Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1849630-Always-a-Price-Chapter-3
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1849630
Chapter three of the book. Please read and review! :)
Chapter 3: Maybe a friend?

         I stared at the big oak door that would open up into a classroom with a bunch of kids that I didn't belong with. If compared side by side, my history and theirs could be described as polar opposites. I turned my head to look at the big digital clock hanging on the wall outside of every door.

         Two minutes till the bell rings...maybe I should get a drink of water or something. As I turned to walk to the drinking fountain, a fountain which looked extremely pricey, I realized people have been staring at me.

         Staring at me stare at a door...

         Indeed this must be a GREAT day for me.

         Feeling a blush forming, I quickly opened the big oak doors, forgetting about the drinking fountain, and rushed inside to get away from the prying eyes of my peers. I sat at the farthest seat possible, wanting to attract as less attention as I possible could. The classroom began to fill up with kids. Kids that would point and stare, making me feel like some sort of freak. This lasted for about a minute until the bell rang, bringing the teacher into the room to create order and peace into the classroom again.

         "Good morning class." the teacher, Mrs.Beeshe said. "As most of you guys had me first semester, I assume you remember the rules."

         The class responded in one voice saying "Yes Mrs. B"

         "Well, lets take roll then start. Take out A Midsummer Nights Dream."

         The classroom filled with the screeching of chairs as students reached for their bags. Mrs. B's voice rang through the clatter, calling out the names of students. I recognized some students' last names but most I didn't know at all. That was a bit confusing, being that this school was for the rich.

         "Alex Lionell."

         Instead of expected 'yes', there was only silence. She called out the name again but got no reply. With a nod like she expected it, she started to mark something on the paper when the door flew open. Blond haired and tall, he looked like he had just woken up and ran to school, which is probably what happened.

         "Wait Mrs. B! I'm here! Don't mark me absent! Please!" He gasped out.

         Mrs. B looked up with an exasperated expression. Then a sly look formed on her face. I guess Alex noticed as well because he looked a bit worried.

         "Well then Alex, how about you introduce yourself to everyone and tell why you were late." Mrs. B said calmly.

         Alex looked relieved, enormously happy it wasn't something worse.

         "But," She said. Her face perfectly straight. "You have to introduce yourself to someone you don't know and help them the rest of the day."

         Alex clearly expected it to be worse since his expression was one of greater relief than before. He began to look around the room for someone he didn't know.

         "Mrs. B, that's not really fair. He practically knows everyone here!" A voice piped out. "Why not just let him help someone he knows?"
Mrs. B looked around for the source of the voice, her eyes going up and down along the row of chairs. Her eyes rested on a seat in the front row, a few chairs ahead of me. Red hair pinned up on the side with an elegant updo, her head was tilted a bit to the side and I could almost see the sweet smile she was probably giving to the teacher. Mrs. B didn't even blink.

         "I didn't know you haven't heard about the new student in class Cassy. I'm a bit disappointed though, I would have assumed you'd introduced yourself and helped her out by now." Mrs. B said.

         Wow. I have to hand it to Mrs. B. My respect for her just now sky rocketed.

         It may have been my imagination, but I think I just heard a humph from Cassy.
While that was going on, I hadn't noticed Alex walking down the aisle until he reached my desk. I looked up, a bit startled that he chose me. Some of the girls were shooting me nasty stares, confirming my suspicions that there had been other girls that Alex hadn't known.

         This is great. I just made some new enemies, along with Izzy, the girl I met before class started.

         "Hi. Name's Alex Lionell." he said to me. A sheepish grin appeared on his face as he added, "But you probably knew that."

         Up close, I could see his light blue eyes. They somehow seemed a bit familiar, but that couldn't be possible because I've never seen anyone with as blue eyes as his. Then, I remember the boy at the locker. While his were dark blue and Alex's were light, they seemed so similar.I'll have to think about it later, given that Alex was waiting for my reply. I gave him a small smile, not exactly happy about the enemies he's given me.

         "I'm Skye. Skye Heather." I began.

         " Wait a minute. You're Skye Heather!" He exclaimed. His face took on a serious expression but disappeared so suddenly, it shocked me.
         Maybe it had been a figment of my imagination...

         "Yep, the one and only." I said with a grin. He gave a smile and bowed, to my extreme surprise.

         "It is pleasure to meet you Ms. Skye Heather." He said after standing back up from his bow, a big grin on his face.
Me, I just sat there with this shocked expression on my face. Then, I felt myself blushing, the blood rushing to my face. I hope it doesn't get too red like it usually does.

         "Uh..." was all the reply that he got from me, the red-faced girl. He gave a small laugh and sat down on the empty seat next to me. After he got settles, Mrs. B started on the lesson. A lesson that lost me after the first ten minutes. I took as many notes as I could about Shakespeare and A Midsummer Night's Dream, a difficult task considering all the evil eyes that the girls around me were giving. it seemed forever until the bell rang. As I gathered the books into my bag I almost missed what Alex said.

         "I sure hope you've gotten used to me because I'm going to follow you around Skye." He said. At that, I gave a start and almost dropped my bag that I was holding.

         "Oh no, it's fine Alex. You already introduced yourself to me and all. I can get around." I can't have him following me everywhere. NO more enemies needed here, thank you!

         "But I can't leave yet because one, I haven't told you why I was late."He said, "And two, I don't want to. You seem to need a friend."

         That sweet smile on his face and those words he spoke made me give up getting rid of him. I DID need a friend...

         "Ok then. Thanks." I smiled back. "Go on, tell me why you were late." With that said, he looked a bit embarrassed as he told me his story.

         "Well, I went to bed really late last night and when the alarm rang...lets just say I'm going to need to buy a new one."

         "When did you sleep?" I asked. Most go to bed around twelve I assume, but that should be early enough to get at least a few good hours of sleep right?

         "Lets see, about four...or five. Not really sure." He said.
Four or five! That means he would have only slept for two to three hours.

         "What were you doing staying up that late?" I said.

         "Nothing really. Trying to finish some stupid game that I have." was the given answer, but it wasn't the truth. The quick flit of the eyes and Alex's face gave the lie away, but I didn't comment or ask. That was something he wanted to keep to himself and I had no right to pry. Especially when I would end up lying a lot at this school as well.

         "So I'm guessing your alarm clock won't work because you threw it at the wall right?"

         He looked a bit surprised, then gave a small laugh.

         "That's right. How'd you know I threw it?" He asked me.

         "Oh I've done it plenty of times. Finally learned my lesson when I broke my seventh one." I said with a laugh. He joined in with me, making kids glance our way.

         Glancing at the clock in the room, I gave a small gasp as I realized the time we had left to go to our next class.

         "One minute! Shoot, I have to run. Bye Alex! Thanks for talking to me!" I said before rushing out the door, barely hearing Alex's byes. I smiled as I realized that I might have made a friend.

         Maybe this day would be alright. Can't say much for the rest of the school year though.

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