her again, but like her mentor said, Kaya knew what had to be done. She was forced to accept that fact, not dwell on it. Night approached and they stopped again in much the same kind of grass clump the night before. Kaya took him off her shoulder, and then sat down herself. She laid down on her back to stare at the stars. After a moment or two, she turned on her side to face Diddly. He was doing the same as Kaya laying on his back staring up at the sky. “I’m sorry, Diddly.” Kaya apologized. “I did not mean to-“

Diddly interrupted her with a laugh, and held up his hands to stop her talking. “I had a sister. I know when to let you stew. Madam Dimitri is a very important person in your life, Kaya It is only natural.” He turned to her. “You don’t need apologize at all.”

Kaya smiled. “Thank you, but I’m apologizing anyway. She is important. The only friend I really had for the longest time. When she died a year ago, I thought the whole world was lost. She was so much stronger and smarter than I could ever be. I used to think she was capable of anything. I used to think she was invincible. I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you.”

“How did she die?” He asked purposely ignoring her apology hoping she would understand the picture. “You never mentioned it.” Kaya closed her eyes. “It’s alright. You don’t have to say anything.”

“No no.” Kaya sighed. “It’s alright really.” She took a moment, and began to speak. “We were battling a large group of demons, the both of us. It was the end near the end of the battle when the demons took out their bow and arrows. I was hit with one of them.. just below my right shoulder blade.” She pulled down her shirt collar to show a scar. “I fell off my horse. Dimitri jumped off hers to see if I was alright. She was kneeling over me when a demon came up from behind her.” She closed her eyes, re-envisioning the memory. “I tried to warn her. When she turned around, the blade of his sword went through her stomach.” Kaya could feel tears trying to form and swallowed them back. “I didn’t have time to heal her because the demons were going after the lady we were protecting. The protection barrier we put around her was weakened because we were both hurt. Once they were all killed, I went back to Dimitri to find her already dead.”  She rolled over on her back again to stare at the sky. A few moments later before Diddly had a chance to respond, she fell asleep.

She woke up in the middle of the night from dreams that were still locked in that memory. She took a deep breath to rid herself of the emotions. An eerie sense began to fall over her. She began to get the sensation she wasn’t alone and realized it was this which awakened her. She sat up very slowly and quietly from the ground, in order not to attract attention. She then stood up in much the same manner. She took the crystals from her knapsack and placed them around Diddly creating a protection barrier and began to venture away from him. Someone was out there. She could feel the presence and the evil energy. She drew up an energy ball in her hand to arm against any strikes. She was about a hundred yards away from Diddly, when she heard a familiar horse’s whinny. Her heart skipped a beat. “I know you’re out there.” She cried out. She couldn’t distinguish where Nynavae cried out to her from. She listened for another sign, but nothing came. She then suddenly felt the protection barrier breaking. “Oh no Diddly!” She defused the ball, turned around and ran back to the patch of grass, but the gnome wasn’t in sight. The barrier was empty. “Diddly where are you??” She looked all around her.

Finally, the gnome came out from the shadows in the moonlight. “Where did you go?” He asked.

“Oh Diddly! Thank the moon you are alright! He was here! He was here!” She cried. “I heard her. I heard Nynavae.”

“Are you sure?” He asked. Kaya nodded. “Then we should start walking again if he’s out there. I don’t think I could sleep.”

“I agree.” But her thought weren’t focused on walking. They were focused on Nynavae. If that man had hurt her horse in anyway, he would regret crossing her path. Her teeth clenched in anger along with her fists.

“Kaya!” Diddly called to her trying to get her attention out of her thoughts. “Down here.” She looked down to see him waving at her. “We’ll find him. Calm yourself." He gave her comforting look. Kaya nodded reluctantly, but her heart was still beating fast with hatred towards that man. "Good." He said. "Now. Do you have anymore chicken left? I’m hungry.”

Kaya couldn’t help but smile. “Yes there’s some left in the bag. Help yourself.” Her anger lessened slightly. She started picking up the crystals. When she had them all in her hand, she approached her knapsack where Diddly was feasting on the chicken.

“Would you like some?” He handed her a piece.

Kaya shook her head no. “Thank you though.” She said. “But I think I lost my appetite.”

“Suits yourself.” He shrugged. He then pointed to the crystals in Kaya’s hands. “What are those anyway?”

Kaya put them in her bag. “Very powerful tools of sorcery.” She answered with a serious tone.

“Oh.” Diddly took a bite of chicken. “Where’d you get’em?” He asked with his mouth full.

“Dimitri gave them to me many years ago. She said them came from the belly of a very large demon.” She took one out of her bag to study it. “She had to pry open his intestines to get them out. He ate them whole to protect them from people like us.” She then put it back with the others.

Diddly swallowed his last bite of chicken. “Oh.” He said again. He wrapped up the remainder of the chicken leg. “I’m not hungry anymore.” 

It wasn’t until evening approached on their fourth day of traveling through the feild, and the night sky had just made itself shown, when Kaya and Diddly came across a house just sitting in the middle of nowhere. Kaya took out the map. “That’s odd.” She said. “The town isn’t for another fifty miles.”

“I don’t like it.” Diddly said. “It might be another trap from the sorceress.”

Kaya read its energy carefully. It almost knocked her back with power. Diddly had to hold on to her shoulder tightly in order not to fall off.  Kaya shook her head. “It’s definitely not evil.” She said.

“Let’s just leave it alone.” He said. “and continue on our way.” Kaya could feel him tremble.

“I would do that Diddly, but whoever lives here might have seen that man with Nynavae..”

“Can I hide in your bag then?” His voice shook. “I do not trust people of power until they prove themselves. No matter the energy you feel.”

“Of course.” She opened up her knapsack and held it up to her shoulder. Diddly climbed on in. He was smart in his distrust of the magical kind. She usually kept to herself as well, but there was absolutely nothing menacing about this house. Though she would not want to pick a fight with whoever lives here.

After he was out of sight, Kaya decided to approach the house. Before she knocked on the door, a figure lying up against a tree caught the corner of her eye. He seemed to be lost in the stars, because he did not see her standing there. Kaya smiled. “The stars are my comfort too.” She said to him.

Her voice shook him out of his thoughts. He looked up at her, and stood himself up to approach her. “Hello.” He said. “Can I help you?”  He was much taller than she. Around the same age, maybe slightly older. He had very kind eyes and a kind energy as well. She relaxed a bit.

“I don’t mean to intrude on your property.” Kaya said. “I just needed to ask you a question.”

“You are far from intruding.” He answered with a thoughtful smile. “People come this way all the time to ask me questions. I guess that’s why they call me the Problem Hermit. My name is Kev. How may I help you?”

“Hello Kev. My name’s Kaya. There was a man that most likely came by here with a white horse. I was wondering if you’ve seen him at all.” She asked.

He studied her a bit. Probably reading her energy. She tried to give off whatever good vibes she could. “Well there was a man passing through my property earlier. And yes he did have a white horse with him.”

Kaya’s smiled brightened. She took a heavy sigh of relief. “Do you know how long ago?”

“About an hour I presume.” Kev said.

Kaya thought for a moment. “That’s not far at all.” She said quietly to herself. She looked back up to Kev. “Thank you so much.”

“You are quite welcome.” He said. “Any time. Just be careful with him. I can sense you have great gifts about you, and have a purpose with him, but he is not one to be trifled with. People of all forms pass through here. Good and evil. I don‘t usually meddle until asked to, but he was definitely of the full evil kind.”

Kaya nodded. “Thank you for your advice. I do not wish to bring you into my problems. Though, I can see you’d be a great ally.“ The reading of the powerful energy still ate at her curiosity. She’s never known too many people of this kind of power besides Dimitri. It was intriguing. She just had to ask. “How long have you studied the magics? Are you a sorcerer?” She glanced quickly to the ground while asking then back up at him. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

Kev laughed. “No. I was never properly trained into sorcery and named one. But I’ve been developing my magic and battle strategy most of my life. After getting weary of traveling and fighting evil, I ended up here.” He pointed to the house. “Where I still study daily. If you wish to come inside then please do. I have a library of history and spell books.”

Kaya thought for a moment. She wanted to accept his offer, but had to catch up with that man. “I really must be getting on my way.” She said. “Thank you again for your help.”

© Copyright 2012 Mel Cat (melm27cat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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