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A guy breaks breaks up with his girlfriend then they are involved in a car accident |
Jacksonville North Carolina One Year Ago It's a dreary and rainy evening on a rural road, a car driven by 18 year old Aiden Walker who is with his girlfriend 18 year old Holly Andrews is coming around a curve soft music is playing. Things seem tense in the car with Holly looking at Aiden who is staring blankly at the road the car comes to a stop light. Holly reaches for Aiden's hand but he pulls it away. Holly Aiden baby what's wrong? Aiden Nothing Holly Well something's obviously bothering you,you haven't said a word since we left the restraunt. Please talk to me Aiden Just have alot of shit on my mind that's all Holly Like what? Aiden Just forget it Holly No Aiden I love you and you need to know that you can talk to me no matter what because next year we'll be getting our own place together (begins rubbing Aiden's inner thigh slowly)going to school in California together we're always going to be together and.... Aiden Stop it just stop it please! (removes Holly's hand from his thigh) I think we should just cool it for a while Holly I don't understand Aiden Holly we've been going out for almost a year and things have been good except for these last couple of months Holly I'm listening Aiden Things are just moving a little too fast for me Holly Well that's life you know? You can't really control what happens when Aiden Well some stuff I can like school,work,what I'm having for breakfast in the morning,our relationship all of it I can control Holly So you actually want to break up with me? Aiden Yes but...look I just need some space away from this town away from these people Holly Away from me Aiden Holly I'm... Holly Save it just go ahead and take me home Aiden What about the movie? Holly I'll wait for the dvd The light turns green and the car is in motion once again a few minutes pass Aiden is concentraiting on the road and looking at Holly who is looking out of the window with tears rolling down her face Aiden Holly I want you to know that Holly What? "it's not you it's me"? Please! I thought that what we had was special Aiden It was but Holly Apparently not to you Aiden That's not fair Holly Life's not fair Aiden if it were the words "together forever" would mean something instead of dissapointment The car comes to yet another stop light Around the corner from the car a truck driver who is drinking and listening to country music is driving wrecklessly Holly begins going through her purse she pulls out a folded up piece of paper and hands it Aiden who looks at it Aiden What's this? Holly Something to tell you how truly special you are to me Aiden Holly Holly Aiden please take it and only open it when I'm not around Aiden Okay (he slips the paper into his pants pocket) The light turns green and the car begins to move suddenly outof no where the truck smashes clear into the passenger side of the car in which Holly was sitting and flips the car over into a ditch and runs itself into a tree. A few minutes later Aiden comes to he's in pain scratched up and bloody there's reflection of fire around him Aiden Oh my God...Holly? (looks over and notices an unconcious Holly who is bleeding badly)Holly...we have to get out of here Aiden unhooks his seat belt and falls down to the busted windshield He kicks the window of the door a couple of times causing it to shatter. He then tries to unhook Holly's seat belt but it's jammed into the buckle he gets a large piece of glass from the broken door window and begins to cut on the leather strap. He finally manages to get Holly out of the seat and begins to pull her and himself out of the car through the door window. He gets out first after a struggle then begins pulling her he smells gas dripping from the damaged tank as well as the fire so close to it Aiden Oh hell Aiden almost gets Holly out but she's stuck on something inside the car suddenly the car explodes with Holly inside causing Aiden to fly a few feet from the explosion and land on his back Aiden No! Holly! Aiden struggles to get up but does he pulls out his cell phone from his pants pocket and dials 911 he notices the piece of paper fall out of his pocket and picks it up he begins to open it as the dispatcher comes on the line 911 Dispatcher 911 dispatcher what is your emergency? Aiden Please help there's been a car accident just outside of Jacksonville my girlfriend's in the car it exploded 911 Dispatcher Helps on the way Aiden Please hurry! Aiden opens the paper which reads "WITH OUT YOUR LOVE I WOULD DIE" and is shocked he then passes out as police and amulence sirens and lights approach the scene. |