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Rated: GC · Fiction · Detective · #1849852
A visitor comes to a housewife one afternoon while her husband it away.
The Gentleman Caller

She was beautiful- a beauty shocking even to him. It was like discovering a Monet at a garage sale. Hidden beneath all the rubble and covers of drab regularity dwelt this stunning being. Yesterday she had been a housewife; a creature doomed to blossom once in its earliest infancy and then wilt and dull into the grey existence that would become its sentence. It had been a chance meeting between them really, amidst trivial, mundane occupation, but in that brief moment - in that fleeting encounter, there had been something.

He pushed into her slowly. She resisted; her body – though tired from their previous exertions not moments before; refused to submit full control to another being. Her signs of defiance served to intrigue him further. Her body - already painted with their previous engagements called to him more insistently. And so he began again.

Her back arched as he planted his mark on the inner of her thigh - at first with gentle persistence and then more sharply as his excitement began to mount . She whimpered as he steadily moved upwards tracing a line of blushing red buds as he went along. She was suppressing her desire - trying to stop her response - as if afraid to let go of the mask that had encrusted her for so long. He would gradually release her.

He sweetly pressed into the spot slightly below her navel - her weak spot, he knew, and she moaned despite herself. He did not press too hard - it was more fun to tease her and increase her ache. His eye happened to fall upon the wedding picture that adorned the side table; a fitting place for it; to be the first thing seen in the morning - a tactic employed by spouses to remind them why they ever did get wed - as if the body next to them were not good enough reason; and his lip curled as he wondered if her husband had ever known the creature before him.


David was a very headstrong man. The kind that was prone to acting first and asking questions later. Those who worked under him knew not to carelessly spark his temper. At the moment he was particularly irritated and was given a clear five meter radius by his co-workers.

He suddenly slammed his fist onto the table in a fit of frustration and Ellen, who had just returned from maternity leave the week before, jumped in surprise.

“Has no new information come in yet?" he snarled at Jake, the unfortunate new face at the bottom of their totem pole. Though he knew none had, telling Jake off was the only way he had to vent his anger.

The others in the office, though thoroughly sympathetic to Jake, remained silent lest he dragged them into it. Ellen wondered how Mrs White put up with David's temper. They had all gone to the wedding - well Jake, of course, hadn't been with them yet and Charles who'd retired last year had still been present at the time. David had been in a really good mood that day - Ellen supposed, but a man should be happy on his wedding day or why bother at all? His wife was the quiet type - a pretty thing done up in her dress; a magical garment worn on a magical day that transformed all women into a beautiful butterfly - if even temporarily. Ellen could not recall her name - maybe Tom would know.

The phone rang, breaking into Ellen's thoughts and cutting the silence that had stolen in almost unnoticeably. Nate picked it up promptly. His responses were brief and his face immobile as he efficiently noted the information before thanking the other party and smartly hanging up the phone.

Ignoring the expectant eyes surrounding him, Nate turned to David and said “Some new information just came in"

"Finally we're getting somewhere!" snapped David. He quickly gave out orders and there was a flurry as the office set to work.

Jake who had somehow slipped out after his tongue lashing from David suddenly rushed back inside with a small envelope in his hand.

“Sir this just came in addressed to you - "

“Is it important?" asked David irritably.

“It was just dropped off here with your name on it ... so I figured you should have it immediately" stuttered Jake.

David grabbed it from his hands and tore it open and quickly scanned the contents. As the office watched - his demeanour shifted as his face rapidly changing colour .Then he stormed towards the door.

“SIR?" called Ellen in shock after him but he did not reply only increasing his stride from a brisk stroll to a quick march that threatened to become a full headlong run.

The others in the office stared at each other in mute wonder. "What on earth had happened?"


Mrs Spicer had lived at #45 Colonel Ave., Apt. 34 for longer than any other occupant could remember. Due to her reluctance to expire, she had had the pleasure of meeting every single tenant since the building had opened to the public. Mr Spicer, perhaps to retire from her detailed reports on the neighbours’ goings on, had cheerfully and abruptly died a few years after they had settled in, leaving Mrs Spicer the freedom to no longer be dictated by the rules of spousal obligations.

In recent times, Mrs Spicer’s eagerness to be well informed could only be tempered by her old age and her field of study had been narrowed considerably to her immediate neighbours. Of Mr Harris, little could be said, a boring bachelor by anyone’s standards, he spent his time with his bizarre collections of insects and other equally shudder worthy creatures. He did not pique Mrs Spicer’s interest at all. Her other neighbours, The Whites – well that was an altogether entirely different affair. She knew from the first time she’d laid eyes on them when they moved in, that their marriage was destined for trouble and unhappiness for either one or both. The wife – well she was a typical woman more befitting the previous generation than her own. Yes, Mrs Spicer supposed she was nice, a hideously generic description of anyone that hints at a lack of anything to describe – but altogether had the air of a woman who would have the life bullied out of her by her husband.

Mr White – well he was a right one indeed. Not hulking by any means but he had the aura of one used to standing above others. They didn’t argue as much as one might expect but in Mrs Spicer’s experience this was no indication of happiness. What arguments she did hear was mostly of Mr White’s voice. These days he had taken to leaving home early and coming back late –a recipe for disaster on both sides. Not that she thought Mrs White to be that kind of woman – but loneliness was an open breeding ground for mischief.


Her body was heaving heavily, tiny beads of sweat crowned her forehead. He could tell she was nearing her limit. He moved his hands - caressing her delicate neck, touching the throat that had cried for him all night - not for a husband who could not be bothered to come home at all for the week. He looked at his watch and realised that the time had stealthily escaped him. As much as he longed to continue like this forever, their nature was that of a single, beautiful fleeting encounter and nothing more.

As he used his hands to gently rub the hollow of her throat, she flung up her arm in excitement. It connected with the lamp on the bedside table which then toppled with a crash taking the picture of her and her husband with it.

He chuckled at her clumsiness – she really was adorable. He continued his explorations even more earnestly in their final moments together as if trying desperately to discover every possible thing left in her before they parted. His breath came more sharply along with his caresses. Her moans grew louder till he wondered what the neighbours would think. Their tempo was sped up and she sensed his intent as both their hearts hammered out a mad pulsation that grew until – he made his final thrust – the climax erasing all from his mind – an instant no longer than breath but it overwhelmed him completely.

Then it was over. His senses slowly descended to the practical thoughts that tend to rush in when the fun ends. His clothes were thoroughly dishevelled and spoke plainly of his previous activities – he would need to change, fortunately he had brought a change of wardrobe in his bag. He got up slowly, admiring the quiet female form and went to the bathroom where he quickly freshened himself and changed his clothing. Then, as gently as he had come, he exited the apartment.


David White was driving like a madman.

“Sir Look out!” shrieked Jake from the passenger seat. For reasons he himself could not have explained, he had decided to follow his superior as he had made his hasty departure from the office. He was already regretting this spontaneous decision as Davis had already nearly involved them in three collisions since the five minute drive that had seemed to hold eternity had begun. They pulled up in front of slightly fading exterior of the apartment building directly next to the “No Parking” sign. David leapt out of the car and rushed inside before Jake could properly undo his seatbelt.

He caught up with him near the elevator but before he could catch his breath David was already heading to the stairs.

“Sir!” panted Jake.

“Stay there and stop anyone suspicious who tries to leave the building!” David yelled over his shoulder as he took the stairs two at a time.


Mrs Spicer had a lot to think about indeed. From the sounds of it – either Mr or Mrs White had made up or she had finally succumbed to temptation. While Mrs Spicer herself could never have conceived such a thing in her own marriage, she understood what could have driven Mrs White down that path. A woman would do anything to save her world from collapsing around her; even if her actions only helped to knock down a few more walls themselves. Speaking of knocking down – there had been an almighty crashing from next door to which Mrs Spicer could only sigh and shake her head. These young ones indeed.

She decided to go to the park and leave her neighbours to sort out their own affairs for themselves. As of late she had taken to going to the park more frequently – it being the only remotely green area within her limited walking distance. The atmosphere was tolerable, the people she could ignore and whenever she felt a fit of good humour, the winged rats were pleasing enough for her to feed them.

As she waited for the equally rheumatic elevator to lumber down to the third floor, her sharp ears heard someone walking towards her. Turning ever so slightly, she saw, in her peripheral vision, much to her disappointment, it was only a handyman.

The elevator opened as he neared and she entered and politely held the door for him as carried a heavy looking workbag with him. He smiled in thanks and she thought he might not be such a bad child after all. As the elevator was closing, the heavy thuds of footfalls were heard thundering up the stairs. Mrs Spicer thought that today was indeed a very busy day.

David rushed upstairs, his feet flying, his heart pounding as the adrenaline flushing into him urged him to go faster. He made it to the third floor and raced flat out to their door – at the very end of their hallway. He pushed at the door – wishing it locked but it opened easily confirming his suspicions. He entered slowly now – not knowing what to expect –or rather not willing to believe his fears.

The bathroom door was open. The bedroom door was slightly ajar. He walked forward silently, removing the safety catch from his gun as he made his way straight towards the bathroom.

Inhaling deeply he spun inside looking for him. There was no one. The fresh water in the face basin told of its use not a short while ago. There left only one place logically. He steadied his breath with a rush burst into the bedroom. He stood in shock at what he saw and his legs gave way under him.


Jake was in a fix. It was all very good that David had said to stop anyone suspicious from leaving but the suspicious thing was that there was no one out of the ordinary. Merely quiet looking tenants going about their daily business. If anything he was the suspicious looking one and their thinly veiled looks of hostile suspicion only made him more nervous. The elevator dinged and a pleasant looking old woman exited talking to a handyman. Being old or being a repairperson did not really make one a questionable being. ‘Still, better to be safe than sorry’, thought Jake.

Walking towards the pair he called out “Excuse me – “

The old woman turned to eye him curiously.

“What do you want?” she asked.

“I –

At this point a loud piercing scream was heard cutting Jake off. He raced to the stairs.

“Stay there!” he yelled over his back at the stunned pair.

He had no idea what floor David was on or which apartment for that matter but he raced on yelling out David’s name.

The screaming came again from the sound of it; it was either the third or fourth floor. It was a gut wrenching cry, a sound that raised the hairs on the back of Jake’s neck. It was almost inhuman; a mixture of rage, frustration and despair.

Jake skidded onto the third floor and rushed to the sound of the prolonged wail. He burst into the door calling out for David, the safety of his semi-automatic already off and ready to fire.

He saw the kneeling legs of a man in front of him and edged forward.

“David...?” he called out cautiously. The man did not respond.

As he neared closer Jake was shocked to see his boss collapsed and whimpering.

“David what’s – Oh My God!” Jake grabbed his mouth with his free hand to keep from retching at the sight before his eyes.

He willed himself to believe that what lay before him wasn’t – couldn’t possibly be a person. She – because its hairstyle was feminine – had been cut up beyond recognition. Like a gruesome human fillet, she had had her skin neatly sliced away for God knows how long. Blood stained the bed in dulled splotches as well as the ceiling – most likely from the deep cut into the heart. Her right hand was tied to the bedhead, her left dangled off the bed’s edge. Though Jake would have wished he didn’t know who the criminal was or why the crime had occurred- if even to give them something to distract their thoughts for a minute from the corpse before them, the two men in that room already knew the answers.

David, the headstrong police captain was sobbing like a child as he stared at her; his wife.

Jake realized they needed to call someone. He quickly grabbed his cell phone and called in the homicide.


Ellen heard the phone ring and picked it up hurriedly. The voice on the other end was bordering on panic.

“– Jake slow down, I can’t underst –“, she tried to make out what he was saying.

“Wait – WHAT? – Oh my God! We’re on our way – make sure nobody leaves if you can!” she slammed the phone down.

“Did you get a new lead? What’s going on?” asked Nate.

“The Gentleman Caller just struck again” replied Ellen quietly.

“Christ” muttered Tom.

“It was David’s wife – we need to get over there NOW.”

Before the shock of Ellen’s words could fully descend, they were already on their feet and moving to the door.

They met a frustrated Jake in front of the building being accosted by angry tenants of the building. The ambulance had arrived and was going up to the apartment.

Ellen quickly stepped in between Jake and the screaming crowd and within minutes had the peace restored with the know-how of an experienced veteran.

“Jake is this everyone who was here at the time of the incident?” she asked.

“I’m not sure, I –“he was grabbed by the collar from behind by an enraged David who had just forced his way through.

“What do you mean you DON’T know?” he spat “Didn’t I TELL you to stay down here and stop people you –“Nate and Tom pulled him off his junior.

“David calm down – hey take easy “consoled Tom.

“The old woman and the repairman aren’t here” said Jake.

“What old woman and repairman? “, questioned Ella at once.

“She was just old you know, really old and she was about this high” he motioned with his hand, “and she wore her hair in a bun at the back. She was walking with this young repairman- they were talking but I couldn’t get a great look at his face – then I heard David screaming so I told them to wait right there and went to find him.”

“That sounds like Mrs Spicer- she lives next door” said David faintly.

“Did anyone see where they went?” asked Nate.

“Saw an old lady like that going towards the park across the road with a guy “volunteered a teenager with his lips pierced.

David made to rush off and had to be restrained again. Ellen sent Jake together with Nate to investigate.

The park was almost directly opposite the apartment building. It had the benefit of benches placed in such locations as to give their users the best privacy to be afforded – thus making it a popular spot for couples and generally non sociable people like Mrs Spicer.

Jake and Nate ran around the area of the park hoping beyond hope that the old woman and repairman were still there.

“Jake!” called Nate suddenly.

Jake rushed to him as he stood above a hunched over figure on the bench. She wore the coat of the repairman across her front like a shawl. As Nate bent to shake her, he stopped. She was dead.

Removing the coat they saw a thin deep wound in her stomach. In the pocket of the coat was the hastily scribbled note:

“Sorry it’s not my best work “

She was the second victim that day of the Gentleman Caller. The best eyewitness to the identity of the serial killer that had plagued and taunted the police for over two years was also his latest victim.

© Copyright 2012 jasmine (alanajasmine at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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