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A personal journey through the ocult.. |
"You are all that exists, you hold nothing of what you have made in abhorrence, for had you hated anything, you would not have formed it."(Wisdom 11:25) Christine put down her Bible and brushed her hair. How strange she felt with her breasts tingling and there was heat in her nether region. Was this part of God's plan? Christine walked outside down the steps of her trailer. "Hey! Christine!" It was Jake. She liked him more than her other neighbors. "Ah. what's up?" she smiled nervously. "Oh. Nothing. You want to do some weed?" Jake offered her a smoke. Christine shook her head no. She knew better to get hooked on drugs. The woman next door was a crack whore. "Hey. It's all natural. Not like cigarettes." Jake blew the smoke in her face. It had a sweet smell. She waved the smoke away. "My body is my temple. I will not fill my lungs with smoke." Christine took the joint from Jake's hand and stepped on it. Then, she took Jake by the hand into her trailer. "Shit. Are you fucking crazy?" Jake looked over his shoulder at his flattened joint. Christine tugged him inside to her shrine to the Madonna. It had Tampaxs hanging from it with a red votive candles lit. "I had a couple of good smokes left bitch." Jake took a sip of her grape soda. "Jake I want you to see me. I want you to see, who I really am." Christine had a hold of Jake with both her hands on his face. She looked directly into his eyes. She was pressing tightly on Jake's face. Christine stood back and took off her blouse and jeans. Jake got a goofy smile. "Yeah! Let's get some of that!" He stripped. "No. Jake. This is not about sex. This is about honesty. I want you to see me for the woman I am and not a sexual object." her answer was frank and stone cold. "Your psycho!" Jake had a hard on and started masturbating. Christine tazored him. She had bought it on line. Jake flipped about the floor like a trout out of water. While Jake was stunned, Christine dressed herself and Jake. She dragged him outside her trailer and left him in the driveway. It was time for her vespers. She would pray for Jake. Christine knelt before her shrine and read Genesis 1:31, "God saw all he had made, and indeed it was very good." she read. She sipped her grape soda and continued, "Now both of them were naked but they felt no shame in front of each other." Christine blessed herself with the sign of the cross and hung another Tampax from her shrine and took a nap. =+= |