Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1848619-Angelic-Trust-Chapter-4
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1848619
Continuation of Angelic Trust
It's been two weeks since my outburst and luckily I haven't seen James since. Eric kept his promise and got my number from Sean. We've been talking ever since. He told me about how his mother and father met and I told him about James and I. He still doesn't know the history between Sean and me. All he knows is that Sean and I grew up together and we met Jazmyn in high school. But there is more to it than that. Sean and I wanted to keep it a secret and it has been a secret for many years now until two weeks ago at Angela's house. Now I can't stop thinking about it and I know Sean hasn't been able to either. He seems very down lately. He hasn't really been talking to Jazmyn or I since the party and I know the only one that can cheer Him up when he is in a funk like this is me. Jazmyn asked me to talk to him because he's not trying to talk to her. I know what it's about and I know the only way to cheer him up when he is like this is for me to either talk to him or sleep with him. I know for sure I'm not sleeping with him. I could never do that to Jazmyn or Eric, now that he is in my life. So the only option is to talk to him.

I'm sitting on my bed at home with my thoughts running on high. It's a Saturday morning and I know I definitely need to get up and call Sean to help him out of his funk. Angela is out running some earns and Jazmyn is most likely out shopping for her anniversary tomorrow. I got out of bed and searched my drawers for something to wear. I knew I was going to see Eric right after I meet with Sean so I still need to look cute. I was able to find a pink ruffle blouse and some dark blue skinny jeans. I had the perfect clog shoes to go with my outfit. After I changed and did my hair I skimmed of my appearance in the mirror once more. I grabbed my cell phone and texted Sean.

"He bro, are you busy?" While I waited for a reply, I decided that I would take the dogs to the park and talk to him there. I grab my purse and headed down stairs to put Missy and Midnight in the car.

As I took Missy off of her chair and motioned her to get in the passenger seat of the car, I received a reply from Sean.

"No, what's up?" Wow, even in a text message he sounds depressed. I need to do something fast before Jaz and I lose our best friend.

"We need to talk. Can you meet me in the park in about ten minutes?" He hated when I would say 'we need to talk' because according to him, whatever I need to talk to him about was never good. I just hope he agrees to talk to me and tell me what's up with him.

"Uh, yea sure, I'll see you there." I closed my phone, now trying to think of what I was going to say. Once Missy was in the car, I took Midnight off of his chain and put him in the back seat. I got in the driver's side, started the car, turned up All around Me by Flyleaf. I pulled out of the drive way and speed down the street.

I arrived at the park a couple minutes late due to an accident on the highway. When I got there I saw Sean standing there holding a baby Yorkie. I got the dogs out of the car and they immediately ran to Sean when they saw him. They loved him but for some reason they stopped mid-sprint when they saw the puppy. They waited for me to walk up to them and put their leaches back on them before they continued towards Sean. I look into Sean's eyes. They seem to still have the same angry expression as they did at Angie's party. I slowly walk up to him and give him a hug.

"Hey bro, who is this cutie pie?" I wanted to start off small. I didn't want to just throw questions at him so soon.

"Hey, well I haven't named her yet. I just got her today for a friend. I got one for Jazmyn too but she took him shopping with her. Poor puppy. So what did you need to talk to me about?" We started to walk on the trail. Sean had the puppy in his arms while I walked Missy and Midnight. They seem to stop every once and a while to look at the puppy. Almost like they were checking up on it to make sure it was ok. We walk in silence for a while as I try and gather my thoughts. I could feel Sean stare at me every once and a while, waiting on me to answer his question.

"Are you ok, Sean? I mean…you seem kind of…distant since the party. Jaz is starting to worry. What's up with you?" About half way up the trail, we found a bench and decided to sit down for a while, while Missy and Midnight run around a little bit. I didn't really have to worry about them running where I couldn't see them. They somehow knew not to go far and with a new puppy around it was like they wanted to keep an eye on it. Missy ran to Sean and placed her paws on his lap, asking him if she could play with the new puppy. Sean put the puppy on the ground in front of him while Missy and Midnight watched the puppy try to jump out of Sean's hands. I patiently waited for his reply to my question.

"I'm fine, Kari. I just have a lot on my mind that's all." I hated when he wouldn't talk to me. All that we've been thru and he still tries to hid his feeling. I know when he's being his self or not.

I stared at him as he watches the two dogs play with the puppy. They were being careful not to hurt it and when another dog would pass by they would jump up and stand in front of it almost like they were trying to protect it. I was kind of weird to me because pit bull are not really pack dogs. I keep my gaze on Sean.

"Cut the bull, Raymond, I know you better than anyone and I know when you're not yourself. Now tell me what's up with you. Is it Jaz?" He shot me a glare before returning his eye back to the dogs. He knew when I called him by his middle name that I was either frustrated with him or I wasn't about to stop until he told what was wrong.

"No, it's not Jaz." He stops then.

"Then what is it? Why won't you tell me? Is it me? Did I do something wrong?" I was cut off by his glare.

"No Karissa, it's not about you…really." He trailed off. He seemed to be in deep thought. He stared at the puppy as the she starts to jump on Missy's head. Midnight just lay there, staring at them.

"Really? Then it is about me. Look whatever I did I'm sorry but we can't solve anything if you don't tell me what I did."

"Look, it's not about you Kari. It's about us and about what you've been through. I wanted to kill James for what he did to you at the party but when you pulled out the gun and was telling people what happened, I couldn't do it. I couldn't let you do it either. I felt like shit when you told us you lost your child. I felt bad that I wasn't there to save you or do something so that wouldn't happened. I hated that you went through that…again. Then when everything died down and I left, I started to think about you and me." I could see a flashback cross his mind as he stared into nothing. "I started to think about what I put you through at such a young age. I hate myself for putting you through that. I started to think if I'm doing the right thing by asking Jazmyn to marry me tomorrow. I can't help but feel like I was the reason it happened the first time and I don't want that to happen to Jazmyn. I can't go through that again. Not to another person I love. I just can't do it, Kari." I could see Sean fighting back tear while mine won the battle. I grabbed him into my arms as he held his head down. I'd only see him this vulnerable once and that was when I was a teenager.

"Sean, it's not your fault James turned out to be an asshole nor is it your fault I lost my child. I don't blame you for anything because you were there for me. You helped me get better and if it wasn't for you, Jaz, and Angela I most like wouldn't be able to walk right now. You were there for me then and you are there for me now. Don't ever think any of it is your fault. And we couldn't predict what was going to happen that day we…" I trailed of then. Memories come flying back to me like moths to a flame. I had to stay strong though, for him. "I know you didn't mean for any of that to happen but if I didn't, I don't think we would be as close as we are now. You have to realize everything happens for a reason and everything that has happen to me over the years has made me stronger. As a friend, as a person, and as a women. I love you too but don't punish Jazmyn because of what happened to me. You two belong together and I know even if something similar was to happen to her she would still love you and be with you. So please stop blaming yourself. We miss you and we need the old you back." With that I just stared into his eyes.

He hadn't said anything to me once we started to walk the trail again. I think he was processing what I said to him. As we walk I received a text from Eric.

"Hey gorgeous, what are up to?"

"I'm at the park walking the dogs and talking to Sean." I could see Sean glance over at my message as I typed and sent.

"Oh, really, is he ok? I tried to call him a couple of days ago and ask him if he wanted to go out with my cousin and me to get some drinks but he never answered his phone." I gave a small glare at Sean, thinking about how he made everyone worry.

"Yea he's ok. He just had a lot of stuff on his mind. I'll tell him you said hi if you want me to?"

"Yea, do that for me please, sweet heart. You know what…" I was confused as to why he cut the text so short then I heard Halo by Beyonce play on my phone. It was Eric.

"Who's that?" Sean asked me with suspicion. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I hadn't notice we made it back to my car until we suddenly came to a stop.

"It's Eric." I responded as I answered my phone. "Hello?" I suddenly started to feel that connection again and started to smile. Sean looks at me with his confused, brother expression.

"Hey, Sweety, let me talk to Sean really quick." I felt my shoulders slump as I handed the phone to Sean.

"Hello?" Sean answers. I couldn't really make out what Eric was saying but by the smile on Sean's face it must be good.

"Yea, I'm alright man. Just going through something, you know? But thanks for asking, what's up?" He asked then I noticed him glance at me with raised eyebrows while Eric spoke.

"Uh, yea man, sure. You didn't need to ask me that. She's a grown woman." I finally realize what he was talking about and immediately started to become angry.

"I understand. Well, in that case thanks for asking. I really appreciate it. Just don't make me hunt you down, ok." Eric gives him a slight chuckle as Sean returned the favor. Once they were done talking Sean hands me the phone with Eric still on the other line.

"What did you say to him? He is over her smiling like the Joker." Eric could hear the irritation in my voice.

"Calm down, I just asked him for permission to take you out once you are done there. I mean you are his little sister, right?" I couldn't help but smile at his gesture.

"Yea I am but you missed one step you haven't asked me yet."

"Well, I was getting to that. So how about after you leave there you meet some of my family and then you and I go out somewhere tonight?" I paused for a second and glance at Sean. He nods his head telling me to say yes then grabs the leashes from out of my hands taking them to my car.

"Uh, yea that sounds great. I just have to take these dogs back home then I can meet you at your house. I just need directions." I couldn't help but feel my heart beat faster. I really couldn't wait to see him again. I could feel that connection getting stronger.

"Great! I'll text you the directions and I'll see you in about 30 minutes then?" I could feel my smile get a lot bigger.

"Yea, see you then." I hung up the phone and looked over at Sean who was standing beside the driver side of my car with the puppy in his hand and Missy and Midnight already in their seats. He didn't say anything to me as I walked towards him and stared into his eyes. He gave me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek before I got in the car and him closing the door behind me.

"I'll call you tomorrow, Sean. Cheer up please." I yelled out my window while he walked to his car. He waved bye and I drove off.

I pulled up at Eric's house amazed at how big it was. I noticed there were a few cars in his drive way that I didn't notice. "Is he having a party or something?" I said to myself. His house was huge, in my opinion anyway. I haven't seen too many houses like this one and when I did, it was from getting lost because I turned down the wrong road. He had a huge white brick two story house with a three car garage. He had plenty of yard in the front and the back and from what it looked like from here he had a stable in his back yard. Just by the look of this house, I could tell he wasn't broke. I got out of the car to see a beautiful, small, petite women leaning on a column at the top of the step. She seems to be in her own world for a moment until I started walking towards her. She studies me for a second then gives me an inviting smile. She looked young. She could be no older than 24 or 25 years old. She had long black hair, that almost seem to reach her bottom and when I looked into her eyes, I found myself getting lost in them.

"Hello, can I help you?" Her voice was mature yet still seemed a little young. I smiled at her trying to study her more. She had long lashes like Eric and a smile that any man would go crazy over.

"Uh, yea, I'm looking for Eric?" She looks me over once more before smiling and pulling me into a strong hug. I was shocked. I never knew anyone who would just hug someone they didn't know. She was strong, very strong. I had to tap her shoulder in order for her to loosen her grip.

"Oh sorry, I'm Maria Berchelli, Eric's mother. He has told me so much about you and I must admit you are more beautiful than he described. He told me you were coming. Come in and I'll get him for you. Do you want something to drink?" I didn't answer her. She held my hand while leading me into the house. It took me by surprise when she told me she was Eric's mother. That would explain why she sounded more mature than she look. She was mature. When I walk into the house I noticed an older couple sitting on a couch talking in a language I couldn't make out. I could tell it was Mrs. Berchelli's parents because she looked just like them. Eric seemed to look a lot like his grandfather but you could see his father in him also. I glanced over to my right and noticed another women leaning against a wall in the living room that seem to lead to the kitchen. She was talking to a boy that couldn't have been much older than eighteen. But hey, I was wrong before. As I walked I noticed how high the ceiling was and the stairs that spiraled around both sides of the house that led to the balcony overlooking the dining room and living room. I glanced at the dining room and noticed an older man, who must have been Mr. Berchelli, sitting with another young woman at the table playing cards. I looked at Mrs. Berchelli who seemed to stop in the middle of the living room to make an announcement. No one noticed me until then.

She took me over to the older couple first to introduce me while we waited for Eric. "Eric should be right down, so let me introduce you to everyone first." I smiled and nodded. "This is my mother and father, Sandy and Saqueyo Wokawa. Mom and Dad, this is…Karissa, right?" She glances at me for assurance. I just nod and held my hand out to shake theirs. Instead of a hand shake, they pulled me into another hug. I'm starting to see a pattern with this family. They were just as strong as Mrs. Berchelli.

"Well hello, sweetheart. It's nice to finally me you. You can call me Mama Sandy." Mrs. Wokawa said while pulling away from her embrace. I turn to Mr. Wokawa and he had a huge sly grin on his face, pulling me into yet another hug.

"Wow, the boy was right. You are beautiful. I hope he keeps you. It's nice to meet you Karissa and you call me whatever you like, Grandpa hopefully." I smile at his almost flirtatious comment. Mama Sandy nudges him not taking her eyes off of me.

"It's nice to meet both of you." I didn't have much to say. Mrs. Berchelli turned me around and took me over to the woman leaning on the wall. I noticed she look a lot like Eric, almost like they could be twins. This must be one of his sister's. She was talking to a young boy who also looked like Eric but not as much.

"Elayna? Kyle? Meet Karissa, Eric's date." Elayna examines me up and down before giving me a smile that I knew all too well was forced. She shakes my hand and then turns back to her brother.

"Elayna, be nice." I turn to Kyle to shake his hand but was just greeted with his hazel eyes staring at me. His mouth was open and his eyes were wide with amazement.

"Wow, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Will you marry me?" I chuckled as he grabs my hand and kisses it.

"Sorry he's the youngest. He doesn't know how to act yet when a pretty girl comes around. Kyle, stop that! I'm pretty sure she doesn't want your lips touching her skin. You know Eric would kick your butt if he sees you making a move on his woman." Elayna stops his kisses by slapping the back of his head. I couldn't help but chuckle some. Wait…did she say 'his woman'? I was not even close to being his woman yet but I didn't want to argue so I let it be. At first I thought Elayna didn't like me because I was talking to her brother. Now I see that it was just she didn't know me. She must be the oldest or second to oldest. Eric didn't really explain his family that much. He just told me he had an older sister and four younger sisters and brothers.

"It's ok. He's cute." I winked at him and his face started to turn red. Elayna on the other hand was less than impressed. She was just as gorgeous as the other woman I've met in this house. She was about my height with tan colored skin like Eric and her mother. Her eyes were the colors of blue and green with lashes average length. Her hair was a dark brown and wavy and it looked as if it reached her butt if she straightened it. We both seemed to be the same size in waist with her hips being a tad bit bigger than mine. She was every man's dream, but I could say the same for every woman in his family I've met already.

Kyle on the other hand looked more like his father. He was tall but not as tall as Eric. I was very muscular and had a beige tone to his skin. The Italian side was more dominate in his features, whereas for Eric, Eric looked like both his mother and father with his mother's skin caramel tone. His hair was longer. It stopped at his collar bone and was more of a regular brown then dark brown. I had to admit, though, he also had those eyes that you could get lost in. It seemed as if all of them did. I could see Elayna glare at me from the corner of my eye.

"It was nice meeting you two." I yelled toward Elayna and Kyle as their mother pulled me towards the kitchen. We were still waiting on Eric to come down stairs as Maria dragged me to the kitchen to meet more of her family. When we walked in I was met by green and hazel eyes. It was his father and sister. His sister was young and pretty. I could tell she was Kyle's twin because they were spitting images of each other. I bet if Kyle grew his hair out longer, no one would be able to tell the two apart. I quickly turned my attention to his father. He had his father's body structure, muscular and cut. His dad stood up, when he saw us standing there, to greet me. To my surprise he only stood a few inches taller than I. His dad had light brown hair and shared the same beige skin as his son and daughter. His eyes were green and had a ring of blue around them. I quickly remember the color of Elayna's eyes, they were blue and green like his. I started to realize where the brown come from in Eric's eyes. They were from his mother. He smiled and kissed the back of my hand like his father in law.

"And who might this lovely woman be?" He smiled at his wife as she smiled back. She stood behind me with her hand on both sides of my arms as she introduces me. I glance over and his daughter staring blankly at the cards in her hand. I drew my attention back to the man in front of me and kept my smile.

"Paul, this is Karissa, Eric's date. You know the one he's always talking about." Maria answered for me. His eyes went wide as he realized who I was.

"So this is the beauty. Well, Karissa, Eric didn't do you nearly enough justice when he described you. You are gorgeous. Kim, come meet your brother's friend, Karissa." He called over to his daughter. She shot him a quick glare then got up from her seat to walk over to me and introduce herself. She came up by his side, slightly standing behind him. She seemed so shy. Letting a smile creep upon her face, she held out her hand to shake mine.

"Hey, I'm Kimi, but everyone calls me Kim. I'm Kyle's twin. It's very nice to meet you. I hope you and my brother have fun." With that said she turned and sat back in her seat and stared back at her card as if in deep thought.

"It's nice to meet you too, Kim." I glanced between her, Maria, and Paul wondering if she was ok. She was the skinniest of the woman I have met in his family. I could tell she was the youngest in the family because of her youthful physic and child like facial features her and Kyle shared.

As I stared at the three of them I could hear Eric descend down the steps. "Oh don't worry about her, honey, teenagers these days. Now that you've met the family let's see what is taking Eric so long." Maria assured me. I shook Paul's hand again then turned to go back into the living room. Maria walked me into the living room when we were met by Eric at the bottom of the steps. He had on a tight black shirt with an open white button down over it and some blue jeans. I felt a huge smile come across my face and that connection quickly snapped back into place. He had a huge smile on his face as he crushed me into a warm hug, lightly pecking my cheek. I started to seem sudden but that thought was soon gone when we broke apart and I was able look up into those big hazel green eyes of his. It was like I could almost see down to his soul. I could see all of him suddenly and he could see all of me. It started to scare me a little so I broke our gaze on each and glanced over at his grandparents who suddenly shared an expression of shear shock and surprise. They both were staring at us only glancing at each other once. I stepped farther from Eric, not wanting to be rude. I glanced over at Eric who was still staring into my eyes.

"Sorry it took me so long. I had a last minute call I had to take. Was my family nice to you?" He looked over at his mother and smiled when he saw the expression on her face.

"Of course we were, honey, why wouldn't we be?" The smile she showed was of pure adoration.

"What about Elayna and Kim? They didn't try to bit your head off did they? They can be kind of overprotective of me when it comes to a female. Even though it should be the other way around…and it is." I chuckled a little and I noticed his grandparents gasp if even more surprise. I paid it no mind while I answered his question.

"No, they were wonderful. They seem like great girls. I especially loved your brother Kyle. He is quite the ladies man." Kyle's head shot towards us when he heard his name. I quickly shot a wink at him when he rewarded me with rosy pink cheeks and a hug smile.

Eric glances his way and smiled. He then leaned down to whisper something into my ear. "I think my brother has a crush on you. This is the first time a girl made him blush." I chuckled a little then turned my attention back to his mother who hadn't said a word since he came down stairs.

"So will you to be back for dinner. You still have to meet the rest of the family." She turned to ask me after staring at her parents for a while.

"Yes, ma'am, I guess we will be. I wouldn't miss meeting the rest of your family. By the way you have a beautiful home Mrs. Barchelli."

"Oh this isn't my home, honey, we're just visiting. This is my son's home. He's done pretty well for himself, isn't that right, Bunny." Eric shot an embarrassed look at his mother when he heard, what sounded like, his childhood nickname.

"Mom!" Maria ignored her son's plea and walk over to him to kiss him on the cheek before he left. Or that's what it looked like she was doing.

He stepped closer to me and placed his hand on my back to signal me that it was time to go. I started towards the car with Eric right at my heel. Right before I walked out of the door, Mama Sandy stepped to me and gave me a hug whispering something that sounded like her native language. Eric must have heard it because he looked at her and smile, kissing her cheek right before we left. I'd just met most of his family in a 10 minute time frame. They all were very beautiful and flawless. I could almost say it was a little intimidating. When Eric came down stairs and hugged me, I could feel all eyes on us. It seemed like they could feel the same connection I felt between us, almost like they sensed it. I didn't know what was going on but in some ways I didn't care. I could feel myself starting to like this guy but I was in no way letting my guard down for him. If something were to brew between us I was not about to let my heart shatter again. We got into his car and drove off not saying another word to each other for a while.

© Copyright 2012 Ms.Karissa (zmoody at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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