Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1848617-Angelic-Trust-Chapter-3
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1848617
Continuation of Angelic Trust
I smiled as our eyes made contact. "Hello, Karissa. How are you?" Eric asked as he walked towards me, smiling from ear to ear.

"Hi, Eric, I didn't expect to see you here. Did Sean invite you?" He nodded. We only met yesterday but I knew he felt the same pull as I did by the way he looked into my eye. His eyes were intense and full of mystery. A mystery that, for some reason, I wanted to explore.

"Actually, Angela invited him. We were at lunch when she passed by us and invited Eric. So there." Sean stuck his tongue out at me once he finished explaining. All I could do was laugh at his rude gesture.

"Well it's good to see you again. Can you help me with something? They're kind of heavy." I gave him my cutest puppy dog face, hoping he would say yes.

"Sure, where are they?" I escorted him to the kitchen where there sat two big ice coolers filled with beer, wine coolers, sodas, and waters. He seemed to be able to pick them up with ease using very little effort. I noticed his muscles couture out of his arm and found myself staring. I quickly snapped out of my traces once he lifted the coolers.

"You're such a gentleman. Unlike some people I know." I elevated that last phrase towards Sean knowing he would hear me.

"Well thank you, I try to be." He snickered at my comment while he headed outside to place them next to the table.

"Thank you." I place my hand on his shoulder as a friendly thank you, only to feel a chill go down my spine. It was electric. I quickly remove my hand from his shoulder only to receive a confused expression from him.

He looks deep into my eye, staring with intensity. "You welcome." We stared at each other for what seemed like forever. I noticed a small smile creep upon his face. I could feel my heart melt into my stomach. I quickly look away, hoping no one notice our little staring contest we were having just then.

What was it that made me so attracted to him? I wanted to know everything about him. I wanted to know what his likes and dislikes were. Where does he get his eyes and beautiful smile from? Does everyone in his family look as good as him? And why, on earth, doesn't he have a girlfriend? Who in hell would let him go? My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Sean's arms wrap around my waist and pick me up with no effort. He carried me over to the in-ground pool my sister had in her back yard, dangling me over the edge. I could feel him laughing as he threatens to throw me in. I couldn't help but laugh with him. I could feel everyone's eyes on us, all of them laughing except Eric. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and noticed he still had a smile on his face.

"So what were you saying now? Who's not a gentleman?" Sean asked while laughing and slightly tickling me. I screamed as he pretends to throw me.

"OK, OK! You're a gentleman now put me down!" I scream again as he jerks me towards the pool only to pull me back to him. I could feel his strong grip on me, knowing he was holding on tight so he wouldn't drop me on accident. "Sean, you better not drop me! Put me down." I felt my stomach hurt from me laughing so hard.

"Say you're sorry."

"OK, OK, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry. Just put me down." I struggle against his hold trying not to fall into the pool in the processes.

"That's what I thought." Sean turns around and puts me down on the ground next to him. I turn around to glare at him but it failed once I saw those puppy dog eyes he put on for me. I smiled a sly smile while punching him in the gut and running behind Jazmyn.

"Ugh! That was not cool, Kari." Sean said while holding his stomach and smiling.

"Sean will you leave her alone and go check on the burgers. Kari, go change into your swim suit, you know he will keep trying to throw you in the pool." Jazmyn pointed her finger towards the direction of my room.

"Alright, MOM, were going." I nudge her shoulder playfully before heading towards my room. I notice Eric was now standing by the door with his arms crossed almost as if he was waiting on something. I look at him and smile, knowing he had no clue what was going on. I knew he really didn't know the extent of Sean and me relationship. Everyone that was watching us either knew how we were together and was use to it or didn't know and was a little shocked at how close we are. Eric on the other hand had an expressionless face. I couldn't tell whether he was jealous or happy. I pat him on the shoulder as I pass by him then made my way to my room.

As I changed, I could hear more people arriving. For some reason my mood started to change. I could feel it going from cheerful and happy to annoyed and slightly angry. I couldn't understand it. Today has been a good day for me, going from getting off early to having lunch with my best friend to getting a new dress to getting this party ready. So why did, all of a sudden, my mood started to change? Once I finished changing, I took my hair down and let it flow, wavy down my back. As I started down the hall, I started to feel even more annoyed with every step. What the hell was going on? Once I got to the party my annoyance turned into anger. I looked around and started to mingle with everyone. Some of the people I knew, some I didn't but I would talk to them anyways. I walked outside and spotted Sean flipping burgers on the grill. Jazmyn was beside him holding his arm almost like trying to calm him back for whatever reason. I looked around to find Angela talking to the DJ, most likely making a request or something. That's when I saw him. The reason for my mood change, the reason my hands started to shake and my eyes started to see red. The reason Jazmyn was holding Sean the way she was earlier, it was to hold him back. He was standing beside Naomi, talking to one of the next door neighbors. What the hell is he doing here and why is Naomi all over him like that? I knew Angela didn't invite him nor did Sean and Jazmyn. So why was he here? I glanced over to my right to see Eric standing beside me about two feet away. The expression on his face told me he knew what I was thinking. But how did he know what I was thinking? He almost looked as angry as I did. But why would he be angry? He didn't even know the guy nor did he know me. But yet his mood, seem to have changed as quickly as mine. I had to get to the bottom of this and fast. I glanced back over to Sean and it almost looked as if he was going to break the spatula.

I walk over to James, who was still talking to the neighbor, and tapped him on shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I spat at him once he turned to face me. He had a huge grin on his face.

"Now is that anyway to greet your former fiancé?" James said while giving me a devilish smile.

"He's my date, Karissa. Angie said I can invite who ever I want and I just so happen to see him in a restaurant so I invited him." Naomi answered for him. I shot a quick glare at her then turned my glare back to him. Naomi knew James from when we were dating. I came back to town to introduce in to Jazmyn and Sean after six months of us dating and Naomi just so happen to be at Angela's house. So to be nice I introduced the two of them then to Jaz and Sean.

"You still haven't answered my question, James. Why are you here?" He smiled at me before answering.

"Well, Kay, I was in town on business when I bumped into Naomi here. She told me about your sister's promotion and party and decided to invite me. And you know what I'm so glad I came too because I got to see your beautiful face." He lifted my head with his hand so I could be eye to eye with him, only to have it slapped off by me.

"Don't you ever fucking touch me again and I don't give a damn why you're in town, you knew damn well Angela would have never wanted you here. I sure hell don't want you here so why don't you just leave." I glared at him hoping that my eyes would shoot spears thru his heart. But to my luck they didn't.

"Oh, but you see I can't, my dear. You see I'm here with my date, Naomi, and I know she wants me here. And as I recall Naomi is Angela's best friend and you know there is no party without your best friend, right? So you see, sweetheart, I'm not going anywhere. I have yet to experience Denver and all that it has to offer and I intend to do that. So get use to it honey because you're going to see a lot more of me." He started to rub my arm while stepping closer to me. All the while, Naomi was still on his arm throwing scowls my way. I yanked my arm away from him. Just his simple touch sent chills down my spine and rage in my eyes. I wanted to kill him. The last time he touched me I ended up in the hospital for a month. I hated him.

"I don't give a shit what Naomi or what anyone else thinks. You are not welcome in this house. So if you don't leave NOW I'm going to drag you out."

"Oh, I would love to see that. Don't you dare threaten him! He's with me. Now if you don't like it, oh well. But if you lay a hand on him you will have to answer to me. You got that, Ka-ri!" It shocked me how Naomi was sticking up for that piece of shit even though she knew exactly what he did to me. She knew he didn't really want her he was just here for me but I guess she thought I would want him back so she was going to fight for him, whether he wanted her too or not. Jazmyn must have seen Naomi in my face because before I knew it she was in front of me and I was the one trying to hold her back.

"Bitch, don't you ever get up in her face like that. Yea he maybe your date but no one wants him here. Matter of fact, no one really wants you here but since your Angela's friend we didn't say anything. I'm going to tell you like this if you ever get up in my girl face like that again, it'll be me snatching that pretty hair of yours out of your head and dragging you across the floor with your scalp, you hear me. He doesn't want you. The only reason he is here now is because Karissa's here. Get it through that thick ass skull of yours." I started to pull Jazmyn back while Angela did the same to Naomi. Sean grabbed Jazmyn and sat her down in a chair so she could cool down. By that time we had a crowd with Eric standing behind me with his arms crossed over his chest and a look on his face that I can't even describe.

"Oh so I see you got your little friend to do your dirty work for you huh?" He chuckles while stepping closer to me to where our nose would touch if he tilted his head down. He places he hand under my chin again and lifted it up to meet his. "You see, baby, I'm really here to see you. To get us back the way it's supposed to be. You screaming my name and calling me daddy. You see ever since that day I've owned you. I let you go because I knew this would be the next place you went and I knew you just need to calm down. So when the time was right I would come back and you would realize how much you need me. You will never find anyone like me baby so quit all of this and come and be with me. You know I love you." With that said he then placed is lips on top of mine without me even realizing what he was doing. I always thought if he came and apologized to me, that I would break down and take him back because I thought I still loved him. But now that he is kissing me I knew that wasn't the case. His kiss only made me enraged. How dare he just kiss me like that? I pushed myself away from him and brought my hand across his face making his head turn due the force of the slap. His face then went red and before I knew it he punched me in the face making me fall to the ground. Everyone was watching us then. Eric helped me up while Sean stepped in front of me to protect me. Two seconds later I heard a loud crunch as James landed on the ground, blood dripping from his nose. The sting on my face was enough to send me over the edge. I quickly jerked out of Eric's hands stood to my feet and ran into the house. When I came back I had a 9mm pistol in my hand and was pointing it at James. All of my senses were gone. I didn't care about anything at that moment but to kill.

When I walked out everyone screamed and froze into place. Some people moved out of the way but no one left like I expected them too.

"OH MY GOD, Karissa, NO!" I heard Tanya scream. I didn't even notice she was there. Eric saw the gun and quickly ran to me to take it out of my hand. Angela stood in shock. She didn't know I was hiding a gun in her house. Even though it was licensed I still hid it from her. Sean ran to me and stood of in front of me off to the side out of range of the barrel.

"Kari, sweetheart, give Eric the gun. You don't want to do this. Don't throw away your life because of him. Just give Eric the gun." I looked at Jazmyn. She had a mixed expression on her face. One that said 'shoot him' while the other said 'Don't do it'. I brought my attention back to James who seemed to be smiling. He seemed to be glad he could get me to this point. That only enraged me more. I cocked the gun back and both Eric and Sean stood back and froze for a second. That's when Eric spoke up.

"Karissa, I don't know what he did to you back then but I did see what he just did to you and I don't blame you but I'm just starting to get to know you and I would like to continue that." I didn't take my eyes off of James nor did I ease the gun up. Everything that has happened between us came to play in my mind, the good times and the bad and everything that led up to that day. I kept replaying that day in my mind over and over again and the days after that. I decided to tell everyone what happened on that day. I stared into his eye that just now looked almost like they have changed to a deep blue and not the brown I remember. He knew what was about to happen and his face changed. They all stared at me while Eric and Sean slowly walked towards me.

"I'd come home late that night after going out with Jazmyn. She had come to visit me and I hadn't seen her in a while so we decided to go out. I'd walked into the house to the smell of alcohol everywhere. James here was sitting on the chair at the kitchen table facing the doorway. I could tell he had been drinking because I could smell it on his breath all the way at the door. I went into the bathroom to take a shower and go to bed. He came in the room wondering where I was so I told him. He thought I was lying. We argue for a second then he left. Or I thought he left. I got out of the shower and put the rest of my clothes on and walked into the bedroom to go to bed when I felt a sharp pain start from the back of my head to my eyes. I fell to the floor. He then started kicking me in the head and my stomach…" I paused then. I could see the shock on every one's face as I told them my story. Memories of that night played over in my head. I continued trying to hold back the tears that tried to escape. "He kept screaming 'you cheated on me you bitch' over and over again while he kicked me. When he finally stopped I could barely move. But somehow I was able to get to my cell phone and call Sean but Sean didn't answer. When he came back he had a vase in his hand that he let drop on my head. Then he took a bat and started beating me over and over again. When he finished, I could barely breathe and it felt like all of my bones were broken. He had the nerve to say he was sorry and take me to the hospital. He lied and told the hospital someone else broke into the house and attacked me and when he came home that's how he found me. They couldn't find anything on him. Sometime during my stay he went home and cleaned up everything. I hated him then and I hate him now. Almost every bone in my body was broken and I ended up losing something that I never knew I had until the next night. He took it away from me."

I paused for what seemed like forever and thought about the second child I lost in my life time. I could feel the tears blur my vision as I stared into his eyes. He then seemed shock as did everyone else when they realized what I was talking about. I stepped up to James and stood over his head. I then bent down, put the gun to his head, and whispered into his ear all the while not breaking my eye contact with him. "Yea, shocking isn't it. You killed your own child. But I'm not going to do to you what you did to it. You put your hand on me or anyone else I know, this beautiful face will be the last thing you see."There as acid in my voice. I got up, still pointing the gun at him. My body and mind full of rage and my eye only saw red. I wanted to kill him but the look on his face when I told him I was pregnant at the time was enough to save his life. Eric walked behind me while Sean grabbed the gun from my hand.

No one was able to say a word. I could feel my rage subsiding from the touch of Eric's hands on my skin. I looked over to Angela who was standing beside Naomi. The apologetic look on Naomi's face could have almost sent me over the edge again but she never knew what really happen. No one did. Only Sean, Angela, and Jazmyn knew about what he did. They were the ones in the hospital each day I was there. They were the ones that helped me with my physical therapy and got me back to me. It took me a long time to forgive him and from what it looks like I'm still trying but its hard when I see a mother with her child and know that could have been me. I never told anyone about the child until just now. I made to doctors keep it a secret. I knew if I told Sean about the child he would really kill James and then he would end up in jail somewhere serving James's sentence. I glanced at Sean at that moment while Eric and Jazmyn led me to my room. His face had a mixture of hurt, pain, anger, and sympathy written all over it. I could tell Jazmyn had been crying just by the way she held me close. She didn't really trust Eric there but by the way he looked I could tell he didn't care. He walked beside me to my room while I leaned my head on Jazmyn's shoulder and cried.

"I'm so sorry, Kari, I-I didn't know. I'm so sorry." As Jazmyn apologized over and over, I continued to cry. When we reached my room they sat me on my bed. I leaned against the headboard and just held my head down. "I'm going to get you some water." Jazmyn said as she left the room to the kitchen. I could hear people asking how I was doing while they left. I turned to Eric who was leaning against the wall by the bed. His eyes were intense. It was weird having him in my room after only meeting last night but it was good to have someone there. I knew if that was Sean instead of Eric, Sean would have been lecturing me and apologizing to me about the whole thing. That was not what I need right now.

"Uh, Karissa, I meant everything I said out there. I know we only met yesterday but I feel like I need to be around you. I hate what he has done to you and right know you probably hate men but…" I interrupted him right then. I didn't want to hear anymore.

"Just…just stop and be here with me, please. That's all I need you to do is be here with me." I closed my eyes for a second then looked into his. He nodded in understanding and never moves from his spot. Jazmyn walks in with glass of water and hand it to me. She glances between Eric and I then sat next to me and lay her head on my shoulder. I lay my head on her head for a while until I could feel sleep trying to over take me. Fighting with James took a lot out of me. I glanced over at Eric who seemed to have sat on the floor during the time we were in the room.

He was right, I do hate men right now but right now all I need him to do was just be there. For some reason I didn't care we only met yesterday, seeing how he tried to help me back there actually meant something. I don't know why but it did. Time passed by quickly and before I knew it, it was dark outside.

"Karissa, why didn't you tell me you lost a child? I mean that's something that's hard to get over. I would have tried to get you out of there as soon as you got out of the hospital. I mean did you not trust me enough to know I would have never told Sean. Why, Kari?" I could tell she had been thinking about that since we been in here. She was hurt. She was my best friend and we always told each other everything ever since high school when we met and this was the one thing I hadn't told her.

"Jaz, I just couldn't. It wasn't that I didn't trust you or Sean, it's just that it was too painful to share. The look on both of your faces if you would've known would have just killed me. I didn't need someone to feel pity for me then they already were. I needed that tough love that you, Sean and Angie showed me back then. That's why I didn't tell you. I needed something for myself. That's all." I stared into Jazmyn's eye and could feel a tear roll down my cheek.

"Is that why you didn't tell me, Kari? You felt like you need something for yourself?" I was startled by Sean's voice coming from the doorway only to see him staring at me with blood shot eyes and tear stains running down his cheek.

"Sean, where's James?" was all I could muster up.

"He's gone. Angela kicked him out and Naomi held me back while he ran to his car and drove off. Don't worry, Jaz, Angela kick her out also. You didn't answer my question, Kari? Is that why you would hide something like that from me?" He glared at me with hurt and anger in his eyes. He looks down at Eric, surprised he was still here. Eric had nothing to do with this but yet he was still here. "And how come your still here, man? I thought you would have left with everyone else." He spat at him. Eric didn't move a muscle he just kept his head down almost as if he was in deep thought.

"Sean, Stop! I want him here and I didn't tell you because I knew this was how you would act. I knew you would possibly kill James and I'll be damn if one of my best friends was in jail getting poke in the ass while I was in the hospital. That's why I didn't tell you. I just needed something for myself. I needed you to be the asshole you were during my physical therapy and pushing me the way that you did to help me get better. I didn't need you to keep reminding me about my lost child. So please stop making this about you for once." I spat at him with anger that was never meant for him. It was left over from earlier. He looked into my eyes with shock at what I just said. He then leaned against the door frame and rubbed his hand over his face before walking towards me and kissing me on the forehead. He leaned his head down to my ear as if to whisper something he didn't want anyone to hear.

"I'm sorry, Kari. I wasn't trying to make this about me. I just hate that you had to go through this again. Forgive me please." I shook my head yes as he kissed me on my forehead again and then grabbed Jazmyn's hand to lead her somewhere.

"Come on baby. Let's give her time to rest. Eric, sorry about that, man, I'm just…" Eric looks up at him before standing to his feet and interrupting him.

"It's ok, Sean, I understand, man, I would have done the same thing." They shook each other's hand, then Sean lead Jazmyn back to the car. Jaz turn and blew a kiss to me before following Sean back home.

Angela then walked in the room and gave me a hug without saying a word. My actions from earlier said everything. She didn't need to ask any question. What surprised me though is that she didn't say anything about Eric still being there. She didn't even acknowledge his presents. She just came and hugged me for a couple seconds, kissed me on the forehead and walked back to the living room to start cleaning up.

I could feel Eric staring at me uncomfortably as if he wanted to say something but didn't know what. He turned to leave me here by myself. I knew I should have just let him leave but that pull I felt around him was now a full on connection. It felt like if he left that connection would break and I would be left lonely and broken. Where were these feeling coming from? They almost felt like old feeling I was have for this guy I didn't know. I had to stop him before he left.

"Wait! Don't leave Eric, please. Just stay here with me. I know you may have other stuff to do but I just need someone here with me. Please?" He turned and faced me. His eyes showed an emotion I couldn't point out. His eye colored seemed to have changed to from a hazel green to the same deep blue James eyes were. But for some reason they still didn't look the same. Eric's eyes showed more passion and sympathy then anger and downright evil that showed in James eyes.

"I don't have anything to do but I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I know you feel a pull like I do, Karissa. Now that I've been this close to you for this long it's more like a connection now that I really don't want to break. But we don't know each other well enough for me to stay." It's like he could read my mind. That was weird as hell.

"I know but I want you to stay. It's kind of late now and…and I wouldn't feel right making you leave so late. I just need someone here with me, someone that doesn't know everything about me and wouldn't feel sorry for me. That someone right now is you. Please don't leave me by myself, Eric." What the hell am I saying? I sound like a desperate girl begging to sleep with her next door neighbor and that's not me. Shit he does need to leave but why am I telling him to stay? My thoughts were interrupted by his approach.

"I'm really sorry about what happened to you today and back then but I just can't stay. I really want to make a good impression and I don't want you to think I'm coming on to you or anything even though that is what I would be doing if I stay. So I think it would be better if I go. I can get your number from Sean so I can just call you later. Please understand." His eyes bore into mine with intensity and passion. It was passion I really need right now but I was more attracted to the way he turned me down and gave me my space. That action made me want him even more. I couldn't keep him against his will so I just smiled at him as he left my room. The connection I felt seemed to still be there though. It didn't start to get weaker until about an hour later when I heard his car drive off. The farther he drove the weaker the connection felt but I could still feel it. I scooted farther into my bed, pulling the covers up to my neck. I didn't bother to change so I just decided to take off my clothes under the blanket and sleep in my birthday suit. I thought about everything that happened today and let sleep come over me. I hope tomorrow is a better day. I just want to put all of this behind me.

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