Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1849995-Delicacies-craving-and-the-Mind
by Shankz
Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #1849995
observing the world full of choices and in relation the response of the ever evolving Mind
Delicacies, craving and the Mind……

The sign itself fills millions of hearts with desire, longing for something Extraordinary and an insatiable appetite for something out of the amazing….you may rush or you may walk or you may pretend as if one doesn’t care.. but as soon as that glass door swings open, the echoing rings of the over head bell..the busy lanes of city Life, the daily rackets. Anything…everything >>All are momentarily forgotten……where the board reads ‘THE French BAKERS’…moribund city surroundings seems hardly important save the aroma in that little store. The crackle of the chocolate, the sweet sweet sense of caramel, the delight of colourful Muffins, the loving warmth of baking flour, the crisp clanking on almonds, the invitation sound of splashing crème, everything seems quiet until our impatient naughty brain is spun back into wild motion once you see the display cabinet…..pastries’, brulee’s, those fattyyy donuts, those crackling cookies, that lil sugar sprinkler, that jar of chocolate sauce, the scents of ice creams, the sight of icing. Anything ..everything…..its here and you want it…you want it right Away…u wish u got it all in the wink of an eye.… and the next few moments are an Epic battle of choices.. choices fuelled by desire ,choices fuelled by taste…choices fuelled by greed or choices fuelled by experimentation… until there is a VERdict ringing in your Head..louder than any jury declaration …put into effect immediately by that greedy impatient tongue of yours…until you utter “ ill have the Dutch truffle to go and a Ferrero rocher Ice cream on choco excess cones with sugar sprinklings please” ….the Xcitment of putting an order into place….evident…..puts forth a Brutally eager smile on your face as you see that exotic dutch truffle coming out of its den placed in the cabinet display. A small slurp of your tongue as you see that sugar sprinkle bounce on the cream cone. Your mind tells you ..it is HEAVEN’ and you smile contently as your desire is about to be handed over to you in a matter of seconds…bt suddenly more dramatic than any movie ever…comes out the devil in you who spins your head such a way until you cannot resist but saying “ ill have 2 MORE truffles and maybe a LARGE blackforest cake and some chocolate dipped ginger bread as a takeaway please’…. If u concentrate..u can actually hear the satan inside your head chuckling and murmuring “ oh yeah congrats baby : Sin of the day: GREED’. Until that lil devil vanishes.. there you are lovingly eating that dutch truffle wile carrying 3 huge pasterie carry cases and hopping along towards the exit..merrier than ever. A humble pastry buy …wen it changed transformer style into 3 large carry cases’ who on earth observed? But who cares? Your that oblivious lil kid again enjoying your favourite treat swaying along the world in merriment...wile carrying away pounds and ounces of butter, cream, sugar and everything Nice! The human mind is a marvel of its own….with all the frequent indulgence and all the merriment, after the weekend.….you genuinely ask yourself…’Hey why are these jeans feeling way tighter man?’ ……genuine concern shock, alarm and determination towards exercise, hits that distracted little head of yours ..you go to grab some diet food….maybe juice from the fridge…you swing open that cold door..pass those witty magnets and pictures on the fridge and see that blackforest Cake from last evening sitting Royally on the top tray..shimering and smothered in icing….sitting in all its glory…..’Poof Arrives the Devil’ 10 seconds later you find your fingers smothered in chocolate and crème and that sound of bake melting in your mouth....” again u can sense the devil smiling as the determination , the grit and all that awe inspiring focus towards exercise and Diet Goes smashin out of the window……… R.I.P. workout plans ’ I bet the sugar devil in your head must be havin a field day looking at you :P wile u try to realize what just happend u see more than half of that seductive cake just vanished..GONE!…wonder where all that Classic Matter vanished until u find evidence of crème and crumbs on ur fingers and lips.. a slight guilt of over-eating follows..MOMENTARILY…. bt Then maybe your cell phone rings and daily life takes over and pretty much the same cycle continues at your favourite pizza place again the following week and after the weekend u find yourself puzzled….baffled by the what ur keen eyes show you …questioning your inner most conscience shouting in your head ‘ Dammit these PANTS are TIGHT’! and even after doing all this we all meekly ask our LOVED ones with the deepest sincerity “do you think I HAVE gone FATTT?” you stand there transfixed….. puzzled , confounded....bt searchin withing your head there is someone ..invisible ..mr Sugar devil ..Laughing his head off…chuckling ” THEse people Crack me Up man” before POOF! He vanishes and ur left alone in the room..tugging onto those Tight jeans. Wondering “ FAT ..me realllliii??? Nawww” and then your favourite TV show starts again…..and the couch seems to Welcome you back by singing a lovely little jingle..” welcome back MR POTATO” :P and life as the tight jeaned couch potato goes on uninterrupted xD Happy Indulgence everyone :D
© Copyright 2012 Shankz (shankz5893 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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