Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1850895-Camp-Survivor-Chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Teen · #1850895
A story about a reality TV game show featuring 36 teens competing for a million dollars.
"Hey there!" A man with his hair gelled back appears on screen, his back towards a large, forested, and mountainous island surrounded by dark blue water. He was standing on a wooden dock that connected to a path leading to a camp. "Welcome to Camp Lakewood, and this is Camp Survivor! I'm your host, Ryan Vega, and have I got a show for you!" The screen pans to the camp behind him, showing two large shoddy cabins aside an equally shoddy mess hall. A flagpole stood in the center of the camp. "Ever since we bought this island, we had renovate parts of it to fit our needs.You see, we invited thirty-six unsuspecting teens over to compete for one million dollars here on this crummy island. Every single action they do here will be caught by our multiple hidden cameras and cameramen. Looks like the first one's arrived!"

A Japanese girl dressed in a school girl uniform, complete with a tie, stepped off the first ship. "Eeeeeee! I can't believe that I'm on national television!" She smiled and waved at the camera. For some reason she had a headband with cat ears on it.

"Hey there! This is Mona, our first contestant! Can you please stand over by the side of the dock as the other contestants arrive? Thanks." The girl obliged as the next ship arrived.

A skinny kid wearing thick spectacles, suspenders attached to khaki shorts, and a bow tie stepped off of the boat, struggling to carry his luggage. "Hello there. Is this the right place? It doesn't look like the five-star resort on the brochure," he asked Ryan.

"It sure is the right place, Eric! Turns out, we couldn't possibly afford keeping 36 teens at a expensive hotel for the entire summer, so we decided to rent out a cheap camp off the coast of California instead!" Ryan explained.

"Oh well!" replied Eric cheerily. "At least I'm getting fresh air and sunlight!" The kid carried his luggage to where Mona's bag lay, dropped off his stuff, and stood by the girl.

The next boat carried a sultry-looking goth with blood-red hair. Her attire was primarily black with skulls decorating it.

As she walked off, Ryan started, "'Sup, Kat! Welcome to Ca-"


"Fine then, party pooper. Stand over there." Another ship arrived, carrying a muscular jock with curly jet-black hair.His bright red football jersey emblazoned with a large number 2 contrasted against his dark skin.

"Yo, Ryan!" The football player walked up to the host and shook hands with him.

"Nice to meet you, Ty!" The contestant walked towards the others.

"Are you guys the other contestants?" asked Ty.

"Yes. Have a problem with that?" Kat retorted.

"No." Ty shot the goth a dirty look and stood away from her. He turned his attention to the horizon, seeing two boats speeding towards the island. "Hey Ryan, are those boats supposed to be going that fast?"

'You'll never defeat me, Chelsea!" shouted one of the passengers to the other. She had crimson hair with blonde highlights, a denim vest, and dark gray jogging pants.

Chelsea, who was orange with spray tan and had her hair in a poof, retorted, "Shut up, Sydney! At least I'm not wearing that get up!" At that moment, the two ships stopped simultaneously, flinging their arguing passengers and their luggage off. The two girls landed in the pile of bags that had formed on the dock, breaking their fall.

Sydney popped out first, proclaiming, "Ha! I beat you here! That's what you get for insulting my style!"

Chelsea pulled herself out of the pile and flung herself at Sydney. Before they could start fighting, Ryan broke in. "Hold it, girls! Don't kill yourselves before the competition starts!" The two rivals pulled apart and stood facing away from each other.

The camera turns back to Ryan, who begins to greet the seven new arrivals. "Dylan. Nice to see you!"

The kid, who wore a dull gray jacket and had dark bangs that covered his forehead, simply sighed and walked away.

The next arrival was a tall Chinese guy clad in a green basketball jersey with his hair spiked up. "Hi! You're Ryan, right?"

Ryan shook hands with the kid, saying, "Yes I am, Lee! Welcome to Camp Lakewood!"

A pale girl dressed in an expensive-looking green jacket stepped off the next ship, followed by lanky teen wearing a pink sweater around his neck, a girl in olive-green corduroys, and two identical twin girls, one with a butterfly on her shirt and the other with a flower. "Summer, Harley, Jane, Lizzy, and Lily! Glad all of you can make it!" greeted the host.

Summer saw the number of competitors already there and her face flushed. "Is this everyone who's competing?"

"Nope! There's... let's see... 21 more competitors to go!" At this, the girl fainted backwards into Lee, who caught her in his strong arms.

Jane saw this and ran to her satchel. "Hold on you guys! I have an all-organic herbal remedy that I use for fainting." She pulled out a strong-smelling bouquet of herbs and waved it in front Summer. What little color she had returned to her face and the girl apologized to Lee.

A cowboy, a guy playing a video game on a console, a girl in a wheelchair, a teen with a violet mohawk, and a kid wearing a Boy Scout uniform arrived while that little scene was going on, and Ryan greeted them in order.

"Wes, Steve, Bella, Brandon, and Tristan. Please stand over there with the others." Just then, the dock quaked and the competitors wobbled.

"Hi guys!" A deep feminine voice echoed across the island. The contestants all look at its source: a morbidly obese girl with blonde pigtails and a lavender turtleneck.

"Oh... contestants, this is Jessie." Ryan replied, grimacing.

Jessie ran up to Ryan and hugged him, squeezing the air out of his lungs. Then she proudly proclaimed, "By the time I'm done on this show, I will have a boyfriend!"

All of the guys shivered at this, except for Harley, who replied, "You're not the only one!" At that, everyone moved away from Harley.

Next to arrive was EJ, a well-built cadet dressed in desert camo who had a whistle around his neck, followed by ginger-haired girl named Annie who wore large rectangular glasses. A guy wearing a bandana on his head arrived next, introducing himself as Jake in his thick Australian accent. A guy with a huge grin and his hair flipped up next said his name was Alex. As the next contestant, a tall kid with wavy hair and a pencil in his ear, stepped off the boat, a loud fart was heard, and everyone broke down into laughter.

Ryan struggled to stifle his laughter. "Raj, did you really have to do that on national television?"

"But it wasn't me!" he protested in his faint Indian accent. He looked down and picked up a whoopee cushion where he stepped. "Who put this here?" Alex snickered and raised his hand.

Bella, the girl in the wheelchair, remarked, "A prankster using a whoopee cushion. How mainstream."

Out of nowhere, a girl with wild brown hair crashed into the dock, catapulting Raj into the water.

"Is she okay?" asked Tristan, who was pulling out a first aid kit out of his giant backpack.

The unconscious teen suddenly burst out laughing. "Wooo! That was fun! Let's do it again!"

In response to the other contestants' confused stares, Ryan simply replied, "Meet Daniella. She's always like this. Get used to it." In the meanwhile, Raj had pulled himself out of the water and stood next to Annie.

Annie stared at his face and spoke to him in a quiet voice, "You get hurt a lot, don't you? And because of that, you feel that no one wants to be your friend, right?" Amazed, Raj nodded in silence. The ginger smiled. "I'm psychic. I can read your mind. At least you've made one friend here."

The next ship arrived as they were talking, bringing a girl with a golden headband and skin the color of dark bronze. "Look out, Camp Survivor! The winner is here!"

Ryan smirked. "Sheila, confident I see?"

"That's right! All of you better watch your backs, 'cuz I'm going to beat y'all at thi-" Her talk was silenced as she, along with the others, looked at the next two arrivals. A blonde girl stood on the dock along with a darker-haired girl with a pocketbook and shades. They appeared to almost glow in the sunlight, and everyone was quiet with awe.

The blonde one spoke up first. "Hi everyone! Hey Ryan, where's that resort we were supposed to go to?"

The host snapped out of his trance and replied shortly, "Sorry, Brittney, the resort is not here."

"Okay then. So it's on the other side of the island?" she asked innocently. Some of the teen snickered at this.

"Uh... no. Just stand over there." Brittney just smiled and stood next to the others.

The brunette, on the other hand, just declared, "I'm Hailey. But you plebeians better stay away from me!"

"Are you contagious or something?" joked Alex, but his comment earned him a venomous look from her.

The next ship pulled up to the dock, rap music blasting from a 50-pound boombox. The next competitor, a guy wearing a backwards baseball cap, shorts sagged below his waist, and a garish gold medallion, hopped off, yelling, "'Sup, my dudes! Name's Zach, and I'm in it to win it!" He walked over to some the girls, asking, "Hey girls, do any of you want to-"

"NO!" they all shouted in unison, and Zach shrugged and stood by the others.

The next guy to get off his ship had rugged good looks and wore a red unbuttoned dress shirt. He smiled at the girls, his perfectly white teeth dazzling at them. They became enchanted at the first sight. "Hey everyone! My name's Austin." He walked over to Hailey, who blushed.

Ryan looked out to the open water and saw six ships approaching the island. "Alright, contestants! Here are the final six arrivals!"

The first guy to get off the ship wore a green shirt with a lightning bolt design and remained silent. The second to arrive was the total opposite: a girl with light brown braids whose mouth ran like a race car's motor. The third person was an average looking guy: not too handsome, not too ugly, not too skinny, not too fat. A tanned short girl with three violet stars on her shirt arrived next, followed by a serious teenage boy wearing a plain white long sleeved collared shirt and khaki pants. The final person to arrive was a girl with a camera around her neck and a black ski hat.

"Welcome Tom, Gabby, Joe, Emily, Aziz, and Blaire to Camp Survivor. Now that we're all here, I guess it's time to explain the rules. Every two days, we will have one or two challenges. The losing team will have to go eliminate one of their members in the Campfire Ceremony."

An old wrinkled woman in an apron and hairnet carrying a tray of s'mores walked in accompanied by a muscular and angry looking man with black sunglasses. Ryan gestured to them."Teens, this is Mrs. Rosenthal, our lovely lunch lady, and Rob, my co-host/assistant. Anyway, these s'mores are a sign of immunity. The person who does not receive one will be sent home on the Fling of Failure, our giant slingshot. Don't worry, we'll send a ship to pick you up from the ocean. Eventually." The host chuckled and continued on. "If you ever want to get something off your mind, just go into our comfy confessional and pour out your thoughts to the world."


"Wait a minute, this outhouse is the confessional?" Hailey was fuming. "Ryan, I hate you!"


"I'm totally gonna win this!" Zach folded his arms confidently. "How can I possibly lose?"


"Oh my gosh! I can't believe that I'm actually here! Some guys look hot but then again some don't, and blah blah blah blah blah..." Gabby's speech was cut short by the camera.


"Anyway, it's about time I give you your teams. Lily, Lizzy, Wes, Sheila, Kat, Joe, Tristan, Tom, Daniella, Brandon, Zach, Raj, Jessie, Harley, Mona, Summer, Jake, and Annie, you are now known as the Awesome Armadillos!"

"WHAT?!" the newly named team shouted.

"The rest of you, meaning Dylan, Chelsea, Alex, Bella, EJ, Eric, Jane, Emily, Lee, Ty, Austin, Hailey, Brittney, Steve, Sydney, Aziz, Gabby, and Blaire, are the Deadly Deer!"

"WHAT?!" the other newly named team yelled.

"Glad you like my names so much. Go put away your stuff in the cabins. Deer get the right one, Armadillos get the left one. Just remember, these are not co-ed cabins. One side's for the guys, the other is for the girls. Meet me here in an our for your first challenge."

"First challenge? But it's just our first day!" Blaire complained.

"Don't worry about it," reassured Wes. "It's just our first challenge. How hard can it be?"

Kat glared at her teammate. "Wes, if you jinxed us, I will kill you."


And it's the end of the first chapter! Who will win? Who will be voted off? Find out in next week's episode of Camp Survivor!

By the way, here is a list of the people's personalities in case you have difficulty finding them out:

Mona- The Anime Fanatic

Eric- The Home-schooled Nerd

Kat- The Sultry Goth

Ty- The Jock

Sydney- The Brash Tomboy

Chelsea- The Jersey Shore Chick

Dylan- The Pessimistic Emo

Lee- The Try-hard Athletic Asian

Summer- The Shy Girl

Harley- The Feminine Guy

Jane- The Hippie

Lily- The Girly Girl

Lizzy- The Other Girly Girl

Wes- The Nice Cowboy

Steve- The Talented Gamer

Bella- The Hipster in a Wheelchair

Brandon- The Punk/ Bully

Tristan- The Prepared Boy Scout

Jessie- The Fat Girl

EJ- The Clumsy Cadet

Annie- The Psychic Ginger

Jake- The Natural-born Leader

Alex- The Prankster

Raj- The Pain Magnet Artist

Sheila- The Sassy Chick

Brittney- The Dumb Blonde

Hailey- The Mean Girl

Zach- The Cool-Guy Wannabe

Austin- The Handsome Charmer

Tom- The Silent Prodigy

Gabby- The Chatterbox

Joe- The Average Guy

Emily- The Nervous Wreck

Aziz- The Serious Competitor

Blaire- The Mature Girl
© Copyright 2012 D. Buenafe (fierywormz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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