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"change the date and time and you'll be stuck forever"! clock that holds a secret. |
In my, cold and damp, bed room there was a clock that was brown with a pattern on it that changed every hour. The clock was a grandfather clock. It had always been in this room since we first moved in 6 years ago. I haven’t always had this room, it used to be my big sisters before she moved away to go to college, lucky her, I got forced to have this room since my dad has remarried and she has a 15 year old son. Oh btw I’m Dannie, 15years old and not your average girly girl. I’m not into make-up and dressing up fancy just to impress people. Since my dad and Stacy, my dad’s new wife, had got together my life had just been getting worse. I and my dad argued more because Stacy would always blame her accidents on me, and my dad being the softy he is, he would always believe her and punish me for it. “I never want to see you again” I screamed at my dad and ran up to my room. The argument I and my dad had all kicked off because Stacy had had friends round while my dad was out and broke our flat screen TV, and Stacy being Stacy, she blamed it on me. My dad always takes her side no matter what I say it’s never any good. I was laid on my bed sobbing into the pillow when I remembered a story my sister had told me about the clock in her room. Apparently if you re-set the date and time it takes you to the day you picked. I was tempted to test this story, only because I was so fed up with living here with my dad and HER. I walked up to the grandfather clock, loads of thoughts racing though my head, ‘shall I do it?’ ‘What date shall I pick?’ ‘Will it actually work?’ All these questions raced through my mind at once. After about 5 minutes of thinking I decided to change the date back to July 24th 2000 when my mum and dad were still together and happy. After I changed the date I was stood thinking if it had worked or not. I closed my eyes and then opened again I was still in the same house with the same annoying dad and step mum. It hadn’t changed. “Oh well it was worth a try” I sighed then slide into bed. The next morning I woke up in a room with baby blue wallpaper and a dark blue carpet, in the corner of the room was a big book self-filled with about 35 books all in order. I continued looking round puzzled I wasn’t in the same room I had gone to sleep in, but where was I? I decided to get dressed out of my woolly blue pyjamas and go look around the house I was in. I slowly walked towards the dresser that was next to the bookshelf. I opened the glossed oak doors and was shocked at the clothes that were inside. They were half my size and reminded me of the clothes my mum had bought me for my 10th birthday. How was I going to fit into these? Finally I picked out some shorts and a t-shirt which seemed to fit me fine. As I slowly walked out of the room I noticed a bathroom opposite “I might as well go and freshen up” I thought to myself. After I had finished in the bathroom I slowly walked down the red carpeted stairs towards the living room. For some reason I recognized the living room and the kitchen opposite. I had been here before but when? “Hello Hun, I’m in the kitchen” women shouted to me. I wondered who it could be the voice sounded familiar but I wasn’t quite sure who it was. After about a minute the voice shouted “hun, your breakfast is ready,” without hesitation I decided to walk to the kitchen. As soon as I entered the kitchen I recognized the women straight away, it was my mum. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The clock had worked, I was stood face to face with my mum, and I had never thought the clock would have worked. It all seemed like a dream. I wasn't what to do next, should I speak? But say what? Haven’t seen my mum in years. "Where’s dad?" I questioned my mum. "At work hun, he left earlier than normal this morning" my mum sighed. "How come?" "Me and him had an argument last night," she paused and sighed before carrying on. "I found out he had been talking to other girls, you know in the way he shouldn't for a married man." my mum's face which was once cheer-full was down sad. "Oh I'm sorry" "Don’t be, it was his fault, not yours." my mum said with a smile What had happened, I thought they were happy together, what had I done wrong? 'Did I put the wrong date in' I thought to myself. I can’t have though I don't remember my dad chatting up other women, ever. I sat down at the dining room table to eat my break feast, eggs, bacon, beans, just how remembered it, only difference was we normally eat with my dad. After I had finished eating I said to my mum that I was going to go upstairs for a bit. I slowly walked up the soft carpeted stairs, the carpet felt nice on my bear feet. As soon as I got to my room I looked at the date on the little alarm clock at the side of my bed. The date read '24/7/00' I had set the date right? So what had gone wrong? I was sat on my bed puzzled for a bit 10 minutes before I remembered the last bit of the story that must of slipped my mind, how could I have forgotten the most vital bit? How could I off been so stupid? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I remembered my sister saying "it doesn’t work how you think it does though, yes it takes you back to your chosen time but it doesn’t take you back to the way you want it. It changes what happens and what was once perfect could be turned upside down." As I remembered those words a cold shiver ran down my spine. I then remembered her warning 'once your there, there's no coming back'. What had I done! I was stuck in this time with what I thought was going to be the perfect family again. Oh boy, how I was wrong. all I could think of was how my life had just been changed overnight, in some ways I regretted ever touching that clock, I had lost my dad ,MY REAL DAD, I couldn’t live with my parents arguing and I couldn’t live with Stacy. The only thing that made me smile was that I didn’t have to put up with Stacy. The only thing that really puzzled me was that I was still 15; I hadn’t changed age although I had gone to when I was 10. I couldn’t get over how big off a mistake I had made. I was just thankful it wouldn’t get any worse. I must have fallen asleep while I was thinking about what I have done my alarm clock now said it was half past 6. I could hear noise's down stairs but couldn’t quite make out what or who they were. The noises started to get louder like someone was arguing I wasn't sure who. I didn’t think my dad would be home from work yet, he always finishes late? I started to head to my bedroom, and as I slowly opened it to listen to the noises I realized it was in fact my mum and dad arguing. "Why would you do this to me? I thought you loved me!" My mum cried. "I LOVED you! But that’s all changed now hasn’t it. It’s not my fault I talk to other women like that!!" "It is your fault you have no one else to blame but yourself. You’re just some sleazy man. Can never settle down. Don’t know why I married you in the first place!" My mum screamed that at the top of her voice. Just after she spoke them words you heard a loud 'THUD' it sounded like someone had just fell to the floor. I wasn’t quite sure what had happened but I could hear my dad mumble under his breath how much of an idiot he is and how could he have done this... "Done what?" I asked myself. He continued to mumble to himself but I couldn’t hear this time. The last thing I heard was "I have to get out of here, but go where? I’m sure people will start to wonder things? it doesn’t matter I just need to get out of here." Right after I had heard them words the front door slammed and I heard a car drive away. I thought about going downstairs but I was too scared to face what he could have done. He could have done something to my mum... something bad? All I could do was cry. After 10 minutes I dragged myself to my feet and slowly opened my door, it made a little creak as the un-oiled door gradually opened, I slowly walked towards the top of the stairs bracing myself for something I probably didn’t want to see. I got to the top of the stairs and what I saw was devastating. "MUM!!!!" I shouted as I ran down the stairs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sight I saw my mother in was shocking, blood was running from head and she had marks all over her hands and arms. She was unconscious so I ran an ambulance and then the police. I wanted my dad locking up for this! How could he of done this to my mum! The ambulance came and took my mum away and I promised I would be up as soon as I could; there was something I had to take care of. I had to go find my dad, I had to talk to him, ask him why he did this to us. I didn’t understand any of it didn’t make sense they were so happy before, I know it was the clocks fault for changing it but I never thought it would be this bad, my mum could die. If she did I would kill my dad personally!!! I tired ringing my dad’s phones loads but he never answered so I decided just to give up there, he would have to get in touch soon, someone had to take care of me. He was the only family I had apart from my mum. I went up to the hospital after, the doctors said she was really ill and had a slim chance of living. I sat up there all night waiting to hear more about her condition. At about midnight a doctor said I should go get some rest at home and that they would ring me if anything changed. I had to walk home so it was quite cold and scary. I got home in no time though seem so I don’t live far away. When I got home I didn’t know what to do all I could think about was my mum and if she was getting worse or not. I had fallen asleep for a couple of hours when my phone rang I ran to it expecting to hear that everything is okay and that my mum will be home soon but what I heard was the complete opposite. My mum had lost a lot of blood and had needed surgery to reduce swelling in her brain but she sadly didn’t make it past the surgery. After that phone call I just sat a cried for hours until I finally decided that I would go and hunt my pure evil dad down, seem so I couldn’t go back to the normal time. I wouldn’t regret any of my actions towards my dad he deserved everything that came to him! |