Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1848621-A-Long-Dark-Road
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #1848621
I was writing this item as a short story, but decided to flesh it out.
“Oh Shit!”

There goes that damn check engine light. I was meaning to get that checked before I left

for South Carolina today. Here I am lost on the back-roads of redneck hell with no

other cars in sight.

“ Come on baby.”  “Be sweet to daddy for a little bit longer.?”

I should have planned and taken this trip later on this year, but I needed to get away

from everything and clear my head for writing  my upcoming  book. There were to

many distractions back in Greensboro, for me to be able to concentrate. Of  course

Ann was a distraction that I could deal  with, The curves of her body would  make

any man sweat. Then there are the idiots in her family. The sort of people that make

you want to tear your own ears off from your head and your flesh from your body.

Being a horror writer her family could give me loads of inspiration. I often dreamt of

a psychopath  slicing some of their throats or a crazed manic peeling the skin off of

their bodies and pouring salt on open wounds. Damn! I really don’t like her family.

Like I said great inspiration for my writing. I miss her already, but this trip is for me.

For me to clear my head . All I need is for my trusty :79 Chevy Impala to make it to

Myrtle Beach. Come on you old bitch! Keep going.

As smoke began to flood from under the  Chevy’s hood, Marcus slammed his fist

down on the vinyl dashboard. It was not the original dashboard that came in the

Impala, he had it removed about four years ago. He was happy about this. He could

Have broken his hand on the iron dashboard.  As the Chevy rolled and jerked to a

stop, Marcus pulled his cell phone from his pants pocket and dialed 411 to get the

number for a local tow truck. As  the cell phone’s screen flashed with the word

calling, he pulled a bottle of water from the back seat. He heard a beep from the

phone and as he turned around before the screen went black , he saw the words out

of service area.

“Like I said, shit!”

No service in this area and I don’t see a damn rest stop.  I’m surly not going to sit

Here and wait for the next car to drive by.  Who would stop for me anyway?  I guess

Its’ time to put these feet to the payment.  Good thing the moon is offering a lot of 

light tonight.  Any oncoming cars can see me before they run me down.

Marcus opened the driver’s door to the Cevy and wnet to the trunk.  He opened and

Took a blue, white, and gray backpack from the trunk, with the words Dallas Cow—

Boys on it.  Yeah this trip is starting to suck just like my favorite football team he

thought.  He closed the trunk and opened the door to the back seat.  He grabbed a

couple bottles of water from the cooler and some of the snacks from the backseat. 

As he closed the the door, he swirled around and stared into the darkness of the

Woods.  As he peered into the darkness, he swore that he heard something growl.

Over-active writers imagination he thought, but just to be safe he went to the glove

department box, pulled out his .45 caliber pistol, checked it for rounds, and stuffed it

into the pack.

“just in case.”

Hopefully I can find a house with a landline or get some cell reception further up the


As Marcus walked  the road by way of moonlight, three shadows creep up to his car

And moved in a circular motion around the car.  As they moved around and over the

the Chevy, the car began to rock and fade away.  As the car faded away the shadowy

creatures melded into the blackness of the forest. 

As Marcus walked alone the winding road, the night felt just right.  It wasn’t to hot

or to cool.  The air wasn’t to dry or to moist.  It was perfect.  As if this one night was

waiting just for him.  If he was in Myrtle Beach right now, he would be kicking back

with a bucket of hot wings, a Philly cheese steak sandwich, and a six pack  of Bud

light.  Marcus had been walking for an hour now.  He had seen no house, no roads,

no signs of life. 

There’s no telling how far I’ll have to go to find anything.  No animals, no cars, no

homes.  Its’ as if the life has been sucked out of this area or everyone and everything

has left.  Just then as he rounded a bend in the road, he heard the soft roar of an

engine building behind him.

“Finally.  Someone else on this God forsaken road.”

Marcus moved to the right side of the road and waited for the car to round the bend. 

As he saw the headlights of the car get closer and closer, they suddenly disappered. 

“What the hell!”

Marcus began to run up the roadway back towards where the lights were.  When he

rounded the  bend he heard no car engine or headlights.  He knew there was no turn

offs because he had just passed this section of the road.  I could have sworn that

there was a car coming this way.  Maybe they turned around headed back the other

way before I got around the bend. 

“Get moving Marcus.”  “You don’t want to waste all night standing out here.”

As Marcus turned and began back down the road, in the distance the ’79 Chevy

Impala creep down the road after him.  With no one at the wheel. 

Marcus picked up his pace after rounding the bend.  He was getting tired and needed

to get off of this morbid road.  He began to wonder if he should have just stayed in

Greensboro with Ann.  I bet she is laying in bed with her boy shorts on.  No top, with

Ample ebony assets caress the covers.  Marcus grinned widely as he thought about

Ann, but as he continued to pace down the road, he was engulfed by bright lights

from behind.  Marcus swirled around and was blinded by the glare of the car’s head=

lights.  How could the car sneak up on him.  He did not hear any sound of an engine

before the light engulfed him.  Who cares.  Maybe I can get a ride to the next town or

at least to a working telephone.


There was no answer from whomever drove the car.  Marcus inched closer and

shielded his eyes from the light.

“My car broke down about nine or ten miles back east.”  “I haven’t seen another car

Or person for that matter since I’ve been walking.” 

The first four and a half pages.  Let me know if you like it and want more.
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