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tragic, friendship, love? |
What was i going to do now, I thought. Jaymes hiding a huge secret, and he wants me to act like it's nothing. I looked over at him, and he smiled. I smiled back, "i know that's a fake smile you liar." And i stood up from the bean bag chair. He groaned, "come on ZeeZee im trying here. Cut my some slack. Please", and he stood up grabbing my arm. "Just, answer some of my questions. How do you expect me to pretend everything is lollipops and rainbows when i dont even know what the problem is that i should be ignoring." i sighed crossing my arms. He looked out the tree house window then back at me. "I can't okay. give me time, or..something. Im going out tonight with those guys and will try and clear things up." "Wait you are? With those kids named Cork Screw and Pop?" I started to panick. Jayme read my expression. "No, no ZeeZee. Cork Screw, he's well, he's a nice guy. He's always there for me.And Pop's just exactly that. he's always there. Trying to be tough and crap like that." "Are those there actual names Screw and Pop?" I asked sitting back down and so did he. "No," he laughed. "This is secret stuff so don't tell anyone."He sighed, "Pop's real name is Edmund. But he was always drinking soda pop then smashing the bottles to make wepon for fights. So he became Pop. Then there's Cork Screw. His real name is Craig. But he was too nice for his age so everyone always yelled 'Screw you' or 'put a cork in it'. So the name stuck and he was known as Cork Screw." "Wow, wait what about you? I know your parents called you Jay and you hated that but why Jay D?" He shrugged, "they thought Jay was more tough. And sometimes i can get angry but im pretty quick to change my mood. So they were never sure when i would erupt so they thought of dynamite. So i became Jay Dynamite. Or better yet Jay D." "I like Jayme better," I said putting my head on his shoulder. "I like Jayme better then Jay D. Jay D is too scary and tough." He sighed, "thanks ZeeZee." "So, um Jayme. Who's Kris Kross Kevin and Little Tony?" I felt Jayme go stiff underneath me, "you shouldn't have been listening to what we were saying." "Im sorry jayme, okay, but" I paused. "Im scared for you." "There just not friendly people and thats all you need to know." Jayme mumbled angrily. "Black Ash?"i asked quietly. "A friend, Black Ash and i are the only ones still in school. Everyone else is too old or their drop outs." Jayme played with my hands. "Do i know him. Black Ash, that's not his real name." Jayme shook his head, "no. Um, well Black Ash goes to our school. He's in my grade. No his real names Ashton." "Why do they call him Black Ash?" i asked. i was almost afraid to know the answer. Jayme held my hand tighter, "because his old man use to bet him black and blue. So they'd all laugh and say 'look. Here comes Black Ash." Jaymes voice was real quiet. All the sudden something kept hitting the sides of the tree house. And Jayme covered me just in time for something to hit the window. And the glass shattered, i bit back a scream. Jayme sit up off of me once it was quiet again. he moved hair out of my face. "ZeeZee are you okay? Are you hurt?" I sat up, "I'm fine, how bout you?" "It's just glass im fine. Dont move." He mumbled and he got up walking towards the window. I sat still. He came back over helping me up to me feet. "It was a hit in run i think, to scare me into going to the pit party on saturday.." He took some glass out of my hair then looked at me. "I think its best if you leave now." I shook my head, "no. Come on Jayme, like you said there not here. It was just a hit and run." "ZeeZee, im sorry but right here is one of those moments where i dont care what you want. It's safer if you leave. being around me is too dangerous. Especially, right now." Jayme said kicking the glass towards the wall. I sighed, and nodded as we walked toward the door. Jayme went ahead of me as we went down the stairs. "Stay quiet, and stay close behind me." Jayme whispered, I nodded. He looked around the corner, then jerked back around to face me. "Scratch that, when i say go you run. You got that?" Jayme responded quickly. "But Jayme-" "ZeeZee please don't argue with me right now. When i say go, you go." Jayme said fustrated. I sighed then nodded, "will you come with me." "Don't wait for me when i say run. You run." I held back tears as i nodded again. This was bad, really bad. I thought shakily. Jayme nodded, "okay, okay good. Um i may not say go. Uh, when i...i dont know. When i nodd or may eye contact... run. Don't turn back just run." "Okay, got it." He walked out the door quietly. "Guyys i know your out there. You got me, now what ya want?" It was real quiet Jayme yelled again, "come on! Lets talk face to face." Suddenly two guys came out of the woods. One was about five six with bleach blonde hair and the other was six foot with shaved head. They had to be Little Tony and Kris Kross Kevin. Jayme sopke first, "what ya want? I got the memo i'll be there tongiht. So get lost." The Kris Kross Kevin spoke, " yeah. I've damn on hear that Lone Wolf gots some guys out lookin' for us." "Yeah well i got news for yeah Kross, you damn on right he is. You guys trading back and forth between Lone Wolf and Ruby Jane." I heard Jayme said angrily kicking the dirt. "You better watch your trash of a mouth Jay D. Were warning ya. We got something held against you and we know Lone Wolf's hiding something from ya. We got the brains of what it is." The short guy said. Jayme titled up his head, "yeah. Well Little Tony, i got news for ya, if you guys had half the brains you wouldn't be near here." Bam. Jayme went down. Everything went in slow motion as Kris Kross Kevin's fist that was covered with tatoo's hit Jayme's face. Jayme sat up rubbing his jaw. "I said watch your mouth Jay Dynamite. We'll beat the shit out of you right heree right now." Kross' deep voice boomed. As Jayme got up he sorta glanced behind him, our eyes meeting for a split second then he nodded standing up. Jayme smiled as he said something that surprised the guys as well. He spit blood on kross and said, "bring it." I didn't need a simple signel or a cue word to know that that meant run. I turned and took off, i ran through the side yard, and the holly bushes. I kept running all the way to my house four houses down from Jayme. When i entered my room i locked mywindow and shut the curtains. I quickly walked into my walk in closet and moved my rack of clothes to my entrance to my secret compartment. I closed the wall of clothes behind me. I turned on the light, sitting on my bean bag chair. It was were Jayme and i always hung out whne we were younger. There was 2 sleepingbags in the corner and a mini microwave with a mini fridgerator. There was a small book shelf that had books and junk food and emergency money. That we of coruse used when we ran out of junk food. I picked up my cell phone and stared at it waiting for Jayme to call. I started panicking when an hour past, but i kept calm. Jayme said he would meet me, he said it wasn't safe. Jayme knows where i am. But what if he's hurt? What if he's all bloody and dying somewhere. What if he cant reach his cell phone. I got up and grabbed a peice of paper and a pen. I was going to do a trick hetaught me when ever he went home after his dad called our place drunk and angry. I wrote Jayme will be fine. Jayme will be fine. When i filled that side i flipped it over and wrote. You will see him soon. You will see him soon. Then i wrote a paper with negitative stuff. When i filled the negiive one a ripped it up into little peices and threw it out. And i took the positive one and held it close to me. As i kept staring at my phone i read the paper over and over. Until i fell asleep. I woke up and it was dark. I relazied there was a blanket over me, and my shoes were off. I quickly sat up my eyes searched the dark for Jayme. I didn't see him but i heard him. "I'm sorry ZeeZee i didn't mean to wake you." It was Jayme. "Jayme! Are you okay, where, where are you." i answered panicking. He laughed, "don't move i'll come to you." I then felt his arm around my shoulder. I sighed. "God, your so stupid,"i finally said. I felt him lean back,"excuse me?" "I'm not that important and i could of snuck out another way. You didn't need to get in a fight for me." I said yawning. He laughed again, "just go to sleep ZeeZee we will talk about this later." "Fine," I mumbled. As i drifted back to sleep. I woke up when there was a light in the corner of the room. And in the other corner Jayme was asleep in a sleeping bag. I grabbed a sleeping bag and went over and laid next to him. He woke up a few mintues later. I gasp when he sat up. "Morníng," he said when he saw me. "Jayme," i sighed looking at his black eye. He shrugged, "I'm fine.You should of seen them." "Jayme im not worried about them, "I scooted closer to him. "Did you ice it?" "Yes, i iced ZeeZee." He grabbed my wrists. "Im fine, remember. Cold water and blood? I will be fine.And a dad mixed with alcohol." "You told me your dad never laid a a finger on you." i whispered angrily. Although i deep down knew he was abused at least once a week. "He never laid a finger on me, it was more of a foot or a hand or a fist or once he thrwe a peice of wood and it-" I covered Jayme'smouth before he could continue. i knew his dad was dangerous. Jayme's mom died from a stroke when Jayme was six. So he was stuck with his dad. Although he was mostly with me. my mom welcomed him with opened arms. She bought him clothes when he out grew his. And one time when he was over he passed out from being so hungrey. My mom packed him lunch for school everyday after that. And usually had him froced to saty for dinner. I only met Jayme's dad once. And that was difinantly the worst experience of my life. His dad came over one night all drunk asking for jayme. I was twelve and jayme was thirteen. It was Saturday night and it was around nine,we were watching a movie in the living room. Few hours before that Jayme came running to my house saying his dad was at the bar and he wanted to stay over. Mom of course said yes and i also agreed. When someone knocked at the door. got up telling my mom i would get it cause we ordered pizza. But it wasn't the pizza man at the door. it was jayme's father. He drunkingly asked for Jayme but i was too scared to answer. And Jayme came up to me asking who it was. And he froze as well. He told his dad to go home and he'd be home soon. Jayme's dad got angrier and shoved me and Jayme got pissed. He started yelling at his dad to get out and his dad actually swung at him. That's when my mom came running in but as his dad turned to leave he grabbed jayme by the collar of the shirt and dragged him out. Jayme pleaded for my mom not to call the cops cause he didn't want to to be put in a boys home. So she didn't. but i cried myself to sleep for the first time ever that night. And Jayme wasn't in school the next day i didn't tell my mom cause she difinantly would call the cops. Instead after school i snuck to jayme's house to the back yard tree house. Where i found him asleep. He had a broken hand and ribs and huge bruise on his face and arms. When we took him to the hospital i said that he feel out of a tree. it was a stupid lie. it was kinda selfish but i didn't want Jayme to leave. "Hey, ZeeZee im fine." Jayme said breaking my thoughts. He rubbed my arm gently. I just nodded biting my lip. "Yeah," i said quietly. He sighed and sat up more. "If your acting this way about my eye youmight wanna leave when i change my shirt." I shook my head, "no. i will stay. i wanna help, here let me clean them." I went over to the book shelf where i stored some disinfected spray and bandages and wraps. Jayme nodded and slowly and painfully took of his shirt. His one whole side was covered with bruises. I closed my eyes and took as deep breath. "You might wanna lay down on your stomach." He nodded and slowly laid down, "thanks Zee." "This will probably sting," i warned spraying the foam on him. He took in a breath but didn't say anything. After i cleaned him up i told him to get in the shower. And he silently obeyed, an hour later he got out and i wrapped up his ribs incase they were broken. By the time we were finally settled down it was around 1:30 in the morning. And i decided i wanted to sleep in the closest where i felt safer. Jayme agreed. "You know im not beat that bad ZeeZee." Jayme told me as he settled into the sleeping bag. I yawned, "i rather not talk about it." He sat up proping his head up on his hand. "Come on ZeeZee." "Nope,"i answered. turning away from him. I felt him wrap his arm around me. "ZeeZee i can't, deal with it. You hating me," he whispered. I sighed, "i could never hate you. I could hate myself for being mad at you, or hate me for not protecting you and doing something." "Don't hate yourself ZeeZee," I heard Jayme whisper angrily. "Are you mad at me," i asked. "No, ZeeZee im mad at myself. I should protected you better. That was too close. What if they caught you? Zee, i wouldn't beable to live with myself." Jayme grew quiet. I sighed, and rolled over so i was facing him. He looked like he was sleeping but he was just capturing the moment. he did that alot. i lightly touched his noes and his eyes opened. "Promise you won't get hurt protectting me," i whispered quietly. Jayme pulled me in tightly, i put my head on his chest. "I can't promise that."' I sighed and fell asleep to the sound of Jayme's quiet snores. I woke up with Jayme playing with my hair. i opened my eyes, we both smiled. "It's about time," he said. "We are skipping school today since it's a half day anyway." I laughed and sat up, stratching my arms. I was stiff from sleeping on the hard floor. "This was alot more comfy when we were younger." Jayme smiled,"tell me about." then he stood up. "So what ya wanna do?" I shrugged, standing up as well. "Doesn't matter to me." "Well do you feel safe enough to go outside. We can go to the diner and get some breakfast." "Sure," then i laughed. "And by breakfast you mean chocolate chips pancakes with extra whipped cream, and oh side of a oreo milkshake." He laughed, almost sounding embarrassed. "Huh,i guess i um, get that too much." I laughed too, "come on lets go." I paused and looked at my peguin sweatpants with my raggy sweat shirt. And then glanced at Jayme's plaid red flannels with the grey plain shirt. i looked up and he was smiling, "please." "No," i said firmly. "No Jayme, dont even, don't even think about it." "Come on," he started whinning. "Please, just this once, then we'll come right home and change. I swear, i promise." I sighed, then looked at Jayme who was practically on his knees begging. I laughed, "your rediculous you know that." "Yes, i know!!!" Jayme got up and hugged me. "Im gunna look rediculous going into that diner looking like that." i warned as we walked out of the closet and into my room. Jayme laughed, "come on. It's Debra, and if her mom was still alive she would let us. It's not the Pasta Leaf Restaurant. It's Aunt Tilly's diner, ZeeZee." I smiled, and put on my uggs and Jayme slipped on his sneakers. "We taking my bike?" "Duh," he said smiling. "I'm driving though, you sit on the handle bars." We walked out my house and into the garage. And Jayme held the bike while i sat on the bars. "I'm starting to think the bike will forget how heavy i am." Jayme chuckled getting on the bike. "It's a beach cruiser it can handle anything." Jayme started peddaling down the street and around the corner. Jayme wobbled on the turns but other then that, he was just as stabble as i remembered. I laughed. "What?" He asked yelling over the wind. "Nothing, just me being happy." I paused then yelled, "you can see right?" He laughed, "uh sure." I held on tighter, but we arrived five minutes later. I hopped off the bike and Jayme did too, we took the bike around back to the shed. it's where Aunt tilly (the owner of the diner) used to let us stash our bikes. We entered the diner which like usual only had a few people at the counter so we headed to the curve of the counter where no one ever sat. because the curve you couldn't have seat that were still. They moved and turned and creaked. So they were our seats. Debra came out of the kitchen. "Jayme and Zee, isn't this a sight for sore eyes." Debra said smiling. I laughed, "yeah. How are you Deb?" "Not bad, not bad at all." Then she turned to jayme. "wow and look at you." "Yup,"Jayme laughed flipping some bangs out of his face. "Wow," she smiled. "So what the usual?" Jayme and i both smiled and nodded. She smiled and went back into the kitchen. "Man, i mis this place,"Jayme said looking around. I nodded, "yeah. Well, haven't been here since i last went with you." Jayme turned toward me, "uh, really? why not?" "i don't know. it's not the same." i said just as Debra put the food infront of us. "You two enjoy now, whistle if you want anything." She said walking away. I laughed looking at the food on our plates. "plus, i cant just order mine without you ordering yours. Let's face it without you next to me, i would look rediculous." Jayme shrugged, putting chocolate syrup on his food, "so?" I took a bite of my food. My nerves finally settled. Food fixes everything. |