Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1851392-Sister---Original-
Rated: E · Other · Drama · #1851392
What dwells underneath sisterly love .......

  Emily gazed at her sister lying there in her casket, allowing the flood of memories to engulf her. She had died on the battlefield and a hero’s funeral was being held in her name. But, all that Emily could notice was her sister’s brown hair resting on her shoulders, so similar to her own; her cheeks, her nose….  So similar, yet so different …. she thought.

  Being twins, they had shared their birthdays, their bedrooms, clothes, you name it. They had always been so close. That is why Emily never understood why her sister, Laura never seemed to be happy with her. They had so many things in common. Their behaviour, their emotions even the way they looked; yet, somehow, they managed to be poles apart.   

  It was right after college that the slight rift that had always existed became bigger than either could have imagined. Emily, fresh out of Harvard, confronted her sister on her seemingly impulsive decision to join the army. The conversation had ended with Laura walking out screaming that she was tired of always living under Emily’s shadow, and that she, for the first time in her life wanted to choose her own path. 

  This thought had haunted Emily for a long time, and frankly, it offended her. She had never done anything to hurt her dear Laura, in fact, she had always protected her. She had helped her in any way she could; she had let her sister sit at the table her friends sat at during lunch, she had taken her to all the high school parties that Laura would never have been invited to, been there to cheer her up at her soccer games. But, it had never been enough. 

  “ No. I don’t want it.” hissed Laura. 

  “ But, why? I don’t get why you always act like this with me. I try to help you bu-” 

  “ That’s the problem with you, Em. You try to help me.” 

  “ What on Earth is that supposed to mean, Laura?”
  “ You have no idea, do you? You are so caught up in your own utopian world that you remain clueless about what anyone else is going through….. Don’t you get it, Emily? I don’t want your help….. I don’t need your charity.” 

  No. It wasn't her fault. It was Laura. She had always been so stubborn. Emily had invited her so many times to visit her at her wonderful Ivy League college, but she had always refused. She always chose to stay behind. During those years, the only time they actually met was when Emily came home for her vacations. It was always Emily who made the effort. Be it the high school prom or the college visits, prissy little Laura would always sulk about things.   

  During Emily’s visits home from Harvard, Laura would always be there, listening to their parents asking Emily about her " tough but enriching college experience " . Laura had never had anything even remotely interesting to share with their parents; she would always stay quiet and listen to them. But, Emily didn’t know why she had been acting in such a stoic manner. Was it because Emily had been the cheerleader at high school? Well, Laura should have just tried a little harder. If she hadn’t kept stuffing her mouth full of all that food, she would have got in too. Or was it because Laura got into some small college in a small town instead of the Ivy League wonderland where her sister wound up in? No, that wasn’t Emily’s fault either. Laura should have simply worked harder. Daddy had told Laura again and again, throughout their high school careers that she had to do better, that she absolutely had to keep up with her sister, Emily. But, Laura just would not listen. She had always been so stubborn. 

  Emily couldn’t stop herself from wondering all these things. Even as she was getting into her tailored funeral gown earlier that day, her mind reeled with these unanswered questions; questions that would remain so. Was her sister really gone? Was that even possible? After all, Emily had never known a world without Laura. 

  But, as Emily continued to stare at her sister’s morbid blue lips and pale cheeks, she felt a familiar feeling rise in her. She had warned Laura, she implored her not to go; but she was so obstinate. She just wouldn’t listen. What would it have taken Laura to set her ego aside and listen to her well – meaning sister once in a while? 

  But now, look at what that got her, Emily thought to herself. She should have listened to me….. Laura must have realized that I was right. And Emily couldn’t help but feel her chest rise in triumph, knowing that her beloved twin, the poor sister she loved so much had known that Emily had been right all along.

© Copyright 2012 RoseHathaway (rosehathaway at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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